photo om_anm_zps9964cdbf.gif


lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012

Historia detrás de la foto _Story behind the Photo...

Foto: Story behind this Photo–80 (Vishnu Sahasranamam extols:, Yajna-bhrit, Yajna-saadhanah)
Bhagavan Baba had spoken several times about the efficacy of conducting Yagnas.  Swami once mentioned that Lord Agni Deva, when invoked, is pleased to act as a Divine courier, to carry the “Ahuthi” to the specific deity as indicated in the Yagna. He went on to say, that  as a seva dal feels happy when given chance by Swami to offer any seva, likewise Agni Deva is also pleased to get involved in any Divine Yagna. When Agni is pleased the heat will be moderate, and Varuna (Lord of Rain) will also shower bountiful of rains on the earth.   
Swami mentions  of another type of Yagna.  In this Yagna the carrier is the “Jataraagni”, which is the digestive power in the stomach of all human beings.  “Jataram” means, the stomach. When we feed the Jataragni, it also carries the Ahuthi (food) to various Devas. As such Bhagavan’s advice to us is that we should always feed people on all possible days as a sadhana equivalent to a Yagna. This is the significance of Narayana Seva.
In the past I have witnessed various Yagna Karmas in many places, big and small. But the Maha Yagnas being performed by H.H. Sri Sridhar Guruji from Hyderabad, is very special and is in big scale. Agni Kuntas are ear marked for every Devatha. In one such yagna which I personally witnessed, there were about 108 Agni Kuntams. The main one looked like a deep well. Various Ahuthis in large numbers and large sizes  are offered here. The huge Kitchen in the Yagna Bhoomi continuously produces Ahuthi items, and ensures non-stop offering for the full day and also on other days of Yagna.     
As mentioned earlier, the feeding of the people is also in large scale during the days of Yagna.  Many people from neighboring villages camp in the premises of Yagna Bhoomi, and it becomes the responsibility of Sridhar Guruji  to feed them three times a day with sumptuous meals. The devoted volunteers look after every arrangement for such mega Yagna programme.
If only all organizations in various parts of the world undertake such noble Yagna Karmas, there will be bountiful of rains and food produce will also increase many fold.
Bhagavan Baba had shown us the way, and we devotees should try to emulate the examples being set up by great people like H.H.Sri Sridhar Guruji.
Love & Regards, Mumbai Srinivasan

Historia detrás de esta foto_(Vishnu Sahasranamam, Yajna-bhrit, Yajna-saadhanah)

Bhagavan Baba había hablado en varias ocasiones sobre la eficacia de la realización de Yagnas. 

Swami mencionó una vez que el Señor Agni Deva, cuando se lo invoca, tiene el placer de actuar como mensajero divino, para llevar  la "Ahuthi"(ofrenda) a la deidad específica, como se indica en el Yagna. 

Él continuó diciendo que, como un seva dal se siente feliz cuando Swami le da oportunidad para realizar cualquier seva, también Agni Deva, se complace en participar en cualquier Yagna Divino. Cuando Agni se complace, el calor será moderado y Varuna (el Señor de la Lluvia) también brindara abundantes las lluvias sobre la tierra.

Swami habla de otro tipo de Yagna. En este Yagna, el vehículo es el "Jataraagni", que es el poder digestivo en el estómago de todos los seres humanos. 

"Jataram" significa, en el estómago. Cuando alimentamos el Jataragni, también lleva el Ahuthi (alimentos) para varios Devas. 

Como consejo Bhagavan nos dice que nosotros siempre debemos alimentar a la gente, todos los días posibles, como un sadhana equivalente a un Yagna. Este es el significado de Narayana Seva.

En el pasado he sido testigo de varios karmas yagna en muchos lugares, grandes y pequeños. Pero los Maha Yagnas  realizados por Sri Sridhara Guruji desde Hyderabad, son muy especiales y es ha gran escala. 

Un Kunta Agni es un fuego para un Devatha. En un yagna, tal cual fui testigo, había cerca de 108 Kuntams Agni. El  principal de ellos parecía un pozo profundo. 
Muchos Ahuthis en grandes cantidades y de grandes tamaños se ofrecían aquí. 
La cocina enorme en el Bhoomi Yagna continuamente producía artículos Ahuthi, y aseguraba sin parar, ofrendas para el día completo y también otros días del Yagna.

Como se mencionó anteriormente, la alimentación de las personas se realiza en gran escala durante los días de Yagna. Mucha gente de las aldeas vecinas acampan en las instalaciones del Yagna Bhoomi, y se convierten en la responsabilidad de Sridhar Guruji, darles de comer tres veces al día con comidas suntuosas. Los voluntarios, sevas dedicados, cuidan de todos los arreglos para el programa de tal mega Yagna.

Si sólo todas las organizaciones en varias partes del mundo se comprometieran a tales Karmas Yagna nobles, habría abundantes lluvias y la producción de alimentos aumentaría muchas veces.

Bhagavan Baba nos mostró el camino, y nosotros, los devotos debemos tratar de emular los ejemplos realizados por grandes personas como HH Sri Sridhar Guruji.

Love & Regards, Mumbai Srinivasan

Con amor y saludos,
"Mumbai" Srinivasan



Story behind this Photo: 80 (Vishnu Sahasranamam extols, Yajna-bhrit, Yajna-saadhanah)

Bhagavan Baba had spoken several times about the efficacy of conducting Yagnas. Swami once mentioned that Lord Agni Deva, when invoked, is pleased to act as a Divine courier, to carry the “Ahuthi” to the specific deity as indicated in the Yagna. He went on to say, that as a seva dal feels happy when given chance by Swami to offer any seva, likewise Agni Deva is also pleased to get involved in any Divine Yagna. When Agni is pleased the heat will be moderate, and Varuna (Lord of Rain) will also shower bountiful of rains on the earth.
Swami mentions of another type of Yagna. In this Yagna the carrier is the “Jataraagni”, which is the digestive power in the stomach of all human beings. “Jataram” means, the stomach. When we feed the Jataragni, it also carries the Ahuthi (food) to various Devas. As such Bhagavan’s advice to us is that we should always feed people on all possible days as a sadhana equivalent to a Yagna. This is the significance of Narayana Seva.
In the past I have witnessed various Yagna Karmas in many places, big and small. But the Maha Yagnas being performed by H.H. Sri Sridhar Guruji from Hyderabad, is very special and is in big scale. Agni Kuntas are ear marked for every Devatha. In one such yagna which I personally witnessed, there were about 108 Agni Kuntams. The main one looked like a deep well. Various Ahuthis in large numbers and large sizes are offered here. The huge Kitchen in the Yagna Bhoomi continuously produces Ahuthi items, and ensures non-stop offering for the full day and also on other days of Yagna.
As mentioned earlier, the feeding of the people is also in large scale during the days of Yagna. Many people from neighboring villages camp in the premises of Yagna Bhoomi, and it becomes the responsibility of Sridhar Guruji to feed them three times a day with sumptuous meals. The devoted volunteers look after every arrangement for such mega Yagna programme.
If only all organizations in various parts of the world undertake such noble Yagna Karmas, there will be bountiful of rains and food produce will also increase many fold.
Bhagavan Baba had shown us the way, and we devotees should try to emulate the examples being set up by great people like H.H.Sri Sridhar Guruji.

Love & Regards, Mumbai Srinivasan

With Love & Regards,
"Mumbai" Srinivasan




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