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domingo, 27 de enero de 2019



FUENTE _ 12 de octubre de 2014

Algunos amigos me pidieron saber más sobre Muddenahalli.

Cuando estuve allí a principios de 2014, no me informaron sobre Su Residencia, nadie entendía como  sabía, o decían: pero nunca me preguntaste.

Quien había regresado de Muddenahalli me dijo que allí se puede sentir con mucha fuerza la presencia de Swami. Curiosamente, decidí ir el jueves a cantar Bhajan y de hecho lo sentí, pero nunca pensé que su residencia hubiera estado allí.

Obtuve esta información solo "por casualidad", cuando un día, en junio de 2014, controlé si mi publicación llegó a MUMUKSHU. Cuando abrí la página, la foto que vi fue la Torre de Anandam (donde había estado 4 veces) publicada por un devoto Sai y estaba leyendo lo siguiente ::::: ¡Que se publicó por primera vez en 2011! OM JAY SRI SAI RAM !!! Con la siguiente carta de B N Narasimha Murthy.

MARAVILLOSA EXPERIENCIA de Shri Narasimha Murthy, director Muddenahalli ..


Me gustaría compartir con ustedes algunas de las instrucciones que Swami me dio en mi sueño el domingo pasado.

Swami apareció en mi sueño en Brahmi Muhoortam el domingo pasado, 10 de julio de 2011.

Me dio muchas instrucciones; Algunos de ellas son muy personales.

Compartiré contigo las que son relevantes, no solo para ti sino también para todos los devotos del mundo.

Bhagavan había dicho en una ocasión anterior:

"Tengo tres formas, una es la forma burda que se limita al Mandir en el que resido físicamente, la segunda es la forma sutil en la que permeo toda el área del ashram en el que resido (en aquellos días Él se refería al área de Prashanthi Nilayam) y la tercera es la Forma causal por la que permeo toda la creación.

Bhagavan apareció en su forma sutil en mi sueño y esto es lo que me dijo:

“Prepara el edificio de la cima de la colina para mi estadía antes del día de Guru Purnima (15 de julio de 2011). El día de Guru Purnima entraré allí y me quedaré allí permanentemente.

Iré de aquí a diferentes lugares y volveré. Pero me quedaré aquí permanentemente ”.

Swami preguntó por el nombre que habíamos decidido para el edificio en la cima de la colina. 
Cuando dije Prashanthi Towers, no estaba contento con eso. 
Swami: "De ahora en adelante, esta mansión se llamará SATHYA SAI ANANDAM". 
En Mumbai, Mandir es SATHYAM, en Hyderabad es SHIVAM, en Chennai es SUNDARAM y ahora en Muddenahalli es ANANDAM.

Cuando le conté este sueño a mi amigo y colega Sri A R Manjunath, él me dijo es el maravilloso título que Swami le dio a la biografía que pretendías escribir. 
He aceptado esa sugerencia.

Después de escribir el octavo volumen de Sathyam Shivam Sundaram, escribiré una biografía completa de Swami que cubre su vida desde el nacimiento hasta el final de su estancia física. 
Ese libro que está en el útero del tiempo se llamará 'Sathyam Shivam Sundaram Anandam'.

Volviendo al sueño, Swami dijo: "Me decías que viniera aquí( Muddenahalli) y me quedara"

De hecho, no solo sentí que era la aspiración de todo el personal, los maestros y los estudiantes aquí, porque Él había realizado la Bhoomi Puja de esta mansión y le había dicho al presidente de L&T (Empresa constructora) que este edificio era para Su estadía. Este edificio es exactamente igual al Yajur Mandir, con la excepción de que faltaban algunos tabiques en la planta baja de este edificio.

Swami: "Estabas orando para que Yo viniera y me quedara aquí, vine y vi que no había nada listo en mi habitación, no había agua en el grifo, ni una sola bata se me guardó".

N.Murthy: Dije, perdóname, Swami, lo arreglaré con ellos.

Swami: "Tampoco me gusta el color del edificio. Ya sabes mi elección de tres colores. Ahora no intentes pintar todo el edificio, no será posible. Pero pinta la habitación destinada a mi estancia en esa combinación de rosa, azul y marfil antes de Guru poornima, y cambia todos los arreglos que haya hecho en PremDeep para mi estadía en Sathya Sai Anandam. Y ofrescanMe comida todos los días ". 

Luego también continuó diciendo 'la cama en PremDeep es demasiado alta, reduzcan la altura antes de cambiarla aquí'. 
Dijo que mantuviera una estatua de Swami en el vestíbulo de la planta baja y que diera las especificaciones de que debería ser como la del Chaitanya Jyothi, de pie sobre un loto con la mano levantada en Abhaya Hastam, hecha de mármol.

Dijo que también que mantuviesemos un estatua de Ganesha aquí, y más importante aún, Swami reveló cuánto amaba al venerado Madiyala Narayana Bhat, el fundador de las instituciones de Alike y Muddenahalli. Dijo que tenían que tener un busto de la Reverendo Anna que es Narayana Bhat en la entrada de este edificio.

Swami: "también mantén aquí uno de los autos que usé".

Luego dijo: "muchas personas han sacrificado todo por el crecimiento de esta institución, sus fotos también se deben mostrar aquí. 

De hecho, Swami usó la palabra Thyaga bhoomi. “Tengan un gran programa en Sathya Sai Anandam el día de Guru Poornima, tengan Sathya Sai pooja y Bhajans y distribuyan ropa a todos los estudiantes, incluidos los académicos diurnos, y sirvan comida para todos los presentes.

N. Murthy: Al ser pobre de nacimiento y seguir siéndolo, me preguntaba cómo conseguiría ropa para todos los estudiantes, que costaría cientos de miles de rupias.

Swami respondió a mis pensamientos y dijo "no te preocupes por eso, voy a arreglar la ropa para todos los estudiantes". 

 Swami eligió una comida para todos los estudiantes. Se llama Idli ,tumbler( vaso) traducida al inglés. 
Estaba preocupado por este Idli también.(El Idli es una preparación elaborada a base de lenteja negra descascarillada y fermentada, y arroz, que se emplea frecuentemente como alimento para el desayuno. La textura de los Idly es similar a la de los crêpes en los que la pasta se elabora a base de pasta de legumbres).

Dijo que "no te preocupes por eso, Balaram Nichani (quien solía conducir el Coche de Swami mientras viajaba hacia y desde Brindavan - Parthi a veces hasta Kodaikanal) lo conseguirá". 

N. Murthy: Nichani ya lo ha traído; Todos ustedes lo van a tener durante el almuerzo. 

Swami luego dijo: "Nenu akkadiki vastaanu, akkada kanabadutaanu" (iré allí y también me verán allí).

N. Murthy: A quien será visible y a quien no, se le deja a su dulce voluntad. Hubo un momento en que concedió Darshan al por mayor, ya sea que alguien lo mereciera o no. Esa oportunidad se cerró el 24 de abril de 2011.

Aquellos de nosotros que merecemos Su Darshan lo obtendremos, podemos verlo físicamente también cuando Él quiera. Porque, en mi asociación con Él durante los últimos 46 años, ninguna de sus palabras han sido falsas.

Estoy muy seguro de que lo veremos un día u otro. Tenía una duda, porque no había faltado a mi visita en Puttaparthi cada día de Guru Poornima durante los últimos 46 años. Entonces le pregunté a Swami si debería estar aquí o ir a Puttaparthi.

Swami:  “ neeku buddhi ledu, nenu ikkadaki vastanu ante neevu  akkada emi chestavu?” - (No tienes cerebro, ¿qué harás allí, cuando vengo aquí?) 
Me ha dicho muchas veces antes que yo " No tenia cerebro, ¿cuál es una verdad eterna? Swami me habló toda la conversación en un claro telugu, como solía hacer entre 7 y 8 años antes. Durante todo el tiempo que estuvo de pie, no hubo silla de ruedas. Me dijo "en Prashanthi Nilayam hay personas que llevaran a cabo el programa, no te preocupes por eso, tu estate aquí".

Luego me dijo que empezara a escribir el segundo volumen del libro Sathya Sai Divya Kripaashraya el día de Gurupoornima. Estaba planeando escribir el segundo volumen de Sathya Sai Divya Sannidhi, el segundo volumen de Sathya Sai Divya Kripaashraya, después de completar la biografía completa de Swami. Eso contendrá detalles de mi vida después de que Swami me haya llevado personalmente a Prashanthi Nilayam.

Regresando a lo que Él dijo sobre este edificio, Swami dijo, "organice un museo que represente el crecimiento de las Instituciones de Muddenahalli y Alike y Mis visitas a estos lugares.

Mantén el museo abierto al público todos los jueves, otros días los residentes, los maestros y estudiantes del campus pueden usar el salón para la meditación ”.

Luego hizo una revelación asombrosa: “Este lugar será un gran centro de peregrinación y miles visitarán este lugar.
Concederé el Anandam de Sathya Sai a todos los que visiten esta mansión de Sathya Sai Anandam ".

Luego dijo algo que deleitará a todos los karyakarthas aquí y es relevante para todos los devotos y aquellos que sirven en las Instituciones de Swami.

  Él habló de Sri Narayana Bhat. “Narayana Bhat estaba muy interesado en moldear a cientos de jóvenes para la Misión Sathya Sai.

Estoy preparando un millar de Narasimha Murthys y las verás todas durante tu vida, servirás a Swami por veinte años más ". (Se refirió a Narasimha Murthy solo como un ejemplo, no es que yo sea algo grande).

Luego me dijo: “elige a diez niños para traducir las obras literarias de Narayana Bhat al inglés y al hindi para que las personas de todo el mundo las lean. Dile a las personas en Alike también sobre lo que pasa.

Luego señaló que en el edificio del colegio; La fotografía guardada en la habitación destinada a Él no es buena. También era un hecho, habíamos puesto bonitas fotos en todos los lugares, excepto allí, y tal vez pensamos que eso era suficiente ya que Él mismo estará allí.

Esta es solo una breve nota, y estaba en un dilema sobre si debería compartir este sueño con otros, ya que sentí que la gente puede pensar de repente que este Narasimha Murthy se ha vuelto loco. 
Luego vino el clímax de todo el episodio.

Un joven amigo mío entró en mi habitación a las once de la mañana del día siguiente y dijo: "Swami me ha pedido que les dé un par de ropas a todos los estudiantes". Cuando eso sucedió no tuve dudas. Me sentí convencido de que el sueño no era solo para mí, sino para todo el mundo y decidí compartirlo con todos. 
En el sueño, Swami dijo: "Voy a seleccionar a dos niños grandes para que hagan el servicio en el edificio y para que duerman aquí".

Ese día no me dijo los nombres. Al el segundo día, esa noche, una vez más, Él apareció; Le di las gracias por haber arreglado lo de la ropa, que ya había llegado.

Él dijo "no tienes fe en mis palabras". 

Entonces le dije a Swami dos niños ... Me dijo los nombres. Tenía curiosidad por ver cuántos hay con ese nombre. Sólo había uno con ese nombre. También dijo en términos claros "Pedda Pillalu, Musiclo unnaru". Los dos grandes muchachos están en la música. 

"This place will expand 10 times to what it is today. I am going to construct 5 times larger hall than Premamrutham for Darshan soon". In the matter of just few years, you will see a sea of humanity surrounding this whole place and this place will expand ten times more than what it is today. Today, what you see of this ashram is just the 1/10th of what it is ultimately going to be. A small sapling growing into a large giant tree.
15.11.2018 Div Discourse

El lugar se expandirá 10 veces a lo que es hoy. Pronto construiré un salón 5 veces más grande que el de Premamrutham para Darshan. 
En cuestión de pocos años, verán un mar de humanidad rodeando todo este lugar, y este lugar se expandirá diez veces más de lo que es hoy.  Lo que ve en este ashram es solo la décima parte de lo que finalmente será. 
Un pequeño árbol joven que crece en un gran árbol gigante...
Discurso Divino_

Sai Anandam Tower seen from fare when approaching MDH
Torre Sai Anandam vista desde la base, cuando se acerca a MDH.

Bhajanhall where every Thursday 6pm were Bhajans  sung by students
Salon de Bhajans, donde todos los jueves a las 6 pm, los estudiantes cantaban Bhajans.

Bhagawan announced on the 23rd Nov 2008 that He would establish a University Campus in Muddenahalli within the next one year. He declared that it was His Sankalpa to bestow free education, boarding and lodging facilities on those that are unable to afford even the basic amenities of life.
Bhagavan anunció el 23 de noviembre de 2008 que establecería un campus universitario en Muddenahalli dentro del próximo año. Declaró que era Su Sankalpa el otorgar servicios de educación, pensión y alojamiento gratuitos a aquellos que no pueden pagar ni siquiera los servicios básicos de la vida.

Siva: NATARAJA: he is the Lord (or King) of Dance), is a depiction of the god Shiva as the cosmic dancer who performs his divine dance to destroy a weary universe and make preparations for the god Brahma to start the process of creation.
Siva: NATARAJA: él es el Señor (o Rey) de la danza), es una representación del dios Shiva como el bailarín cósmico que realiza su danza divina para destruir un universo y hacer los preparativos para que el dios Brahma inicie el proceso de creación. 

train students to spread the sublime message of Ramayana, Bhagavatham and the Bhagavad Gita.
Capacitar a los estudiantes para difundir el mensaje sublime de Ramayana, Bhagavatham y Bhagavad Gita

This is Swamis "Old residence" where He stayed before. His rooms can be visited. I was there in 1994 on a trip from Brindavan/Whitefield with Swami to Prasanthi Nilayam when His car at a certain point turned left  & so did we. He gave Darshan here & we got Prasadam which he never forgets. OJSSR
Esta es la "Antigua residencia" de Swami, donde se quedaba antes. Se pueden visitar sus habitaciones. Estuve allí en 1994 en un viaje de Brindavan / Whitefield con Swami a Prasanthi Nilayam cuando su automóvil en un cierto punto giró a la izquierda y nosotros también. Le dio Darshan aquí y conseguimos Prasadam, que nunca olvidare. OJSSR

2014 Sportfest MDH
Festival deportivo 2014 MDH

Sai appears in Theater by students
Actuación en el teatro por los alumnos.

Altar at Auditorium
Altar en el auditorio

Oldest Residence of Swami
La residencia más antigua de Swami.

Sai Anandam Entrance to Bhajanhall
Entrada al Salon de Bajhans.

19.6.2014 New Eduwing SSS Center for HUMAN EXCELLENCE
19.6.2014 Nuevo Centro SSS para la EXCELENCIA HUMANA

on the Way to  SAI ANANDAM
En el camino a Sai Anandam



arriving on the campus
Arribando al Campus

Swami arrives
Swami arribando.

Divine cut
Divino corte.

Swami creates a ring for Narasimha Murthy
Swami crea un anillo para Shri Narasimha Murthy.

Bhagawan concluded His Divine Discourse with the bhajan, "Prema Mudita Manse kaho Rama Rama Ram…"
Bhagavan concluyó su discurso divino con el bhajan, "Prema Mudita Manse kaho Rama Rama Ram ...

AMRUTA VAHINI Journal from Muddenahalli
AMRUTA VAHINI - Diario de Muddenahalli

SAI Anandam 24.11.2014
SAI Anandam _ 24.11.2014

Amruta Vahini Nov 2014
Sri Sathya Sai Premamruta Prakashana (R)
Sri Sathya Sai Sharadaniketanam, Maradevanahalli,
Mandya, Karnataka
Amruta Vahini Nov 2014 Anuncio: AMRUTA VAHINI, Sri Sathya Sai Premamruta Prakashana (R) Sri Sathya Sai Sharadaniketanam, Maradevanahalli, Mandya, Karnataka Correo electrónico:

SSS UVACHA released Nov 2014
SSS UVACHA lanzado en noviembre de 2014

Goddess Saraswathi at the temple of learning
Diosa Saraswathi en el templo del aprendizaje

Sri Sathya Sai Lokaseva Educational Institutions  - posted by UR Nandakumar
B.N. Narasimha Murthy
Among the educational institutions which have religiously put into practice the ideals of value-based system of education set forth by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, two institutions of Karnataka State can be ranked as most outstanding. These are: Sathya Sai Vihar, Alike and Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli. Founded by a great visionary and selfless Tapasvin (man of penance), late Sri Madiyal Narayan Bhat, these two institutions became a part of the Divine Mission of Bhagavan when He accepted them by a deed of registration during His visit to Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli on 14th August 1978.
Under the umbrella of Bhagavan’s divine grace and direct guidance, the two centres flourished very rapidly, and now they impart value-based education to over two thousand students from all over India. The centres, which also have hospitals, agricultural farms, dairies, a publication division and an orphanage, are manned by a group of 60 Tyagajeevis (men of sacrifice) who were inspired by the ideals of self-sacrifice and selfless service to mankind by their mentor, Sri Narayan Bhat whom they lovingly called Anna (eider brother). They accepted the vow of lifelong celibacy and dedicated their life to Lokaseva (service to mankind). When these institutions were accepted by Bhagavan Baba, all of them rededicated themselves to the Divine Mission of Bhagavan. They are bound by a sense of brotherhood and they live together in the Ashram named Prem Kutir on the campus.Their oath-cum-prayer given to them by their illustrious mentor runs thus:
“Oh Lord Sathya Sayeeshwara, grant us the divine strength to build up a mighty organisation of dedicated missionaries who offer themselves completely as messengers in Your great mission of establishing Dharma in the world. This life of ours filled with Your love is dedicated at Your Lotus Feet for achieving this glorious ideal!”
Sathya Sai Vihar, Alike – the Little Garden of the Lord
Sathya Sai Vihar in Alike is situated in a valley surrounded by hills. The location is breathtakingly picturesque and the campus reminds you of the Gurukulas of ancient India, The beauty of the place and the goodness of the people living there reflect God’s grandeur and munificence. The sky above reveals the infinity and eternity of truth. In their unifying experience, you can see the face of God in the trinity of Truth, Goodness and Beauty. Once a saint who was living in the Himalayan mountains was brought to Sathya Sai Vihar by his disciples. After staying for a day there, he exclaimed, “Men go to the Himalayas in search of God, but your Anna has brought Himalayas down to this place!” God in the form of Bhagavan Baba has graced these institutions in Alike with His visits twice – in 1979 and 2001. During His first visit Bhagavan stayed on the campus for one day in the beautiful Mandir specially built for Him with great love and devotion.
Sri Sathya Sai Lokaseva Junior College, which was started in 1972, with science, commerce and arts sections is one of the premier institutions in the State. It is affiliated to the Board for Pre-University Education in Karnataka. In recent years, the college has garnered limelight by securing 100% results in the State-level public examinations and very high ranks in the Common Entrance Tests conducted by the State Government for selecting students to engineering and medical colleges. The principles of Sri Sathya Sai Educare are integrated into the process of education here and ‘integral education for total development of the student’ is the motto. Most Sri Sathya Sai Lokaseva Vidya Kendra, Alike, of the students reside in the hostel attached to the college and a few day scholars from the local villages also attend the college. Needy students are provided free food by the institution.
A fully residential boy’s school affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi was started in 1984. The school admits boys to sixth standard and imparts education till tenth standard.
An orphanage located in Sathya Sai Vihar houses about 100 destitute children drawn from very poor families and orphans with the objective of educating them and moulding them into cultured citizens of the country. These children also attend the educational institutions run by the Trust.
Sri Sathya Sai General Hospital which provides free medical care to all those who come to its portals from the surrounding villages was inaugurated in 2002. During His divine visit to Sathya Sai Vihar in 2001, Swami declared that He would establish a ‘Superior Hospital’ there. A spacious building which looks more like a temple than a hospital was built on the top of a hill overlooking the campus within a year. Baba Himself arranged for the construction of the building and provided all the equipment and instruments required for the hospital.
Sri Sathya Sai Vocational Training Centre provides training in computer processing and printing to the needy villagers free of cost. The Kannada Monthly –“Sanathana Sarathi” – is printed here. The publications division of the Trust has also published more than thirty books in Kannada on the life, work and teachings of Baba.
Shiva Nilaya, a spacious and well-furnished guest house, serves the needs of the visitors to the centre. A very well-maintained and vast agricultural farm and a dairy form an important part of the centre.
Sathya Sai Grama – a Land of Penance
The centre at Muddenahalli which is located at a distance of seven kilometres from the main road between Puttaparthi and Whitefield was christened by Swami Himself as ‘Sathya Sai Grama’ in 1973. It nestles in the sylvan surroundings at the foot of the reputed hill station – the Nandi Hills.
Sathya Sai Grama is a sprawling campus of over a hundred acres filled with thousands of trees and plants, dotted with majestic buildings. The centre has the proud privilege of receiving Swami on its hallowed grounds 27 times in the last three decades. When He stepped on this land for the first time on 14th August 1978, Swami looked around admiringly and said, “This is a Tapobhumi – a land of penance!”
Anyone who visits the campus experiences the powerful spiritual vibrations pervading the place. Prema Deepa – the light of love – was the name given by Bhagavan to the Mandir here; it is an exquisite piece of Indian temple architecture situated almost on the highest spot in the campus. It was inaugurated by Bhagavan on 15th August 1994. Encircled by an ornamental garden, it has now become a place of pilgrimage for devotees.
More than eight hundred students study in the educational institutions in Sathya Sai Grama. Out of them, 700 boys drawn from all over India reside in the hostels, and others come from eight villages around the campus. These villages have been adopted by the centre for their all-round development. The alumni association of the educational institutions at Sathya Sai Grama – the ‘Children of Sathya Sai’ – are doing commendable work in these villages with the objective of transforming them into model villages worthy of emulation.
Sri Sathya Sai Lokaseva Composite Pre-University College, which was started as a high school in 1973, was upgraded in 1982 with the addition of Pre-University section in commerce. A science section will also be added from the next academic year. The magnificent building of the college was declared open by Swami in February 1987. The college is reputed for its excellent results in the S.S.L.C. and P.U.C. Public Examinations and effective education in human values on the basis of the Sathya Sai ideals.
Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Kendra is a Central School with classes from sixth to tenth standard. It is a fully residential school started in 1998.
A beautiful auditorium and a modern dining hall adorned with sculptural embellishments are an added attraction in the campus. Sprawling playgrounds and good sports facilities are another important feature of these educational institutions. The students have won accolades in sports, games and athletics in State level competitions. The vast agricultural farms and a modern dairy which occupy the western side of the campus lend a heavenly charm to the place.
One important and very encouraging development in Sathya Sai Grama isthat some of the alumni have joined the centre as Tyagajeevis. It augurs well for the fulfilment of the grand vision of the founder of the institutions, Sri Narayan Bhat, regarding their contribution to the divine mission of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
Role Models of Integral Education
If one wants to see how values are integrated with studies in schools and colleges, one should see the functioning of these two institutions because seeing is believing. The entire environment in both the institutions is saturated with values of Sathya, Dharma, Santhi, Prema and Ahimsa as taught by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Both the students and teachers are shining examples of morality, ethics and spirituality in practice. In fact, these two institutions present a model which all educational institutions of the country can emulate to give value-based direction to our system of education.
Let me complete this article on these very unique institutions of Bhagavan by recalling a revealing incident that happened in July 2003 at Brindavan. Bhagavan had called for interview, a group of students and teachers from Sri Sathya Sai Lokaseva Junior College at Sathya Sai Vihar. Those were the students who had secured the highest ranks in the engineering and medical entrance examinations in the State. For the first time in the history of the State, students from the same college had secured first rank in both the engineering and medical entrance examinations. When I submitted this good news to Bhagavan, He said joyfully,“It is not history; it is His story!” We can look forward to His story unfolding with each passing day bringing peace and joy to mankind!
Reference: Sanathana Sarathi pgs 376-380 November 2005
Instituciones educativas Sri Sathya Sai Lokaseva - publicado por UR Nandakumar B.N. Narasimha Murthy Entre las instituciones educativas que han puesto en práctica religiosamente los ideales del sistema de educación basado en valores establecido por Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, dos instituciones del Estado de Karnataka pueden clasificarse como las más destacadas. Estos son: Sathya Sai Vihar, Alike y Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli. Fundada por un gran visionario y desinteresado Tapasvin (hombre de penitencia), el difunto Sri Madiyal Narayan Bhat, estas dos instituciones se convirtieron en parte de la Misión Divina de Bhagavan cuando las aceptó mediante una escritura de registro durante su visita a Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli. el 14 de agosto de 1978. Bajo el paraguas de la gracia divina y la guía directa de Bhagavan, los dos centros florecieron muy rápidamente, y ahora imparten educación basada en el valor a más de dos mil estudiantes de toda la India. Los centros, que también tienen hospitales, granjas agrícolas, lecherías, una división de publicaciones y un orfanato, están atendidos por un grupo de 60 Tyagajeevis (hombres de sacrificio) que se inspiraron en los ideales de autosacrificio y servicio desinteresado a la humanidad por su mentor, Sri Narayan Bhat, a quien llamaron cariñosamente Anna (hermano eider). Aceptaron el voto de celibato de por vida y dedicaron su vida a Lokaseva (servicio a la humanidad). Cuando estas instituciones fueron aceptadas por Bhagavan Baba, todas ellas se dedicaron nuevamente a la Misión Divina de Bhagavan. Están limitados por un sentido de hermandad y viven juntos en el Ashram llamado Prem Kutir en el campus. Su juramento y oración que les dio su ilustre mentor funciona así: "Oh, Señor Sathya Sayeeshwara, concédenos la fuerza divina para construye una poderosa organización de misioneros dedicados que se ofrecen completamente como mensajeros en Tu gran misión de establecer el Dharma en el mundo. ¡Esta vida nuestra llena de Tu amor está dedicada a Tus Pies de Loto para lograr este ideal glorioso! ”Sathya Sai Vihar, Igual: el pequeño jardín del Señor Sathya Sai Vihar en Igual está situada en un valle rodeado de colinas. La ubicación es increíblemente pintoresca y el campus le recuerda a los Gurukulas de la antigua India. La belleza del lugar y la bondad de las personas que viven allí reflejan la grandeza y la generosidad de Dios. El cielo de arriba revela el infinito y la eternidad de la verdad. En su experiencia unificadora, puedes ver el rostro de Dios en la trinidad de Verdad, Bondad y Belleza. Una vez, un santo que vivía en las montañas del Himalaya fue llevado a Sathya Sai Vihar por sus discípulos. Después de pasar un día allí, exclamó: "¡Los hombres van al Himalaya en busca de Dios, pero su Anna ha traído al Himalaya a este lugar!" Dios en la forma de Bhagavan Baba ha agraciado a estas instituciones en Igual con Sus visitas dos veces - en 1979 y 2001. Durante su primera visita, Bhagavan permaneció en el campus por un día en el hermoso Mandir especialmente construido para Él con gran amor y devoción. Sri Sathya Sai Lokaseva Junior College, que comenzó en 1972, con secciones de ciencia, comercio y artes, es una de las principales instituciones del estado. Está afiliada a la Junta de Educación Preuniversitaria en Karnataka. En los últimos años, el colegio ha ganado protagonismo al obtener el 100% de los resultados en los exámenes públicos a nivel estatal y los rangos más altos en las Pruebas de Ingreso Comunes realizadas por el Gobierno del Estado para seleccionar a los estudiantes de ingeniería y colegios médicos. Los principios de Sri Sathya Sai Educare están integrados en el proceso de educación aquí y el lema es "educación integral para el desarrollo total del estudiante". La mayoría de los estudiantes de Sri Sathya Sai Lokaseva Vidya Kendra residen en el albergue adjunto a la universidad y unos pocos académicos de las aldeas locales también asisten a la universidad. Los estudiantes necesitados reciben comida gratis de la institución. Una escuela de niños totalmente residencial afiliada a la Junta Central de Educación Secundaria, Nueva Delhi, se inició en 1984. La escuela admite niños hasta sexto estándar e imparte educación hasta el décimo estándar. Un orfanato ubicado en Sathya Sai Vihar alberga a unos 100 niños desamparados de familias muy pobres y huérfanos con el objetivo de educarlos y convertirlos en ciudadanos cultos del país. Estos niños también asisten a las instituciones educativas administradas por el Fideicomiso. El Hospital General Sri Sathya Sai, que brinda atención médica gratuita a todos los que llegan a sus portales desde las aldeas cercanas, se inauguró en 2002. Durante su visita divina a Sathya Sai Vihar en 2001, Swami declaró que establecería un 'Hospital Superior' allí. . Un edificio espacioso que se parece más a un templo que a un hospital se construyó en la cima de una colina con vista al campus dentro de un año. El mismo Baba organizó la construcción del edificio y proporcionó todos los equipos e instrumentos necesarios para el hospital. El Centro de Formación Profesional Sri Sathya Sai ofrece capacitación en procesamiento de computadoras.

Amruta Vahini May 2015

Helpline for Sathya Sai Path by Narasimha Murthy- SSSPremamrutha Prakshana
Amruta Vahini mayo de 2015 ... Guia de ayuda para el camino Sathya Sai por Narasimha Murthy-SSS Premamrutha Prakshana.

After the sudden demise of Anna in a car accident in January 1977, 
Swami showered His immense grace on the members of Loka Seva Vrinda and instilled courage into their hearts. 
He accepted to take over the institutions under the umbrella of His Divine grace
14.Aug 1978 Auspicious Day of DAHSAMI ! arriving at Muddenahalli and signing a Deed SWAMI BECAME the
SOLE TRUSTEE of Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva Trust.
Después de la muerte repentina de Anna en un accidente automovilístico en enero de 1977, Swami derramó Su inmensa gracia sobre los miembros de Loka Seva Vrinda e infundió coraje en sus corazones. Él aceptó tomar las instituciones bajo el paraguas de Su Divina gracia 14.Aug 1978 ¡Día Auspicioso de DAHSAMI! ... al llegar a Muddenahalli y firmar una Escritura SWAMI, se convirtió en el único TRUSTEE de Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva Trust.

23.11.2014 Muddenahalli ::Shri Indulal Shah & Smt Sarla Shah.
23.11.2014 Muddenahalli - Shri Indulal Shah y Saint Sarala Shah.

The School at Muddenahalli was inaugurated on the morning of 11th June 1973 in a simple but elegant function. 
The School at Sathya Sai Grama started with only twenty-seven boys in the Campus during the first year. The atmosphere on the campus was similar to that of an ancient Gurukula, where students and teachers lived very intimately like a single family.

After three years of hard work, the school secured hundred percent results in Karnataka State Secondary School Leaving Certificate (SSLC) Examinations. It was the first time ever that any school had achieved such distinction in the backward district of Kolar. The school attained instant fame as one of the best schools in the state.
La Escuela de Muddenahalli se inauguró la mañana del 11 de junio de 1973 en una función simple pero elegante. La Escuela en Sathya Sai Grama comenzó con solo veintisiete niños en el Campus durante el primer año. El ambiente en el campus era similar al de un antiguo Gurukula, donde los estudiantes y maestros vivían muy íntimamente como una sola familia. Después de tres años de arduo trabajo, la escuela obtuvo resultados al cien por cien en los Exámenes del Certificado de Evaluacion de la Escuela Secundaria del Estado de Karnataka (SSLC). Era la primera vez que una escuela lograba tal distinción en el distrito atrasado de Kolar. La escuela alcanzó fama instantánea como una de las mejores escuelas del estado.

SAI Anandam
Sai Anandam

Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva Institutions - Aerial ViewMuddenahalli
Institutos Sri Sathya Sai Loka - Vista aérea.

Swami arrives at Muddenahalli on 1st March 1989
Swami llega a Muddenahalli el 1 de marzo de 1989.

Swami Darshan for Students at Muddenahalli on 1st March 1989 -with Anil Kumar K.
Darshan de Swami para estudiantes en Muddenahalli el 1 de marzo de 1989, con Anil Kumar K.

Swami Vibhuti at Muddenahalli on 1st March 1989
Swami materializa Vibhuti en Muddenahalli el 1 de marzo de 1989.

Swami Darshan at Muddenahalli on 1st March 1989
Darshan de Swami en Muddenahalli el 1 de marzo de 1989.

Swami infront of Premdeep
Swami enfrente de la residencia anterior Premdeep.
BHOOMIPOOJA for SSSUniversity Campus MDH

BHOOMI POOJA para el Campus de la SSS Universidad MDH

Foundation stone of Auditorium - Oct 
the then Governor Late Dr Burugula Ramakrishna Rao, 
Bhagawan's biographer Late Sri Kasturi garlands the Governor as the Divine Dramatist looks on..
Piedra fundamental del auditorio: octubre de 1959 ... por el entonces gobernador, el difunto Dr. Burgula Ramakrishna Rao, el biógrafo de Bhagwan, el difunto Seri Kasturi, guirnalda del Gobernador mientras el Dramaturgo Divino observa.


Accepting Him as the incarnation of the age, Sri Narayana Bhat laid all his services to Him. He made Sathya Sai Vihar as the centre of his educational, social and spiritual activities. Accordingly he set educational institutions both in Alike in Dakshina Kannada Dist. and Muddenahalli in Chickballapur, Kolar District.

In the year 1976 Sri Narayan Bhat approached Swami to offer his institutions to Him.
Aceptándolo como la encarnación de la era, Sri Narayana Bhat le prestó todos sus servicios. Hizo de Sathya Sai Vihar el centro de sus actividades educativas, sociales y espirituales. Por consiguiente, estableció instituciones educativas tanto en Alike como en Dakshina Kannada Dist. y Muddenahalli en Chickballapur, distrito de Kolar. En el año 1976, Sri Narayan Bhat se acercó a Swami para ofrecerle sus instituciones.

The two campuses of Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva Trust (SSSLST) at Alike in Dakshina Kannada district & Muddenahalli in Chikkaballapur district of Karnataka state are abodes of bliss, glittering bright by the grace of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. 
The two campuses serve the society through Education and Selfless service, upholding Human Values, Moral Conduct and Spiritual Excellence.

SSSLST was earlier known as Loka Seva Vrinda, until Sri Sathya Sai Baba formally took over the two campuses, through a deed registered at Muddenahalli in August 1978. 
This act of compassion was in response to the sincere prayers of Late Madiyal Narayan Bhat, the founder of Loka Seva Vrinda. He was truly a sage rooted in the ancient culture of India, but alive to the needs of modern times. He established the institution at Muddenahalli in June 1973.
Los dos campus de Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva Trust (SSSLST) en Alike en el distrito de Dakshina Kannada y Muddenahalli en el distrito de Chikkaballapur del estado de Karnataka son moradas de felicidad, brillando por la gracia de Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Bai. Los dos campus sirven a la sociedad a través de la educación y el servicio desinteresado, defendiendo los valores humanos, la conducta moral y la excelencia espiritual. SSSLST era conocida anteriormente como Loka Seva Vrinda, hasta que Sri Sathya Sai Baba asumió formalmente los dos campus, a través de una escritura registrada en Muddenahalli en agosto de 1978. Este acto de compasión fue en respuesta a las sinceras oraciones del difunto Madiyal Narayan Bhat, el fundador de Loka Seva Vrinda. Él era verdaderamente un sabio arraigado en la antigua cultura de la India, pero vivo para las necesidades de los tiempos modernos. Estableció la institución en Muddenahalli en junio de 1973.

Sai Anandam Tower by Night
Torre Sai Anandam por la noche.

Premamrutham BhajanHall
Salon de Bhajans Premamrutham.

Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutham at Muddenahalli all set to host Varamahalakshmi Pooja in the Divine Presence
Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutham en Muddenahalli todo listo para albergar a Varamahalakshmi Pooja en la Presencia Divina.

Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutham
Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutham.

Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutham during Satsang
Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutham durante el Satsang.

Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutham during Satsang
Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutham durante el Satsang.

Bird's Eye Premdeep & SSS Premamrutham
Premdeep y SSS Premamrutham a vuelo de pájaro.

Premdeep during Satsang
Premdeep durante el Satsang.

Ganesh Premamrutham víewing Sai Anandam
Ganesh Premamrutham con vista a Sai Anandam.


TQQ dear Sai Krishna for the wondersome shot
Hermosa foto por Sai Krishna.

after Evening Bhajans
Entrando la noche Bhajans.

De noche.

Oct 1, 2018 Vishnu w 10 headed Snake, Lord Narayana on Sheshashayana
1 de octubre de 2018 Vishnu 10 cabeza de serpiente, Señor Narayana en Sheshashayana.

Sunrise, Sai Anandam,
Amaneciendo en Sai Anandam.

Octobre 2018
Octubre 2018.


View from Premamrutham
Vista desde Premamrutham.

De mañana.

Sunset over Gate guiding to Sarla memorial Hospital
Puesta de sol sobre la puerta que conduce al Hospital memorial Sarla.

Sunrise 23. March 2018
Sunrise 23. March 2018
Sunrise 23. March 2018
Amanecer 23. Marzo 2018.

Sunrise 23. March 2018
Sunrise 23. March 2018
Amanecer 23. Marzo 2018.

Irene Watson

Irene Watson
The Energetic Centre of The Universe: Sri Sathya Sai Anandam Muddenahalli- India
Irene Watson Irene Watson El Centro Energético del Universo: Sri Sathya Sai Anandam Muddenahalli- India.

 Traduc_Centro Sai Hispano



SOURCE _ 12 de octubre de 2014

Some friends asked me to know more about Muddenahalli. 

When I was there at the beginning of 2014, I was not informed about His Residence, nobody really told me as they presumed I would know about, or they said: but you never asked me. 

Who had come back from Muddenahalli told me, there the presence of Swami can be felt very strongly. Curiously I decided to go on Thursday for Bhajansinging & indeed I felt it- but never thought that His residence would have been there. 

I got this information only "by chance" - when one day in June 2014 controlling if my post did arrive at MUMUKSHU. When I opened the page the 1. pic I saw was the Tower of Anandam (where I had been 4 times) posted by a Sai devotee and I was reading the following:::::which was first published in 2011 ! OM JAY SRI SAI RAM !!! with the following letter from BNNM.

WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE of Shri Narasimha Murthy,Warden Muddenahalli..


I would like to share with you some of the instructions Swami gave me in my dream last Sunday.

Swami appeared in my dream in Brahmi Muhoortam last Sunday, July, 10, 2011.

He gave me many instructions; some of them are very personal. 

I will share with you the ones that are relevant not

only to you but to all the devotees around the world. 

Bhagavan had said on an earlier occasion-

‘ I have three forms, one is gross form which confines to the Mandir I physically reside in, second is subtle form in which I pervade the entire ashram area I reside in( those days HE meant the Prashanthi Nilayam area) and
the third is causal form by which I pervade the entire creation. 

Bhagavan appeared in His subtle form in my dream and this is what He told me:- 

“Get the the hill-top building ready for my stay before I arrive on this Guru Purnima day (15th July, 2011). 

On Guru Purnima day I will enter there and stay there permanently.

I will go from here to different places and come back. 

But I will stay here permanently”.

Swami asked for the name that we had decided for the hill-top building.

When I said Prashanthi Towers, he was not happy with it.


“Now onwards this mansion shall be called SATHYA SAI ANANDAM”. 

In Mumbai Mandir is SATHYAM- 

in Hyderabad it is SHIVAM -

in Chennai it is SUNDARAM and 

now in Muddenahalli it is ANANDAM.

When I told about this dream to my friend and colleague Sri A R Manjunath, he said what a wonderful title Swami has given for the Biography you intended to write. I have accepted that suggestion.

After writing the 8th volume of Sathyam Shivam Sundaram I am going to write a comprehensive Biography of Swami covering His life from birth to the end of His physical sojourn.

That book which is in the womb of time will be called ‘Sathyam Shivam Sundaram Anandam’.

Coming back to the dream, Swami: “You were telling me to come here and stay”

In fact it was not only my feeling it was the aspiration of all the staff , teachers and students here because He had performed the Bhoomi Puja of this mansion and had told the L&T chairman that this building is for His stay. 

This building is exactly like Yajur Mandir except for few partition walls missing in ground floor of this building.

Swami: ‘You were praying for me to come and stay here,
I came and saw nothing was ready in my room, no water in the tap, not a single robe is kept for me’.

NM: I said forgive me Swami I will arrange for them.

Swami: ‘I also don’t like the color of the building.

You know my choice of three colors. 

Now don’t try painting entire building, it wont be possible. 

But paint the room meant for my stay in that combination of  Pink, blue and ivory before Gurupoornima and shift all the arrangements you have made in PremDeep for my stay to Sathya Sai Anandam. 

Offer food everyday.” 

Then He also continued to say ‘ the Cot in PremDeep is too high,  reduce the height before shifting it here.’

He told to keep a statue of Swami in the ground floor hall and gave specifications that it should be like the one in Chaitanya Jyothi – standing on a Lotus with hand raised in Abhaya Hastam, made out of Marble. 

He told to keep an idol of Ganesha also here, more importantly,  Swami revealed how much He loves Revered Madiyala Narayana Bhat the founder of Alike Muddenahalli institutions.

He told to keep a bust of Rev Anna that is Narayana Bhat at the entrance of this building.

Swami: ‘ also keep here one of the Cars I used “.

Then He said ‘lot of people have sacrificed their everything for the growth of this institution, their pictures also should be displayed here. Swami in fact used the word Thyaga bhoomi.

“Have grand programme in Sathya Sai Anandam on Guru Poornimaday, have Sathya Sai pooja and Bhajans and distribute clothes to all the students including day scholars, and serve food for everyone present.

NM: Being a born pauper and continuing to be so, I was wondering how to get clothes for all students spending lakhs of Rupees.

Swami responded to my thoughts and said “don’t worry about it, I am going to arrange clothes for all the students.” 

One item of food Swami chose for all the students. It is called tumbler idly translated into English. I was worried about this tumbler idly also. 

He said “ don’t worry about it, Balaram Nichani ( who used to drive Swami’s Car while travelling to and for from Brindavan-Parthi sometimes to Kodaikenal ) will get it”.

NM: Nichani has already brought it; all of you are going to get it during lunch.

Swami then said ” Nenu akkadiki vastaanu, akkada

kanabadutaanu.” ( I will come there and also I will be seen there).

NM:To whom He will be visible and to whom not is left to His sweet will.

There was a time when He granted wholesale Darshan whether anyone deserved or not. 

That opportunity came to a close on 24th April 2011. 

Those of us who deserve His Darshan will get it- can

see Him physically also when He wills. 

Because, in my association with Him for past 46 or so years, none of His words have gone untrue. 

I am very very sure we will see Him one day or the other.

I had a doubt, because I had not missed my visit to Puttaparthi on Guru poornima day for last 46 years.

So I asked Swami whether I should be here or go to Puttaparthi.

Swami: “ neeku buddhi ledu, nenu ikkadaki vastanu ante neevu akkada emi chestavu?” –(You don’t have brains, what will you do there when I am coming here,) 

He has told me many times before also that I don’t have brains, which is an eternal truth?) 

Swami spoke to me entire conversation in chaste Telugu as He used to do about 7 to 8 years before. 

For the entire length He was standing, there was no wheel chair. 

He told me “in Prashanthi Nilayam there are people to carry on the programme,  you don’t worry about it, you be here”.

Then He told me to start writing the second volume of Sathya Sai Divya Kripaashraya book on Gurupoornima day. I was actually planning to write the book Sathya Sai Divya Sannidhi the second volume of Sathya Sai Divya Kripaashraya after completing the comprehensive Biography of Swami. 

That will contain details of my life after Swami personally took me  from here to Prashanthi nilayam.

Coming back to what He said regarding this building,

Swami said, ‘arrange a museum depicting the growth of

Muddenahalli and Alike Institutions and My visits to these to places.

Keep the museum open to public on every Thursday , on other days the inmates of the campus teachers and students can use the hall for meditation”. 

Then He made a stunning revelation-“This place will be a great pilgrimage center and  thousands will visit this place. 

I will grant the Anandam of Sathya Sai to all those who visit this Sathya Sai Anandam mansion.”

Then He told something which will delight all the karyakarthas here and is relevant to all the devotees and those serving in Swami’s institutions. 

He told about Sri Narayana Bhat. “ Narayana Bhat was greatly interested in molding hundreds of youths for Sathya Sai Mission.

I am preparing a thousand Narasimha Murthis and you will see all of them during your life time, you will serve Swami for twenty more years”. (He referred to Narasimha Murthi only as an example , not that I am anything great).

He then told me “choose ten boys to translate the literary works of Narayana Bhat into English and Hindi so that people all over the world shall read them. 

Tell Alike people also about the function”.

Then he pointed out that in the college building; the photograph kept in the room meant for Him is not good. It was a fact also, we had kept nice photos everywhere else except there and maybe we thought, that is enough since He Himself is going to be there.

This is just a brief note, and I was in a dilemma whether

I should share this dream with others as I felt people may think suddenly this Narasimha Murthi has gone mad. 

Then there was the climax of the whole episode.

One young friend of mine walked into my room at eleven o clock the next day and said ‘Swami has prompted me to give a pair of clothes to all the students’. 

When that happened I had no doubt. I felt convinced that  the dream is not merely to me but for entire world
and decided to share it with all.

In the dream Swami said, “I am going to select two big boys for  doing service in the building and to sleep here.”

That day He didn’t tell me the names. 

On the second day, that night once again He appeared; 

I thanked Him for arranging the clothes, which already had come.

He Said “don’t you have faith in my words”. 

Then I told Swami two boys… He told me the names. I was

curious to see how many are there by that name. 

There was only one by that name. 

He also told in clear terms “ Pedda Pillalu, Musiclo unnaru.” 

Big boys both are in music.


"This place will expand 10 times to what it is today. I am going to construct 5 times larger hall than Premamrutham for Darshan soon". In the matter of just few years, you will see a sea of humanity surrounding this whole place and this place will expand ten times more than what it is today. Today, what you see of this ashram is just the 1/10th of what it is ultimately going to be. A small sapling growing into a large giant tree. 15.11.2018 Div Discourse

Sai Anandam Tower seen from fare when approaching MDH

Bhajanhall where every Thursday 6pm were Bhajans sung by students

Bhagawan announced on the 23rd Nov 2008 that He would establish a University Campus in Muddenahalli within the next one year. He declared that it was His Sankalpa to bestow free education, boarding and lodging facilities on those that are unable to afford even the basic amenities of life.

Siva: NATARAJA: he is the Lord (or King) of Dance), is a depiction of the god Shiva as the cosmic dancer who performs his divine dance to destroy a weary universe and make preparations for the god Brahma to start the process of creation.

train students to spread the sublime message of Ramayana, Bhagavatham and the Bhagavad Gita.

This is Swamis "Old residence" where He stayed before. His rooms can be visited. I was there in 1994 on a trip from Brindavan/Whitefield with Swami to Prasanthi Nilayam when His car at a certain point turned left & so did we. He gave Darshan here & we got Prasadam which he never forgets. OJSSR

2014 Sportfest MDH

Sai appears in Theater by students


Altar at Auditorium

Oldest Residence of Swami

Sai Anandam Entrance to Bhajanhall

19.6.2014 New Eduwing SSS Center for HUMAN EXCELLENCE

on the Way to SAI ANANDAM



arriving on the campus

Swami arrives

Divine cut

Swami creates a ring for Narasimha Murthy

Bhagawan concluded His Divine Discourse with the bhajan, "Prema Mudita Manse kaho Rama Rama Ram…"

AMRUTA VAHINI Journal from Muddenahalli

SAI Anandam 24.11.2014

Amruta Vahini Nov 2014 Abonnement: AMRUTA VAHINI, Sri Sathya Sai Premamruta Prakashana (R) Sri Sathya Sai Sharadaniketanam, Maradevanahalli, Mandya, Karnataka

SSS UVACHA released Nov 2014

Goddess Saraswathi at the temple of learning

Sri Sathya Sai Lokaseva Educational Institutions - posted by UR Nandakumar B.N. Narasimha Murthy Among the educational institutions which have religiously put into practice the ideals of value-based system of education set forth by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, two institutions of Karnataka State can be ranked as most outstanding. These are: Sathya Sai Vihar, Alike and Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli. Founded by a great visionary and selfless Tapasvin (man of penance), late Sri Madiyal Narayan Bhat, these two institutions became a part of the Divine Mission of Bhagavan when He accepted them by a deed of registration during His visit to Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli on 14th August 1978. Under the umbrella of Bhagavan’s divine grace and direct guidance, the two centres flourished very rapidly, and now they impart value-based education to over two thousand students from all over India. The centres, which also have hospitals, agricultural farms, dairies, a publication division and an orphanage, are manned by a group of 60 Tyagajeevis (men of sacrifice) who were inspired by the ideals of self-sacrifice and selfless service to mankind by their mentor, Sri Narayan Bhat whom they lovingly called Anna (eider brother). They accepted the vow of lifelong celibacy and dedicated their life to Lokaseva (service to mankind). When these institutions were accepted by Bhagavan Baba, all of them rededicated themselves to the Divine Mission of Bhagavan. They are bound by a sense of brotherhood and they live together in the Ashram named Prem Kutir on the campus.Their oath-cum-prayer given to them by their illustrious mentor runs thus: “Oh Lord Sathya Sayeeshwara, grant us the divine strength to build up a mighty organisation of dedicated missionaries who offer themselves completely as messengers in Your great mission of establishing Dharma in the world. This life of ours filled with Your love is dedicated at Your Lotus Feet for achieving this glorious ideal!” Sathya Sai Vihar, Alike – the Little Garden of the Lord Sathya Sai Vihar in Alike is situated in a valley surrounded by hills. The location is breathtakingly picturesque and the campus reminds you of the Gurukulas of ancient India, The beauty of the place and the goodness of the people living there reflect God’s grandeur and munificence. The sky above reveals the infinity and eternity of truth. In their unifying experience, you can see the face of God in the trinity of Truth, Goodness and Beauty. Once a saint who was living in the Himalayan mountains was brought to Sathya Sai Vihar by his disciples. After staying for a day there, he exclaimed, “Men go to the Himalayas in search of God, but your Anna has brought Himalayas down to this place!” God in the form of Bhagavan Baba has graced these institutions in Alike with His visits twice – in 1979 and 2001. During His first visit Bhagavan stayed on the campus for one day in the beautiful Mandir specially built for Him with great love and devotion. Sri Sathya Sai Lokaseva Junior College, which was started in 1972, with science, commerce and arts sections is one of the premier institutions in the State. It is affiliated to the Board for Pre-University Education in Karnataka. In recent years, the college has garnered limelight by securing 100% results in the State-level public examinations and very high ranks in the Common Entrance Tests conducted by the State Government for selecting students to engineering and medical colleges. The principles of Sri Sathya Sai Educare are integrated into the process of education here and ‘integral education for total development of the student’ is the motto. Most Sri Sathya Sai Lokaseva Vidya Kendra, Alike, of the students reside in the hostel attached to the college and a few day scholars from the local villages also attend the college. Needy students are provided free food by the institution. A fully residential boy’s school affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi was started in 1984. The school admits boys to sixth standard and imparts education till tenth standard. An orphanage located in Sathya Sai Vihar houses about 100 destitute children drawn from very poor families and orphans with the objective of educating them and moulding them into cultured citizens of the country. These children also attend the educational institutions run by the Trust. Sri Sathya Sai General Hospital which provides free medical care to all those who come to its portals from the surrounding villages was inaugurated in 2002. During His divine visit to Sathya Sai Vihar in 2001, Swami declared that He would establish a ‘Superior Hospital’ there. A spacious building which looks more like a temple than a hospital was built on the top of a hill overlooking the campus within a year. Baba Himself arranged for the construction of the building and provided all the equipment and instruments required for the hospital. Sri Sathya Sai Vocational Training Centre provides training in computer processing and printing to the needy villagers free of cost. The Kannada Monthly –“Sanathana Sarathi” – is printed here. The publications division of the Trust has also published more than thirty books in Kannada on the life, work and teachings of Baba. Shiva Nilaya, a spacious and well-furnished guest house, serves the needs of the visitors to the centre. A very well-maintained and vast agricultural farm and a dairy form an important part of the centre. Sathya Sai Grama – a Land of Penance The centre at Muddenahalli which is located at a distance of seven kilometres from the main road between Puttaparthi and Whitefield was christened by Swami Himself as ‘Sathya Sai Grama’ in 1973. It nestles in the sylvan surroundings at the foot of the reputed hill station – the Nandi Hills. Sathya Sai Grama is a sprawling campus of over a hundred acres filled with thousands of trees and plants, dotted with majestic buildings. The centre has the proud privilege of receiving Swami on its hallowed grounds 27 times in the last three decades. When He stepped on this land for the first time on 14th August 1978, Swami looked around admiringly and said, “This is a Tapobhumi – a land of penance!” Anyone who visits the campus experiences the powerful spiritual vibrations pervading the place. Prema Deepa – the light of love – was the name given by Bhagavan to the Mandir here; it is an exquisite piece of Indian temple architecture situated almost on the highest spot in the campus. It was inaugurated by Bhagavan on 15th August 1994. Encircled by an ornamental garden, it has now become a place of pilgrimage for devotees. More than eight hundred students study in the educational institutions in Sathya Sai Grama. Out of them, 700 boys drawn from all over India reside in the hostels, and others come from eight villages around the campus. These villages have been adopted by the centre for their all-round development. The alumni association of the educational institutions at Sathya Sai Grama – the ‘Children of Sathya Sai’ – are doing commendable work in these villages with the objective of transforming them into model villages worthy of emulation. Sri Sathya Sai Lokaseva Composite Pre-University College, which was started as a high school in 1973, was upgraded in 1982 with the addition of Pre-University section in commerce. A science section will also be added from the next academic year. The magnificent building of the college was declared open by Swami in February 1987. The college is reputed for its excellent results in the S.S.L.C. and P.U.C. Public Examinations and effective education in human values on the basis of the Sathya Sai ideals. Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Kendra is a Central School with classes from sixth to tenth standard. It is a fully residential school started in 1998. A beautiful auditorium and a modern dining hall adorned with sculptural embellishments are an added attraction in the campus. Sprawling playgrounds and good sports facilities are another important feature of these educational institutions. The students have won accolades in sports, games and athletics in State level competitions. The vast agricultural farms and a modern dairy which occupy the western side of the campus lend a heavenly charm to the place. One important and very encouraging development in Sathya Sai Grama isthat some of the alumni have joined the centre as Tyagajeevis. It augurs well for the fulfilment of the grand vision of the founder of the institutions, Sri Narayan Bhat, regarding their contribution to the divine mission of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Role Models of Integral Education If one wants to see how values are integrated with studies in schools and colleges, one should see the functioning of these two institutions because seeing is believing. The entire environment in both the institutions is saturated with values of Sathya, Dharma, Santhi, Prema and Ahimsa as taught by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Both the students and teachers are shining examples of morality, ethics and spirituality in practice. In fact, these two institutions present a model which all educational institutions of the country can emulate to give value-based direction to our system of education. Let me complete this article on these very unique institutions of Bhagavan by recalling a revealing incident that happened in July 2003 at Brindavan. Bhagavan had called for interview, a group of students and teachers from Sri Sathya Sai Lokaseva Junior College at Sathya Sai Vihar. Those were the students who had secured the highest ranks in the engineering and medical entrance examinations in the State. For the first time in the history of the State, students from the same college had secured first rank in both the engineering and medical entrance examinations. When I submitted this good news to Bhagavan, He said joyfully,“It is not history; it is His story!” We can look forward to His story unfolding with each passing day bringing peace and joy to mankind! Reference: Sanathana Sarathi pgs 376-380 November 2005

Amruta Vahini May 2015

Helpline for Sathya Sai Path by Narasimha Murthy- SSSPremamrutha Prakshana

After the sudden demise of Anna in a car accident in January 1977, Swami showered His immense grace on the members of Loka Seva Vrinda and instilled courage into their hearts. He accepted to take over the institutions under the umbrella of His Divine grace 14.Aug 1978 Auspicious Day of DAHSAMI ! arriving at Muddenahalli and signing a Deed SWAMI BECAME the SOLE TRUSTEE of Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva Trust.

23.11.2014 Muddenahalli ::Shri Indulal Shah & Smt Sarla Shah.

The School at Muddenahalli was inaugurated on the morning of 11th June 1973 in a simple but elegant function. The School at Sathya Sai Grama started with only twenty-seven boys in the Campus during the first year. The atmosphere on the campus was similar to that of an ancient Gurukula, where students and teachers lived very intimately like a single family. After three years of hard work, the school secured hundred percent results in Karnataka State Secondary School Leaving Certificate (SSLC) Examinations. It was the first time ever that any school had achieved such distinction in the backward district of Kolar. The school attained instant fame as one of the best schools in the state.

SAI Anandam

Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva Institutions - Aerial View Muddenahalli

Swami arrives at Muddenahalli on 1st March 1989

Swami Darshan for Students at Muddenahalli on 1st March 1989 -with Anil Kumar K.

Swami Vibhuti at Muddenahalli on 1st March 1989

Swami Darshan at Muddenahalli on 1st March 1989

Swami infront of Premdeep

BHOOMIPOOJA for SSSUniversity Campus MDH

Foundation stone of Auditorium - Oct the then Governor Late Dr Burugula Ramakrishna Rao, Bhagawan's biographer Late Sri Kasturi garlands the Governor as the Divine Dramatist looks on..


Accepting Him as the incarnation of the age, Sri Narayana Bhat laid all his services to Him. He made Sathya Sai Vihar as the centre of his educational, social and spiritual activities. Accordingly he set educational institutions both in Alike in Dakshina Kannada Dist. and Muddenahalli in Chickballapur, Kolar District. In the year 1976 Sri Narayan Bhat approached Swami to offer his institutions to Him.

The two campuses of Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva Trust (SSSLST) at Alike in Dakshina Kannada district & Muddenahalli in Chikkaballapur district of Karnataka state are abodes of bliss, glittering bright by the grace of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. The two campuses serve the society through Education and Selfless service, upholding Human Values, Moral Conduct and Spiritual Excellence. SSSLST was earlier known as Loka Seva Vrinda, until Sri Sathya Sai Baba formally took over the two campuses, through a deed registered at Muddenahalli in August 1978. This act of compassion was in response to the sincere prayers of Late Madiyal Narayan Bhat, the founder of Loka Seva Vrinda. He was truly a sage rooted in the ancient culture of India, but alive to the needs of modern times. He established the institution at Muddenahalli in June 1973.

Sai Anandam Tower by Night

Premamrutham BhajanHall

Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutham at Muddenahalli all set to host Varamahalakshmi Pooja in the Divine Presence

Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutham

Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutham during Satsang

Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutham during Satsang

Bird's Eye Premdeep & SSS Premamrutham

Premdeep during Satsang

Ganesh Premamrutham víewing Sai Anandam


TQQ dear Sai Krishna for the wondersome shot

after Evening Bhajans


Oct 1, 2018 Vishnu w 10 headed Snake, Lord Narayana on Sheshashayana

Sunrise, Sai Anandam,

Octobre 2018


View from Premamrutham


Sunset over Gate guiding to Sarla memorial Hospital

Sunrise 23. March 2018

Sunrise 23. March 2018

Sunrise 23. March 2018

Sunrise 23. March 2018

Sunrise 23. March 2018

Irene Watson Irene Watson The Energetic Centre of The Universe: Sri Sathya Sai Anandam Muddenahalli- India
