Sai Ram - Omnipresente Señor.
Shri Hariharan que trabajaba en el Instituto de Educación Superior Sathya Sai de Prashanti Nilayam, acostumbraba celebrar su cumpleaños comprando un kilo de chocolates para Swami, así Swami los usaba para tirarlos a los devotos reunidos allí, como sus bendiciones para todos. Esta era una practica muy común. Bhagavan solía celebrar cada cumpleaños de cada persona, como su propio cumpleaños y es por eso que lanzaba Chocolates para todo el mundo en la veranda y más allá. Shri Hariharan estuvo haciendo esto por un número de años, desde que llego a Swami.
Hace unos años, en su cumpleaños, él, como de costumbre compro un kilo de chocolates y fue a dárselos el mismo a Swami. En ese momento su madre le dijo que por qué estaba gastando dinero comprando tantos chocolates. Hariharan le dijo, que todos los años seguía el mismo procedimiento y lo hará este año también. Luego tomó el plato que contenía los chocolates y fue a sentarse con los estudiantes en la galería.
Hariharan se sentó en el medio de dos chicos esperando la llegada de Swami. Ellos también llevaban chocolates. Swami salió y se dirigió al niño sentado en el lado izquierdo de Hariharan, que cumplía años por primera vez en la presencia Divina , lo bendijo y arrojó los chocolates alrededor. Sonrió a Hariharan y sin tocar sus chocolates fue al niño sentado en el lado derecho, bendijo el estudiante, arrojó los chocolates y de inmediato fue a la línea de darshan para bendecir a los devotos. Hariharan estaba decepcionado, pero con paciencia se sentó en su lugar con la esperanza de que Swami le bendiga antes de retirarse después del Darshan.
Swami regresó a la terraza después de darshan, dio un vistazo a Hariharan y luego tomó un puñado de chocolates de cada uno de los estudiantes que estaban sentados a su lado, y arrojó los mismos en el plato de chocolates en poder de Hariharan y le dijo en tamil " Unga Amma Kitte kondu poi Kodu "- que significa".. Dele los chocolates a su Madre .
Hariharan estaba sorprendido de como Swami llegó a saber del diálogo entre él y su madre y estaba derramando lágrimas, Swami le dijo que sus bendiciones siempre están ahí, si uno trae chocolates o no.
Omnipresencia Divina de Swami ..
Sai Ram - Omnipresent Lord.
Shri.Hariharan who was working in the Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Prasanthi Nilayam used to celebrate his birthday by taking a Kilo of chocolates to Swami, which Swami used to throw to the devotees assembled there, as His blessings to one and all. This was a very common Practise . Bhagawan used to celebrate each and every person's Birthday as His own Birthday and that is why he threw Chocolates to everyone in the Verandah and beyond. Shri.Hariharan was doing this for a number of years, ever since he came to Swami.
A few years back on his birthday , He as usual purchased a Kilo of chocolates and was to take the same to Swami. At that time his mother told him that as to why he was wasting money to buy so many chocolates. Hariharan told her said that he is following the procedure every year and he will do so this year also. Then he took the plate containing the chocolates and went and sat with the students in the verandah.
Hariharan sat in the middle where two other boys sat on either side of him awaiting Swami's arrival. They too carried chocolates. Swami came out, first went to the boy sitting on the left side of Hariharan, blessed him and threw the chocolates around. He smiled at Hariharan and without touching his chocolate went to the boy sitting on his right side, blessed the student, threw the chocolates and straight away went for the darshan line to bless devotees. Hariharan was disappointed but patiently sat in his place in the hope Swami would bless him before He retires after Darshan.
Swami came back to the verandah after darshan, gave a look at Hariharan and then took one handful of chocolates from each of the students who were sitting on his sides, threw the same into the plate of chocolates held by Hariharan and told him in Tamil " Unga Amma Kitte kondu poi kodu" - meaning " Give the chocolates to your Mother. Hariharan was amazed how Swami came to know of the dialogue between him and his mother and was shedding tears .Swami told him that His blessings are always there whether one brings chocolates or not.
Swami's Divine Omnipresence..
Omnipresencia Divina de Swami ..
Sai Ram - Omnipresent Lord.
Shri.Hariharan who was working in the Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Prasanthi Nilayam used to celebrate his birthday by taking a Kilo of chocolates to Swami, which Swami used to throw to the devotees assembled there, as His blessings to one and all. This was a very common Practise . Bhagawan used to celebrate each and every person's Birthday as His own Birthday and that is why he threw Chocolates to everyone in the Verandah and beyond. Shri.Hariharan was doing this for a number of years, ever since he came to Swami.
A few years back on his birthday , He as usual purchased a Kilo of chocolates and was to take the same to Swami. At that time his mother told him that as to why he was wasting money to buy so many chocolates. Hariharan told her said that he is following the procedure every year and he will do so this year also. Then he took the plate containing the chocolates and went and sat with the students in the verandah.
Hariharan sat in the middle where two other boys sat on either side of him awaiting Swami's arrival. They too carried chocolates. Swami came out, first went to the boy sitting on the left side of Hariharan, blessed him and threw the chocolates around. He smiled at Hariharan and without touching his chocolate went to the boy sitting on his right side, blessed the student, threw the chocolates and straight away went for the darshan line to bless devotees. Hariharan was disappointed but patiently sat in his place in the hope Swami would bless him before He retires after Darshan.
Swami came back to the verandah after darshan, gave a look at Hariharan and then took one handful of chocolates from each of the students who were sitting on his sides, threw the same into the plate of chocolates held by Hariharan and told him in Tamil " Unga Amma Kitte kondu poi kodu" - meaning " Give the chocolates to your Mother. Hariharan was amazed how Swami came to know of the dialogue between him and his mother and was shedding tears .Swami told him that His blessings are always there whether one brings chocolates or not.
Swami's Divine Omnipresence..


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