Sai Ram - Bhagavan y Swami Vivekananda.
A continuación se muestra el vínculo de la voz orginal de Swami Vivekananda:
La historia sobre el renacimiento de Swami Vivekananda, y su futura participación en la Misión de Sai está bien documentada en el libro "Sai interno y la introspección" a finales deMurphet Howard,
A finales de la década de 1960 Murphet Howard estaba en la India con su esposa Iris. Baba le dijo a Murphet y su esposa: "Vivekananda ha renacido en Sri Lanka, cuando su educación y formación se hallan completado, él me ayudará con mi misión.". El mismo anuncio se ha hecho por Swami a Andrew Schwartz y unos cuantos de su amigos.
En marzo de 1987, un joven de Sri Lanka, cuyo nombre es Nalin Sedera, visito a Prashanti Nilayam, junto con un grupo de personas de su propio país. Un devoto de Australia, Elvin Gates, estaba en la sala de entrevistas con este grupo de personas de Lanka. Elvin Gates dijo que Sathya Sai Baba hizo la revelación a el joven Vivekananda.
Esto se llevó a cabo en dos días consecutivos durante dos entrevistas en la sala de entrevistas privadas. Después de la entrevista la noticia se extendió rápidamente en todo el ashram y la multitud comenzó a seguir al joven!
Dos años más tarde, en 1989, Howard Murphet tuvo la oportunidad de hablar con él Nalin.
Nalin dijo que antes de conocer a Sathya Sai Baba tuvo un sueño en el que Swami, con un vestido blanco, le mostró una pareja de ancianos, diciendo que eran sus padres en una encarnación anterior. Cuando Nalin, le preguntó a Swami que le hablara de sus padres, Swami respondió: "Olvídate, yo soy tu padre y tu madre.".
En la sala de entrevistas Swami le preguntó: "¿Cuál es tu nombre?" Nalin respondió: ". Nalin" . Swami dijo: ". Tú no eres Nalin, eres Naren" Narendra era el nombre de Swami Vivekananda y Naren fue el nombre que Ramakrishna su discípulo amado, Narendra!
Entonces, Swami dijo: "En su vida anterior usted fue un gran santo ¿Sabe usted quién fue Narendra.?", Respondió Nalin: ". No, Swami, no lo sé" .Sai Baba continuó: "Narendra era el nombre de Swami Vivekananda ".
"He estado esperando durante ochenta y cinco años.", Dijo Swami. Vivekananda dejó su cuerpo en 1902 y la entrevista fue en 1987, exactamente ochenta y cinco años después.
Swami dijo Nalin va a venir a vivir en el ashram de Prashanti Nilayam en el año 2021.
Sai Ram - Bhagawan and Swami Vivekananda.
Below is the Link for the Orginal Voice of Swami Vivekananda :
The story about the rebirth of Swami Vivekananda and his future involvement in the Sai Mission is well documented in the book " Sai Inner Views and Insight " by Late Howard Murphet,
In the late 1960's Howard Murphet was in India with his wife Iris. Baba told Murphet and his wife: " Vivekananda has been reborn in Sri Lanka. When his education and training are complete, he will help me with my mission. " The same announcement has been made by Swami to Andrew Schartz and to a few of his friends.
In March of 1987 a young man from Sri Lanka, whose name is Nalin Sedera, visited Prashanti Nilayam along with a group of people from his own country. An Australian devotee, Elvin Gates, was in the interview room with this group of Lankan people. Elvin Gates told that Sathya Sai Baba made the revelation to the young man the he was Vivekananda reborn.
This took place on two successive days during two interviews in the private interview room. After the interview the news quickly spread throughout the ashram and crowds began to follow the young man!!!
Two years later, in 1989, Howard Murphet had the opportunity to talk to Nalin himself.
Nalin said that before meeting Sathya Sai Baba he had a dream in which Swami, wearing a white dress, showed him an old couple, saying that they were his parents in a previous incarnation. When Nalin asked Swami to speak about his parents, Swami replied: " Forget about that. I am your father and your mother. "
In the interview room Swami asked him: " What is your name? " Nalin replied: " Nalin. " Swami said: " You're not Nalin, you are Naren. " Narendra was the name of Swami Vivekananda and Naren was the name that Ramakrishna always used for his beloved disciple, Narendra!!!
Then Swami said: " In your previous birth you were a great saint. Do you know who Narendra was? " Nalinreplied: " No, Swami, I don't. " Sai Baba went on: " Narendra was the name of Swami Vivekananda. "
" I have been waiting for you for eighty-five years. " Swami said. Vivekananda left his body in 1902 and the interview was in 1987, exactly eighty-five years later.Swami said to Nalin that he will come to live in the PrashantiNilayam ashram in the year 2021.

Sai Ram - Bhagawan and Swami Vivekananda.
Below is the Link for the Orginal Voice of Swami Vivekananda :
The story about the rebirth of Swami Vivekananda and his future involvement in the Sai Mission is well documented in the book " Sai Inner Views and Insight " by Late Howard Murphet,
In the late 1960's Howard Murphet was in India with his wife Iris. Baba told Murphet and his wife: " Vivekananda has been reborn in Sri Lanka. When his education and training are complete, he will help me with my mission. " The same announcement has been made by Swami to Andrew Schartz and to a few of his friends.
In March of 1987 a young man from Sri Lanka, whose name is Nalin Sedera, visited Prashanti Nilayam along with a group of people from his own country. An Australian devotee, Elvin Gates, was in the interview room with this group of Lankan people. Elvin Gates told that Sathya Sai Baba made the revelation to the young man the he was Vivekananda reborn.
This took place on two successive days during two interviews in the private interview room. After the interview the news quickly spread throughout the ashram and crowds began to follow the young man!!!
Two years later, in 1989, Howard Murphet had the opportunity to talk to Nalin himself.
Nalin said that before meeting Sathya Sai Baba he had a dream in which Swami, wearing a white dress, showed him an old couple, saying that they were his parents in a previous incarnation. When Nalin asked Swami to speak about his parents, Swami replied: " Forget about that. I am your father and your mother. "
In the interview room Swami asked him: " What is your name? " Nalin replied: " Nalin. " Swami said: " You're not Nalin, you are Naren. " Narendra was the name of Swami Vivekananda and Naren was the name that Ramakrishna always used for his beloved disciple, Narendra!!!
Then Swami said: " In your previous birth you were a great saint. Do you know who Narendra was? " Nalinreplied: " No, Swami, I don't. " Sai Baba went on: " Narendra was the name of Swami Vivekananda. "
" I have been waiting for you for eighty-five years. " Swami said. Vivekananda left his body in 1902 and the interview was in 1987, exactly eighty-five years later.Swami said to Nalin that he will come to live in the PrashantiNilayam ashram in the year 2021.