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viernes, 15 de junio de 2018

SAI SATSANG_¿Es posible estudiar Sanatana Dharma sistemáticamente o es demasiado vasto hacer eso ?

¿Es posible estudiar Sanatana Dharma sistemáticamente o es demasiado vasto hacer eso ?

Devoto: Swami, tengo una pregunta sobre estudiar Sanatana Dharma, porque aunque nací en una familia Hindú, mis padres eran muy intelectuales, y estaban trabajando en el mundo de los negocios. Entonces, salvo celebrar ciertos festivales, realmente no teníamos muchas revelaciones. 
Por lo tanto, lo aprendí de manera muy fortuita y porque estaba interesado en la espiritualidad, entonces leía un poquito aquí, y allí. 
Leí las enseñanzas de Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, y otras enseñanzas. Pero siento que tengo una comprensión muy caótica y la obtengo un poco de aquí, un poco de ahí. 
¿Es posible estudiar Sanatana Dharma sistemáticamente o es demasiado vasto hacer eso ?

Swami: No, no es vasto en absoluto. Vuelve a los Vedas, ese es el original. El más puro: sumérgete en la Vedanta. 
Mira, Vedanta es el enfoque correcto para entender el Sanatana Dharma(Ley Eterna- Religión primera- Religión de los Vedas-Religión de Dios). Los Vedas son ... tienen un ritual. Como dijiste, algunos rituales están ahí, algunos son espirituales, otros son Mantras, kandas, todo está bien. Algunos explican el día a día de cómo llevar tu vida. Hay cosas involucradas en eso. Pero si vas a la Vedanta, los Upanishads, son la esencia de los Vedas. Te enseñan el entendimiento correcto de las cosas. Entonces, si estudias los Upanishads, más o menos, desarrollarás una muy buena comprensión de lo que es el Sanatana Dharma. 

No consideren a este último como el Dharma Hindú.
 El Dharma hindú no estaba allí. Cuando se escribieron los Vedas, los Upanishads, no había nada llamado hindú. 
Todos se estaba haciendo basado en el Sanatana. El Sanatana Dharma solo estaba allí. Más tarde, se manifestaron como las Religiones - una vez que los Avatares comenzaron a suceder - y luego vinieron más Puranas. 
Eso se volvió como - Oh, estas personas, deberían ser parte de un Dharma (Religión). Llevado a la vida normal. Esto se convirtió en el Dharma hindú. Alguien se convirtió al Buddha Dharma, alguien se convirtió al Christu Dharma, así diferente Dharmas. 
Mira, todos los Dharmas son iniciados por la humanidad. Dios no comenzó nada de esto. Incluso Jesús no vino y comenzó el Cristianismo. Son los discípulos de Jesús quienes establecieron el Cristianismo.
Son los discípulos de Jesús quienes establecieron el Cristianismo. Así, el Budismo aparece después de Buda. Cuando Buda estaba allí, no había budismo. Así, el cristianismo vino después de Cristo. Después de Mahoma, vinieron los mahometanos. 
Por lo tanto, los dharmas  no fueron creados por el bien de la gente; la gente los estableció por su propio bien. 
Antes, se suponía que era una escuela, una escuela de pensamiento. Vas a una escuela secundaria inglés - aprenderás ciertas cosas en las instrucciones medias inglesas, tienes un cierto código de vestimenta, horarios, todo esto. El conocimiento era el mismo y uno solo. Todas las religiones dicen: "Ek hi prem hai. Ek Ishwar hai". Pero eso se diluyó con el tiempo. "No, solo ese Ishwar en que creemos, es Ishwar. Todos los demás no son Ishwars". En un lado dices: "Nuestro Señor lo impregna todo", luego en el otro lado, también dices: "Desafortunadamente, Él no impregna la fe de los demás". ¿Cómo es eso posible? Esto es todo confusión.

No deberíamos decirlo, pero todo esto lo hacen las personas para sus propios beneficios personales, por egoísmo, y para ser superiores a los demás. ¿Por qué superior? Para que puedan conquistar tierras, conquistar riquezas, y poder tener todas las cosas que deseen. Todo esto se crea en retrospectiva, no fue realmente allí. 
Pero el "Sanatana Dharma está mejor establecida en los principios de la Vedanta Advaita: Advaita significa que no hay dos, solo hay uno. En realidad, solo hay uno; todos los demás son superposiciones en eso. 
Al igual que la pantalla está allí. Esa no se mueve, no cambia, no se ve afectada por las imágenes que  vemos el ella -tanto de felicidad, o guerra, o paz, no importa. Todo el mundo se superpone sobre esta base: Atman (la pantalla Dios).

 Este es la base del Sanatana Dharma. El Atman es la base. Todos los Jagat (mundos) - son llamados Maya (Ilusión, porque pasa). Maya significa básicamente movimiento - que pasa - Maya significa que lo que sigue moviéndose. Significa que no es inmutable, sigue en movimiento, cambia, pasa. Esa es Maya. Esa palabra significa lo mismo que Jagat - que viene y va. Por lo tanto, la pantalla del cine está estacionaria, las fotos del cine están pasando. 
Pero una vez que se detienen las imagenes, solo ves la pantalla, pero mientras que el interruptor esté encendido,  la película estará transcurriendo, y no ves la pantalla. 
Pero es gracias a esta pantalla que ves la película. 

Mira que paradoja. Es la pantalla la que te ayuda a ver la película, pero por desgracia no puedes ver la pantalla. Sólo terminas viendo la película. Hasta que cambies la película. Hasta que cambies de opinión. Retirando los sentidos externos, retirandolos hacia adentro, deteniendo la película, entonces ahí ves la pantalla detrás de la pelicula, ' 
Oh, hay un Atman que permanece oculto de nuestra visión porque la película del mundo está constantemente transcurriendo sobre ella. 
Placeres, dolores, alegrías, penas, ganancias, pérdidas, mío, tuyo, todo esto está ocurriendo sobre ese Atman. 

Entonces lloramos con las escenas, nos reímos con las escenas. Esta es la base del Sanatana Dharma. Ekameva Advitiyam. Sólo hay uno; no hay dos. 
Entonces, dices: "¿Cómo no puede haber dos? Aquí estamos todos, dos, tres, diez, cincuenta". 
Porque todos somos, verdaderamente somos uno. De lo que estamos hechos, es uno solo. 
El azúcar es uno; los dulces son diferentes. 
El Atman dentro de todos nosotros es solo uno, y todos los demás son solo una especie de versiones diferentes del mismo Atman. Alguien es poeta, alguien es cantante. 
La electricidad es la misma, el foco es diferente, el ventilador es diferente, pero la electricidad que lo mueve en el interior es la misma. 

Entonces, la visión de nuestros Rishis era que podían ver a través de todos estos elementos externos al interior, y decir: 'Oh, solo hay Uno'. 
Entonces, cuando dijeron: "Solo hay Uno", la mayoría de la gente estaba confundida. ¿Puede haber Uno? Pero ellos tienen que entender de dónde viene esa convicción de los Rishis. 
Ha surgido de su experiencia. Experimentaron eso, así que hablaron sobre eso. 
La otra manera es que hablando de eso, es posible que lo experimentes. Es un tráfico de dos vías. O vienes de allá para acá, o vas de acá para allá, es el mismo camino. 
Los Rishis lo experimentaron y luego nos lo explicaron.
Si aprendemos, y empezamos a estudiar Vedanta, empezamos a estudiar estas filosofías y la hacemos parte de nosotros, llegará el momento que vamos a terminar experimentandolo. 
Es por eso que Svadhyaya - en nuestras escrituras, en nuestra cultura- el estudio de las escrituras es muy importante. 

Si estudio Derecho, el estudio es legítimo. Pero no puedes entender la mayor parte.
Entonces, necesitas un Gurú que haya experimentado todas estas cosas para que pueda explicarte mejor. Una vez que hayas entendido, podrás explicarlo. Pero si terminas con un Gurú equivocado, él malinterpretará todo, y te confundirá aún más. Es por eso que elegir un Gurú es muy importante en el sadhana personal. Como dije, lo mejor es que seas tan particular que deberías evolucionar, deberías estar tan preparado, entonces el Gurú vendrá a buscarte.

 Esa es la manera más fácil, que ir y buscar un Gurú y elegir hasta encontrar el correcto. Tú no lo sabes. 
Otra manera es seguir anhelando tanto al Gurú, que el encontrará dónde está Su discípulo. Entonces podremos crecer rápido. 
Así que, el papel de Gurú en nuestro Dharma, es muy importante. Es por eso que el Gurú es considerado más grande que Dios, porque nos lleva a nuestro verdadero Yo. 

Por eso la plegaria dice " Gurú Brahma,". Ellos, no dicen, " Brahma es el Gurú." dicen, " el propio Gurú es Brahma, porque me ha enseñado lo que es Brahma." 
"Gurú Vishnu, Gurú devo Maheshwarah. Gurú sakshat Parabrahman" - él es la personificación del Brahman porque lo ha experimentado. 

Mira, todos los que no han experimentado, no son Gurús. Pracharakas - podrían ser predicadores. Pero ellos no son realmente maestros. Sólo el que tiene experiencia es un Gurú auténtico, bajo cuyo cuidado sólo puedes experimentar lo más alto. Todos los demás sólo hablan de ello, pero eso no va a ayudarte. Esa es la verdad.

Debes poner un poco de esfuerzo. A medida que pases de Grihastha (ocupado en la familia), a Vanaprastha(retirado),  a Sannyasa(renunciante), tu evolución, tu atención en la espiritualidad, a los principios espirituales, deberían ser más fuerte. Debes concentrarte y dedicar más tiempo a estos elementos, y retirarte de otras cosas mundanas.


Traduc_Centro Sai Hispano


Is it possible to study Sanatana Dharma systematically or is it just too vast to do that?

Devotee: Swami, I have a question about studying Sanatana Dharma and because even though I was born in a Hindu family, my parents were very intellectual, they were working in the business world. So, apart from celebrating certain festivals, we didn't really have much exposure. So, I have learnt it very haphazardly and because I was interested in spirituality, I would read little bit here, there. I read Ramakrishna Paramahamsa's teachings, other teachings. But I feel I have such a haphazard understanding and I get it little bit from here, little bit from there. Is it possible to study Sanatana Dharma systematically or is it just too vast to do that?

Swami: No, it is not vast at all. You go back to Vedas, that is the original. Purest - you get into Vedanta. See, Vedanta is the correct approach to understanding Sanatana Dharma. Vedas are - it has ritual. As you said, some rituals are there, some part is spiritual, some part is just mantras, kandas - all this is okay. Some are day-to-day how you lead your life. There are things on that. But Vedanta if you go - the Upanishads- they are the essence of the Vedas. They teach you the right understanding of things. So, if you study Upanishads, more or less, you will develop a very good understanding of what Sanatana Dharma is. Don't consider this Hindu Dharma. Hindu Dharma was not there. When Vedas, Upanishads were written, there was nothing called Hindu. They were all being done based on Sanatana. Sanatana Dharma only was there. Later, it has manifested as - once Avatars started happening- then there was more of Puranas came. That became like - oh, these people, should be a part of a Dharma. The regular life. This becomes Hindu Dharma. Somebody became Bouddha Dharma, somebody became Christu dharma - like this, different. See, all Dharmas are started by mankind. God didn't start any of this. Even Jesus did not come and start Christianity. It is Jesus' disciples who established Christianity. Like this. Buddhism is called after Buddha. When Buddha was there, there was no Buddhism. Like that, Christianity came after Him. After Mohammed, came the Mohammedans. So, therefore, it is not that the Dharma was established by them for the sake of people; people established for their own sake. Earlier, it was only supposed to be a school - a school of thought. You go to an English medium school - you will learn certain things in English medium instructions, you have a certain dress code, timings, all this. The knowledge was same. All religions say, "Ek hi prem hai. Ek Ishwar hai." But that got diluted with time. "No, only that Ishwar which we believe is Ishwar. All the others are not Ishwars." One side you say, "Our Lord pervades everything," then other side, you also say, "Unfortunately, He doesn't pervade the other people's faith." How that is possible? This is all confusion.

We should not say but then this is all made by people for their own personal benefits to make superior over others. Why superior? So that they can conquer lands, conquer wealth, they can have all the things. These are all created in retrospect, not truly it was there. But ???Sanatana Dharma is best established in the principles of Vedanta which believes in Advaita - Advaita means there is no two, there is only one. There is actually only one; all the others are superimpositions on that one. Like the screen is there. That doesn't move, doesn't change, doesn't get affected by whatever the cinema we play on it -sad or happy or war or peace, doesn't matter. All the world is superimposed on this basis - Atman. This is the basic fundamental of Santana Dharma. Atman is the basis. All the Jagat - they call it Maya. Maya is basically what means - Maya means that which keeps moving is Maya. Means it doesn't stay, it keeps going away. That is Maya.That word means same as Jagat - which comes and goes. So, the cinema screen is stationary, the cinema pictures are playing. But once you switch it off, you only see the screen but till the switch is on, till the movie is on, you don't see the screen. But it is the screen due to which you see the movie. See the paradox. It is the screen which helps you see the movie but unfortunately you don't get to see the screen. You only end up seeing the movie. Till you switch off the movie. Till you switch off your mind. Withdraw it from the external senses, withdraw it inward, movie stops, then you see the screen behind, 'Oh, there is an Atman which remains hidden from our vision because the movie of the world is constantly playing on it.' Pleasures, pains, joys, sorrow, gain, losses, mine, thine - all this is playing on that. So we cry with the scenes, we laugh with the scenes. This is the basis of Sanatana Dharma. Ekameva Advitiyam. There is only one; there is no two. So, you say, "How can there not be two? We are all two, three, ten, fifty here." Because we are all truly are one. The thing on which we are made is one. Sugar is one; sweets are different. Atman inside all of us is just one and all the others are just a kind of different-different versions of the same Atman. Somebody is a poet, somebody is a singer. Electricity is same, bulb is different, fan is different but electricity running inside is same. So, our vision of our Rishis was they could see through all these external to the inside and say, 'Oh, there is only one." So when they said,"There is only one," most of the people were confused. How can there be one? But they have to understand where the Rishi is coming from. They have come from their experience. They experienced this, so they spoke about it. But the other way is you keep speaking about it, you might experience it. It is a two-way traffic. Either you come from this to this, same road, go from here to there also same road. Rishis experienced it and then explained it to us.

If we learn, we start studying Vedanta, we start studying these philosophies and make it part and parcel of us, a time will come that we will end up experiencing it. That is why Svadhyaya - in our scriptures, in our culture, study of scriptures is very important. Right study, rightful study. But you cannot understand most of it.

So, you need a guru who has experienced all these things so that he can explain to you better. Once he has understood, he can explain. But if you end up with a wrong guru, he will misinterpret the whole thing, confuse you further. That is why choosing guru is very important in one's personal sadhana. As I said, best is you be so particular that you should evolve, you should become so ready that the guru will come finding for you. That is the easier way than you going and searching for the guru and testing the guru who is right, who is wrong. You don't know. Other way you keep yearning for it so much that guru will find searching for where is my disciple. Then we can grow fast. So, guru's role in our Sanatana Dharma, is the uppermost. That is why guru is considered greater than God because he leads us to our true selves. "Guru Brahma," they say. They don't say, "Brahma is guru." They say, "Guru himself is Brahma because he has taught me what is Brahma." Guru Vishnu, Guru devo Maheshwarah. Guru Sakshat Parabrahman - he is the very embodiment of Brahman because he has experienced it. See, all those who have not experienced, they are not gurus. Pracharakas - they could be preachers. But they are not truly the teacher. Only the one who is experienced is an authentic guru under whose care alone you can experience the highest. Everybody else will only talk about it but that is not going to help. That is the truth.

You must put some effort. As you are moving on from Grihastha to Vanaprasthashrama to Sanyasa, your evolution, your attention to spirituality, to spiritual principles should become stronger now. You should spend more time on these items - withdraw from other things.


VISIÓN INTERIOR _*Ganges - Flujo perenne de auto-sacrificio desinteresado*_Por Sri Madhusudan Naidu.

Por Sri Madhusudan Naidu.

En esta sección llamada VISIÓN INTERIOR, el Hermano Madhusudan Naidu comparte momentos interesantes y perspicaces de las interacciones de Bhaghwan con Sus Estudiantes, Maestros y Devotos. ¡Esta es la verdadera sabiduría directamente desde el sanctum sanctorum más íntimo de la Presencia Divina directa!

Estas son las compilaciones de esas perlas de sabiduría para el beneficio de los devotos.

*Ganges - Flujo perenne de auto-sacrificio desinteresado.*

Estoy aquí en las orillas de Bhageerathi, el testimonio eterno de un servicio desinteresado por un sabio rey Bhageeratha.

Su fervor por llevar agua a las tierras secas fue tal, que invocó las bendiciones del Señor Shiva para traer al río Ganges que fluía perenne en los cielos, a la tierra. 
La fuerza de ese descenso habría sido destructiva ara la tierra, y por lo tanto, el Señor Shiva soporto el río sagrado con Sus enmarañados cabellos, atenuando su caída y permitiendo que fluyera con seguridad.
Hoy en Harshil, también llamado la mini Suiza de la India, mientras esperamos que algunos más de nuestros devotos toque tierra en sus helicópteros, para dirigirnos al origen del Ganges en Gangotri, he robado algunos momentos preciosos del tesoro del tiempo para reflexionar sobre Este increíble Río Ganges y la historia del sabio que oró desinteresadamente por su venida.

Nuestro propio Madiyala Narayan Bhat, venerado Ana, era un sabio con su propio poder, que no podía haber hecho todo lo que quería hacer por sí mismo, sin embargo, incluso mientras él trabajaba incansablemente con lo mejor de sus habilidades, también oró seriamente por la Manifestación de todo lo que alguna vez soñó. Y hoy Sai Shiva, ha tomado sobre sí mismo la responsabilidad de que ese sueño descienda de los cielos, en una cascada de la realidad cotidiana, donde millones serán educados libremente, miles serán curados, y cientos de ellos encontrarán el camino a Dios por el bien mayor de todos.

Ninguna oración desinteresada va a quedar sin respuesta dijo Swami una vez, y ha sido verdad desde los tiempos de Bhageeratha a los últimos tiempos de Anna. 
El Ganges lo testifica más allá de todas las dudas y también la multitud de proyectos de servicio hoy.!




By Sri Madhusudan Naidu.

*Ganges - Perennial Flow of Selflessness.*

I am here on the banks of Bhageerathi, the timeless testimony of a selfless service by a sage king Bhageeratha.

His earnestness to bring water to parched lands was such that he invoked Lord Shiva’s blessings to bring the river Ganges that flowed perennially in the heavens, on to earth. The force of that decent would have been destructive and so Lord Shiva tied the holy river up in His matted locks and allowed it to flow safely.

Today in Harshil, also called the mini Switzerland of India, as we await some more of our devotees land in their choppers, to proceed to the origin of Ganga at Gangotri, I have stolen a few precious moments from the treasure of time to ponder upon this amazing river and the story of the sage who prayed selflessly.

Our own Madiyala Narayan Bhat, revered Anna, was a sage in his own might, who could not have done all that he wished to do by himself, however even while he worked tirelessly to the best of his abilities, he also prayed earnestly for the manifestation of all that he ever dreamt of. And today Sai Shiva has taken upon Himself to let that dream descend from heavens into a cascade of everyday reality where millions shall get educated freely, thousands shall be cured, and hundreds of them would tread the path of God for the greater good of all.

No selfless prayer goes unanswered said Swami once, and it has been true ever since the times of Bhageertha to the recent times of Anna. Ganges testifies it beyond all doubts and so do the myriad service projects today!


SOURCE: The Story Divine

Ananda Vahini - Número Ciento treinta - 14 de junio 2018_Ananda Vahini - Issue One Hundred And Thirty - June 14, 2018.

Emisión Ciento treinta - 14 de junio de 2018
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Este cuerpo nos es dado para ayudar a otros. Esta palabra 'Paropakara' se compone de tres palabras pequeñas: 'Para', 'Upa' y 'Kara'. 'Para' significa Dios, 'Upa' significa cerca, y 'Kara' es lo que te lleva (cerca de Dios). Lo que te acerca a Dios es 'Paropakara'. Si quieres acercarte a Dios, primero debes ser más querido por Dios. Lo que nos hace realmente queridos por Dios es hacer lo que Él realmente ama y le gusta. Amar a todos, servir a todos es lo que es muy querido para Swami.

Con las bendiciones de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, nos complace presentar nuestra edicion Ciento treinta de Ananda Vahini. El boletín semanal incluye reflexiones interesantes y breves extractos de los eventos de la semana. 
En este número, les traemos un informe sobre el gozoso retiro espiritual que un grupo escogido de devotos disfrutó con el Señor en medio del Himalaya en el 'Teen Dham' - Kedarnath, Badrinath, Gangotri y Rishikesh del 8 de junio al 13 de junio de 2018 .

En la VISIÒN INTERIOR de esta semana, el hermano Madhusudan Naidu comparte un momento interesante que sucedió entre el Señor y los devotos durante Teen Dham Yatra.

- Equipo de Comunicaciones Sathya Sai Grama.

Por Sri Madhusudan Naidu
*Conociendo a Dios* 

El primer día del viaje al los Himalayas resultó no ser un comienzo con nubes implacables y pilotos de helicópteros renuentes. Los devotos estupefactos hicieron una súplica desesperada al Señor por ayuda. 

Y Èl ayudó,  cuando llamó a los organizadores y les dijo cómo hacerlo. Y mientras repartía preciosas instrucciones desafiando los ...

Para leer más, haga clic AQUÍ


En 1961, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba había llevado a un grupo de devotos escogidos a Badrinath en una peregrinación santa. Incluso hoy en día, cuando uno lee los diversos artículos y ve videos recortados, es natural que haya un anhelo y una desilusión intensa y profunda por no haber sido parte de ese viaje. 

En ese momento, Bhagavan les había dicho a los devotos que lo acompañaban: "¡Todos ustedes son muy afortunados, porque ...
8 de junio por la tarde - Bhagawan recibe la bienvenida de Swami Chidanand Saraswati Ji en Parmarth Niketan, Rishikesh
09 de junio por la noche -  Homam antes del Ganga Arati
Ganga Arati
10 de junio - llegada al Templo de Kedarnath
Bhagavan es recibido y dirigido por el Sacerdote Principal y los Fideicomisarios del Templo de Kedarnath
11 de junio - En el templo de Badrinath
Tarde - llegada al templo de Badrinath
Tarde, Satsang en el templo
12 de junio por la mañana, en el camino al Templo de Gangotri
Puja siendo reslizada a la Madre Ganga
13 de julio - junto con los invitados, Swami Chidanand Saraswati Ji y Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati Ji
En Parmarth Niketan Ashram, Rishikesh
13 de junio - Satsang antes de la partida.

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Issue One Hundred and Thirty - June 14, 2018
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This body is given to us in order to help others. This word ‘Paropakara’ is made up of three small words: ‘Para’, ‘Upa’, and ‘Kara‘. ‘Para‘ means God, ‘Upa’ means near, and ‘Kara‘ is that which takes you (near God). What takes you nearer to God is ‘Paropakara’. If you want to go nearer to God, you need to become dearer to God first. What makes us really dear to God is doing what He really loves and likes. Loving everyone, serving everyone is what is very dear to Swami.              

With the Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we are delighted to present our One Hundred and Thirtieth issue of Ananda Vahini. The weekly newsletter includes interesting musings and short excerpts from the week's events.

In this issue, we bring you a report on the blissful spiritual retreat a chosen group of devotees enjoyed with Lord in the midst of the Himalayas at the 'Teen Dham' - Kedarnath, Badrinath, Gangotri and Rishikesh from June 08 to June 13, 2018. 

In this week's INNER VIEW, Brother Madhusudan Naidu shares an interesting moment which happened between the Lord and devotees during Teen Dham Yatra.

- Sathya Sai Grama Communications Team.

By Sri Madhusudan Naidu
Meeting God       
The first day of the Himalayan trip turned out to be a non starter with unrelenting clouds and unaccepting pilots of the choppers. The dumbfounded devotees made a desperate plea to the Lord to help.

And help, did He, when He called the organisers and told how to go about it. And while He gave away precious instructions defying the ways of the weather, He sent out an invaluable message too.

He said, “Many think that going to Kedarnath or Badrinath and having Darshan is as simple as taking a flight and booking a chopper. Not at all! A devotee cannot meet the Divine unless, the devotee is so desperate that he cannot live without meeting God, or God should be so keen that He cannot stay without meeting the devotee. If not both, at least one of the two conditions must be fulfilled for the meeting or Yoga to happen.”

I wonder, how often do we have such earnestness to meet the divine that we cannot take the next breath unless it happened, yet the divine, in our case seems to have relaxed a few rules to help us meet Him. I have concluded that it was more of Swami’s keenness to meet us than our desperation to meet Him that has made this union happen!

Of course the next morning, weather bowed down to the infallible will of the Lord and against all odds, everyone had a heart full Darshan of the Lord of Kedar with the Lord of Kedar.      

 JUNE 8 TO JUNE 13, 2018 

In 1961, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba had taken a group of chosen devotees to Badrinath on a holy pilgrimage. Even today when one reads the various articles, and sees video clippings, naturally a deep intense yearning and disappointment of not having been part of that diving trip is certain. At that Bhagawan had told the devotees accompanying Him, “You are all very fortunate indeed, for you are proceeding with the Manifested Form to the Unmanifested Form!” And when Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba decided to take His chosen devotees yet again in His subtle form, it was a trip with the very Unmanifested form! A trip to remember, a trip full of learnings, a trip infused with devotion and spiritual bliss!

The next day, June 08, 2018, after the grand inauguration of the “Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Research Centre for Congenital Heart Diseases” at the Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani International Centre for Child Heart Care and Research at Palwal by Sri Manohar Lal Khattar, Chief Minister, Government of Haryana, the Lord proceeded with His chosen devotees to Rishikesh. This was a special trip for the devotees of Singapore and few others, as Swami wanted to laud them for all the efforts which they had extended towards the Sri Sathya Sai University for Human Excellence. So this trip to the Himalayas with Swami, was almost a medal, which would be cherished and savored by each person for the rest of their life!

Upon landing at Jolly Grant Airport, Dehradun, everyone proceeded to Parmarth Niketan, where Swami was lovingly welcomed by the Singapore devotees who had reached that morning. Pujya Swamiji Chidanand Saraswati ji and Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati ji welcomed Bhagawan, and paid their respects to Him. After a wonderful short Satsang, the devotees had a wonderful opportunity to dine with Bhagawan, Pujya Swamiji Chidanand Saraswati ji and Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati ji.

The next morning, June 09 an early take off by choppers to Gangotri was the agenda. But the weather somehow did not cooperate, and everyone were asked to wait until mid-morning for the weather to clear. Only a clear visible sky is all that is required for choppers to operate, rain or otherwise. When the organising team submitted to Swami around noon to seek His guidance on next steps, Swami said, “Yes, all have accompanied Me on this divine Yatra. But this is not enough. To meet Shiva, a deep yearning or desperateness is required, and Shiva should also be keen to meet the devotee!
If not both, at least one of the two conditions must be fulfilled! The yearning is not enough. From this moment, let everyone chant Aum Nama Shivaya!” Swami also advised that Gangotri should be planned after Badrinath, and hence Kedarnath would be the first Dham. Prayers intensified, with meditation sessions led by Nithya Shanti, a former Buddhist monk, who was blessed to accompany Swami on this pilgrimage, and Bhajan sessions, led to a deep intense yearning in every heart. Everyone realised what Swami had said was a big huge lesson indeed! It was also a great opportunity for all the devotees to retrospect and join the glorious Ganga Arati in the evening. The Rishi Kumaraschanting Vedas led Swami, and He was joined by Pujya Swamiji Chidanand Saraswati ji and Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati ji towards the Ganga Ghat. The next hour was soaked in bliss, seated on the lap of Mother Ganga. The sunset Ganga Aarti at Parmarth Niketan draws between hundreds and thousands of visitors each day from all cultures, all languages, all religions and all walks of life. Bhagawan blessed all gathered with His divine message, and thereafter proceeded to Pujya Chidanand Saraswati ji’s meeting area, where a short Satsang unfolded very beautifully. Swami asked him to speak about the various Seva activities undertaken by the Parmarth team, and Pujya Chidanand Swamiji spoke about all the environmental initiatives. Dinner was served, while everyone were intensely praying to Bhagawan to be able to undertake the divine pilgrimage.

The dawn of June 10. Clear skies and wonderful visibility meant choppers would be able to take off! And this was only because of Swami’s mercy. He had given clear instructions about the timing for the choppers to fly, a clear two-hour window, nothing more, nothing less! Within this time frame, He had instructed that all choppers must reach Kedarnath. Swami’s chopper landed at the temple helipad, and He was taken in a buggy to the shrine. The untiring efforts of the volunteers were to be lauded, as they had trekked all the way up two days before, to ensure all the arrangements were made for Swami and His guests!

All the devotees had finished Darshan of the Lingam, and were waiting for the arrival of the Lord. The Chief Priest along with all the Trustees welcomed Swami with the highest honour, and led Him inside the temple. Special Poojas were performed, and later Swami emerged from the temple, and headed straight to the guest room along with the Chief Priest, who understood Swami’s presence in the subtle form very easily, and in fact commented saying that this is the true form of God, and other evolved beings and Sadhus.....

To read more, click HERE
June 08, evening - Bhagawan being welcomed by Swami Chidanand Saraswati Ji at Parmarth Niketan, Rishikesh
June 09, evening - performing Homam before Ganga Arati
Ganga Arati 
June 10 - arrival at Kedarnath Temple 
Bhagawan being welcomed and led by the Chief Priest and Trustees of the Kedarnath Temple
June 11 - At the Badrinath Temple 
Evening - arrival at the Badrinath Temple 
Evening Satsang at the temple 
June 12, morning - on the way to Gangotri Temple 
Puja being performed to Mother Ganga 
July 13 - along with guests, Swami Chidanand Saraswati Ji and Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati Ji  
At Parmarth Niketan Ashram, Rishikesh
June 13 - Satsang before departure 
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