Published Wednesday, Jun 29, 2011 @ 1240 hrs.
Aum Sri Sai Ram
Aum Sri Sai Ram
Press Release by Trustees of Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust
1. Ever since Bhagavan Baba was admitted to the hospital there has been a flurry of news reports in the print and electronic media about His health, Treatment, His attaining Mahasamadhi, and the subsequent opening of his private chambers in Yajur Mandiram.The Trustees of Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, are issuing this statement in order to give a true and fair picture of the events.
2. Recently the first floor of the Yajur Mandir was accessed and cash, gold, silver and jewellery valued at approximately Rs. 30 crores were duly inventoried on June 16th and 17, 2011 and deposited into the Bank. Whatever is deposited with the bank is brought into the Books of Account of the Central Trust. The trust is not taking any technical plea and the entire leviable income tax there on of Rs 9.5 Crores has been paid by the Trust as advance tax today.
3. The inventory was done in the presence of all the Trustees (among whom there was a former Chief Justice of India and a former Central Vigilance Commissioner), two members of the Council of Management and two retired judges – one of the Supreme Court and the other from the Karnataka/ Bombay High Court. The valuation was done concurrently by a valuer approved by the Government of India.
4. On the night of 18th June it was reported in the electronic media that an amount of Rs. 35 lakhs was recovered by the Police from a vehicle going from Puttaparthi to Bangalore. The seizure was from an employee of a company which was entrusted the task of supervising the construction of the Mahasamadhi for Bhagawan Baba in Sai Kulwant Hall in Prasanthi Nilayam. The money had been contributed by a group of devotees for the construction of Mahasamadhi. Both the donors and the recipient have confirmed this fact in writing . Two employees of the company were arrested on mere " suspicion". On. June 19, 2011 one more person, a driver of Mr V Srinivasan(a Trustee) was arrested by the police from a bus in which he was travelling. No seizure of cash or valuables was made by the Police from him. He was also arrested on mere "suspicion". These events were widely reported and commented upon in the media with many innuendos.
5. The seized money does not belong to the Trust but is the money given by devotees for being used for the Mahasamadhi work. This had been confirmed by Sri Rathnakar and Sri V Srinivasan, Trustees. All receipts and all payments from and into the the Trust are only through cheques, DDs or other financial instruments.
6. It was also reported by the press that on a subsequent date two sack loads of money between Rs 5 and 10 Crores was recovered from two passengers in a bus going to Bangalore. This is completely false. No such seizure tool place. The Police have not denied the incorrect report. Subsequently the media never published a retraction that their earlier report was inaccurate -- leaving the incorrect report in the public realm.
7. The media has also been misreporting several other matters. When Justice Bhagwathi demitted office as Trustee( due to a legal requirement) of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Education Trust in order to take charge as the Chancellor of the university it was wrongly reported that he resigned from the Central Trust.
8. Another report described that Sri Indulal Shah was distancing himself from the Trust. This version is wholly untrue and Sri Shah has been actively involving himself in all Trust matters and has attended every meeting of the Trustees, including the meeting held last evening.
9. There was another totally mischievous and false report in the Press that government cars are being used for transporting cash across the state borders. There is no truth in this. But after publishing an incorrect statement the press never retracted even when it had no evidence to support its inaccurate report.
10. It was also widely reported that there was a ‘will’ of Swami. There was even a reference to an ‘oral will’, a concept which is unknown to law .
11. The print media and some electronic media put out reports of the ‘arrest’ of Sri V Srinivasan. This is wholly false. He was never arrested. He was in his house in Chennai. It was then reported that a senior police officer had stated that Mr V Srinivasan was absconding. When contacted by Mr V Srinivasan the said officer denied having made any such statement. He informed the Press; but his statement was never published
12. It was reported in a leading national daily on the front page that Mr Naganand, a member of the Council of Management had stated that Bhagawan Baba had left a will directing that Sri Sathyajit should be given a prominent position in The Trust. This statement was denied in writing by Mr Naganand: the denial was not published.
13. The Trustees recognize the need for public dissemination of information and the Right to Information is enshrined in the legislation of the country; but that is no license for inaccurate reporting. The role of the Fourth Estate is important in a democracy. The Trust has been alive to the legitimate desire to purvey information and yet strike a balance between transparency and privacy while emphasising truth.
14. The Trust would like to assure the public that all institutions set up by Bhagawan Baba will be administered well and transparently and that they will uphold all the ideals of Bhagavan Baba. The public are requested not to be misled by false propaganda.
Jai Sai Ram!
Jai Sai Ram!
2. Recently the first floor of the Yajur Mandir was accessed and cash, gold, silver and jewellery valued at approximately Rs. 30 crores were duly inventoried on June 16th and 17, 2011 and deposited into the Bank. Whatever is deposited with the bank is brought into the Books of Account of the Central Trust. The trust is not taking any technical plea and the entire leviable income tax there on of Rs 9.5 Crores has been paid by the Trust as advance tax today.
3. The inventory was done in the presence of all the Trustees (among whom there was a former Chief Justice of India and a former Central Vigilance Commissioner), two members of the Council of Management and two retired judges – one of the Supreme Court and the other from the Karnataka/ Bombay High Court. The valuation was done concurrently by a valuer approved by the Government of India.
4. On the night of 18th June it was reported in the electronic media that an amount of Rs. 35 lakhs was recovered by the Police from a vehicle going from Puttaparthi to Bangalore. The seizure was from an employee of a company which was entrusted the task of supervising the construction of the Mahasamadhi for Bhagawan Baba in Sai Kulwant Hall in Prasanthi Nilayam. The money had been contributed by a group of devotees for the construction of Mahasamadhi. Both the donors and the recipient have confirmed this fact in writing . Two employees of the company were arrested on mere " suspicion". On. June 19, 2011 one more person, a driver of Mr V Srinivasan(a Trustee) was arrested by the police from a bus in which he was travelling. No seizure of cash or valuables was made by the Police from him. He was also arrested on mere "suspicion". These events were widely reported and commented upon in the media with many innuendos.
5. The seized money does not belong to the Trust but is the money given by devotees for being used for the Mahasamadhi work. This had been confirmed by Sri Rathnakar and Sri V Srinivasan, Trustees. All receipts and all payments from and into the the Trust are only through cheques, DDs or other financial instruments.
6. It was also reported by the press that on a subsequent date two sack loads of money between Rs 5 and 10 Crores was recovered from two passengers in a bus going to Bangalore. This is completely false. No such seizure tool place. The Police have not denied the incorrect report. Subsequently the media never published a retraction that their earlier report was inaccurate -- leaving the incorrect report in the public realm.
7. The media has also been misreporting several other matters. When Justice Bhagwathi demitted office as Trustee( due to a legal requirement) of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Education Trust in order to take charge as the Chancellor of the university it was wrongly reported that he resigned from the Central Trust.
8. Another report described that Sri Indulal Shah was distancing himself from the Trust. This version is wholly untrue and Sri Shah has been actively involving himself in all Trust matters and has attended every meeting of the Trustees, including the meeting held last evening.
9. There was another totally mischievous and false report in the Press that government cars are being used for transporting cash across the state borders. There is no truth in this. But after publishing an incorrect statement the press never retracted even when it had no evidence to support its inaccurate report.
10. It was also widely reported that there was a ‘will’ of Swami. There was even a reference to an ‘oral will’, a concept which is unknown to law .
11. The print media and some electronic media put out reports of the ‘arrest’ of Sri V Srinivasan. This is wholly false. He was never arrested. He was in his house in Chennai. It was then reported that a senior police officer had stated that Mr V Srinivasan was absconding. When contacted by Mr V Srinivasan the said officer denied having made any such statement. He informed the Press; but his statement was never published
12. It was reported in a leading national daily on the front page that Mr Naganand, a member of the Council of Management had stated that Bhagawan Baba had left a will directing that Sri Sathyajit should be given a prominent position in The Trust. This statement was denied in writing by Mr Naganand: the denial was not published.
13. The Trustees recognize the need for public dissemination of information and the Right to Information is enshrined in the legislation of the country; but that is no license for inaccurate reporting. The role of the Fourth Estate is important in a democracy. The Trust has been alive to the legitimate desire to purvey information and yet strike a balance between transparency and privacy while emphasising truth.
14. The Trust would like to assure the public that all institutions set up by Bhagawan Baba will be administered well and transparently and that they will uphold all the ideals of Bhagavan Baba. The public are requested not to be misled by false propaganda.
Jai Sai Ram!
Jai Sai Ram!
Comunicado de prensa por el Trust Sri Sathya Sai Central
1. Desde que Bhagavan Baba fue ingresado en el hospital se ha producido un aluvión de noticias en los medios impresos y electrónicos, por su salud, tratamiento, su Mahasamadhi, y la posterior apertura de sus habitaciones privadas en el Yajur Mandiram.
Comunicado de prensa por el Trust Sri Sathya Sai Central
1. Desde que Bhagavan Baba fue ingresado en el hospital se ha producido un aluvión de noticias en los medios impresos y electrónicos, por su salud, tratamiento, su Mahasamadhi, y la posterior apertura de sus habitaciones privadas en el Yajur Mandiram.
El Sri SathyaSai Central Trust, ha emitido una declaración con el fin de dar una imagen fiel de los acontecimientos.
2. Recientemente, el primer piso del Yajur Mandir fue visitado, y dinero en efectivo, oro, plata y joyas por valor de aproximadamente Rs. 30 millones de rupias fueron debidamente inventariados el 16 y 17 de junio de 2011 y depositado en el Banco. Lo que está depositado en el banco se pone en los libros de contabilidad del Fideicomiso Central.
2. Recientemente, el primer piso del Yajur Mandir fue visitado, y dinero en efectivo, oro, plata y joyas por valor de aproximadamente Rs. 30 millones de rupias fueron debidamente inventariados el 16 y 17 de junio de 2011 y depositado en el Banco. Lo que está depositado en el banco se pone en los libros de contabilidad del Fideicomiso Central.
La organización con sus técnicos ha abonado la totalidad del impuesto de ingresos imponibles de 9,5 crores de rupias, que han sido pagados por el Fondo, como retención .
3. El inventario se realizó en presencia de todos los fideicomisarios (entre los cuales había un ex Presidente del Tribunal Supremo de la India y antiguo Comisario Central de Vigilancia), dos miembros del Consejo de Administración y por dos jueces jubilados - uno de la Corte Suprema y el otro de la Corte de Karnataka / Bombay. La valoración se realiza al mismo tiempo por un tasador aprobado por el Gobierno de la India.
4. En la noche del 18 de junio se informó en los medios electrónicos que la suma de Rs. 35 lakhs fue recuperado por la policía desde un vehículo que iba de Puttaparthi a Bangalore. La incautación fue de un empleado de la empresa, que se encargaba de la tarea de la construcción del Mahasamadhi de Bhagavan Baba en Sai Kulwant Hall en Prashanti Nilayam. El dinero había sido aportado por un grupo de devotos para la construcción de Mahasamadhi. Tanto los países donantes y receptores han confirmado este hecho por escrito. Dos empleados de la compañía fueron detenidos por mera "sospecha".
4. En la noche del 18 de junio se informó en los medios electrónicos que la suma de Rs. 35 lakhs fue recuperado por la policía desde un vehículo que iba de Puttaparthi a Bangalore. La incautación fue de un empleado de la empresa, que se encargaba de la tarea de la construcción del Mahasamadhi de Bhagavan Baba en Sai Kulwant Hall en Prashanti Nilayam. El dinero había sido aportado por un grupo de devotos para la construcción de Mahasamadhi. Tanto los países donantes y receptores han confirmado este hecho por escrito. Dos empleados de la compañía fueron detenidos por mera "sospecha".
El 19 de junio 2011 a una persona más, un conductor de Mr V Srinivasan (un administrador), fue detenido por la policía en un autobús en el que viajaba. De no fue secuestrado, ni dinero en efectivo y ni objetos de valor por la Policía . También fue arrestado por mera "sospecha".
Estos hechos fueron ampliamente difundido y comentado en los medios de comunicación con muchas insinuaciones.
5. El dinero incautado no pertenece a la Fundación, pero es el dinero dado por los devotos para ser utilizado en la construcción del Mahasamadhi. Esto ha sido confirmado por Sri Rathnakar y V Srinivasan, Síndicos. Todos los recibos y todos los pagos desde y hacia el Fideicomiso son sólo a través de cheques, u otros instrumentos financieros.
5. El dinero incautado no pertenece a la Fundación, pero es el dinero dado por los devotos para ser utilizado en la construcción del Mahasamadhi. Esto ha sido confirmado por Sri Rathnakar y V Srinivasan, Síndicos. Todos los recibos y todos los pagos desde y hacia el Fideicomiso son sólo a través de cheques, u otros instrumentos financieros.
6. También se informó por la prensa, que en una fecha posterior dos sacos de dinero entre R 5 y 10 crores se recuperó a partir de dos pasajeros en un autobús que va a Bangalore. Esto es completamente falso. Solo eran herramientas. La policía no ha negado el informe incorrecto. Posteriormente, los medios nunca publicó una retractación de que su anterior informe era inexacto - dejando el informe incorrecto en el ámbito público.
7. Los medios de comunicación también han cometido errores en otros varios asuntos. Cuando el juez Bhagwathi dimitido el cargo de administrador (debido a un requisito legal) de la Instituto Sri Sathya Sai de Educación Superior, con el fin de hacerse cargo como Canciller de la universidad se informó, erróneamente, que renunció a la Fundación Central.
8. Otro informe describe que Sri Indulal Shah fue distanciándose de la Fundación. Esta versión es totalmente falsa y Sri Shah ha estado activamente y se involucra en todos los asuntos y ha asistido a todas las reuniones del Trust, incluida la reunión celebrada ayer por la tarde.
9. Otro dicho totalmente malicioso y falso de la prensa, es que los coches del gobierno están siendo utilizados para el transporte de dinero en efectivo a través de las fronteras del Estado. No es verdad esto. Pero después de la publicación de una declaración incorrecta la prensa nunca se retractó, incluso cuando no tenía ninguna evidencia para apoyar su informe inexacto.
10. También fue informado ampliamente de que había una "voluntad" de Swami. Había incluso una referencia a un "testamento oral", un concepto que no se conoce en las leyes.
11. La prensa escrita y algunos medios de comunicación electrónicos, hablaron e informaron de la "detención" de Sri V Srinivasan. Esto es totalmente falso. Nunca fue detenido. Estaba en su casa en Chennai. Se informó entonces que un oficial de policía había declarado que el Sr. V Srinivasan se fugo. Cuando fue contactado por el Sr. V Srinivasan dicho funcionario negó haber hecho tal declaración. Se informó a la prensa, pero su declaración no se publicó
12. Se informó en un diario de circulación nacional líder, en la primera página, que el Sr. Naganand, miembro del Consejo de Administración había declarado que Bhagavan Baba, había dejado un testamento que la orden de que Sri Sathyajit debía darsele un lugar destacado en el fideicomiso. Esta declaración fue rechazada por escrito por el Sr. Naganand: la negación no se ha publicado.
13. La Administración reconoce la necesidad de la difusión pública de información, y el derecho a la información está contemplado en la legislación del país, pero eso no es licencia para la presentación de informes inexactos. El papel del Cuarto Poder es importante en una democracia. El Fondo ha estado activo para proveer la información, y sin embargo, encontrar un equilibrio entre la transparencia y la privacidad, al tiempo que dice la verdad.
14. El fideicomiso asegura al público que todas las instituciones creadas por Bhagavan Baba se administra bien y transparentes, y que van a defender todos los ideales de Bhagavan Baba. Y le pide al público que no se dejen engañar por la falsa propaganda.
Jai Sai Ram!
Jai Sai Ram!

Jai Sai Ram!