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viernes, 5 de octubre de 2018

Ananda Vahini - Número Ciento cuarenta y dos - 04 de octubre de, 2018 _ Ananda Vahini - Issue One Hundred And Forty Two - October 04, 2018.

Cuestión Ciento Cuarenta y Dos - 04 de octubre de 2018
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Si obtienes posición, poder, autoridad, tanto más cuidado debes tener, porque eso puede ser una fuente o una razón para tu propia autodestrucción si no puedes manejarla correctamente. Cuanto más hagas Seva, debes volverte más humilde, debes ser más anónimo, menos posicionarte, y no debes tener ningún apego a ninguna autoridad. Entonces este Seva realmente te estará haciendo bien a ti, y también a los demás...Baba.

Con las bendiciones de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, estamos encantados de presentar nuestro número Ciento cuarenta y dos de Ananda Vahini. El boletín semanal incluye interesantes reflexiones y extractos breves de los eventos de la semana. 

En este número, le traemos las actualizaciones de la visita de Bhagavan a Dubai y Sudamérica. 
Sai Spoorthi 2018: la Reunión Anual de Exalumnos de las Instituciones Educativas Sri Sathya Sai se llevará a cabo en Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli, el 6 y 7 de octubre de 2018. Los detalles se presentan en este número. 
Además, les invitamos cordialmente a las gloriosas celebraciones de Maha Rudra Yajna, Navaratri Homa, Durga Puja y Chaturveda Parayana, que se celebrarán entre el 10 y el 19 de octubre de 2018 en Sathya Sai Grama, en Muddenahalli. Los detalles se dan en este número. 
Nos complace compartir con ustedes la colaboración de Hewlett Packard (HP) con Prashanthi Balamandira Trust. HP, como parte de su iniciativa 'HP World on Wheels', ha presentado al Trust un autobús que está equipado con un laboratorio de aprendizaje digital móvil único para estudiantes de las Instituciones Sathya Sai. 

En la VISIÓN INTERIOR de esta semana, el hermano Madhusudan Naidu comparte un momento interesante que sucedió entre Bhagavan y un devoto. 

- Equipo de Comunicaciones Sathya Sai Grama.

Por Sri Madhusudan Naidu.

*Buscado por dios* 

Una joven aspirante a estudiante de medicina que iba a embarcarse en su nueva trayectoria profesional estaba allí para recibir la guía y las bendiciones de Swami en la sala de entrevistas. 
Durante el curso de la conversación, Swami ...

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Una colaboración de Hewlett Packard (HP) para la Fundación Prashanthi Balamandira.

Hewlett Packard (HP), líder en productos y servicios de tecnología de la información, como parte de su iniciativa global 'HP World on Wheels(Mundo sobre Ruedas) (WoW)', se unió a la Fundacion Prashanthi Balamandira para brindar educación digital de alta calidad a los estudiantes de las Instituciones Sri Sathya Sai. 

La iniciativa HP WoW construye e implementa ...

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HP entregó oficialmente el autobús 'World on Wheels' a Prashanthi Balamandira Trust el 3 de octubre de 2018 en Bangalore
Sesión sobre el 'World on Wheels' para el equipo de HP.
El equipo de HP con el equipo de Prashanthi Balamandira Trust.

VISITA DIVINA – Río (Brasil) – 20 al 23 de septiembre de 2018.

Un vuelo de 14 horas, no desalentó los altos espíritus de la entusiasta comitiva de Swami, mientras eran recibidos amorosamente en Río por el anfitrión, el Sr. Gonçalo, y una gran cantidad de devotos en el aeropuerto la noche del 20 de septiembre de 2018. 
Un retraso en el vuelo de partida de Dubai, y también la diferencia horaria significó tener que descansar hasta la próxima tarde (21 de septiembre), cuando todos aparecieron alrededor de la hora del almuerzo. 

¡El anfitrión, el Sr. Gonçalo es un octogenario que vendió su apartamento para comprar una hermosa y espaciosa villa para Swami! ¡Las cosas que los devotos hacen por su amado Señor Sai en cada país, a pesar de que Él está más allá del reino físico, son verdaderamente prodigiosas y tangibles! 
Esto solo confirma el hecho de que ...

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21 de septiembre, noche - Satsang en progreso en 'Sai Prema o Sai Amor'
Sr. Goncalo con Bhagavan
22 de septiembre - Evening Public Satsang en curso
Una fotografía con los miembros de la Fundación de Brasil.

Visita Divina - Buenos Aires, Argentina - 24 y 25 de septiembre de 2018.

Swami siempre dijo que los milagros eran Su tarjeta de visita, pero ahora Sus visitas a estos países son milagrosas. Dondequiera que pone su pie, los milagros se producen. Argentina recibió su Ashram en Belén de Escobar, justo en las afueras de Buenos Aires de una manera milagrosa.

Después de un vuelo de tres horas desde Río, en la noche del 23 de septiembre, el séquito recibió un refrescante descanso de todo el día el 24 de septiembre, antes de dirigirse al nuevo Ashram el 25 de septiembre adquirido por ...

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25 de septiembre - Llegada al ashram
Sala de meditación
Bendiciendo a los devotos
Con el equipo central
25 de septiembre - Satsang nocturno en progreso
Dr Jorge Berra expresando su gratitud.

Visita Divina - Buenos Aires, Argentina - 26 de septiembre de 2018.

Una mañana brillante desafiando todos los pronósticos meteorológicos de un día nublado, fue un alivio para los voluntarios y organizadores que se estaban preparando para el gran día de la inauguración oficial del Ashram en la noche. Todo el lugar estaba lleno de actividades que conducían a las ceremonias de la noche con todos contribuyendo con su parte, mientras que Swami les permitía a los invitados descansar durante la mañana. Después de guiar al equipo sobre el programa de la tarde y algunas entrevistas, Swami cenó varias delicias indias y argentinas.

La noche vio la llegada del embajador de India para Argentina, junto con representantes de diversas religiones, desde el cristianismo al Islam, desde el budismo al judaísmo, desde otras instituciones espirituales como Brahmakumaris, todos ...

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Inauguración de 'Sai Prema Ashram' por Sri Sanjiv Ranjan, Embajador de la India para Argentina con representantes de varias confesiones en la noche.
Bautizando el ashram como 'amor y paz'.. *PREMA & SHATI*
Tarde de Satsang publico

Visita Divina - Buenos Aires, Argentina - 27 de septiembre de 2018.

Fue un día emotivo para todos, ya que los corazones se volvieron tristes ​​con la idea de la partida del Señor, estaba escrito en sus rostros. 
Los eventos de la mañana comenzaron alrededor de las 10.30 a.m. después del desayuno, mientras Swami caminó hasta el sitio para la construcción de 14 cabañas para los devotos en las instalaciones de Ashram. En medio de bhajans y cánticos sagrados, Swami mismo realizó la ceremonia innovadora mientras  ...

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Ceremonia de inauguración para la construcción de 14 cabañas en el Ashram.
Charla del Sr. Rafael Ramírez y su esposa la Sra. Bibi de Chihuahua, México en la sesión de la mañana.
Discurso Divino.

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* Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutha Prakashna *, Todos los derechos reservados. 
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Issue One Hundred and Forty Two - October 04, 2018
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If you get position, power, authority, all the more you should be careful because that can be a source of or a reason for your own self destruction if you cannot handle it right. The more you do Seva, you should become more humble, you should become more nameless, more position-less, you should not have any attachment to any authority. Then this Seva is really doing good to you as well to the others.        

With the Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we are delighted to present ourOne Hundred and Forty Second issue of Ananda Vahini. The weekly newsletter includes interesting musings and short excerpts from the week's events.

In this issue, we bring you the updates of Bhagawan’s visit to Dubai and South America.

Sai Spoorthi 2018  – the Annual Alumni Meet of the Sri Sathya Sai Educational Institutions will be held at Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli on October 6 and 7, 2018. The details are presented in this issue.

Also, we cordially invite you to the glorious celebrations of Maha Rudra Yajna, Navaratri Homa, Durga Puja and Chaturveda Parayana, which will be held between October 10 to 19, 2018 at Sathya Sai Grama, ,Muddenahalli. The details are given in this issue.

We are very happy to share with you the collaboration of Hewlett Packard (HP) with Prashanthi Balamandira Trust. HP as part of its 'HP World on Wheels' initiative, has presented the Trust a bus which is fitted with a unique mobile digital learning lab for students of the Sathya Sai Institutions.

In this week's INNER VIEW, Brother Madhusudan Naidu shares an interesting moment which happened between Bhagawan and a devotee.

- Sathya Sai Grama Communications Team.

By Sri Madhusudan Naidu
Wanted by God   

A young aspiring medical student who was to embark on her new career path was there to receive Swami’s guidance and blessings in the interview room. 

During the course of conversation, Swami reminded her that it was her greatest good fortune to have been chosen by God and been guided this way. 

She burst out emotionally by placing her head at His feet gratefully, “Swami I am so blessed that out of so many children you have chosen me and are guiding me this way, I only want You and nothing else.”

Swami was quick to respond, “Yes, You are blessed for you are here, not just because you want Me, but because I also want you. It’s not enough that the devotee wants God, but God also should want the devotee for both to be together. Be such a devotee whom God wants!”

Yes, all I want is to be wanted by God!        

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A collaboration of Hewlett Packard (HP) with Prashanthi Balamandira Trust
Hewlett Packard (HP), a leader in Information Technology Products and Services, as part of their global initiative ‘HP World on Wheels (WoW)’, has joined hands with Prashanthi Balamandira Trust to provide top quality digital education to students of the Sri Sathya Sai Institutions. The HP WoW initiative builds and deploys self-contained, internet-enabled digital inclusion and learning labs, in their endeavour to enhance digital literacy in India.

The World on Wheels (WoW) bus gifted by HP to Prashanthi Balamandira was formally launched by HP Leadership team and employees on October 03, 2018 at HP location in Bangalore. The bus will be deployed immediately for the benefit of students in the newly inaugurated Campuses, namely Hampi, Karwar, Koppal and Tumkur, where the Computer Labs are yet to be setup. The bus, with a dedicated crew of driver and instructor, will move between these Campuses as per a pre-planned schedule and will offer digital education content in computer education, as well as core subjects. 

The Management and Staff at the Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva Group of Institutions are extremely appreciative of this partnership with HP in serving the society, and to bring positive change in the lives of rural children through digital literacy. 
HP handing over 'World on Wheels' bus officially to Prashanthi Balamandira Trust on October 03, 2018 at Bangalore
Session on the 'World on Wheels' to the team by HP 
The team of HP with the team of Prashanthi Balamandira Trust 

SEPTEMBER 20 TO 23, 2018.
A 14 hour flight did not deter the high spirits of the enthusiastic entourage of Swami, as they were lovingly welcomed in Rio by Swami’s host Mr Gonçalo, and a whole host of other devotees at the Airport on the night of September 20, 2018. A delay in flight departure from Dubai, and also the time difference meant, rest until the next afternoon (September 21) when everyone surfaced around lunch time. The host Mr Gonçalo is an octogenarian who had sold his apartment to buy a beautiful and spacious villa for Swami! The things that devotees do for their beloved Lord Sai in every single country, even though He is beyond the physical realm, is truly overwhelming and palpable! This only confirms the fact that experience is the best teacher. Understanding this current phase of the Avatar is not everyone’s cup of tea, as it is clearly evident. Only those with an open heart with the understanding that Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai is God, and therefore God can do ANYTHING, are indeed fortunate to enjoy His divine subtle Presence. It’s only personal experience, and not hearsay which is key!

Mr Gonçalo has been inspiring people for the last 24 years by conduction classes for Education in Human Values, and had a silent prayer in his heart to be able to use this new home as a Centre to continue doing the same. It is said the Divinity inside every heart prevails over everything and any selfless prayer does get answered, as outside is but a true reflection of the inside. Bhagawan came down to meet a group of devotees in the evening, and as He lighted the lamp, He named the house Sai Prema or Sai Amor, and announced that this will be a Centre where many activities for human development will be conducted.

Bhajans in Portuguese were also offered with great devotion. Swami then commanded Mr Gonçalo to ensure once a month on every full moon day all devotees would meet at Sai Prema. A very emotional Mr Gonçalo could not hold his tears back and thanked Swami for his heart’s prayer was fulfilled that day! Swami then commanded Mr Isaac Tigrett to share his thoughts. He started by saying that the high vibrations because.... 

To know more, click HERE
September 21, Evening – Satsang in progress at 'Sai Prema or Sai Amor’
Mr Goncalo with Bhagawan  
 September 22 - Evening Public Satsang in progress
A photograph with the Foundation members of Brazil
SEPTEMBER 24 AND 25, 2018 

Swami always said miracles were His visiting cards, but now His visits to these countries are miraculous. Wherever He sets His foot, miracles ensue. Argentina received its Ashram in Escobar, right in the outskirts of Buenos Aires in a miraculous way.

After a three hours flight from Rio on the night of 23 September, the entourage received a refreshing full-day rest on September 24, before proceeding to the new Ashram on September 25 founded by the Sai Prema Foundation of Argentina ably lead by Dr George Berra and his wife Mrs Rosana, who have been devotees for over three decades.

During His visit in 2016, Swami had first talked about an Ashram in Escobar when He drove past a property that was on sale for last few years. He simply said, “That house with six rooms will be the Ashram.” Since then, whether it was the official recognition of the Foundation or the never heard before kind of flexi terms of purchase of the Ashram or the coming together of devotees from all of Latin America to support this cause…every single deed was and has been miraculous indeed!

So here was Swami, who was received by the even smiling and singing devotees of Argentina at the Ashram on the morning of 25 September, around half past ten. Swami was enchanted with the beauty of the place as He walked around to supervise the preparations for the inauguration the next day. The old pool that was converted now into a colourful fountain fascinated Him the most! While He ambled around the property blessing those who had worked tirelessly to bring it to the present shape, His joy was boundless. After especially blessing the kitchen volunteers and cooks, He went upstairs to the wooden roofed upper floor that had His private quarters, a meditation space...   

To know more, click HERE
September 25 - Arrival at Ashram
Meditation Room
Blessing the devotees
With the Core Team
September 25 -  Evening Satsang in progres
Dr Jorge Berra expressing his gratitude
SEPTEMBER 26, 2018      

A bright morning defying all weather forecasts of a cloudy day, was a relief to the volunteers and organizers who were all getting ready for the big day of the official inauguration of the Ashram in the evening. The whole place was buzzing with activities leading up to the evening ceremonies with everyone contributing their bit, while Swami allowed the guests to rest during the morning. After guiding the team about the evening programme and a few interviews, Swami had His lunch of assorted Indian and Argentinian delicacies.

The evening saw the arrival of the Indian Ambassador for Argentina along with representatives of various faiths, from Christianity to Islam, from Buddhism to Judaism, from other spiritual institutions like the Brahmakumaris, all had gathered to dedicate the Ashram for the welfare of humanity.

Devotees trickled in from 3 p.m. in the afternoon and made their way to the arena for the functions. Around 6 p.m., Swami descended to the hall and made His way to the main door where a golden ribbon awaited to be cut, marking the golden beginnings of the Ashram. The Indian Ambassdor to Argentina Sri Sanjiv Ranjan did the honours of cutting the ribbon along with the other guests, while Swami christened the Ashram as ‘Love and Peace’, by writing it on the board with chalk, calling these eternal values as the highest of all religions.

As the guests proceeded along with Swami to a make shift tent that was specially erected for this purpose, one could hear the strains of the soulful Spanish bhajans wafting through the gentle evening breeze. The path flanked by devotees with tears of joy waiving ....       

To know more, click HERE
Inauguration of ‘Sai Prema Ashram’ by Sri Sanjiv Ranjan, Indian Ambassador for Argentina with representatives of various faiths in the evening
Christening the Ashram as ‘Love and Peace’
Evening Public Satsang
SEPTEMBER 27, 2018     

An emotional day for all, as the hearts turned heavy with the thought of parting with the Lord, which was written all over their faces. Morning events began around 10.30 a.m. after breakfast, as Swami walked all the way up to the site for the construction of 14 cottages for the devotees in the Ashram premises. Amidst Bhajans and sacred chants, Swami Himself performed the ground breaking ceremony while explaining its significance to all. He was pleased with the design drawings of the cottages that were a contribution of one of the Foundation members, who also is an architect by profession. After the brief function, Swami returned to the Ashram hall where the devotees from Argentina, Brazil and Mexico had gathered along with the youths of Latin American countries. This private session was organized by Swami to introduce all the devotees of Latin American Foundations as well as Mexico to each other, who were all a part of the Ashram project in their respective countries. Dr Berra opened the session with his experiences of the coming together of the devotees for the Love and Peace Ashram. Mr Gonçalo from Brazil who offered his home for the Centre in Rio, and has been a human values trainer for 24 years, spoke next and pledged the unity of all five members of the Foundation in Brasil to work together as five fingers of the same hand, and bring up the Centre in a way that would please Swami. Mr Rafael Ramirez and his wife Mrs Bibi from Chihuahua, Mexico who are involved with the construction of the Centre for Human Excellence in Chihuahua, have worked for 25 years in Human Values education, committed to get the first phase of the project ready for the inauguration in June 2019. Thereafter, Swami spoke and guided all to work together to develop an Institute of Human Values Education in Argentina, which would eventually have branches all around Latin America and Mexico. Given the decades old experience of the devotees, this command from Swami was welcomed by everyone gathered with great joy! Swami guided them to customise the books of this programme in Human Values according to the age of the learner into four categories...       

To know more, click HERE
Ground Breaking Ceremony for the construction of cottages at the Ashram
Talk by Mr Rafael Ramirez and his wife Mrs Bibi from Chihuahua, Mexico in the morning session 
Divine Discourse
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