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sábado, 17 de marzo de 2018

SAI SATSANG_Los animales también son parte de la Creación, y tan divinos como tu.

Los animales también son parte de la Creación, y tan divinos como tu.


En un satsang celebrado en la presencia divina en Kuala Lumpur, Malasia, el 11 de agosto de 2017 cuando se le preguntó acerca de servir a los animales, esto es lo que dijo Swami:

Pregunta: Swami, servir a los animales es considerado un Seva?

Swami: Al servicio de los animales es Seva. Desinteresadamente servir a alguien es Seva - no hace ninguna diferencia. 
Los animales son también parte de la totalidad de la Creación, y tan divino como tu mismo. Por lo tanto, cualquier persona que sirvas es Seva. De hecho, Seva animal es un gran servicio. Las pobres criaturas ni siquiera tienen las facultades que tu tienes, no pueden hablar ni expresarse. Cuando sienten dolor, ni siquiera pueden decírtelo. Servir animales es un gran seva.

Los animales son muy querido por Swami, porque son tan puros, tan amables y tan satisfechos con sus vidas. Ellos no tienen ninguna ambición. Incluso un león que ha tomado su comida, no matará a otro animal el mismo día; pensará en su comida al día siguiente. Incluso los más feroces también son amables, satisfechos y contentos con sus vidas. El hombre es el único animal que nunca está contento con lo que tiene. 
Es importante que haga seva para los animales. 
Si encuentras satisfacción al hacerlo, entonces, por todos los medios, hazlo.


Traduc_Centro Sai Hispano


Animals are also part of the whole of Creation, and as divine as yourself.


In a satsang held in the divine presence in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on August 11, 2017; when asked about serving animals, here is what Swami said:

Question: Swami, is serving animals considered seva?

Swami: Serving animals is seva. Selflessly serving anyone is seva – it makes no difference. Animals are also part of the whole of Creation, and as divine as yourself. Therefore, serving anyone is seva. In fact, animal seva is a great service. The poor creatures do not even have the faculties that you have – they cannot speak or express themselves. When they are in pain, they cannot even tell you. Serving animals is a great seva.

Animals are very dear to Swami, because they are so pure, so kind and so satisfied with their lives. They do not have any greed. Even a lion which has had its meal will not kill another animal the same day; it will think about its food on the following day. Even the most ferocious ones are also kind, satisfied and contented with their lives. Man is the only animal who is never content with what he has. It is important that you do seva for animals. If you find satisfaction in doing so then, by all means, do so.


Ananda Vahini - Edición ciento diecisiete - 17 de marzo 2018_Ananda Vahini - Issue One Hundred And Seventeen - March 17, 2018.

Edición Ciento Diecisiete - 17 de marzo de 2018
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El verdadero grado que uno debe alcanzar en la Universidad Sathya Sai es su propia divinidad. Ya eres divino; todo lo que no es divino - su egoísmo, su avaricia, su pensamiento limitado, su estrechez de miras - debe darse por vencido; entonces lo que queda es divinidad y eso es lo que tienes que lograr en nuestra universidad. Valoro la pureza, el altruismo con el que estás pensando y estás actuando. Si te vuelves desinteresado como Yo, entonces creo que nuestra educación, nuestros esfuerzos han encontrado su cumplimiento. -Baba
Con las bendiciones de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, nos complace presentar nuestro número ciento diecisiete de Ananda Vahini. El boletín semanal incluye reflexiones interesantes y breves extractos de los eventos de la semana. En este número, les traemos la primera parte de la visita de Bhagavan a Japón, Hong Kong y Singapur entre el 8 de marzo y el 17 de marzo de 2018. Además, deseamos a todos los lectores un Ugadi muy feliz y próspero.  

En VISION INTERIOR de esta semana  , el hermano Madhusudan Naidu comparte un momento interesante que sucedió entre el Señor y un devoto. 

- Equipo de Comunicaciones Sathya Sai Grama.

Para la transmisión en vivo , visite  www.saivrinda.orgsintonícese en  para la transmisión de radio en vivo.  

Por Sri Madhusudan Naidu
¿Por qué más manos para Dios? 

Fue durante nuestro reciente viaje a Kalady en Kerala, que Swami estaba siendo servido en su cena en la residencia del devoto cuando una madre de una pequeña niña de cuatro años hizo esta pregunta. "Swami, mi hija tiene una duda que me pide que aclare, pero no sé qué responder, así que por favor guíame. Me pregunta que cuando todos nosotros tenemos dos manos, ¿por qué el Señor Vishnu y muchos otros dioses tienen cuatro manos? "Mientras todos sonreían ante la duda genuina de un pequeño bebé que estaba dando sus primeros pasos hacia Dios, nadie sabía realmente la respuesta y todos miraron hacia Swami con ansiosa anticipación. Swami, el hombre entre los hombres, la mujer en entre las mujeres y un niño entre los niños, respondió de la manera más inimitable, para que la pequeña cabeza se envolviera en esta profunda pregunta: "Verás, Dios tiene que hacer mas trabajo". que los humanos. 

No estoy seguro acerca de otros dioses, pero he visto a este Dios, el más diligente y el más activo de todos, trabajando día y noche por el bien de los demás, y seguramente cuatro manos no son suficientes, ni siquiera cinco cabezas suficientes para un Dios que siempre está pensando en nosotros y trabajando para nosotros en todo momento. 

DEL 8 AL 10 DE MARZO, 2018.  


Niigata se encuentra en la costa noroeste de Honshu, la isla más grande de Japón, y se enfrenta al Mar de Japón. Es la capital y la ciudad más poblada de la prefectura de Niigata, Japón. También se dice que es una de las partes más sagradas y antiguas de Japón. No es extraño que Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba haya escogido esta tierra santa para construir un Ashram, como parte de los 17 Ashrams que ...

Bhagavan recibe la bienvenida de los devotos al Bhoomi Puja del próximo Ashram
Puja siendo realizado por el sacerdote 
El hermano Genzo Makino hablando sobre el próximo Ashram
Ceremonia de colocación de la piedra fundamental que se realiza 
Modelo estructural del próximo Ashram
Por la noche Satsang en progeso
Presentación cultural, 'SANTUARIO' presentado por los devotos
Bhagawan junto con los artistas intérpretes o ejecutantes.
El hermano Genzo Makino hablando sobre el Bhoomi Puja del próximo Ashram celebrado en la mañana
Un devoto dirigiéndose a la reunión 

11 Y 12 DE MARZO, 2018   


Fue una mañana emocionante, ya que Swami iba a visitar uno de los santuarios sintoístas más sagrados de la región. El Santuario Yahiko se alza majestuosamente a los pies del sagrado Monte Yahiko en el regazo de la magnánima Madre Naturaleza. Gente de todo Japón acude en masa al Santuario. El Hotel donde se alojaban Swami y su séquito estaba a solo 50 metros del Santuario, y Swami decidió ...

Puerta Torii del Santuario Yahiko 
Yahiko Shrine, uno de los santuarios sintoístas en Yahiko. Niigata
Bhagawan junto con la comitiva y los invitados al Santuario de Yahiko 
En el Santuario Kakutasanson que pertenece a una señora de 90 años
Bhagavan hablando con el hermano Nimura y su familia
Bhagavan con el hermano Nimura y la familia

 13 DE MARZO DE 2018.    


Hong Kong es una ciudad llena de sueños, una ciudad llena de vitalidad y vida bulliciosa. Y esta fue la "primera visita" de Swami a esta ciudad.Después de un tradicional desayuno Sindhi y del sur de la India en la residencia Daswani, familiares cercanos y algunos amigos se reunieron para experimentar a su Señor Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba por primera vez en lo sutil. Inicialmente era evidente que no sabían qué esperar, pero habían venido con corazones abiertos, dejando de lado su mente. Como dice Swami, ¡el corazón sabe!
 Comenzaron los bhajans , y Swami salió de su habitación y tomó su asiento en la sala de estar de la residencia Daswani. Swami luego comenzó a hablar de la manera más casual para cada persona reunida. Al mirar a un abogado joven, Swami dijo que existen dos tribunales: el tribunal de amor y el tribunal de justicia. El amor no conoce ninguna ley.La ley no conoce ningún amor. Pero en la corte de Dios, solo el amor existe. "Si tienes amor, todo se cuida". Instó al joven abogado a tratar cada caso que reciba solo con amor y, en la medida de lo posible, a resolverlo fuera de la corte, en la corte de amor. De hecho, tocó una cuerda profunda con el joven que lo inspiró mucho.
Swami dijo: "¿Cómo puedes ser feliz todo el tiempo? Solo la fe en Dios puede mantenerte feliz todo el tiempo. Ninguna situación puede ser tan grave como para descontrolarse. Los tiempos felices y malos son dados por Dios. Durante los malos momentos, debes darte cuenta de que Dios ya ha reducido el sufrimiento y solo te está dando una dosis que es tolerable para ti. Es como usar zapatos; Donde sea que estés caminando, las espinas o las piedras no te harán daño. No todos pueden estar seguros de tener éxito todo el tiempo. Tienes que entender y decirte a ti mismo: 'Esto es lo mejor que me puede pasar'.
Parikshit debía morir en siete días. Él estaba feliz todo el tiempo. Las personas a su alrededor se sorprendieron y le preguntaron por qué estaba feliz, cuándo iba a morir en una semana. Parikshit respondió: "Todos ustedes son desafortunados ... 

Para saber más, haga clic AQUÍ

En la residencia del hermano Raja Daswani y su esposa la Sra. Shalini Daswani 
Tarde Satsang en progreso 
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Amruta Vahini es una revista mensual de 50 páginas en inglés / kannada de Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli que capta los Divinos Discursos de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba en sutiles actualizaciones de eventos, desde reportajes fotográficos hasta relatos de viajes, desde extractos de libros hasta actualizaciones de noticias. También presenta la serie, 'Sri Sathya Sai Divya Anandam', la biografía continua de Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba en la forma sutil, por Sri BN Narasimha Murthy.
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Amruta Vahini también presenta la serie, 'Sri Sathya Sai Divya Anandam', la biografía continua de Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba en la forma sutil, por Sri BN Narasimha Murthy.
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Issue One Hundred and Seventeen - March 17, 2018
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The true degree that one must achieve in Sathya Sai University is their own divinity. You are already divine; all that which is not divine - your selfishness, your greed, your limited thinking, your narrow-mindedness - you must give up; then what remains is divinity and that is what you have to achieve in our university. I value the purity, the selflessness with which you are thinking and you are acting. If you become selfless like Me, then I think our education, our efforts have found its fulfilment. 
With the Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we are delighted to present our One Hundred and Seventeenth issue of Ananda Vahini. The weekly newsletter includes interesting musings and short excerpts from the week's events.

In this issue, we bring you the first part of Bhagawan's visit to Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore between March 08 and March 17, 2018.

Also, we wish all the readers a very happy and prosperous Ugadi.

In this week's INNER VIEW, Brother Madhusudan Naidu shares an interesting moment which happened between the Lord and a devotee.

- Sathya Sai Grama Communications Team.
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By Sri Madhusudan Naidu
Why More Hands For God? 

It was during our recent trip to Kalady in Kerala, that Swami was being served His dinner at the residence of the devotee when a mother of a little four-year-old girl asked this question. “Swami, my daughter has a doubt which she asks me to clarify but I don’t know what to answer, so please guide. She asks me that when all of us have two hands then why Lord Vishnu and many other Gods have four hands?” While everyone smiled at this genuine doubt of a tiny tot who was taking her first steps towards God, no one really knew the answer and all looked towards Swami in eager anticipation. Swami the one who is a man amongst men, woman amidst women and a child when with children, answered it in His most inimitable way so that the little head could wrap itself around this profound query, “ You see, God has to do more work than humans. While He blesses with one hand, He protects with another, gives with yet another and holds you with the fourth one, so He needs four hands.” The little devotee was satisfied even as we all grinned at the simplicity of the profound truth, God had more work than humans!

Not sure about other Gods, but I have seen this God, the most diligent and the busiest of all, working day and night for others sake, and surely four hands are not enough, nor even five heads sufficient for a God who is always thinking of us and working for us every moment. 
MARCH 8 TO 10, 2018  

Niigata lies on the northwest coast of Honshu, the largest island of Japan, and faces the Sea of Japan. It is the capital and the most populous city of Niigata Prefecture, Japan. It is also said to be one of the most holiest and ancient parts of Japan. No wonder this holy land was picked by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba to build an Ashram, as part of the 17 Ashrams which will serve as spiritual light houses around the world.
Swami’s entourage which also included two young Engineering students from the Sri Sathya Sai Centre for Human Excellence departed Bangalore on Thursday, March 08 in the morning. With an overnight transit at Singapore, the entourage reached Tokyo the next afternoon Friday, March 09 at 2 p.m. After a short transit, they departed for Niigata, and landed at 6:30 p.m. The Japanese team led by Brother Genzo Makino along with his group of energetic youth and devotees welcomed everyone. The temperature was about two degrees, and quickly the entourage made themselves warm and comfortable with the winter gear. It had snowed the previous day, and as the convoy of cars and vans left the airport, either side of the roads were dotted with snow.
Upon reaching the Hotel, where Swami’s room was also arranged, traditional South Indian dinner awaited everyone lovingly cooked by three ladies from Singapore, Mrs Shyamini Pillay, Mrs Aparna Sivaramakrishnan and Mrs Karen Tan, who had specially flown to Niigata a couple of days earlier. From pots, pans to all the ingredients, they had brought every single item from Singapore like they do every single year! Like Swami says, this is their Seva, their Sadhana to experience and be with the Lord. But before dinner, Swami...

To know more, click HERE
Bhagawan being welcomed by the devotees for the Bhoomi Puja of the upcoming Ashram
Puja being performed by the priest 
Brother Genzo Makino speaking about the upcoming Ashram
Foundation stone laying ceremony being performed 
Structural model of the upcoming Ashram
Evening Satsang in progess
Cultural presentation, ‘SANCTUARY’ being presented by the devotees
Bhagawan along with the performers
Brother Genzo Makino speaking about the Bhoomi Puja of upcoming Ashram held in the morning
A devotee addressing the gathering 
MARCH 11 AND 12, 2018   

It was an exciting morning, as Swami was going to visit one of the most holiest Shinto shrines in the region. The Yahiko Shrine stands majestically at the foothills of the sacred Mount Yahiko in the lap of magnanimous Mother Nature. People from all over Japan flock to the Shrine. The Hotel where Swami and the entourage were staying was barely 50 meters away from the Shrine, and Swami decided to walk to the Shrine. It’s commanding presence was extremely overwhelming, and yet there was a certain serenity about the whole place. The large vermilion Torii gate soaring 30m high, the Japanese cedar trees with remnants of fresh snow on either side of the path leading to the shrine, the snow capped mountains and the blue sky in the background, the entire setting was magnificent and magical! And to top it all, walking with Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, the Creator Himself! Swami made a few revelations about the Shrine, and blessed the multitudes of devotees who had gathered there to be in the presence of their Master.
From the Yahiko Shrine, Swami proceeded to ‘Sai Hrudayam’ a Bhajan Centre which was about 20 minutes away. After a few Bhajans, Swami spoke about the importance of chanting the name of the Lord. “Whoever is in need of help, will receive the prayers. So keep changing the name of the Lord. The more you chant, the more it will benefit the world. Everything is vibrations, so whatever you chant, the sound waves will reach any part of the world. This is the minimumSeva you can do, which will benefit the world!”
Mangala Arati was offered and Prasadam was distributed to all. Swami then departed from ‘Sai Hrudayam’, and proceeded to another holy Shrine established by a 90-year-old lady, who has been blessed with hearing the voice of God. She has multitudes of followers, and the Deity who speaks to her had told her about Swami, and she wanted the Lord Himself to bless the place. Over 150 devotees....

To know more, click HERE
Torii gate of Yahiko Shrine 
Yahiko Shrine, one of the Shinto Shrines in Yahiko. Niigata
Bhagawan along with the entourage and guests at Yahiko Shrine 
At the Kakutasanson Shrine which belongs to a 90-year old lady
Bhagawan speaking to Brother Nimura and his family
Bhagawan with Brother Nimura and family
 MARCH 13, 2018    

Hong Kong is a city full of dreams, a city full of vibrancy and bustling life. And this was Swami’s ‘first visit’ to this city. After a traditional Sindhi and South Indian breakfast at the Daswani residence, close family and a few friends gathered to experience their Lord Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba for the very first time in the subtle. Initially it was evident that they didn’t know what to expect, but they had come with open hearts, leaving their mind aside. Like Swami says, the heart knows!
Bhajans began, and Swami came out of His room and took His seat in the living room of the Daswani residence. Swami then started talking in the most casual way to each person gathered. Looking at a young lawyer, Swami said there are two courts which exist – the court of love and court of law. Love does not know any law. Law does not know any love. But in God’s court, only love exists. “If you have love, everything is taken care.” He urged the young lawyer to deal every case he gets only with love, and as far as possible to settle it out of court, in the court of Love. It indeed struck a deep chord with the youngster which inspired him a lot.
Swami then said, “How can you be happy all the time. Only faith in God can keep you happy all the time. No situation can be so bad that it can go out of control. Happy and bad times are given by God. During bad times you must realise that God has already reduced the suffering, and is only giving you a dose which is tolerable to you! It’s like wearing shoes; wherever you are walking thorns or stones will not harm you. Everyone cannot be assured of success all the time. You have to understand and tell yourself, ‘This is the best that can happen to me.’
Parikshit was to die in seven days. He was happy all the time. People around him were surprised and asked him why he was happy, when he was going to die in a week. Parikshit replied, ‘You are all unfortunate....

To know more, click HERE
At the residence of Brother Raja Daswani and his wife Mrs Shalini Daswani 
Evening Satsang in progress 
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Amruta Vahini is a 50 page monthly magazine in English/Kannada from Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli which captures from Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in subtle to event updates, from photo features to travelogues, from book excerpts to news updates. It also features the series, 'Sri Sathya Sai Divya Anandam', the continuing biography of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in the subtle form, by Sri B N Narasimha Murthy.
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Amruta Vahini also features the series, 'Sri Sathya Sai Divya Anandam', the continuing biography of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in the subtle form, by Sri B N Narasimha Murthy.
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