Sai Kailash - morada divina en Ooty dedicada a Bhagavan ...
La pintoresca morada divina de Nilgiris en el distrito de Tamil Nadu, es la última morada inaugurada para el Avatar del Kaliyuga, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
Nombrada como "Sai Kailash", la morada divina es la tercera en el Estado, después de "Sundaram" en Chennai y "Sai Shruthi" en Kodaikanal.
Compartimos un informe sobre el acto de apertura, celebrado el 23 de mayo.
Una nueva morada divina de Bhagavan fue inaugurada en Ooty, la pintoresca estación de montaña en Nilgiris distrito de Tamil Nadu, el 23 de mayo de 2012 por la mañana en medio de mucho fervor devocional con la asistencia de un gran número de devotos.
La Morada, bautizada como "Sai Kailash", fue dedicada a los pies de loto de Bhagavan por las manos de Sri V. Srinivasan, el Presidente de la Organización Sri Sathya Sai Seva para toda la India. "Sai Kailash" en Yellanalli en el distrito de Nilgiris es una ofrenda de amor por los devotos del distrito, que recuerda su pasado dorado cuando Bhagavan había pasado tiempo en la estación de montaña.
El 23 de mayo en una hermosa mañana soleada, después de un azote de fuertes lluvias un día antes, el Mandir y las instalaciones estaban decoradas con buen gusto con banderines y luces que le daban un aspecto espléndido. Con los Bhajans cantados por un grupo especial de estudiantes de Prashanti Nilayam , Sri V. Srinivasan realizó la tarea de "orden divino" de dedicar el Mandir a los Divinos Pies de Loto, en presencia del administrador de Sri G. Govindarajulu y el cacique de la comunidad de Sri Badaga R. Iyyaroo, también asistieron cientos de devotos y dirigentes de las Organizaciones Sathya Sai. Tras la inauguración, el Presidente de la Org. de toda la India realizo una mirada detallada de todo el edificio.
Una nueva morada divina de Bhagavan fue inaugurada en Ooty, la pintoresca estación de montaña en Nilgiris distrito de Tamil Nadu, el 23 de mayo de 2012 por la mañana en medio de mucho fervor devocional con la asistencia de un gran número de devotos.
La Morada, bautizada como "Sai Kailash", fue dedicada a los pies de loto de Bhagavan por las manos de Sri V. Srinivasan, el Presidente de la Organización Sri Sathya Sai Seva para toda la India. "Sai Kailash" en Yellanalli en el distrito de Nilgiris es una ofrenda de amor por los devotos del distrito, que recuerda su pasado dorado cuando Bhagavan había pasado tiempo en la estación de montaña.
El 23 de mayo en una hermosa mañana soleada, después de un azote de fuertes lluvias un día antes, el Mandir y las instalaciones estaban decoradas con buen gusto con banderines y luces que le daban un aspecto espléndido. Con los Bhajans cantados por un grupo especial de estudiantes de Prashanti Nilayam , Sri V. Srinivasan realizó la tarea de "orden divino" de dedicar el Mandir a los Divinos Pies de Loto, en presencia del administrador de Sri G. Govindarajulu y el cacique de la comunidad de Sri Badaga R. Iyyaroo, también asistieron cientos de devotos y dirigentes de las Organizaciones Sathya Sai. Tras la inauguración, el Presidente de la Org. de toda la India realizo una mirada detallada de todo el edificio.
El programa de la mañana se inició con el Presidente de las Organizaciones Sri Sathya Sai de Servicio del Distrito , el Dr. S. Ramu pronuncio el discurso de bienvenida. A continuación el presidente de la Organización de Servicio del Estado, Sri G. Vardhan, explicó el "devenir" de la nueva morada. También recordó con cariño la visita anual de los devotos del distrito a Prashanti Nilayam, ofreciendo presentaciones culturales en la presencia divina.
R. Iyyaroo quien se dirigió a la Asamblea agradeció a las Organizaciones Sri Sathya Sai por promover el movimiento espiritual entre los pueblos de la región.
Sri Vijayakrishnan, Coordinador del la Juventud del Estado, se refirió a la devoción, el amor y la sencillez con que los devotos del distrito recordaban con cariño, cómo Bhagavan esperaba la llegada de los devotos del distrito cada mes de febrero. Sri Vijayakrishnan también hizo una referencia al permiso general concedido con amor a los devotos del distrito, para enviar las hortalizas de Ooty, a Prashanti Nilayam , cada mes de noviembre.
Sri V. Srinivasan en su inspirador discurso recordó su última visita a Ooty con Bhagavan en 1993. Cariñosamente acordándose de su asociación con los devotos antiguos de Ooty, comparó el amor especial que Bhagaván tenía para ellos.
Al igual que el Señor Krishna dejó a Mathura Brindavan con la fe firme de que las gopikas de Brindavan siempre lo amaran y lo seguirán con devoción intensa, Bhagavan también dejó Ooty de Kodaikanal con una confianza similar, que los devotos de Ooty tienen un lugar especial en su corazón. También bautizó a la nueva morada como "Sai Kailash".
Exhortando a los fieles a evitar el ego, Sri V. Srinivasan, dijo que el objetivo de las Organizaciones Sai iba a transformar a las personas, con el amor. La organización promovió el concepto «Todo es Uno". Subrayando la importancia de la fe, dijo que los devotos deben ser firmes y deben dedicarse a prestar servicio. A pesar de que Bhagavan reside en todo el mundo, una visita a Puttaparthi , recargar las baterías espirituales de todo el mundo, concluyó el orador eminente.
Dhothis , saris y mantas se entregaron a 108 personas necesitadas, que fue seguido por Narayana Seva.
El programa de la tarde comenzó con una ofrenda musical por los estudiantes de la Universidad Sri Sathya Sai.
Exhortando a los fieles a evitar el ego, Sri V. Srinivasan, dijo que el objetivo de las Organizaciones Sai iba a transformar a las personas, con el amor. La organización promovió el concepto «Todo es Uno". Subrayando la importancia de la fe, dijo que los devotos deben ser firmes y deben dedicarse a prestar servicio. A pesar de que Bhagavan reside en todo el mundo, una visita a Puttaparthi , recargar las baterías espirituales de todo el mundo, concluyó el orador eminente.
Dhothis , saris y mantas se entregaron a 108 personas necesitadas, que fue seguido por Narayana Seva.
El programa de la tarde comenzó con una ofrenda musical por los estudiantes de la Universidad Sri Sathya Sai.
Balvikas estudiantes de diversas zonas del distrito de Nilgiris presentaron un acto cultural antes de la presentación final del día, un drama titulado "Sathya Harishchandra" por la Juventud del distrito de Nilgiris.
II Samasta Lokaha Sukhino Bhavantu II
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Sai Kailash – Divine Abode in Ooty Dedicated to Bhagawan…
The picturesque hill-station in the Nilgiris District of Tamil Nadu is the latest entrant in the list of Abodes of Kaliyuga Avatar Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Named as “Sai Kailash”, the Divine Abode is the third one in the State, after “Sundaram” in Chennai and “Sai Shruthi” in Kodaikanal. A Report on the opening function held on 23rd May.
A new Divine Abode for Bhagawan was opened in Ooty, the picturesque hill-station in the Nilgiris district of Tamil Nadu, on the 23rd May 2012 morning amidst much devotional fervour attended by a large number of devotees.
The Abode, christened as “Sai Kailash”, was dedicated at Bhagawan’s Lotus Feet by the hands of Sri V. Srinivasan, the All India President of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations. “Sai Kailash” at Yellanalli in Nilgiris district is a loving offering by the devotees from the district that fondles treasured memories of it’s golden past when Bhagawan had spent time in the hill-station.
On the beautiful sunlit 23rd May morning, after a lashing of heavy rains a day before, the Mandir and premises were tastefully decorated with buntings and lighting that gave a splendid look to the whole area. Even as racy bhajans sung by a special group of students from Prasanthi Nilayam echoed in the Mandir premises, Sri V. Srinivasan performed the ‘Divinely ordained’ task of dedicating the Mandir to the Divine Lotus Feet, in the presence of Trustee Sri G. Govindarajulu and the Chieftain of the Badaga community Sri R. Iyyaroo, also attended by hundreds of devotees and office bearers of Sathya Sai Organisations. Upon inauguration, the All India President had a detailed look of the entire building.
The programme for the morning commenced with the District President of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations, Dr. S. Ramu delivering the welcome speech. Next to address was State President of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations, Sri G. Vardhan who elucidated on the ‘coming into being’ of the new Abode. He also fondly recollected the annual visit of devotees from the district to Prasanthi Nilayam, offering cultural presentations in the immediate Divine presence. Bhagawan’s presence in the Mandir as experienced by many devotees also found a mention in the State President’s speech.

Sri. R. Iyyaroo who addressed the assembly next thanked the Sri Sathya Sai Organisations for kindling the spiritual movement amongst the people of the region.
Sri Vijayakrishnan, State Youth Coordinator spoke about the devotion, love and simplicity of devotees from the district, recollecting how Bhagawan would fondly await the arrival of devotees from the district every February. Sri Vijayakrishnan also made a reference to the blanket permission accorded for vegetables from Ooty, send to Prasanthi Nilayam with love by devotees from the district every November.
Sri V. Srinivasan in his inspiring speech recalled his last visit to Ooty with Bhagawan in 1993. Fondly recollecting his association with old devotees from Ooty, he compared the special love and affection Bhagawan had for them with that of the time of Bhagawan Sri Krishna. Just like Lord Krishna left Brindavan to Mathura with the strong faith that the gopikas of Brindavan would always love and follow Him with intense devotion, Bhagawan also left Ooty for Kodaikanal with a similar trust that devotees of Ooty have a special place in His Heart. He also christened the new Abode as “Sai Kailash”.
Exhorting the devotees to shun ego, Sri V. Srinivasan said that the aim of Sai Organisations was to transform people with love. The organisation promoted the “All Are One” concept. Underscoring the significance of faith, he said that devotees should be steadfast and should be constantly engaged in rendering service. Even though Bhagawan resides in everyone, a visit to Puttaparthi will recharge the spiritual batteries of everyone, concluded the eminent speaker.
Marking the special occasion dhothis, sarees and blankets were given away to 108 needy people that was followed by Narayana Seva.
The afternoon programme commenced with a Musical Offering by the Students of Sri Sathya Sai University. Balvikas students from various zones of Nilgiris district presented a cultural presentation before the final presentation of the day, a drama entitled “Sathya Harischandra” by the Youth of Nilgiris district.
II Samasta Lokaha Sukhino Bhavantu II
II Samasta Lokaha Sukhino Bhavantu II
Tomado de:
Sai Kailash – Divine Abode in Ooty Dedicated to Bhagawan…
The picturesque hill-station in the Nilgiris District of Tamil Nadu is the latest entrant in the list of Abodes of Kaliyuga Avatar Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Named as “Sai Kailash”, the Divine Abode is the third one in the State, after “Sundaram” in Chennai and “Sai Shruthi” in Kodaikanal. A Report on the opening function held on 23rd May.
A new Divine Abode for Bhagawan was opened in Ooty, the picturesque hill-station in the Nilgiris district of Tamil Nadu, on the 23rd May 2012 morning amidst much devotional fervour attended by a large number of devotees.
The Abode, christened as “Sai Kailash”, was dedicated at Bhagawan’s Lotus Feet by the hands of Sri V. Srinivasan, the All India President of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations. “Sai Kailash” at Yellanalli in Nilgiris district is a loving offering by the devotees from the district that fondles treasured memories of it’s golden past when Bhagawan had spent time in the hill-station.
On the beautiful sunlit 23rd May morning, after a lashing of heavy rains a day before, the Mandir and premises were tastefully decorated with buntings and lighting that gave a splendid look to the whole area. Even as racy bhajans sung by a special group of students from Prasanthi Nilayam echoed in the Mandir premises, Sri V. Srinivasan performed the ‘Divinely ordained’ task of dedicating the Mandir to the Divine Lotus Feet, in the presence of Trustee Sri G. Govindarajulu and the Chieftain of the Badaga community Sri R. Iyyaroo, also attended by hundreds of devotees and office bearers of Sathya Sai Organisations. Upon inauguration, the All India President had a detailed look of the entire building.
The programme for the morning commenced with the District President of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations, Dr. S. Ramu delivering the welcome speech. Next to address was State President of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations, Sri G. Vardhan who elucidated on the ‘coming into being’ of the new Abode. He also fondly recollected the annual visit of devotees from the district to Prasanthi Nilayam, offering cultural presentations in the immediate Divine presence. Bhagawan’s presence in the Mandir as experienced by many devotees also found a mention in the State President’s speech.
Sri. R. Iyyaroo who addressed the assembly next thanked the Sri Sathya Sai Organisations for kindling the spiritual movement amongst the people of the region.
Sri Vijayakrishnan, State Youth Coordinator spoke about the devotion, love and simplicity of devotees from the district, recollecting how Bhagawan would fondly await the arrival of devotees from the district every February. Sri Vijayakrishnan also made a reference to the blanket permission accorded for vegetables from Ooty, send to Prasanthi Nilayam with love by devotees from the district every November.
Sri V. Srinivasan in his inspiring speech recalled his last visit to Ooty with Bhagawan in 1993. Fondly recollecting his association with old devotees from Ooty, he compared the special love and affection Bhagawan had for them with that of the time of Bhagawan Sri Krishna. Just like Lord Krishna left Brindavan to Mathura with the strong faith that the gopikas of Brindavan would always love and follow Him with intense devotion, Bhagawan also left Ooty for Kodaikanal with a similar trust that devotees of Ooty have a special place in His Heart. He also christened the new Abode as “Sai Kailash”.
Exhorting the devotees to shun ego, Sri V. Srinivasan said that the aim of Sai Organisations was to transform people with love. The organisation promoted the “All Are One” concept. Underscoring the significance of faith, he said that devotees should be steadfast and should be constantly engaged in rendering service. Even though Bhagawan resides in everyone, a visit to Puttaparthi will recharge the spiritual batteries of everyone, concluded the eminent speaker.
Marking the special occasion dhothis, sarees and blankets were given away to 108 needy people that was followed by Narayana Seva.
The afternoon programme commenced with a Musical Offering by the Students of Sri Sathya Sai University. Balvikas students from various zones of Nilgiris district presented a cultural presentation before the final presentation of the day, a drama entitled “Sathya Harischandra” by the Youth of Nilgiris district.
II Samasta Lokaha Sukhino Bhavantu II