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sábado, 25 de agosto de 2018

Ananda Vahini - Número Ciento treinta y ocho - el 23 de agosto, 2018_ Ananda Vahini - Issue One Hundred And Thirty Eight - August 23, 2018.

Emisión Ciento treinta y ocho - 23 de agosto de 2018
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Sevā (servicio desinteresado) de Sai y el sevā de los devotos de Sai es el mismo. Cuando sirves a los devotos Sai, porque son devotos Sai, ves a Sai en ellos, tratas de complacer al Sai en ellos, reverencias al Sai en ellos. Es como servir en un templo donde está instalado Sai, una habitación donde se adora la imagen de Sai. A lo largo de este período de sevā, piensas solo en Sai. Entonces, este entrenamiento te ayuda a purificar tus impulsos, desafiar tus pensamientos, canalizar tu devoción y expandir tu amor. Estos son grandes pasos en el sādhanā (disciplina espiritual), victorias loables ... Baba.

Con las bendiciones de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, nos complace presentar nuestro número ciento TREINTA Y OCHO  de Ananda Vahini. El boletín semanal incluye reflexiones interesantes y breves extractos de los eventos de la semana. 

En este número, les traemos un informe de la visita de Bhagavan a Sri Sathya Sai Sharadaniketanam, Mandya y Sri Sathya Sai Sathyaniketanam, Hassan Campus, entre el 20 y 22 de agosto de 2018. 

En la VISION INTERIOR de esta semana  , el hermano Madhusudan Naidu comparte un momento interesante que sucedió entre Bhagavan y un devoto. 

- Equipo de Comunicaciones Sathya Sai Grama.


Por Sri Madhusudan Naidu.

*Buen karma* 

Fue durante la sesión de desayuno que el anfitrión, el Dr. Grish y su familia, entraron con el desayuno de Swami para ser servidos en su mesa en la habitación bellamente hecha para Él en su casa en Londres. Swami los observó a todos llegar uno tras otro, llevando un plato de comida o un vaso de agua cada uno. En tono juguetón, comentó: "¡Oh, la comida ...

Para saber más, haz clic AQUÍ


Visita Divina a Sri Sathya Sai Sharadaniketanam - Mandya - 20 y 21 de Agosto de 2018.

El 20 de agosto de 2018, Bhagavan visitó Sri Sathya Sai Sharadaniketanam, el glorioso Campus de Mandya. 
Fue recibido por todos los estudiantes y el personal en una gran procesión, que fue dirigida por un grupo de estudiantes que cantaban los Vedas, otro grupo de estudiantes que realizó un baile de bienvenida, otro grupo interpretó la danza tradicional de Kamsale, unos pocos estudiantes tocaban las trompetas, y también ...

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21 de agosto, tarde - llegada de Bhagavan
Inauguración de la estatua de la Madre Saraswati  
Sai Gayatri Homam 
Noche: Inauguración del Centro de Salud Comunitario Sri Sathya Sai
Satsang Publico
Invocación por estudiantes de Grado 7 y Grado 8
Mensaje de bienvenida de Sri GB Rajashekhar, presidente 
Programa de música de los estudiantes
Danza Bharathanatyam  recital por Mahesh Bhat
Cena con estudiantes, personal e invitados
21 de agosto, por la mañana - Visita a las habitaciones del albergue
Satsang de despedida
Visita al Templo de Gavisiddheshwara
Salida hacia el Campus Hassan

Visita Divina a Sri Sathya Sai Sathyaniketanam - Hassan - 21 Y 22 de Agosto de 2018.   

La tan esperada visita de Bhagavan Baba al Campus de Hassan se cumplió cuando visitó a Sri Sathya Sai Sathyaniketanam el 21 de agosto de 2018.

Swami fue recibido en el campus con una procesión védica y un baile Dandiya por parte de los estudiantes. Todos los invitados, devotos de Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samitis de Belur y Hassan se habían reunido para recibirlo. Todos procedieron a almorzar con Swami y descansaron por un tiempo. 

Por la tarde, a las 5 pm, Swami dio la vuelta al bloque del albergue e inauguró la nueva sala que albergará los enfermos. Las comodidades para la habitación, como cunas, camas, almohadas, mesillas y cortinas, fueron compradas ...

La llegada de Bhagavan 
Noche - Visita a 'Arogya Dham' - Sala de salud
Satsang público en la sala de oración 'Sathya Sadan' 
Sri Vasudevan, presidente, dando la bienvenida a la reunión
Conferencia de Sri Kale Gowda, presidente del distrito de Hassan Seva Samithi 
Hermano Bhanu Prakash, Warden compartiendo sus experiencias
Programa de música de los estudiantes
Presentación de un grupo de baile
Presentación de yoga
Cena con estudiantes
22 de agosto, por la mañana - Satsang
Charla del hermano Akhilan
Salida del Campus Hassan 
Almuerzo en la residencia de Sri Kale Gowda, Hassan
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Issue One Hundred and Thirty Eight - August 23, 2018
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Sevā (selfless service) of Sai and sevā of Sai devotees is the same. When you serve the Sai devotees, because they are Sai devotees you see the Sai in them, you seek to please the Sai in them, you revere the Sai in them. It is like serving a temple where Sai is installed, a room where a picture of Sai is adored. Throughout this period of sevā, you think only of Sai. So, this training helps you to purify your impulses, defy your thoughts, canalise your devotion and expand your love. These are big steps in sādhanā (spiritual discipline), laudable victories. 
With the Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we are delighted to present our One Hundred and Thirty Eighth issue of Ananda Vahini. The weekly newsletter includes interesting musings and short excerpts from the week's events.

In this issue, we bring you a report of Bhagawan's visit to Sri Sathya Sai Sharadaniketanam, Mandya and Sri Sathya Sai Sathyaniketanam, Hassan Campuses between August 20 and 22, 2018.

In this week's INNER VIEW, Brother Madhusudan Naidu shares an interesting moment which happened between Bhagawan and a devotee.

- Sathya Sai Grama Communications Team.
By Sri Madhusudan Naidu
Good Karma  

It was during the breakfast session that the host Dr Grish and his family walked in with Swami’s breakfast to be served at His table in the beautifully made room for Him in their home in London. Swami watched them all come one after another, carrying one bowl of food or a tumbler of water each. He playfully remarked, “Oh, the food in the bowls seems to be too heavy for one person to carry, so you are sharing the burden!”. Even as the members of the family burst in to laughter, Swami smiled and said, “Not burden, but it is an opportunity that you are sharing. The opportunity to be of some service to God.”

“You see, when Lord Krishna cut his little finger while eating sugarcane, it was Draupadi who tore a piece of her saree to bandage the bleeding finger while the wives of Krishna rushed to get first aid. Later, when Draupadi was being disrobed in the court of Kauravas, it was this act of service to the Lord that came to her rescue as the tiny piece of saree became an inexhaustible infinite supply of silk and saved her honour. Every little deed that we do as service to the Lord, even if it is carrying a bowl of breakfast to His table, is a good Karma that gets deposited in your account of deeds and starts earning the interest of God’s grace, only to come to your rescue during the most difficult times, even without your asking. Every opportunity to serve the Lord and His people is an insurance that covers you at the time of adversities. So never miss an opportunity to do some good.”

While Swami was served an assortment of delicacies for breakfast, He in return treated them to a spiritual feast.       
AUGUST 20 & 21, 2018      
On August 20, 2018 Bhagawan visited Sri Sathya Sai Sharadaniketanam, the glorious Mandya Campus. He was received by all the students and staff in a grand procession, which was led by a batch of students chantingVedas, another group of students performing a welcome dance, a group performing the traditional Kamsale dance, few students playing trumpets and also a band of Mangala Vadya played by renowned artists from Manyda district. The entire scene looked majestic! All the students welcomed Swami by singing the song ‘Pyar Hai’ and offered flowers.

Swami inaugurated the grand and impressive Mother Saraswathi statue made of marble in front of Sai Hrudayam Prayer Hall. This was followed by Swami presiding over the Sai Gayatri Homam performed by the students of the Campus. Swami Himself performed Purnaahuti for theHomam and thereafter, Mangala Arati was offered. Swami released the newsletter of Sri Sathya Sai Sharadaniketanam prepared by the Alumni and blessed the coordinators of Each One Educate One (e1e1) for their efforts to reach the target of supporting all the students with free education.

In the evening, Swami inaugurated the ‘Sri Sathya Sai Community Health Centre’ and guided the Doctors to take care of students in the Campus, and the villagers surrounding the Campus. In addition to the treatment, Swami informed the co-ordinators to serve food during medical camps. He also blessed Dr Balakrishnan, as the designated Doctor of the Campus. Swami explained the significance of the verse ‘Vaidhyo Narayano Harihi’. He said that only two professionals are compared to Lord Narayana Himself – Doctor and Teacher. He blessed one of the alumni, Sri Siddalinga Hugar to coordinate the ‘Divine Mother and Child Programme’ in Mandya district, also instructed Dr Ramesh Rao to open such health centres in all Campuses and to visit them frequently. Swami also instructed him to construct a hall with two beds for admission and a dental clinic.

While speaking about the inauguration of the new laundry machines, donated by His loving devotees from the UK, Swami said, “You should wash your life with the soap of purity....

To know more, click HERE
August 21, Afternoon – Bhagawan’s arrival
Inauguration of Mother Saraswati Statue  
Sai Gayatri Homam 
Evening- Inauguration of Sri Sathya Sai Community Health Centre
Public Satsang
Invocation by Grade 7 and Grade 8 students
Welcome address by Sri G B Rajashekhar, Chairman 
Music Programme by students
Bharathanatyam Dance recital by Mahesh Bhat
Dinner with Students, Staff and Guests
August 21, Morning – Visit to Hostel Rooms
Farewell Satsang
Visit to Gavisiddheshwara Temple
Departure to Hassan Campus

The long-awaited visit of Bhagawan Baba to the Hassan Campus, was fulfilled when He visited Sri Sathya Sai Sathyaniketanam on August 21, 2018.

Swami was welcomed to the Campus with 
Vedic procession and Dandiya dance by the students. All the guests, devotees from Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samitis of Belur and Hassan had gathered to receive Him. Everyone proceeded for lunch with Swami and rested for a while.

In the evening, at 5 p.m. Swami went around the hostel block and inaugurated the new room that that will house the sick 
students. The amenities for the room such as cots, beds, pillows, side tables and curtains were purchased and donated to the Campus by the Alumni of Alike. Swami named the room as ‘Arogya Dham’, and then proceeded to the Prayer Hall, Sathya Sadana for Satsang. The session commenced with the chanting of Durga Suktam by students of Grade 7. The Chairman of the Campus Sri K Vasudevan welcomed everyone and addressed the gathering with words filled with love for Bhagawan, and paid his gratitude to Him for blessing the Campus with His visit, yet again.

Thereafter, it was the turn of boys to express their feelings and pour out their hearts for their beloved Mother Sai. One boy said that he cannot offer anything but his life to Swami, for all that...
To know more, click HERE
Bhagawan's arrival 
Evening - Visit to ‘Arogya Dham’ - Health Room
Public Satsang at ‘Sathya Sadan’ Prayer Hall 
Sri Vasudevan, Chairman Welcoming the gathering
Talk by Sri Kale Gowda, District President of Hassan Seva Samithi 
Brother Bhanu Prakash, Warden sharing his experiences
Music Programme by students
Group Dance presentation
Yoga Presentation
Dinner with Students
August 22, Morning – Farwell Satsang
Talk by Brother Akhilan
Departure from Hassan Campus 
Lunch at the residence of Sri Kale Gowda, Hassan
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