Artículo maravilloso "Todo sucede para bien" ... por Shri.B.Aravind.
Shri.B.Aravind, ex alumnos del ISSSES, ahora trabaja en Radio Sai, Prashanti Nilayam, y escribe un artículo maravilloso titulado :"Todo sucede para bien".
"Dime, si tu padre fuera diagnosticado de repente con una piedra en el uréter (calculo en el riñón) , muy dolorosa, con la necesidad de una intervención quirúrgica inmediata, y al mismo tiempo surgen complicaciones que hacen que los médicos duden en seguir adelante con la cirugía, ¿puede ser para bien?.
Bueno, Swami a su propia manera inimitable, demostró que incluso eso, es por el bien !
A continuación se muestra el enlace para leer el artículo completo por Shri.Aravind ...
Sai Ram
Todo sucede para bien ...
Fuente: aravindb1982
Un espiritual 'cliché'?
Hay algunos clichés espirituales ', si se me permite utilizar ese término. Que yo los llamo así sólo porque los oímos con tanta frecuencia en nuestras vidas, que muchas veces, nos olvidamos de sus consecuencias.
Uno de estos 'cliché' es: "Todo sucede para bien."
Una vez más, se trata de una declaración en la que se ofrece habitualmente consolar a una persona que atraviesa una mala racha. Lo que quiero decir es que cuando alguien gana una medalla o recibe una promoción, no vamos a él / ella y le decimos :
"No te preocupes! Todo sucede para bien. "
Una vez más, se trata de una declaración en la que se ofrece habitualmente consolar a una persona que atraviesa una mala racha. Lo que quiero decir es que cuando alguien gana una medalla o recibe una promoción, no vamos a él / ella y le decimos :
"No te preocupes! Todo sucede para bien. "
Cuando he estado pasando por una mala racha y alguien me dice esta declaración, trato de no agitarlo o irritarlo. Esto es así porque, aunque sé que esta afirmación es cierta, pero es tan difícil aceptar que algo tan difícil o duro, en realidad podría ser para bien.
En esos momentos, es la tranquilidad de muchas experiencias, que me ayudan a mantener mi ansiedad y mi temperamento bajo control. Y recientemente también tuve otra experiencia de gran alcance sobre la verdad de esta afirmación. Sucedió a través de un problema de salud de mi padre.
La piedra que problema ...
Un fin de semana, a finales de junio de 2012, estaba viajando a Bangalore con mi esposa, cuando recibí una llamada de mi madre, que estaba de vuelta en casa, en Puttaparthi.
Ella dijo que mi padre se quejaba de fatiga y vómitos. Asimismo, añadió que él tenía un dolor agudo en la zona izquierda inferior de la espalda. "Oh no", pensé, " parecía estar bien cuando salimos de Puttaparthi esta mañana. ¿Por qué esto tiene que ocurrir justo cuando están llegando de Bangalore? ". "No te preocupes. Sólo quería informarles. Puede ser que sea indigestión ", dijo mi madre.
Yo también tuve una molestia leve en el estómago y acepte la explicación de mi madre. Pasamos dos días en Bangalore en la casa de mi hermana y pronto de vuelta en Puttaparthi. En ese momento, mi padre parecía muy bien de salud y sentí que estaba en el camino hacia la recuperación. A la mañana siguiente cambió todo. Lunes por la mañana vi a papá en un estado muy dolido y cansado de nuevo. Puesto que él es un paciente del corazón, estaba preocupado. Pero todo el dolor que parecía ser sólo en el lado izquierdo inferior de la espalda. Llamé a un amigo cercano en el Instituto Sathya Sai de Ciencias Médicas Superiores, y dijo que podrían ser piedras en el riñón. Me buscó y consiguió una cita de inmediato y nos dirigimos al hospital. El ultrasonido y los rayos X revelaron varias piedras. Pero lo más preocupante era una piedra, de más de 1 cm de longitud, en el uréter izquierdo. 1 cm es una medida pequeña, cuando usted lo mira en una regla de geometría, pero cuando se trata de una piedra en el uréter, es una verdaderamente un "gran" problema.
"No es un problema realmente grande", dijo el doctor, " podemos hacer un procedimiento quirúrgico y desalojar a esa piedra. " Me sentí aliviado y también lo estuvieron mi madre y mi esposa. Pero desde que mi padre era un paciente del corazón, el médico necesita algunas pruebas y autorizaciones antes de hacer la cirugía. La primera de ellas fue la prueba de azúcar en la sangre y las pruebas de presión sanguínea. Mi padre también es un diabético, pero siempre ha mantenido un buen control sobre los niveles de azúcar. Sin embargo, en ese día, cuando la prueba del azúcar, se llevó a cabo, los niveles de azúcar en la sangre eran de 298!. Esta esta más allá, de la alta aceptable de 180 para una cirugía. La presión arterial era de 200/100 - de nuevo muy por encima del alta aceptable de 135/85 para la cirugía! .
Esto me sorprendió. Esto significaba que los médicos no le realizarían la cirugía.
El médico le recetó algunos medicamentos, para el dolor. Dijo que los parámetros que tienen que bajar a los máximos aceptables y estabilizarse antes de poder realizar la cirugía. Y eso significaría un mínimo de 4 semanas de espera. Me pregunté en cuanto a cómo mi padre soportaría el dolor durante casi 30 días. (Su tolerancia al dolor es muy baja.) Fue en ese momento que pensé, "¿Cómo se puede decir que todo es para bien? ¿Por qué los parámetros de la sangre se disparan tan alto en este momento? ¿Cómo puede ser para bien? Presión arterial alta y el azúcar alta son malos en cualquier momento! "
Sabiduría amanece
Estábamos preocupados, por decir lo menos. Lo pusimos bajo el control de dieta estricta. Oramos y debemos permanecer firmes en nuestra convicción de que todo es para bien.
Perfectamente en resonancia con mis miedos, mi padre empezó a tener ataques de dolor severos. Esa piedra en el uréter se había convertido en una gran roca, por lo que mi papá estaba preocupado. Era un dolor para mí ver a mi papá retorcerse de dolor en la cama. Tal era su dolor que solía usar el spray para esguince muscular en la espalda, para conseguir un alivio psicológico (incluso después de tomar analgésicos). Pasaron tres días así, y alcance mi tolerancia, también. Yo no podía verlo con tanto dolor. Le di vibhuti. Al mismo tiempo, mi hermana y su cuñado-en Bangalore también estaban haciendo oraciones especiales para él.
Mi madre y mi esposa también oraban, lo que puedo decir es que mi padre tenía un montón de 'oración' vibras que fluían hacia él, por él. Y entonces sucedió la magia. La mañana del día siguiente, se levantó como si no pasara nada! Se fue por su camino y estaba cocinando el desayuno. Realizaba bromas y se escuchaba bastante locuaz esa mañana. Y eso continuó durante todo el día ... y el siguiente ... y el siguiente ... y el que viene!
Fue increíble y empezamos a dudar que no tenía ningún dolor.
2 meses después del primer dolor severo, su azúcar en la sangre y la presión arterial eran más "normal" que incluso la mía! .
Y lo habían sido durante más de un mes! .
Sólo por el hecho de estar "médicamente seguro ', decidió consultar al médico de nuevo - después de todo lo que habían dicho que podría regresar para la cirugía, cuando los parámetros de la sangre se hubieran estabilizado. A pesar de que nos encontramos con el doctor y le explicó acerca de cómo los últimos 40 días habían sido, ordenó que le realizaran otros rayos X y ultrasonido. Mi padre fue con el médico y el técnico para hacer las pruebas. Esperé a que viniera con los resultados. Él salió con lágrimas en los ojos. "Esto es realmente un templo de sanación ... este es un templo de sanación ... ", decía.
"¿Qué dijo el médico dice papá?" "Me dijo que Swami me había bendecido. Él dijo que él no podía creer que no había ninguna piedra mas en el uréter ... " "... y así ..." "Él me dijo que podía ir a casa y regresar sólo si el dolor regresaba.
Creo que estoy curado sin cirugía! " me llevó a mi padre de vuelta a casa. "
Yo sé por qué mis parámetros de sangre fueron altos ese día", mi padre empezó. "¿Y por qué fue eso?" ... "Si no hubieran estado altos los parámetros, a continuación, hubiera sufrido una cirugía innecesaria.
Y yo también habría perdido la gracia de experimentar esto maravilloso del Señor.
Mira, todo lo que sucede es para bien! "

"Yo me encargo sólo cuando te entregas por completo a mí. Es precisamente por esto que estoy esperando. Entréguenme todos estos asuntos, diciendo: 'Señor, cuida de ellos. Hágase tu voluntad". Dilo sinceramente y Yo intervengo e incluso hago un milagro. "
Fuente: aravindb1982
La experiencia de la Sra. Karunamba Ramamoorthy
En casa, abrí las páginas de la edición de junio de 2012 del Sanathana Sarathi .
"Yo me encargo sólo cuando te entregas por completo a mí. Es precisamente por esto que estoy esperando. Entréguenme todos estos asuntos, diciendo: 'Señor, cuida de ellos. Hágase tu voluntad". Dilo sinceramente y Yo intervengo e incluso hago un milagro. "
Fuente: aravindb1982
La experiencia de la Sra. Karunamba Ramamoorthy
En casa, abrí las páginas de la edición de junio de 2012 del Sanathana Sarathi .
Exactamente en el centro había un artículo titulado, "El milagro del vibhuti". Fue impresionante. Esta es la experiencia en breve. Es agosto de 1962 y la Sra. Karunamba Ramamoorthy está de visita en Puttaparthi con su familia. Su hijo, Satish, desarrollo un dolor severo en la pierna izquierda, y progresivamente se intensifico en el dolor. En un par de días, también desarrollo fiebre alta, falta de sueño y delirio. El acceso físico a Swami (Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba) era bastante fácil (en 1962), pero Swami evita el tema de la salud de Satish. Además de eso, Él les dice "furioso" que está dejando Puttaparthi para una gira y que la familia debe volver a su lugar de origen, en Mysore. En el momento en que la familia completa el arduo viaje de 15-16 horas, Satish esta casi inconsciente. Él fue internado en el Hospital de Sri Krishnarajendra. La pierna se había hinchado y se acumula líquido en grandes cantidades. Los médicos dicen que la única alternativa es amputarle la pierna. La operación estaba programada. El día antes de la operación, Swami llega a tierras en Mysore. La desesperada Ms.Karunamba corre hacia él y le informa acerca de la operación. Él bromea, "¿Qué cosa estos médicos? Cortar las piernas, las manos y la garganta también se cortan. Yo te daré un poco de vibhuti . Y lo pones en su boca. Todo estará bien. " En un día, Satish estará mucho mejor y se cancelara la operación.
Toda la familia va para el darshan para ofrecer gratitud a Swami. Él les dice: "Queridos! Usted deben haberse sentido mal cuando les hablé con rudeza en Puttaparthi. Si hubieran estado allí, el estaba destinado a morir. Yo quería que se vaya. Si yo hubiera hablado en voz baja, no me habrían escuchado. Así que tuve que hacer lo que hice.
Y entonces, Swami ofreció una joya de una visión sobre cómo la fe debe ser, "¿Sabe usted cómo su fe ha de ser? .
Incluso si usted tira una piedra cantando mi nombre, debe convertirse en un diamante. Ahora bien, todo irá bien. Vete a tu casa. Satish se va a curar. Vuelve a Puttaparthi para el festival de Dasara. "

Fuente: Marilyn Monroe
Pensamientos de despedida ...
La fe es una cosa muy poderosa. Por lo tanto difícil de definir, pero fácil de obtener beneficios de ella. La fe tiene la capacidad de curar incluso el temido cáncer. Pues bien, la fe es un tema para otro artículo!.
Wonderful article "Everything happens for the good"... by Shri.B.Aravind.
Shri.B. Aravind, alumni of SSSIHL and now working in Radio Sai, Prasanthi Nilayam writes in his Wonderful article " Everything happens for the good " :
" Tell me, if your father was suddenly diagnosed with a painful stone in the ureter needing an immediate surgery and, at the same time, complications arise which make the doctors hesitant to go ahead with the surgery - how can that be for the good?
Well, Swami in His own inimitable fashion, showed that even that is for the good!!!
Below is the link for reading the complete article by by Shri.Aravind...
Sai Ram
Everything happens for the good...

Source: aravindb1982
A spiritual 'cliche'?
There are some ‘spiritual cliches’, if I am allowed to use that term. Please do not mistake me and I do not speak negatively of ‘them’. I call them so only because we hear them so frequently in our lives that, many times, we forget their implications. One such ‘cliche’ is - God’s delays are not His denials - about which I wrote before. Though I have used that statement many times to console a despairing one, it is only this experience which reminds me of the powerful truth of this statement.
Another such statement is, “Everything happens for the good.”
Once again, this is a statement which is usually offered in consolation to a person going through a rough patch. What I mean is that when someone wins a medal or gets a promotion, we never go to him/her and say,
“Don’t worry! Everything happens for the good.”
When I have been down or going through a rough patch and someone has offered this statement to me, I try very hard not to get agitated or irritated. This is because, though I know that this statement is true, it is so hard to accept that something so difficult or rough could actually be for my good. At such times, it is the reassurance of many experiences that helps me keep my anxiety and temper in check. And recently too, I had another powerful experience about the truth of this statement. It happened via my father’s health problem.
The stone that troubled...
One weekend, towards the end of June 2012, I was travelling to Bangalore with my wife when I received a call from my mother who was back at home in Puttaparthi. She said that my father was complaining of fatigue and vomiting. She also added that he had a sharp pain in his left lower-back.
“Oh no”, I thought, “he seemed fine when we left Puttaparthi this morning. Why did this have to happen just when are reaching Bangalore?”
“Don’t worry. I just wanted to inform you. It might be indigestion,” my mother said.
I too had a slight bug in the stomach and I accepted my mother’s explanation. We spent two days in Bangalore at my sister’s place and were soon back at Puttaparthi. By that time, dad seemed quite fine and I felt he was on the road to recovery. The next morning changed it all.
Monday morning saw dad in a very pained and tired state again. Since he is a heart patient, I was worried. But all the pain seemed to be only in the left lower-back and it was shooting. I called up a close friend at the Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences and he said that it might be kidney stones. We sought and got an appointment immediately and made our way to the hospital.
The ultrasound and X-Rays revealed several stones. But the most worrisome one was a stone,over 1cm in length, in the left ureter. 1cm is a small measure when you look at it on a ruler in your geometry box but when it comes to a stone in the ureter, it is a real ‘big’ problem.
“Not a big problem really”, said the doctor, “we can do a surgical procedure and evict that stone.”
I was relieved and so were my mother and wife. But since my father was a heart patient, the doctor needed some tests and clearances before the surgery could be done. Foremost among these were the blood-sugar tests and blood-pressure tests.
My father is also a diabetic but he has always maintained good control over sugar levels. However, on that day, when the ‘random-sugar’ test was done, the sugar levels in his blood read 298! This is way beyond the acceptable high of 180 for a surgery. The blood pressure read 200/100 - again well over the acceptable high of 135/85 for the surgery!
This shocked me. It meant that the doctors would not touch him surgically. The doctor prescribed some medication and pain-killers. He said that the parameters would have to come below the acceptable highs and stabilize before they could do the surgery. And that would mean a minimum 4 weeks of waiting. I wondered as to how my father would bear the pain for almost 30 days. (His pain tolerance is very low.)
It was at this time I thought,
“How can it be said that everything is for the good? Why did the blood parameters shoot up so high just now? How can that be for the good? High BP and high sugar are bad anytime!!”.

Wisdom dawns
We were worried to say the least. We put him under strict diet control. We prayed that we should remain firm in our conviction that everything is for the good.
Perfectly in resonance with my fears, my dad began to experience bouts of severe pain. That stone in the ureter had become a huge rock as far as my dad was concerned. It was a pain for me to see my dad writhing in pain on the bed. Such was his pain that he would often use the muscle-sprain spray on his back to get psychological relief (even after taking pain-killers).
Three days passed thus and my tolerance was also reached. I could not see him in such pain. I gave him vibhuti. At the same time, my sister and brother-in-law at Bangalore also were doing special prayers for him. My mother and wife also prayed and this much I can say that my father had a lot of ‘prayer’ vibes flowing towards him, for him.
And then the magic happened.
The next day morning, he got up as if nothing was wrong! He went for his walk and was cooking breakfast. He was cracking his jokes and sounding quite garrulous for the morning. And that continued throughout the day...and the next... and the next... and the next! It was amazing and we began to doubt whether he even had any pain to start with.
2 months after he first complained of the severe pain, his blood-sugar and blood-pressure were more ‘normal’ than even mine! And they had been so for more than a month now! Just for the sake of being ‘medically sure’, we decided to consult the doctor again - after all he had said that we could return for the surgery when the blood parameters had stabilized.
Even as we met the doctor and explained to him about how the previous 40 days had been, he ordered for another X-Ray and ultrasound to be done. My father was with the doctor and the technician doing the tests. I waited for him to come with the results.
He came out with tears in his eyes.
“This is really a temple of healing... this is a temple of healing...”, he was saying.
“What did the doctor say dad?”
“He said that Swami had blessed me. He said that he could not believe that there was no stone in the ureter anymore...”
“...and so...”
“He told me to go home and come back only if the pain comes back. I think I am healed without the surgery!”
I drove my dad back home.
“I know why my blood parameters went high that day”, my father began.
“And why was that?”
“If they had not gone high, then I would have undergone an unnecessary surgery. I would have also missed experiencing this wonderful grace of the Lord. See, everything happens for the good!”.

"I take charge only when you surrender completely to me. It is precisely for this that I am waiting. Hand over all these matters to me and say, 'Lord, take care of them. Thy will be done.' Say this sincerely and I shall intervene and work a miracle."
Source: aravindb1982
The experience of Ms. Karunamba Ramamoorthy
At home, I opened the pages of the June 2012 edition of Sanathana Sarathi. Exactly in the center was an article entitled, “Miracle of Vibhuti”. It was awesome. This is the experience in brief.
It is August 1962 and Ms. Karunamba Ramamoorthy is visiting Puttaparthi with her family. Her son, Satish, develops a severe ache in the left leg which progressively intensifies in pain. IN a couple of days, he also develops high fever, sleeplessness and delirium. Physical access to Swami (Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba) is quite easy (it is 1962) but Swami avoids the issue of Satish’s health. On top of that, He tells them ‘angrily’ that He is leaving Puttaparthi for a tour and that the family should return to their native place, Mysore.
By the time the family completes the arduous journey of 15-16 hours, Satish is almost unconscious. He is admitted to the Sri Krishnarajendra Hospital. The leg had swollen and is accumulating fluid in copious amounts. The doctors say that the only alternative is to amputate the leg. The operation is scheduled.
The day before the operation, Swami lands up in Mysore. The desperate Ms.Karunamba rushes to Him and informs Him about the operation. He jokes,
“What else will these doctors do? Cut legs, cut hands and also cut throats. I will give you a pinch of vibhuti. Put it in His mouth. Everything will be alright.”
In a day, Satish is much better and the operation is cancelled. The whole family goes for darshan to offer gratitude to Swami. He tells them,
“Dear ones! You must have felt bad when I spoke rudely to you in Puttaparthi. Had you stayed there, one of you was destined to die. I wanted you to leave. If I had spoken softly, you would not have listened. So I had to do what I did.:
And then, Swami provides a gem of an insight on how faith should be,
“Do you know how your faith should be? Even if you throw a stone chanting My name, it should turn into a diamond. Now, everything will be fine. Go home. Satish will be cured. Return to Puttaparthi for Dasara festival.”

Source: Marilyn Monroe
Parting thoughts...
Faith is a very powerful thing. So difficult to define, yet easy to reap benefits from.Faith has the ability to cure even the dreaded cancer. Well, faith is a topic for another article!
The point is, everything indeed happens for the good. Is it any surprise that Swami defines Surrender as :
Fuente: Marilyn Monroe
Pensamientos de despedida ...
La fe es una cosa muy poderosa. Por lo tanto difícil de definir, pero fácil de obtener beneficios de ella. La fe tiene la capacidad de curar incluso el temido cáncer. Pues bien, la fe es un tema para otro artículo!.
El punto es, de hecho todo lo que sucede es para bien. No es de extrañar que defina Swami la entrega como:
Wonderful article "Everything happens for the good"... by Shri.B.Aravind.
Shri.B. Aravind, alumni of SSSIHL and now working in Radio Sai, Prasanthi Nilayam writes in his Wonderful article " Everything happens for the good " :
" Tell me, if your father was suddenly diagnosed with a painful stone in the ureter needing an immediate surgery and, at the same time, complications arise which make the doctors hesitant to go ahead with the surgery - how can that be for the good?
Well, Swami in His own inimitable fashion, showed that even that is for the good!!!
Below is the link for reading the complete article by by Shri.Aravind...
Sai Ram
Everything happens for the good...
Source: aravindb1982
A spiritual 'cliche'?
There are some ‘spiritual cliches’, if I am allowed to use that term. Please do not mistake me and I do not speak negatively of ‘them’. I call them so only because we hear them so frequently in our lives that, many times, we forget their implications. One such ‘cliche’ is - God’s delays are not His denials - about which I wrote before. Though I have used that statement many times to console a despairing one, it is only this experience which reminds me of the powerful truth of this statement.
Another such statement is, “Everything happens for the good.”
Once again, this is a statement which is usually offered in consolation to a person going through a rough patch. What I mean is that when someone wins a medal or gets a promotion, we never go to him/her and say,
“Don’t worry! Everything happens for the good.”
When I have been down or going through a rough patch and someone has offered this statement to me, I try very hard not to get agitated or irritated. This is because, though I know that this statement is true, it is so hard to accept that something so difficult or rough could actually be for my good. At such times, it is the reassurance of many experiences that helps me keep my anxiety and temper in check. And recently too, I had another powerful experience about the truth of this statement. It happened via my father’s health problem.
The stone that troubled...
One weekend, towards the end of June 2012, I was travelling to Bangalore with my wife when I received a call from my mother who was back at home in Puttaparthi. She said that my father was complaining of fatigue and vomiting. She also added that he had a sharp pain in his left lower-back.
“Oh no”, I thought, “he seemed fine when we left Puttaparthi this morning. Why did this have to happen just when are reaching Bangalore?”
“Don’t worry. I just wanted to inform you. It might be indigestion,” my mother said.
I too had a slight bug in the stomach and I accepted my mother’s explanation. We spent two days in Bangalore at my sister’s place and were soon back at Puttaparthi. By that time, dad seemed quite fine and I felt he was on the road to recovery. The next morning changed it all.
Monday morning saw dad in a very pained and tired state again. Since he is a heart patient, I was worried. But all the pain seemed to be only in the left lower-back and it was shooting. I called up a close friend at the Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences and he said that it might be kidney stones. We sought and got an appointment immediately and made our way to the hospital.
The ultrasound and X-Rays revealed several stones. But the most worrisome one was a stone,over 1cm in length, in the left ureter. 1cm is a small measure when you look at it on a ruler in your geometry box but when it comes to a stone in the ureter, it is a real ‘big’ problem.
“Not a big problem really”, said the doctor, “we can do a surgical procedure and evict that stone.”
I was relieved and so were my mother and wife. But since my father was a heart patient, the doctor needed some tests and clearances before the surgery could be done. Foremost among these were the blood-sugar tests and blood-pressure tests.
My father is also a diabetic but he has always maintained good control over sugar levels. However, on that day, when the ‘random-sugar’ test was done, the sugar levels in his blood read 298! This is way beyond the acceptable high of 180 for a surgery. The blood pressure read 200/100 - again well over the acceptable high of 135/85 for the surgery!
This shocked me. It meant that the doctors would not touch him surgically. The doctor prescribed some medication and pain-killers. He said that the parameters would have to come below the acceptable highs and stabilize before they could do the surgery. And that would mean a minimum 4 weeks of waiting. I wondered as to how my father would bear the pain for almost 30 days. (His pain tolerance is very low.)
It was at this time I thought,
“How can it be said that everything is for the good? Why did the blood parameters shoot up so high just now? How can that be for the good? High BP and high sugar are bad anytime!!”.
Wisdom dawns
We were worried to say the least. We put him under strict diet control. We prayed that we should remain firm in our conviction that everything is for the good.
Perfectly in resonance with my fears, my dad began to experience bouts of severe pain. That stone in the ureter had become a huge rock as far as my dad was concerned. It was a pain for me to see my dad writhing in pain on the bed. Such was his pain that he would often use the muscle-sprain spray on his back to get psychological relief (even after taking pain-killers).
Three days passed thus and my tolerance was also reached. I could not see him in such pain. I gave him vibhuti. At the same time, my sister and brother-in-law at Bangalore also were doing special prayers for him. My mother and wife also prayed and this much I can say that my father had a lot of ‘prayer’ vibes flowing towards him, for him.
And then the magic happened.
The next day morning, he got up as if nothing was wrong! He went for his walk and was cooking breakfast. He was cracking his jokes and sounding quite garrulous for the morning. And that continued throughout the day...and the next... and the next... and the next! It was amazing and we began to doubt whether he even had any pain to start with.
2 months after he first complained of the severe pain, his blood-sugar and blood-pressure were more ‘normal’ than even mine! And they had been so for more than a month now! Just for the sake of being ‘medically sure’, we decided to consult the doctor again - after all he had said that we could return for the surgery when the blood parameters had stabilized.
Even as we met the doctor and explained to him about how the previous 40 days had been, he ordered for another X-Ray and ultrasound to be done. My father was with the doctor and the technician doing the tests. I waited for him to come with the results.
He came out with tears in his eyes.
“This is really a temple of healing... this is a temple of healing...”, he was saying.
“What did the doctor say dad?”
“He said that Swami had blessed me. He said that he could not believe that there was no stone in the ureter anymore...”
“...and so...”
“He told me to go home and come back only if the pain comes back. I think I am healed without the surgery!”
I drove my dad back home.
“I know why my blood parameters went high that day”, my father began.
“And why was that?”
“If they had not gone high, then I would have undergone an unnecessary surgery. I would have also missed experiencing this wonderful grace of the Lord. See, everything happens for the good!”.
"I take charge only when you surrender completely to me. It is precisely for this that I am waiting. Hand over all these matters to me and say, 'Lord, take care of them. Thy will be done.' Say this sincerely and I shall intervene and work a miracle."
Source: aravindb1982
The experience of Ms. Karunamba Ramamoorthy
At home, I opened the pages of the June 2012 edition of Sanathana Sarathi. Exactly in the center was an article entitled, “Miracle of Vibhuti”. It was awesome. This is the experience in brief.
It is August 1962 and Ms. Karunamba Ramamoorthy is visiting Puttaparthi with her family. Her son, Satish, develops a severe ache in the left leg which progressively intensifies in pain. IN a couple of days, he also develops high fever, sleeplessness and delirium. Physical access to Swami (Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba) is quite easy (it is 1962) but Swami avoids the issue of Satish’s health. On top of that, He tells them ‘angrily’ that He is leaving Puttaparthi for a tour and that the family should return to their native place, Mysore.
By the time the family completes the arduous journey of 15-16 hours, Satish is almost unconscious. He is admitted to the Sri Krishnarajendra Hospital. The leg had swollen and is accumulating fluid in copious amounts. The doctors say that the only alternative is to amputate the leg. The operation is scheduled.
The day before the operation, Swami lands up in Mysore. The desperate Ms.Karunamba rushes to Him and informs Him about the operation. He jokes,
“What else will these doctors do? Cut legs, cut hands and also cut throats. I will give you a pinch of vibhuti. Put it in His mouth. Everything will be alright.”
In a day, Satish is much better and the operation is cancelled. The whole family goes for darshan to offer gratitude to Swami. He tells them,
“Dear ones! You must have felt bad when I spoke rudely to you in Puttaparthi. Had you stayed there, one of you was destined to die. I wanted you to leave. If I had spoken softly, you would not have listened. So I had to do what I did.:
And then, Swami provides a gem of an insight on how faith should be,
“Do you know how your faith should be? Even if you throw a stone chanting My name, it should turn into a diamond. Now, everything will be fine. Go home. Satish will be cured. Return to Puttaparthi for Dasara festival.”
Source: Marilyn Monroe
Parting thoughts...
Faith is a very powerful thing. So difficult to define, yet easy to reap benefits from.Faith has the ability to cure even the dreaded cancer. Well, faith is a topic for another article!
The point is, everything indeed happens for the good. Is it any surprise that Swami defines Surrender as :
“Whatever happens to you, think that it is for the good. That is true surrender!”