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Just as a gigantic tree emerges out of a small seed, the entire universe has originated from love. - Baba | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

martes, 24 de diciembre de 2013
En español :-) Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - December 24, 2013
En español :-) Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - December 23, 2013
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Love, respect, tolerance, mutual co-operation, forbearance – these must flow from the heart of each to all - Baba | |||||||||||||||||||||||
En español :-) Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - December 22, 2013
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A good student is an offering that a good teacher makes to the nation. - Baba | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
En español :-) Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - December 21, 2013
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When your mind is filled with good thoughts such as truth, love, forbearance and compassion, your life will be filled with peace and serenity. - Baba | |||||||||||||||||||||||
En español :-) Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - December 20, 2013
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Winning love through love is the vital aspect of devotion. - Baba | |||||||||||||||||||||||
En español :-) Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - December 19, 2013
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A person can be called truly human, if they possess the qualities of calmness, forbearance and compassion. - Baba | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
En español :-) Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - December 18, 2013
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A good student is the best offering a good teacher makes to the nation. - Baba | |||||||||||