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martes, 23 de octubre de 2018

Ananda Vahini - Número Ciento cuarenta y cuatro - 20 de octubre 2018 _ Ananda Vahini - Issue One Hundred And Forty Four - October 20, 2018.

Número ciento ciento cuarenta y cuatro - 20 de octubre de 2018
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Un hombre menos los deseos es igual a Dios. Cualquier deseo le hará incapaz de ser Dios. Sean sin deseos. El que no tenga deseos, puede ser ciertamente una persona divina. Anapeksha. 
Cualquier deseo, incluso el deseo de querer la liberación es también un deseo. No quiero nada. Dios sabe todo. Si le pido y le exijo cosas a Dios, significa que no estoy confiando en Él. 
Él hará todo. ¡La vida se vuelve tan pacífica!


Con las bendiciones de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, estamos encantados de presentar nuestro número ciento cuarenta y cuatro  de Ananda Vahini. El boletín semanal incluye interesantes reflexiones y extractos breves de los eventos de la semana. 

En este número, les traemos las actualizaciones de Navaratri Homa, Durga Puja, Chaturveda Parayana, 
Celebradas Maha Rudra Yajna en Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli, del 10 de octubre al 19 de octubre de 2018.  

En la VISION INTERIOR de esta semana  , el hermano Madhusudan Naidu comparte una interesante momento que sucedió entre Bhagavan y un devoto. 

- Equipo de Comunicaciones Sathya Sai Grama.


Por Sri Madhusudan Naidu.

*S-A-I  Estudiantes*

Swami estaba visitando el campus de niñas en Nallakadirenahalli, un verdadero paraíso terrenal para aquellas niñas, que debido a la pobreza, podrían haber sido privadas de esa educación y terminar casadas en su adolescencia. Una niña narró su triste historia de problemas que tuvo que enfrentar en su infancia debido a...

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Celebraciones de Navaratri - Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli - 11 de octubre de 2018 (Día 2).  

El segundo día de las celebraciones de Navaratri fue recibido por los devotos, ya que se reunieron temprano para bañarse en las poderosas vibraciones de los cantos védicos. Se realizaron dos Homas, incluyendo Pavamamana Homa y Ashlesha Bali Homa. 
El Homa Pavamamana se realizó para purificar a todos, para que cada uno pudiera marchar hacia Dios, y el Homa Ashlesha Bali era un ritual especial ofrecido al Dios de la Serpiente, para que liberara a todas las maldiciones acumuladas debido a los Karmas anteriores. Bhagavan entró en ...

Un impresionante Rangoli de Mandala con serpientes para Ashlesha Bali Homa 
Actuación de danza en Mahishasurmardini Stotram 
Pavamamana Homa siendo realizada por sacerdotes.
Tarde de Satsang en progreso 
Recital de Harikatha por la Dra. Prema Pandurang

Celebraciones de Navaratri - Satya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli - 12 de octubre de 2018 (Día 3).


En el tercer día de la auspiciosa festividad de Navaratri, los Ritwiks(sacerdotes) llevaron a cabo dos Homas especiales que propiciaban al Señor Shiva a través del Shiva Panchakshari Homa, y Sapta Dravya Samarpanam Homa, donde se ofrecieron siete objetos diferentes al Havan Kunda(altar de fuego). Los devotos estaban bañados por los poderosos y conmovedores cantos que ...

Shiva Panchakshari Homa y Sapta Dravya Samarpanam Homa se están realizando
Durga Arati interpretada por la danza Dhunuchi y los Dhaki.
Satsang de noche

Celebraciones de Navaratri - Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli - 13 de octubre de 2018 (Día 4). 


El cuarto día de las celebraciones de Navaratri estuvo marcado por la actuación de Pooja a la Diosa por parte de los Ritwiks(sacerdotes), que dirigieron el Lalita Homa y el Durga Homa. La belleza visual del Sri Chakra era asombrosamente maravillosa, ya que los devotos querían echarle un vistazo y ver los detalles de su diseño. Parecía y es una obra de arte Divina, ya que los Ritwik pasaron cerca de ocho o nueve horas preparando el Mandala, que se considera uno de los más difíciles de crear. 

Bhagavan llegó al Pandal(estructura transitoria construida para una festividad) y los  ...

Un impresionante Mandala de Sri Chakram
Lalita Homa y Durga Homa se realizan.
 Rig Veda cantado por el grupo Veda Parayana
'Durga Durgatinashini', un recital de danza de una devota bengalí
 Satsang nocturno - Rig Veda cantado por los sacerdotes
Swami Paripurnananda Swamiji de Vyasa Ashram hablando sobre el conocimiento védico relacionado con la práctica de la agricultura sin químicos
Sri Avinash Rai Khanna, un parlamentario eminente que comparte sus experiencias y aprende de sus diversas actividades de Seva

¿Cómo puedo desarrollar la devoción? - Celebraciones de Navaratri - Resumen del discurso divino - 11 de octubre de 2018. 

Lograr que una persona se convierta, en la persona que lo ha logrado todo, la persona que se vuelve inmortal, y se satisfaga completamente, no hay nada más que desee. Bhakti solo es capaz de otorgar esta bendición al lograr que uno se sienta completamente satisfecho, no quedan más deseos. Uno ha logrado todo lo que ...

¿Qué anhela el Señor de un devoto? - Celebraciones de Navaratri - Resumen del discurso divino - 12 de octubre de 2018.

¿Qué se puede ofrecer al Señor que es el maestro de todo y de todos? El que tiene el Brahmanda(el huevo del cual nació el universo) en su estómago, ¿puede alguien alimentarlo con manjares? Quien impregna, y permea todos los cuerpos de agua, ¿alguien puede darle un Abhisheka, un baño? El que es más brillante que el sol, más que mil ...

¿Qué idioma quiere Swami que sus estudiantes dominen? - Celebraciones de Navaratri - Resumen del discurso divino - 13 de octubre de 2018. 

Isavasyam Sarvam Idam, declara el Veda que todo no es más que Dios mismo. El que tiene sabiduría ve solo uno donde hay muchos, mientras que el ignorante ve muchos o diversidad en la unidad. Quien ve el principio de la unidad es verdaderamente un Jnani, una persona de sabiduría. Para una persona así, ...

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* Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutha Prakashna *, Todos los derechos reservados. 

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Issue One Hundred and Forty Four - October 20, 2018
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Man minus desire is equal to God. Any desire will make you unfit to be God. Be desireless. He alone or she alone who has no desires can be truly a divine person. Anapeksha. Any desire is  – even the desire that I want liberation is also a desire. I want nothing. God knows everything. If I ask Him and demand things from God means I am not trusting Him. He will do everything. Life becomes so peaceful!          
With the Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we are delighted to present ourOne Hundred and Forty Fourth issue of Ananda Vahini. The weekly newsletter includes interesting musings and short excerpts from the week's events.

In this issue, we bring you the updates of Navaratri Homa, Durga Puja, Chaturveda Parayana, Maha Rudra Yajna Celebrations at Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli from October 10 to October 19, 2018. 

In this week's INNER VIEW, Brother Madhusudan Naidu shares an interesting moment which happened between Bhagawan and a devotee.

- Sathya Sai Grama Communications Team.

By Sri Madhusudan Naidu
S-A-I Student

Swami was visiting the girls campus at Nallakadirenahalli, truly a heaven on earth for those girls who owing to poverty could have been deprived of such education and ended up being married off in their teens. A girl narrated her tearful tale of troubles that she had to face in her childhood due to poverty and deprivation, but thanks to Swami that she now was studying in Swami’s college and was looking forward to a brighter tomorrow dedicated in service to the society. 

The American devotee who heard the soulful speech was visibly moved and submitted to Swami with moist eyes, ‘Swami we need such children in America to change America’.

Swami responded spontaneously, “Indeed, I am going to send these children all around the world, like a farmer who scatters the seeds all around. They will take roots and grow into spiritual giants in those geographies and provide cool shade of love to those scorching in the worldly heat.”

Then He turned to the children and said, “ You are Sai Students and the very name defines the qualities that you must have. S-A-I stands for Service - Adoration- Illumination (Karma- Bhakti- Jnana). Therefore, the way of a Sai student is to serve with love and attain enlightenment! You don’t have to do anything else, but simply follow the very essence of your existence, the very name that you bear, the name of Sai Student and I shall look after the rest.”

Who on earth could define the essence of Sai Student so succinctly but Sai Himself, who painstakingly prepares these seeds of His students to be sown in the soil of the hearts of the entire humanity, for its redemption!

OCTOBER 11, 2018 (DAY 2)  

The second day of the Navaratri Celebrations was welcomed by devotees as they gathered early to bathe in the powerful vibrations of the Vedic chants. Two Homams were performed including Pavamamana Homa and the Ashlesha Bali Homa. The Pavamamana Homa was performed to get everyone purified, so one could march forward towards God, and the Ashlesha Bali Homa was a special ritual offered to the Serpent gods, so they would free all from the curses garnered because of previous Karmas. Bhagawan entered the Yaaga Shaala at around 10:30 a.m.
A stunning Rangoli of Mandala with serpents was beautifully drawn by the Ritwiks, who had spent more than eight hours the previous day. The Vedic chants and an explanation about the efficacy of both the Homas at the end in both Kannada and English languages, captivated everyone present in the precincts of the blessed Hrudaya Mandir.
To celebrate the second day of the special Durga Puja, devotees from West Bengal performed a dance on the Mahishasurmardini Stotram, which signifies the prayers and calls of devotees to the Goddess Mother to come to earth and relieve them from all their....

To know more, click HERE
A stunning Rangoli of Mandala with serpents for Ashlesha Bali Homa 
Dance performance on Mahishasurmardini Stotram 
Pavamamana Homa being performed by priests
Evening Satsang in progress 
Harikatha recital by Dr Prema Pandurang
OCTOBER 12, 2018 (DAY 3) 
On the third day of the auspicious Navaratri, two special Homams were performed by the Ritwiks propitiating Lord Shiva through the Shiva Panchakshari Homa, and Sapta Dravya Samarpanam Homa, where seven different objects were offered to the Havan Kunda. The devotees were drenched in the powerful and moving chants propitiating Lord Shiva in the very presence of Sai Shiva. A beautiful Rudra Mandala designed in vibrant and attracting colors adorned the Havan area.
After Poornahuti, Swami moved inside the Hrudaya Mandir, and blessed the devotees. He walked towards the traditional ‘Kollu’ display where Kumkum and Turmeric Archana was offered, and a beautiful Rangoli was prepared on the surface of water.
A special dance performance was offered with a Bengali song ‘Tumi Jaago Durge’, which signified the calling of devotees to Goddess Durga, to awake fully from Her Samadhi, and take care of Her devotees. 
After Durga Arati was performed by Dhunuchi dance and the Dhaki drummers, Mangala Arati was offered to Swami. 
It was a blessed day indeed for the devotees. After blessing everyone, accepting letters, and also encouraging them to continue on their spiritual journey, Swami blessed girls students from Baagepalli and their teachers with chocolates, before retiring and thus the morning programme of the third day concluded.
The evening celebrations commenced amidst chantings of Sri Rudram and ‘Samasta Loka Sukhino Bhavantu’. Day three is dedicated to Chandragantha. The Mother in this form carries a Trishul, a mace...

To know more, click HERE
Shiva Panchakshari Homa and Sapta Dravya Samarpanam Homa being performed
Durga Arati being performed by Dhunuchi dance and the Dhaki drummers
Evening Satsang
OCTOBER 13, 2018 (DAY 4)  

The fourth day of the Navaratri celebrations was marked by the performance of Pooja to the Goddess by the Ritwiks, who conducted the Lalita Homa and Durga Homa. The visual beauty of the Sri Chakra was stunningly marvellous as the devotees wanted to catch a glimpse of it and the details it carried. It looked like a divine piece of artwork as the Ritwiks spent close to eight or nine hours preparing the Mandala, which is considered to be one of the toughest to create. 
Bhagawan arrived in the Pandal and Vedic chants were recited by the Veda Parayana group. Kanika Archana was performed with very detailed rituals and after the Poornahuti had been offered, Bhagawan blessed each and every one of the Ritwik couples who took part in the Pooja and also the chief priest. 
Bhagawan then proceeded inside the Hridaya Mandir hall and blessed the devotees with His Divine Darshan before moving towards the Kullu display where devotees had prepared a special flower Rangoli, which represented the Koorma (turtle) Avatar. The various forms of God and His incarnations are depicted in this traditional observation so that young children can learn about their rich cultural heritage.
Devotees then presented beautiful dance performance along with a Bengali song ‘Durga Durgatinashini’, which signifies the Goddess receiving ornaments and apparel from devotees, after assuming a form to come and save them in response to their prayers. Devotees had painted a beautiful coconut in the form of the Goddess and they presented this coconut to Bhagawan.
Durga Arati was offered with Dhaki drummers and Dhanuchi dance by the priests and this was followed by the offering of Mangala Arati to Bhagawan. Thus the auspicious morning session came to a conclusion.
The celebrations of day four continued in the evening at Premamrutham hall in Sri Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli, commencing with sacred chantings of Sri Rudram and the universal prayer, Samasta Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu. The last three days had seen the retelling of glorious anecdotes from the Srimad Bhagawatam, accompanied by beautiful songs. However, today marked the beginning of a series of presentations by eminent scholars on the relevance of the ancient Vedas to present day society.
Our Beloved Bhagawan was welcomed to the Premamrutham Hall with a procession of Poorna Kumbam and Vedic chanting by girl students and Bhajans. After Bhagawan had ascended...

To know more, click HERE
A stunning Mandala of Sri Chakram
Lalita Homa and Durga Homa being performed
 Rig Veda chanting by Veda Parayana group
'Durga Durgatinashini’, a dance recital by a Bengali devotee
Evening Satsang - Rig Veda chanting by the priests
Swami Paripurnananda Swamiji from Vyasa Ashram speaking about the Vedic knowledge related to the practise of agriculture without chemicals
Sri Avinash Rai Khanna, an eminent Parliamentarian sharing his experiences and learning from his various Seva activities
Attaining which a person becomes the one who has attained everything, the one who becomes immortal and he becomes completely satisfied, there is nothing more he desires for. Bhakti alone is capable of granting this boon by attaining which one becomes completely satisfied, there are no more desires left. One has attained everything that needs to be attained and thereby one attains the ultimate immortality. I travel around the world and I meet a lot of young people. They are not satisfied with whatever they do for their desires are endless. There is no Trupti, there is no satisfaction in their lives though they have achieved much through their abilities, skills and knowledge yet, they are not satisfied within, they are not truly happy.  
Kama Krodha Lobha Moha Mada Matsarya. Man who is born with all these enemies within, Arishadvarga,cannot find solution to them unless he develops devotion and offers all these senses, all the desires, all the thoughts to the Lord. Therefore, the Gita says, Whatever you do, whatever you think, whatever you aspire for, whatever you give or receive, do everything for My sake alone. When we develop love for the Lord, when we feel His presence, when we feel His blessings all the time in our lives, and we are grateful to Him, it is then that we offer everything that we do, say, think, see, touch, smell to Him saying ‘Krishnarpanam’. It will redeem us from the cycle of life and death, births after births. It will satisfy all our desires. It will help us attain everything and there is nothing more to be attained thereafter. It will make us immortal. That is the Bhakti of Krishna, that is the Bhakti of the Lord, developing which there is nothing more that needs to be attained.   
Develop the friendship, the company of the devotees and that is the way to one’s own salvation. Listen to (the exposition on divine Leelas) with great devotion, great faith, great love....

To know more, click HERE
What can one offer to the Lord who is the master of everything and everyone? The one who has the Brahmanda in His stomach, can somebody feed Him delicacies? The one who permeates, pervades all the water-bodies, can somebody give Him an Abhisheka, a bath? The one who is brighter than the sun, nay a thousand suns, a crore of suns, can somebody light a lamp in front of Him? But the heart that the Lord has given us is a fitting offering to offer it back to the Lord full of love. Truly the Lord expects nothing from the devotees for He has everything, He is all. However, this one offering of Bhakti, a heart full of devotion, is all that the Lord longs for. 
Whatever you offer, Patram Pushpam Phalam Toyam, whatever you offer, if it is offered without Bhakti, He will not accept it. Different people offer different things to the Lord with Bhakti and the Lord accepts. When Sabari offered the half-eaten berries with Bhakti, the Lord ate with great delight. When Vidura offered the skin of the plantains and threw the fruit away, the Lord ate it with great joy. So it is when somebody sings Lord’s glory with Bhakti and offers that glory back to the Lord with great devotion as it was done today by Amma, I accept it with great delight, with great joy. Dear students, these are lives of devotees which have been spent in constant contemplation and constant devotion and constant service of the Lord and these are exemplary lives; we must learn from them. At this age you are in, you look for people to make as your idols, to make as your heroes, to learn from them. 
The one who lives a life of sacrifice for the Lord, for God, in devotion to God truly attains immortality and such a person never dies though the body may die, though the physical form may perish.....

To know more, click HERE
OCTOBER 13, 2018 (DAY 4) 

Isavasyam Sarvam Idam declares the Veda that everything is nothing but God Himself. The one who has wisdom sees only one where there are many whereas the ignorant one sees many or diversity in the unity. The one who sees the principle of oneness is truly a Jnani, a person of wisdom. For such a person who has realised this oneness in all creation and who knows no difference between one and another, again the Vedas declare that such a person does not have any attachment or sorrow. The end of all education must be to realise this oneness that is underlying the diversity that exists everywhere. The one who is without the right kind of education that liberates is equivalent to an animal. We think we become educated by studying in schools and colleges, by acquiring degrees and information and we become better than animals. Not at all! What use is of such education which ultimately makes man more cruel, more selfish, more heartless than animals? 
True education is that which teaches us the oneness of creation and thereby makes us selfless, makes us fearless, makes us divine. That is Atmavidya. And that Atmavidya is found in the Vedas. How wonderful that the Vedas declare Amrutasya putraha They call you the very children of immortality not those who are born and who die eventually. They have given us the greatest if the truths Aham Brahmasmi, Prajnanam Brahma, Tat Tvam Asi, Ayam Atma Brahma, all the four Vedas have given us the four principles of truth spoken in different ways. Even before Vedas, the Rishis, the devotees, the aspirants were always immersed in a state of divine self. There were no words spoken for they were in the state where It cannot be described by any kind of words nor grasped by the mind. But then God decided that what they experienced must be given to humanity later...

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