Retrospectiva (2010): Mar - abril - mayo - junio - julio - agosto - septiembre - octubre - noviembre - diciembre
Retrospectiva (2011): Jan - febrero - marzo - abril - mayo - junio - julio - agosto - septiembre
Les deseamos a todos nuestros lectores un Happy Holy Diwali !
Actualizado Miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2011, ha las 19:20 Hrs.
Hoy es día de Deepavali, la festividad a la que se refiere a menudo como el Festival de Luces!
Al igual que muchas otras festividades, Prashanti también celebraba Deepavali en el pasado con los estudiantes, que alegran con la ruptura de galletas en la Divina Presencia.
Antes de la construcción de la morada divina, Yajur Mandiram, el verde césped frente a Poornachandra, donde se construyó la morada divina, solía ser el lugar donde los estudiantes de las escuelas de Prashanti y Brindavan, se reunían a estallar las galletas en la noche propicia y en la presencia divina.
Deepavali años anteriores fue bendecida también con discursos Divinos de Bhagavan. ... Y para la ocasión el año pasado, la amorosa Madre Sai misma se dirigió al Sri Sathya Sai Estadio Hill View, donde sus estudiantes agradecidos habían organizado una lluvia 'multi-color de luces en los cielos "- una memorable exhibición de fuegos artificiales, anunciando los 85 años de el amor ...!!!
En una tarde nublada con llovizna ocasional, húmeda, el día de hoy, Prashanti celebra Deepavali con un importante número de devotos de Gujarat, presentando programas culturales.
Antes del comienzo del programa, el Presidente de la Organizaciones Sri Sathya Sai para el Estado , Sri Manohar Trikarnad dijo unas palabras, y saludo a todos por esta festividad. También presentó una breve reseña de las diversas actividades seva en el estado.
En una tarde nublada con llovizna ocasional, húmeda, el día de hoy, Prashanti celebra Deepavali con un importante número de devotos de Gujarat, presentando programas culturales.
Antes del comienzo del programa, el Presidente de la Organizaciones Sri Sathya Sai para el Estado , Sri Manohar Trikarnad dijo unas palabras, y saludo a todos por esta festividad. También presentó una breve reseña de las diversas actividades seva en el estado.
El programa se inició con Ganesha Vandana, seguido por un par de danzas folclóricas tradicionales de la Juventud de Gujarat, recordando la época dorada del Señor Krishna durante la Edad Dwapara.
El tema principal del día fue, a continuación realizado por Rajendra D. Raval, un genio de Ahmedabad en danza de espadas, "Talwar Nrutya" tomó el centro de la escena, dejando fascinado al auditorio, dando vueltas sobre sí mismo de forma continua durante los próximos quince minutos, tejiendo magia con precisión.
Comenzando con una espada, el artista logra con gracia concentrarse en un solo punto de atención, mientras se mueve la espada con facilidad, relajando sus puños y moviendola con total libertad.
Él , continuo su espectáculo con espadas gemelas, impresionando al público, y recibiendo un caluroso aplauso.
No paraba de dar vueltas mientras el artista continuó con la magia de tejer, en esta ocasión creando un sari de algodón con un pavo real de varios colores. Dos hazañas más siguieron, en el que junto con sus movimientos giratorios, creó una paloma y seguido un conejo.
Al final del programa, se felicitó regalando piezas de safari al grupo y fotografías fueron tomadas. Bhajans por la Juventud Gujarat continuaron durante la siguiente media hora de duración. Prasadam fue distribuido y el Mangala Ararthi se ofreció a las 18:00 horas.
Gujarati de Año Nuevo que sigue a Deepavali se celebrará mañana.


Archival (2010) : Mar - Apr - May - Jun - Jul - Aug - Sep - Oct - Nov - Dec
Archival (2011) : Jan - Feb - Mar - April - May - June - July - Aug - Sep
Updated Wednesday, October 26, 2011 - 1920 Hrs. IST
Today is auspicious Deepavali, the festivity that is often referred to as The Festival Of Lights! Like many other festivities Prasanthi would also celebrate Deepavali in the past with students rejoicing the occasion bursting crackers in the Divine Presence. Until the inception of the Divine Abode, Yajur Mandiram, the green lawns opposite Poornachandra, where The Divine Abode was built, used to be the venue where students from Prasanthi and Brindavan campuses would burst crackers on the auspicious evening in the Divine presence. Deepavali earlier years were also blessed with Bhagawan’s Divine discourses. ...And during the occasion last year, all loving Mother Sai drove Himself down to Sri Sathya Sai Hill View Stadium where His grateful students had arranged a 'multi-colour shower from the heavens' - a memorable fireworks display, heralding 85 Years of Love...!!!
On a damp overcast evening with occasional drizzle, today, Prasanthi celebrated Deepavali with a sizeable number of devotees from Gujarat presenting cultural programmes.
Before the commencement of the programme State President of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations, Sri Manohar Trikarnad spoke for a while greeting one and all on the auspicious occasion. He also presented a brief profile of various seva activities in the state.
The programme commenced with Ganesha Vandana followed by a couple of traditional Folk Dances by the Youth of Gujarat reminiscing the golden days of Lord Krishna during Dwapara Age.
The lead item for the day was to follow. Rajendra D. Raval, an Ahmedabad based whiz in Sword Dance, 'Talwar Nrutya' took the centre-stage drawing attention of the riveting eyes, whirling himself continuously for the next more than fifteen minutes, weaving magic with precision. Beginning with a sword, the accomplished artist gracefully whirled with one-pointed attention, while moving the sword at ease, relaxing his grips and leaving the same quite free. He followed his feat with twin swords, stunning the audience, receiving rapturous applause. Non-stop he was whirling that the artist continued with weaving magic, this time creating a peacock from multi-coloured cotton sari. Two more feats followed wherein, in tandem with his whirling movement, he created a pigeon followed by a rabbit.
At the end of the programme artistes were felicitated with safari pieces and group photograph was taken. Bhajans by Gujarat Youth continued for the next half-an-hour. Prasadam was distributed and Mangala Ararthi was offered at 1800 hrs.
Gujarati New Year that follows Deepavali will be celebrated tomorrow.
Archival (2010) : Mar - Apr - May - Jun - Jul - Aug - Sep - Oct - Nov - Dec
Archival (2011) : Jan - Feb - Mar - April - May - June - July - Aug - Sep
Updated Wednesday, October 26, 2011 - 1920 Hrs. IST
Today is auspicious Deepavali, the festivity that is often referred to as The Festival Of Lights! Like many other festivities Prasanthi would also celebrate Deepavali in the past with students rejoicing the occasion bursting crackers in the Divine Presence. Until the inception of the Divine Abode, Yajur Mandiram, the green lawns opposite Poornachandra, where The Divine Abode was built, used to be the venue where students from Prasanthi and Brindavan campuses would burst crackers on the auspicious evening in the Divine presence. Deepavali earlier years were also blessed with Bhagawan’s Divine discourses. ...And during the occasion last year, all loving Mother Sai drove Himself down to Sri Sathya Sai Hill View Stadium where His grateful students had arranged a 'multi-colour shower from the heavens' - a memorable fireworks display, heralding 85 Years of Love...!!!
On a damp overcast evening with occasional drizzle, today, Prasanthi celebrated Deepavali with a sizeable number of devotees from Gujarat presenting cultural programmes.
Before the commencement of the programme State President of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations, Sri Manohar Trikarnad spoke for a while greeting one and all on the auspicious occasion. He also presented a brief profile of various seva activities in the state.
The programme commenced with Ganesha Vandana followed by a couple of traditional Folk Dances by the Youth of Gujarat reminiscing the golden days of Lord Krishna during Dwapara Age.
The lead item for the day was to follow. Rajendra D. Raval, an Ahmedabad based whiz in Sword Dance, 'Talwar Nrutya' took the centre-stage drawing attention of the riveting eyes, whirling himself continuously for the next more than fifteen minutes, weaving magic with precision. Beginning with a sword, the accomplished artist gracefully whirled with one-pointed attention, while moving the sword at ease, relaxing his grips and leaving the same quite free. He followed his feat with twin swords, stunning the audience, receiving rapturous applause. Non-stop he was whirling that the artist continued with weaving magic, this time creating a peacock from multi-coloured cotton sari. Two more feats followed wherein, in tandem with his whirling movement, he created a pigeon followed by a rabbit.
At the end of the programme artistes were felicitated with safari pieces and group photograph was taken. Bhajans by Gujarat Youth continued for the next half-an-hour. Prasadam was distributed and Mangala Ararthi was offered at 1800 hrs.
Gujarati New Year that follows Deepavali will be celebrated tomorrow.