Prasanthi Noticias_Domingo por la noche Obra de Teatro por médicos del Hospital General SSSB...
Por la celebración del 57 aniversario del Hospital General Sri Sathya Sai , los médicos junto con los paramédicos, presentaron un drama socio-fantasía en telugu, titulado Deho Devalayaha, ayer por la tarde aquí en Prashanti Nilayam. Más temprano, el drama de presentación fue precedido por tres discursos como parte del Prasanthi Vidwan Mahasabha.
El primer orador en la sesión del dia 4 to de Prasanthi Vidwan Mahasabha, fue el Dr. N. Srividya del campus de Anantapur de ISSSES, quien ha hablado sobre el Principio de Madre .
Menciono sobre el papel de Bhagavan como un hijo ideal, aportando referencias de sus propias enseñanzas, el Dr. Srividya ilustro las cinco madres glorificadas en las escrituras, a saber, Deha Matha, la madre que da a luz a este cuerpo, Go-Matha, la vaca que da sosten con su leche , Bhoo-Matha, la tierra que cultivada alimentan al cuerpo, Desa-Matha, la Patria que le da protección, amor, derechos y oportunidades de servir y elevarse a sí mismo, y Veda Matha, los Vedas.
Aditya Dilip Kuldekar primero, estudiante de maestría de Prashanti Nilayam campus, y Sekhar Aditya de Brindavan campus, fueron los dos últimos oradores que hablaron sobre los temas: "En busqueda del amor 'y' La sensación de Su Presencia".
Deho Devalayaha, el drama socio-fantasía por el equipo del Hospital General se basó en la historia de la transformación de un hombre prototipo de hoy en día, adicto al tentador mundo de fantasías que hace caso omiso a su salud. El drama en Telugu fue un viaje colorido y educativo para el público en la noche.
Sigui una presentación de música devocional por el personal del Hospital General, y continuó con videos bonitos de Bhagavan al mismo tiempo, que se mostraron en las pantallas LED.
Los Bhajans continuaron y el Mangala Arathi se ofreció a las 19:00 hrs.
El domingo fue el día 6 del Sri Sathya Sai Grama Seva 2012. Las aldeas visitadas fueron, Kotturu y Colonia Kotturu SC, Danduvaripalli, Satarlapalli, Guvvalaguttapalli, Pedapalli, Agi Andhra Veedhi, Tanda Pedappali, Tanda Chinna, Konapuram, Marlapalli, Rachavaripalli, Buggapalli, Kotlapalli, Colonia Kotlapalli Harijan, Nidimamidi, Iragarajupalli, Kattivaripalli, Gajulapalli, Subbarayanapalli, Diguvacheruvupalli, E.Gangireddypalli, E.Gangireddypalli Tanda.
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Prasanthi News_Sunday evening Prog - Socio- fantasy Drama by SSS General Hospital...
Celebrating 57th anniversary of Sri Sathya Sai General Hospital, doctors along with paramedics presented a socio-fantasy drama in Telugu entitled Deho Devalayaha yesterday evening here in Prasanthi Nilayam. Earlier, the drama presentation was preceded by three speeches as part of Prasanthi Vidwan Mahasabha.
First speaker for the 4th session of Prasanthi Vidwan Mahasabha was Dr N. Srividya from the Anantapur campus of SSSIHL, who elucidated on Mother Principle. Mentioning about Bhagawan’s role as an Ideal Son, bringing in references from His own teachings, Dr Srividya illustrated the five Mothers glorified in scriptures namely, Deha Matha, the mother that gives birth to this body, Go-Matha, the cow that gives sustaining milk, Bhoo-Matha, the land that grows crops which feed the body, Desa-Matha, the Motherland that gives protection, love, rights and chances to serve and elevate oneself to one’s full height and Veda-Matha.
Aditya Dilip Kuldekar, 1st Msc student from Prasanthi Nilayam campus and Aditya Sekhar from final BSc Brindavan campus were the last two speakers who spoke on the subjects, ‘Quest For Love’ and ‘Feeling His Presence’.
Deho Devalayaha, the socio-fantasy drama by the General Hospital Team was based on the story of transformation of a prototype modern day man, addicted to the alluring world of fantasies disregard to his health. The drama in Telugu served as a colourful educational entertainment tour to the capacity audience in the evening.
Rendering of devotional music by the General Hospital staff continued with beautiful videos of Bhagawan simultaneously shown on the LED screens.
Bhajans continued and Mangala Arathi was offered at 1900 hrs.
Sunday was the 6th of Sri Sathya Sai Grama Seva 2012. Villages covered were, Kotturu and Kotturu SC Colony, Danduvaripalli, Satarlapalli, Guvvalaguttapalli, Pedapalli, Agi Andhra Veedhi, Pedappali Tanda, Chinna Tanda, Konapuram, Marlapalli, Rachavaripalli, Buggapalli, Kotlapalli, Kotlapalli Harijan Colony, Nidimamidi, Iragarajupalli, Kattivaripalli, Gajulapalli, Subbarayanapalli, Diguvacheruvupalli, E.Gangireddypalli, E.Gangireddypalli Tanda.
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Aditya Dilip Kuldekar primero, estudiante de maestría de Prashanti Nilayam campus, y Sekhar Aditya de Brindavan campus, fueron los dos últimos oradores que hablaron sobre los temas: "En busqueda del amor 'y' La sensación de Su Presencia".
Deho Devalayaha, el drama socio-fantasía por el equipo del Hospital General se basó en la historia de la transformación de un hombre prototipo de hoy en día, adicto al tentador mundo de fantasías que hace caso omiso a su salud. El drama en Telugu fue un viaje colorido y educativo para el público en la noche.
Sigui una presentación de música devocional por el personal del Hospital General, y continuó con videos bonitos de Bhagavan al mismo tiempo, que se mostraron en las pantallas LED.
Los Bhajans continuaron y el Mangala Arathi se ofreció a las 19:00 hrs.
El domingo fue el día 6 del Sri Sathya Sai Grama Seva 2012. Las aldeas visitadas fueron, Kotturu y Colonia Kotturu SC, Danduvaripalli, Satarlapalli, Guvvalaguttapalli, Pedapalli, Agi Andhra Veedhi, Tanda Pedappali, Tanda Chinna, Konapuram, Marlapalli, Rachavaripalli, Buggapalli, Kotlapalli, Colonia Kotlapalli Harijan, Nidimamidi, Iragarajupalli, Kattivaripalli, Gajulapalli, Subbarayanapalli, Diguvacheruvupalli, E.Gangireddypalli, E.Gangireddypalli Tanda.
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Prasanthi News_Sunday evening Prog - Socio- fantasy Drama by SSS General Hospital...
Celebrating 57th anniversary of Sri Sathya Sai General Hospital, doctors along with paramedics presented a socio-fantasy drama in Telugu entitled Deho Devalayaha yesterday evening here in Prasanthi Nilayam. Earlier, the drama presentation was preceded by three speeches as part of Prasanthi Vidwan Mahasabha.
First speaker for the 4th session of Prasanthi Vidwan Mahasabha was Dr N. Srividya from the Anantapur campus of SSSIHL, who elucidated on Mother Principle. Mentioning about Bhagawan’s role as an Ideal Son, bringing in references from His own teachings, Dr Srividya illustrated the five Mothers glorified in scriptures namely, Deha Matha, the mother that gives birth to this body, Go-Matha, the cow that gives sustaining milk, Bhoo-Matha, the land that grows crops which feed the body, Desa-Matha, the Motherland that gives protection, love, rights and chances to serve and elevate oneself to one’s full height and Veda-Matha.
Aditya Dilip Kuldekar, 1st Msc student from Prasanthi Nilayam campus and Aditya Sekhar from final BSc Brindavan campus were the last two speakers who spoke on the subjects, ‘Quest For Love’ and ‘Feeling His Presence’.
Deho Devalayaha, the socio-fantasy drama by the General Hospital Team was based on the story of transformation of a prototype modern day man, addicted to the alluring world of fantasies disregard to his health. The drama in Telugu served as a colourful educational entertainment tour to the capacity audience in the evening.
Rendering of devotional music by the General Hospital staff continued with beautiful videos of Bhagawan simultaneously shown on the LED screens.
Bhajans continued and Mangala Arathi was offered at 1900 hrs.
Sunday was the 6th of Sri Sathya Sai Grama Seva 2012. Villages covered were, Kotturu and Kotturu SC Colony, Danduvaripalli, Satarlapalli, Guvvalaguttapalli, Pedapalli, Agi Andhra Veedhi, Pedappali Tanda, Chinna Tanda, Konapuram, Marlapalli, Rachavaripalli, Buggapalli, Kotlapalli, Kotlapalli Harijan Colony, Nidimamidi, Iragarajupalli, Kattivaripalli, Gajulapalli, Subbarayanapalli, Diguvacheruvupalli, E.Gangireddypalli, E.Gangireddypalli Tanda.
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