Amor Divino de Swami - Una experiencia toco el corazón.
Este es uno de los incidentes descritos por el Prof. Anil Kumar que toco su corazon, en una de sus entrevistas con Radio Sai. Experiencias de los devotos con Swami en los viajes a Kodaikanal , los viajes son siempre maravillosos y no se encuentran palabras para expresar su éxtasis. Swami solía hablar de cualquier tema en la tierra con los devotos.
Durante una de estas visitas maravillosos, que incluyo a el profesor Anil Kumar , noto que Swami daba más atención a un estudiante en particular. Swami solía hablar con él especialmente. Él solía materializar muchas cosas para él. Una vez incluso materializó dos pares de aretes de oro para él. Todo el mundo estaba sorprendido y envidioso por el niño.
Un día, durante una de los discursos dd Swami dijo: "Ustedes están pensando que estoy prestando más atención a este muchacho. Él es de Kerala. Él perdió a su madre hace unos meses. Él solía sentarse solo y llorar. El ultimo deseo de su madre eran aretes de regalo para sus hijas. Pero ella ya no está. Ahora yo soy su madre, y cumplí con su último deseo.
Yo lo consolé todos los días. Yo solía hacer feliz a mi hijo. Yo consolé a su padre que estaba muy frustrado después de que su esposa muriera, e incluso intentó suicidarse. Tomo la promesa de que nunca lo repetiría de nuevo. A partir de ese día el niño comenzó a sonreír.
Mi amor por ti todo es puro e insondable. Es igual al amor de mil madres.
" Todo el mundo estaba llorando".
Amor Divino de Swami es mil veces mayor ...
Swami's Divine Love - A Heart Touching experience.
This is one of the heart touching incidents described by Prof. Anil Kumar himself during one of his interviews with Radio Sai. Devotees' experiences with Swami in all the trips to Kodaikanal trips are always marvellous and they do not find any words to express their ecstasy. Swami used to discuss any topic on earth with the devotees.
During one of such wonderful visits, every one including prof Anil kumar noticed Swami giving more attention to a particular student. Swami used to speak with him specially. He used to materialise many things for him. Once he even materialised two pairs of golden ear rings for him. Every one was surprised and envious about the boy. One day during one of the discourses Swami said," Every one is thinking I am paying more attention to this boy. He is from Kerala. He lost his mother few months ago. He used to sit alone and cry. His mother's last wish was to gift ear rings for her daughters. But she is no more. Now I am their mother. I fulfilled her last wish. I consoled him everyday. I used to make my son happy. I consoled his father who was very frustrated after his wife's death and even tried to commit suicide . I took a promise from him that he would never repeat it again . From that day the boy started smiling. My Love for you all is pure and Unfathomable. It is equal to thousand mothers' Love." Every one was in tears.
Swami's Divine Love is Thousand Fold...
" Todo el mundo estaba llorando".
Amor Divino de Swami es mil veces mayor ...
Swami's Divine Love - A Heart Touching experience.
This is one of the heart touching incidents described by Prof. Anil Kumar himself during one of his interviews with Radio Sai. Devotees' experiences with Swami in all the trips to Kodaikanal trips are always marvellous and they do not find any words to express their ecstasy. Swami used to discuss any topic on earth with the devotees.
During one of such wonderful visits, every one including prof Anil kumar noticed Swami giving more attention to a particular student. Swami used to speak with him specially. He used to materialise many things for him. Once he even materialised two pairs of golden ear rings for him. Every one was surprised and envious about the boy. One day during one of the discourses Swami said," Every one is thinking I am paying more attention to this boy. He is from Kerala. He lost his mother few months ago. He used to sit alone and cry. His mother's last wish was to gift ear rings for her daughters. But she is no more. Now I am their mother. I fulfilled her last wish. I consoled him everyday. I used to make my son happy. I consoled his father who was very frustrated after his wife's death and even tried to commit suicide . I took a promise from him that he would never repeat it again . From that day the boy started smiling. My Love for you all is pure and Unfathomable. It is equal to thousand mothers' Love." Every one was in tears.
Swami's Divine Love is Thousand Fold...


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