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sábado, 8 de octubre de 2011


Dedicado a la elevación Moral y Espiritual de la Humanidad       Septiembre de 2011 
Eterno Conductor
Consideren el Namasmarana como un Sadhana
No realicen el Namasmarana como un pasatiempo o algo de moda o una frase repetida, o como la parte desagradable de un horario impuesto o como una amarga cuota que se debe cumplir cada día. Piensen en él como el Sadhana, que se debe asumir seriamente con el propósito de reducir sus apegos a los objetos fugaces, purificándose y fortaleciéndose, y liberándose del ciclo de nacimientos y muertes. Apéguense fuertemente a él, como un medio de salvarse, en todo sentido, de las ataduras del tiempo y de los cambios. Pareciera una débil medicina para tan espantosa enfermedad, pero es cierto, es una panacea.

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Otros Libros de Sai y
Ediciones Mensuales (en inglés)

    La Luz Significa Conocimiento, La Oscuridad Denota Ignorancia
He dado discursos todos los días. Yo no siento cansancio al darlos, pero ustedes se fatigan de escucharlos.
El segundo día de la conferencia comenzó con un taller práctico de dos horas sobre Fracturas en Pelvis en el anexo al salón de la conferencia. En el taller, los delegados recibieron entrenamiento práctico de la ejecución de cirugías difíciles
    Refulgencia de Gloria Divina
Swami materializó con toda facilidad todos los instrumentos quirúrgicos necesarios para la operación con Sus manos. Mientras Sathyavathamma observaba,
El hombre no quiere la muerte y trata de escapar de ella de una u otra manera, aún y cuando sabe que la muerte es segura
La ciencia ha estado teniendo notable progreso en las décadas recientes. Indudablemente, el mundo necesita de los descubrimientos de la ciencia. Pero si se olvida de la base y se preocupa solo de la superestructura, será la fuente de mucho desorden y problemas. 
El último día del retiro fue crucial puesto que coincidió con el Maha Samadhi de Bhagavan. Los participantes se consolaron los unos con los otros a través de plegarias en grupo para sobrellevar la pena de la partida física de Swami.
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Prof. N. Kasturi was the Editor of Sanathana Sarathi from its inception in 1958 till he attained the Divine Lotus Feet in the year 1987.
I got the good news pretty quick; Baba had come to Bangalore. He was staying in Sri Vittal Rao’s house on the 9th Cross Road, Wilson Gardens, only five minutes away from my residence, “Ashoka” on the 12th cross. Knowing that there was a possibility of His coming to His place, I had tipped the dry cleaner, who attended to the washing and ironing of his door and window curtains, to inform me as soon as he delivered the wash to Vittal Rao. I had noticed that he had the curtains washed and ironed as part of house cleaning, preliminary to Baba’s visit. When the news leaked at last, I posted the little daughter of my domestic help on a slab of stone facing his house, with directions to keep watch for a big car and an orange robe. So within ten minutes of Baba’s stepping into his house, Vittal Rao was amazed to find me on his verandah! “Wait! Wait! He pleaded. But Baba spotted and came towards me with His palm ready to fall on my shoulder. “Now, you have work at Puttaparthi”, he said. “A monthly magazine will start soon. Guess! How is it named?” He asked. I confessed I could not delve into His will. Yet He drew out from my reluctance a few names. “The Godward Path”, “Karma Dharma”, “Prema Yoga”. He waved aside the titles I suggested and announced that he had decided to designate it as “Sanathana Sarathi”.
That name is a clarion call. It is the conch of Vishnu, awakening the sleeping. It is the drum of Siva challenging the unruly to shed their waywardness. ‘Sarathi’ means ‘he who holds the reins’, ‘Sanathana’ means ‘Eternal’. So, that title would announce to the world that Baba is the Omniwill, which is moulding and manipulating, since Times began, the wills of living beings from the amoeba to the astronaut. “Recognise God as the Sarathi, yield wholeheartedly to His direction, reach your Destination in good shape”, was the message Baba was conveying through that Name. I was elated, elevated.
“This is the 32nd year of the Avataric Career and it is time He stood forth as the world Teacher,” I said to myself, recalling His first public discourse during Dasara, 1953. It was while the Lord was the Sarathi for Arjuna that the Bhagavad Gita was conferred on mankind through him. The Lord is therefore known as Partha (Arjuna) Sarathi. Baba is now standing forth as Sanathana Sarathi – the Sarathi for every one, everywhere.
A few days prior to the release of the first number of the magazine, Baba declared before a gathering on the Chithravathi sands, “The Bhagavad Gita is a guidebook, a map for the aspirant to peace and liberation. The Lord has installed Himself in every heart as the charioteer. Ask Him for the proper direction and He will answer and lead. You can hear a Gita specially designed for you, if you call upon the Lord”. The “Sanathana Sarathi” was therefore intended as the “Bhagawan Uvacha” (Thus saith the Lord) for a world that has jumped the rails and is in fatal jeopardy.

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PARTHI HOY..!!! PARTHI TODAY...!!!_07-10-2011.

Retrospectiva (2010): Mar - abril - mayo - junio - julio - agosto - septiembre - octubre - noviembre - diciembre

Retrospectiva (2011): Jan - febrero - marzo - abril - mayo - junio - julio - agosto - septiembre

Actualizado Viernes, 7 de octubre 2011 - 1356 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 2011 - 1356 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Hrs. IST

Esta mañana llego la calma después de los días agradablemente agitados de Dasara, testigo de una actuación destacada de los jóvenes de Reino Unido que han sido parte del Grama Seva anual desde su creación.

El programa se inició a las 08.00 hs con los Cantos Vedicos. A las 0815 hs, los jóvenes cantaron el stotram, "Brahmanandam Parama Sukatam ...". Esto fue seguido por una canción melodiosa por la Sra. Charlotte, que luego pasó a interpretar un Medley Bhajan en el acordeón, y una versión Sitar por la Sra. Rupinder acompañado de Sri Manjeet en Tablas.

El instrumental fue seguido por las canciones del grupo. A partir de "Aum Gam Ganapathaye", el grupo pasó a cantar "Krishnam Vande ..."," Sathya Sai Janani "," Chitananda Roopam "," Sathya Swaroopa "," Lingashtakam "y" Nacho ". Sri Kapil en el armonio y Sri. Rooshi en el teclado siempre con las voces de fondo.

Las canciones fueron seguidas por bhajans y prasadam fue distribuido a todos. El Arati se ofreció a las 09:30hrs.

Por la noche, se represento un drama por la Organización Sri Sathya Sai, de Tamil Nadu, titulado "Rama Raajyam Sai Samraajyam" (El reino de Rama, El imperio de Sai).

El drama fue precedido por un espectáculo de danza, por niños vestidos de colorido amarillo y rosa, con el telón de fondo de una canción que nos anima a escuchar la historia sagrada del Ramayana.

El drama comienza con la interacción de dos alumnos del Instituto Sri Sathya Sai de Educación Superior con dos estudiantes de origen indio del Reino Unido, que son ignorantes acerca de la cultura india. Animado por el interés mostrado por sus hermanos de una tierra lejana, los alumnos narran episodios selectos de la leyenda gloriosa del Señor Rama extraídos de los discursos públicos de Bhagavan y entrevistas personales otorgados a los devotos.

Los alumnos hacen hincapié en su vínculo indiscutible con la vida de nuestro ilustre Bhagavan amado.

El drama termina con los alumnos llevando a sus hermanos del Reino Unido a Prashanti Nilayam, que han mostrado a través de una interesante presentación en video en la pantalla, un Darshan otorgado por Bhagavan.

El programa fue seguido por bhajans. Ropa (safaris) se les ofreció a los participantes. Prasadam fue distribuido a todos.



Concierto de Música de Pandit Rajan y Pandit Sajan Mishra, 06 de octubre 2011



06 de octubre 2011


Archival (2010) : Mar - Apr - May - Jun - Jul - Aug - Sep - Oct - Nov - Dec

Archival (2011) : Jan - Feb - Mar - April - May - June - July - Aug - Sep

Updated Friday, October 07, 2011 - 1356 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 2011 - 1356 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Hrs. IST

This calm morning after the pleasantly hectic days of Dasara witnessed a soothing performance by youth from United Kingdom who have been part of the Annual Grama Seva ever since its inception. The programme started at 0800hrs with Vedic recital. At 0815, the youth sang the stotram, "Brahmanandam Parama Sukatam...". This was followed by a melodius song by Ms. Charlotte who then went on to play a Bhajan Medley in the Accordion and a Sitar rendition by Ms. Rupinder accompanied by Sri Manjeet on the Tabla.

The instrumentals was followed by group songs. Starting with "Aum Gam Ganapathaye", the group went on to sing "Krishnam Vande...", "Sathya Sai Janani", "Chitananda Roopam", "Sathya Swaroopa", "Lingashtakam" and "Nacho". Sri Kapil on the Harmonium and Sri. Rooshi on the Keyboard provided able backdrop to the vocals.

The songs were followed by Bhajans and Prasadam was distributed to all. Arati was offered at 0930hrs.

In the evening, there was a Drama by the Sri Sathya Sai Organisation, Tamilnadu entitled, "Rama Raajyam Sai Samraajyam" (The kingdom of Rama, The empire of Sai). The drama was preceded by a dance performance by children dressed colourfully in yellow and pink with the backdrop of a song encouraging us to listen to the sacred story of Ramayana.

The drama begins with the interaction of two alumni of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning with two students of Indian origin from the United Kingdom who are ignorant about the Indian Culture. Encouraged by the interest shown by their brothers from a distant land, the alumni narrate select episodes from the glorious legend of Lord Rama drawn from public discourses of Bhagawan and personal interviews granted to devotees. The alumni further stressed their indisputable link to the illustrious life of our beloved Bhagawan.

The drama ends with the alumni bringing their UK brothers to Prasanthi Nilayam which was shown interestingly through a video presentation on screen of Darshan granted by Bhagawan. The programme was followed by Bhajans. Safari clothes were offered to the participants. Prasadam was distributed to all.



Music Concert by Pandit Rajan and Pandit Sajan Mishra, Oct 06, 2011



Oct 06, 2011




