La historia detrás de esta foto: Kolam.

En esta foto se puede ver a la señora MS Subbalakshmi, una ferviente devota de Bhagavan Baba, diseñando un Kolam en frente de su casa.
¿Qué es este kolam? Esta es una imagen familiar en frente de una casa en el sur de la India. Varios diseños se elaboran diariamente en el suelo por la mañana temprano, usando principalmente las finas harinas de arroz (arroz pulverizado en grado muy fino).
Los kolams son de muchos diseños geométricos, conectando innumerables pequeños puntos, círculos entre ellos.
En una de las conversaciones íntimas, Swami había mencionado algo acerca de los 'kolams'.
En una de las conversaciones íntimas, Swami había mencionado algo acerca de los 'kolams'.
En otros tiempos, la gente solía despertarse por la mañana y era su hábito alimentar a insectos, aves y animales, antes de que ellos mismos tomaran algún alimento.
Swami solía hablar de "Ashta Pushpam" (Ocho tipos de flores) como ofrenda a Dios. No son las que nosotros arrancamos de los árboles y las plantas, y que se desvanecen al día siguiente.
Ashta Pushpam, consta de ocho cualidades divinas, que debemos ofrecer al Señor. Un particular Pushpam que Swami menciona, es "Sarva bhuta Daya Pushpam". (Daya o compasión hacia todos los seres vivos).
La mejor manera de mostrar compasión es darles de comer suntuosamente. En esos días, la gente, se despertaba en la mañana y acostumbraba lanzar puñados de harina de arroz o arroz en frente de sus casas para que pequeñas hormigas y otros insectos pudieran comer. Poco a poco la harina de arroz se fue colocando cuidadosamente en frente de las casas, y esta práctica se desarrolló lentamente en diferentes diseños.
Estos diseños son conocidos como kolams. Los Kolams también indican signos de buenos auspicios para la familia. En caso de muerte de un familiar, este kolam no se realiza durante un año completo. Así que si encontramos kolams en frente de una casa, se puede asumir que todo está bien en esa familia.
Con amor, Mumbai Srinivasan.
Story behind this photo: KOLAM.
In this photo you can see, Mrs. M.S. Subbalakshmi, an ardent devotee of Bhagavan Baba, designing a Kolam in front of their home.
What is this kolam?? This is a familiar sight in front of any house in the southern parts of India. Various designs are drawn up daily on the floor early morning, using primarily the fine rice-flours (Rice pulverized in very fine grade). The kolams will be of many geometrical designs, connecting up innumerable tiny dots, or circling them.
During one of the intimate talks, Swami had mentioned about ‘kolams’. In old days, people used to wake up in the morning and it was their habit to feed various insects, birds and animals, before they themselves had any food. Swami used to mention about “ASHTA PUSHPAM” (Eight types of flowers) as offering to God. Not the ones, which we pluck from the trees and plants and which fade away the next day. Ashta Pushpam, comprises of eight divine qualities, which we should offer to Lord. One particular Pushpam, which Swami mentions, is “Sarva Bhootha Daya Pushpam”. (Daya or compassion towards all living creatures). The best way to show compassion is to feed them sumptuously. Those days, people, as they woke up in the morning, used to throw handful of rice or rice flours in front of their homes so that tiny ants and other insects could eat them. Gradually the rice flour was carefully placed in front of the houses, and this practice slowly developed into certain designs. These designs are known as kolams. Kolams also indicate, mark of auspiciousness in a family. In case of any death in a family, this kolam is not displayed for one full year thereafter. So if we find kolams in front of any house, we can assume that all is well in that family.
With Love & Regards, Mumbai Srinivasan
Con amor, Mumbai Srinivasan.
Story behind this photo: KOLAM.

In this photo you can see, Mrs. M.S. Subbalakshmi, an ardent devotee of Bhagavan Baba, designing a Kolam in front of their home.
What is this kolam?? This is a familiar sight in front of any house in the southern parts of India. Various designs are drawn up daily on the floor early morning, using primarily the fine rice-flours (Rice pulverized in very fine grade). The kolams will be of many geometrical designs, connecting up innumerable tiny dots, or circling them.
During one of the intimate talks, Swami had mentioned about ‘kolams’. In old days, people used to wake up in the morning and it was their habit to feed various insects, birds and animals, before they themselves had any food. Swami used to mention about “ASHTA PUSHPAM” (Eight types of flowers) as offering to God. Not the ones, which we pluck from the trees and plants and which fade away the next day. Ashta Pushpam, comprises of eight divine qualities, which we should offer to Lord. One particular Pushpam, which Swami mentions, is “Sarva Bhootha Daya Pushpam”. (Daya or compassion towards all living creatures). The best way to show compassion is to feed them sumptuously. Those days, people, as they woke up in the morning, used to throw handful of rice or rice flours in front of their homes so that tiny ants and other insects could eat them. Gradually the rice flour was carefully placed in front of the houses, and this practice slowly developed into certain designs. These designs are known as kolams. Kolams also indicate, mark of auspiciousness in a family. In case of any death in a family, this kolam is not displayed for one full year thereafter. So if we find kolams in front of any house, we can assume that all is well in that family.
With Love & Regards, Mumbai Srinivasan
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