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domingo, 14 de octubre de 2018

Ananda Vahini - Número Ciento cuarenta y tres - 10 de octubre 2018 _ Ananda Vahini - Issue One Hundred And Forty Three - October 10, 2018

Número ciento cuarenta y tres - 10 de octubre de 2018
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Es solo el verdadero conocimiento de la unidad subyacente de todo lo que nos puede llevar a amar a todos desinteresadamente, y solo cuando ese amor desinteresado es practicado y experimentado por todos, puede haber paz en el mundo.          -Baba

Con las bendiciones de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, estamos encantados de presentar nuestro número cien y cuarenta y tres  de Ananda Vahini.El boletín semanal incluye interesantes reflexiones y extractos breves de los eventos de la semana. 

En este número, les traemos las actualizaciones de las celebraciones en curso de Navaratri Homa, Durga Puja, Chaturveda Parayana, Maha Rudra Yajna en Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli. 

Le presentamos un informe de Sai Spoorthi 2018 - la Reunión Anual de Antiguos Alumnos de las Instituciones Educativas Sri Sathya Sai celebrada en Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli el 6 y 7 de octubre de 2018. 

También, un informe de la visita de Bhagavan a Sri Sathya Sai Prashantiniketanam, Nallakadirenahalli El 05 de octubre de 2018 se ha presentado aquí. 

En la VISION INTERIOR de esta semana , El hermano Madhusudan Naidu comparte un momento interesante que sucedió entre Bhagavan y un devoto. 

- Equipo de Comunicaciones Sathya Sai Grama.


Por Sri Madhusudan Naidu.

*Sai Prema a Prema Sai* 

Para el devoto ansioso que ofreció Su hogar para ser el Centro de actividades de Swami en Río de Janeiro, Brasil; Swami nombró amorosamente el lugar como "Sai Amor", Sai Love que significa *Amor por Sai y Amor de Sai*. Significa el ...

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Celebraciones Navaratri - Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli - 10 de octubre de 2018 (Día 1).


Navaratri, que significa "El período de nueve noches", es una celebración del aspecto femenino de Dios, donde en toda la India se realizan adoraciones y rituales elaborados para propiciar la fuente misma de "energía" que hace que el mundo "funcione". 
Devotos de muchos países de todo el mundo han llegado a Sathya Sai Grama para participar y disfrutar de las poderosas vibraciones generadas durante los diversos Homans y Yajnas realizados durante los diez días, en presencia de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. 
El Hrudaya Mandir es el epicentro de estas vibraciones en el Campus, donde el bello ídolo de la Diosa Durga y otras deidades como el Señor Ganesha, y las Diosas Saraswathi y Lakshmi se han dispuesto para ...

Ídolos de la diosa Durga, el señor Ganesha, las diosas Saraswati, la diosa Lakshmi, el señor Subramanya instalado en el auditorio de Hridaya Mandir para Durga Puja 
Mini ídolos de diversas formas y encarnaciones de dioses y diosas instaladas en una celebración tradicional llamada Kullu
Interpretando Sahasra Modaka Maha Ganapati Homa y Navagraha Homa
Bhagavan bendiciendo a los mini ídolos 
Duraga Arati por los sacerdotes de Bengala
Harikatha por la Dra. Prema Pandurang en la noche
Discurso divino
Sai Spoorthi 2018 - Reunión Anual de EX alumnos y alumnas de las Instituciones Educativas de Sri Sathya Sai - Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli - 6 y 7 de octubre de 2018.

6 de octubre de 2018 - Sesión de la mañana.

Muchos alumnos y alumnas de varias instituciones Sathya Sai se reunieron en Sathya Sai Grama, en la mañana del 6 de octubre de 2018, el primer día del evento de dos días. A las 11:00 a.m., todos se reunieron en el auditorio Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutham para una sesión de lluvia de ideas sobre la iniciativa emblemática de los ex-alumnos "Cada uno educa a uno".

La sesión comenzó con un discurso de bienvenida del hermano Prasad. Realizó una introducción del programa Cada Uno Educa Uno para todos los reunidos. A partir de entonces, una charla pronunciada por la hermana Bhuvana Santhanam estableció el tema para toda la reunión de ex alumnos. Explicó el impacto global que la Misión de Swami está teniendo hoy, y narró muchos incidentes y anécdotas de las visitas internacionales de Swami en las que Swami había expresado la ...
6 de octubre, mañana - sesión sobre 'Cada uno educa a uno'
6 de octubre, noche - Satsang en progreso
El hermano Anirud C, hablando sobre sus experiencias con Bhagavan como estudiante y como alumno
Discurso divino
Actuación de la banda de Ex alumnos Brass Band
Presentación de Drama por Ex alumnos titulada 'Del yo al nosotros a Él - La continuacion' 
7 de octubre de 2018: inauguración de los puestos de exhibición que presentaron los atisbos de las diversas iniciativas de servicio dirigidas por los alumnos y alumnos de Sai.
Bhagavan junto con los dignatarios en el estrado 
Charla de Sri R Shankar, Ministro de Bosques, Ecología y Departamento de Medio Ambiente, Gobierno de Karanataka
Madame Dharmavati, siendo honrada como parte del programa 'Guru Vandana' por su servicio ejemplar 
Felicitando a Sri H. Ramanand, quien había servido y continúa sirviendo durante varias décadas en la misión de educación divina de Swami.
Felicitando a Sri KN Sundara Bhat por su contribución en la misión educativa de Bhagavan
Smt Aruna Pradeep Reddy de Hyderabad, que recibió el Premio a la Excelencia al ex alumno. 
Sri GB Rajashekar, ex alumno del campus de Muddenahalli, actualmente presidente del Sri Sathya Sai Sharadaniketanam, Mandya recibió el Premio a la Excelencia al ex alunmo. 
El hermano Rajath habla sobre la iniciativa 'Juventud de una nación'
Sugunesh M, noveno grado de la escuela secundaria Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva, Muddenahalli compartiendo sus experiencias.
Prabhakari Biswal, estudiante de Sri Sathya Sai Prashantiniketanam, Nallakadirenahalli compartiendo sus experiencias. 
Discurso divino.

Visita divina - Sri Sathya Sai Prashanthiniketanam - Nallakadirenahalli - 5 de octubre de 2018. 

Como lo prometió Bhagavan en el mes de septiembre de 2018, que Él visitaría el campus en el mes de octubre de 2018, ¡rostros encantadores y florecientes estaban listos para recibir al Señor, una vez más entre ellos! La serena belleza de la naturaleza y los himnos védicos parecían ser simplemente perfectos, ya que Bhagavan llegó al Campus alrededor de las 10.45 a.m. junto con Sus invitados. Primero, fue a la sala de la banda y bendijo los nuevos instrumentos y luego se dirigió al ...

Procesión védica de las estudiantes que dan la bienvenida a Bhagavan. 
 En la sala multimedia
Presentación musical de 'Sai's Symphony', la banda de música femenina.
Satsang con estudiantes, personal e invitados.
La Dra. Pragya, Directora del Centro Sri Sathya Sai para la Excelencia Humana (niñas) da la bienvenida a Bhagavan 
Sr. Gary Seaton expresando su gratitud a Bhagavan y compartiendo sus experiencias.
Distribuyendo helados a los alumnos.
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* Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutha Prakashna *, Todos los derechos reservados. 

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Issue One Hundred and Forty Three - October 10, 2018
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It is only the true knowledge of underlying oneness of all that can lead us to love all selflessly, and only when such selfless love is practised and experienced by all, can there be peace in the world.          

With the Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we are delighted to present ourOne Hundred and Forty Third issue of Ananda Vahini. The weekly newsletter includes interesting musings and short excerpts from the week's events.

In this issue, we bring you the updates of ongoing celebrations of Navaratri  Homa, Durga Puja, Chaturveda Parayana, Maha Rudra Yajna at Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli.

We bring you a report of Sai Spoorthi 2018  – the Annual Alumni Meet of the Sri Sathya Sai Educational Institutions held at Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli on October 6 and 7, 2018.

Also, a report of Bhagawan's visit to Sri Sathya Sai Prashantiniketanam, Nallakadirenahalli on October 05, 2018 has been presented here.

In this week's INNER VIEW, Brother Madhusudan Naidu shares an interesting moment which happened between Bhagawan and a devotee.

- Sathya Sai Grama Communications Team.

By Sri Madhusudan Naidu
Sai Prema to Prema Sai!    

To the eager devotee who offered His home to be the Centre for Swami’s activities in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Swami lovingly named the place as “Sai Amor”, Sai Love which signifies Love for Sai and Love of Sai. It was to mean that it stood for the devotee’s love for Swami, and also Swami’s love for devotees. 

While it looked like a play of words, very typical of Swami, there was a deeper reason behind the name when next evening during His discourse He revealed that Sai Prema alone can take one to Prema Sai, the next Avatar. 

No position, power, authority or knowledge can make one qualify to be with Prema Sai Avatar, but a heart full of pure love for God. So He advised all to develop pure love sans desires, which alone is enough to achieve everything in this world and beyond including the proximity of God.

Now you know the secret to see the next Sai!  

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OCTOBER 10, 2018 (DAY 1)  
Navaratri, meaning ‘The period of nine nights’ is a celebration of the feminine aspect of God, where throughout India, elaborate worship and rituals are performed to propitiate the very source of ‘energy’ that makes the world ‘go’. Devotees from many countries across the globe have all arrived at Sathya Sai Grama to participate and bask in the powerful vibrations generated during the various Homams and Yajnas performed during all the ten days, in the very presence of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Hrudaya Mandir is the epicentre of these vibrations in the Campus, where the beautiful idol of Goddess Durga and other deities like Lord Ganesha, and the Goddesses Saraswathi and Lakshmi has been staged for the traditional Durga Puja from West Bengal. Outside the main Hall, a Pandal has been constructed to provide a special area for Havna Kunda for the Navarathri Homa and the ever increasing devotees.
The first day is dedicated to the Goddess ‘Shailputri’, literally meaning the daughter (Putri) of the mountains (Shaila). Also, known as Sati Bhavani, Parvati or Hemavati, the daughter of Hemavana – the king of the Himalayas, she is the first among Navadurgas. This Avatar of goddess Durga is the embodiment of the collective power of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh and is worshipped as the consort of Shiva, who rides a bull and carries a trident and a lotus in her two hands.
On the first day Bhagawan arrived, and the proceedings were underway. As customary, at the beginning, Lord Ganesha is worshipped so that the whole programme will go unhindered and obstacles may stay away. A very vibrant coloured unique Rangoli of Lord Ganesha was prepared by the Ritwiks and everybody admired the beauty that the place radiated. Bhagawan entered the Hall where a beautifully decorated and traditionally-built idols of Mahishasurmardini (Goddesss Durga), Lakshmi, Saraswati, Ganesha, and Kartikeya from Bengal adored the stage. The majestic idols....

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Idols of Goddess Durga, Lord Ganesha, Goddesses Saraswati, Goddess Lakshmi, Lord Subramanya installed at Hridaya Mandir auditorium for Durga Puja 
Mini-idols of various forms and incarnations of Gods and Goddess installed in a traditional celebration called Kullu
Performing Sahasra Modaka Maha Ganapati Homa and Navagraha Homa
Bhagawan blessing the mini idols 
Duraga Arati by the priests of Bengal
Harikatha by Dr Prema Pandurang in the evening
Divine Discourse
October 6, 2018 – Morning Session
Many alumni and alumnae of various Sathya Sai Institutions gathered at Sathya Sai Grama, on the morning of October 6, 2018 – the first day of the two-day event. At 11:00 a.m. everyone assembled at Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutham Auditorium for a brainstorming session on the flagship initiative of the Alumni ‘Each One Educate One’.
The session started with a welcome address by Brother Prasad. He introduced the Each One Educate One programme to everyone gathered. Thereafter, a talk delivered by Sister Bhuvana Santhanam set the theme for the entire alumni meet. She elaborated on the global impact that Swami’s Mission is having today, and narrated many incidents and anecdotes from Swami’s international visits wherein Swami had expressed the trust and faith He reposes on the alumni and alumnae of His Institutions. She mentioned incidents where people, ask questions about the sustainability of Swami’s education projects and His model of free values-based education, and Swami would reply saying, “My Children will look after the schools” referring to the alumni and alumnae of His Institutions. She also stressed upon the fact that the alumni are extremely fortunate for this opportunity, and how recently Swami had remarked to some students, “You are Sai Students and the very name defines the qualities that you must have. S-A-I stands for Service – Adoration- Illumination (Karma- Bhakti- Jnana). Therefore, the way of a Sai student is to serve with love and attain enlightenment!” Thus, she motivated the alumni and alumnae to be a part of Swami’s Divine Mission.
Next, Sister Prashanti Goswami introduced the audience to all the e1e1 core committee members and the alumni and alumnae coordinators. Thereafter, the session consisted of sharing experiences and stories of transformation, and e1e1 achievements by a few active contributors of the e1e1 programme.
Brother Praveen G V, the International Alumni Coordinations narrated the story of an active alumnus Somanna who had contributed greatly towards e1e1 at the Hassan Campus, and how 100% e1e1s were....

To know more, click HERE
October 6, Morning - session on 'Each One Educate One’
October 6, Evening - Satsang in progress
Brother Anirud C, speaking about his experiences with Bhagawan as a student and as an alumnus
Divine Discourse
Band performance by the Alumni Brass Band
Presentation of Alumni Drama titled – ‘I to We to He - the Sequel’ 
October 07, 2018 - inauguration of the exhibition stalls which presented the glimpses of the various service initiatives being run by the Sai Alumni and Alumnae
Bhagawan along with the dignitaries on the dais 
Talk by Sri R Shankar, Minister for Forest, Ecology and Environment Department, Government of Karanataka
Madam Dharmavati, being honoured as a part of 'Guru Vandana' programme for her exemplary service 
Felicitating Sri H Ramanand, who had served and is continuing to serve for several decades in Swami’s Divine education mission
Felicitating Sri K N Sundara Bhat for his contribution in Bhagawan's education mission
Smt Aruna Pradeep Reddy from Hyderabad, being awarded Alumni Excellence Award 
Sri G B Rajashekar, former student of Muddenahalli campus, currently the Chairman of the Sri Sathya Sai Sharadaniketanam, Mandya being awarded Alumni Excellence Award 
Brother Rajath speaking about 'One Nation Youth' initiative
Sugunesh M, Grade 9 of Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva High School, Muddenahalli sharing his experiences
Prabhakari Biswal, student of Sri Sathya Sai Prashantiniketanam, Nallakadirenahalli sharing her experiences 
Divine Discourse
OCTOBER 05, 2018 
As promised by Bhagawan in the month of September 2018, that He would visit the campus in the month of October 2018, charming and blooming faces were ready to welcome the Lord, yet again in their midst! The serene beauty of the nature and Vedic hymns seemed to be just perfect, as Bhagawan arrived at the Campus around 10.45 a.m along with His guests. First, He went to the Band room and blessed the new instruments and then proceeded to the Computer Lab. Swami then walked to the Multimedia room where a Power Point Presentation was shown on the activities and facilities of the Campus. Swami then went around the Campus showing all the classrooms and Labs to the guests. Before proceeding to the Prayer Hall for the programme, ‘Sai Symphony’, the girls brass band offered three pieces namely, ‘Stand by Me’, ‘Hungarian Dance No 5’ and ‘Love is My Form’ to Bhagawan. Swami was extremely happy that girls had learnt these new pieces.
The programme began with the Vedic invocation by the students. Swami asked the teachers to chant Vedam, and they chanted ‘Medha Suktam’. He then commanded the teachers to chant during Navaratri celebrations. This was followed by the welcome speech by Dr Pragya, Director of Sri Sathya Sai Centre for Human Excellence (girls). As Bhagawan asked her to introduce herself to all the guests, she said that she was born and brought up in North India and finished her doctorate in ‘Modern Indian History’, passed the UGC NET Examinations and joined as a lecturer in two different colleges. After she got married and joined as a teacher in a private school for a year, she moved...

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Vedic procession by the girl students welcoming Bhagawan 
 At the Multimedia Room
Musical Presentation by 'Sai's Symphony', the girls brass band
Satsang with students, staff and guests
Dr Pragya, Director of Sri Sathya Sai Centre for Human Excellence (girls) welcoming Bhagawan 
Mr Gary Seaton expressing his gratitude to Bhagawan and sharing his experiences
Distributing ice-creams to the students
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