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sábado, 16 de diciembre de 2017

Compartido por una devota de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, que es escéptica acerca de la Forma Sutil.

La imagen puede contener: 1 persona, de pie

Un jugalbandi con Fe y Razón.

(Compartido por una devota de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, que es escéptica acerca de la Forma Sutil)

He tenido la buena fortuna de experimentar el fenómeno del cuerpo sutil tres veces en Muddenahalli y dos veces durante la visita de "Swami" a Bangalore (en Palm Meadows y DRDO). A los ojos de los fieles, estoy bendecida porque en las cinco ocasiones, "Bhagavan" (a través del comunicador Madhusudan Naidu) había interactuado conmigo durante Darshan. También estoy al tanto de un amigo cercano con los acontecimientos del día de hoy que rodean este fenómeno, que ha dejado a los críticos muy perturbados y los creyentes, eufóricos. Intenté permanecer equidistante de estos dos extremos. Como un péndulo, mi fe ha estado oscilando entre los dos.

Yo diría que todavía soy escéptica. Pero sucedió algo asombroso que está más allá de la lógica y la explicación.

Hoy, tuve un sueño temprano en la mañana que me dejó perpleja. Estaba sentada en el auditorio Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutham para el darshan. Veo a Madhusudan Naidu caminando por la alfombra roja y cuando llegó donde estaba sentada, ¡me pidió que abriera la boca y me metio la mano en la boca hasta la garganta! Me preguntaba por qué ni siquiera sentía náuseas. Luego asintió como diciendo que todo estaba bien. Esta es una experiencia increíble ya que me sometí a una cirugía de tiroides debido a una complicación hace unos ocho años. Apenas unas semanas después de la cirugía, mi esposo tuvo un sueño en el que vio a Swami tocar mi garganta, como para asegurarse de que había curado la dolencia.

Me pregunto, si Swami recreó el sueño una vez más para confirmar que Él es EL UNO en Muddenahalli, en la Forma Sutil y también me aseguró que estoy curada porque incluso ahora, a veces, me preocupa.

La hermosa forma física de Bhagavan a la que estoy tan apegada me está forzando a no creer en ninguna otra forma, pero ¿querrá Swami que me gradúe al siguiente nivel, donde lo experimente sin forma?


A Jugalbandi with Faith & Reason

(Shared by a devotee of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, who is sceptical about the Subtle Form)

I have had the good fortune of experiencing the Subtle Body phenomenon thrice at Muddenahalli and twice during "Swami’s" visit to Bangalore(at Palm Meadows and DRDO). In the eyes of the faithful, I'm blessed because on all the five occasions, "Bhagawan" (through the communicator Madhusudan Naidu) had interacted with me during Darshan. I am also kept in the loop by a close friend with the day today developments taking place surrounding this phenomenon, which has left the critics extremely disturbed and the believers, elated. I have tried to remain equidistant from both these extremes. Like a pendulum, my faith has been oscillating between the two.

I would say I'm still a sceptic. But something amazing happened which is beyond logic and explanation.

Today, I had an early morning dream that left me perplexed. I was seated in Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutham auditorium for darshan. I see Madhusudan Naidu walking along the red carpet and when he came to where I was seated, He asked me to open my mouth and put his hand in my mouth all the way to my throat! I was wondering as to why I wasn't even feeling nauseous. Then he nodded as if to say all is fine! This is an amazing experience since I have undergone a thyroid surgery due to a complication about eight years back. Just few weeks after the surgery, my husband had a dream wherein he saw Swami touch my throat, as if to assure He had cured the ailment.

Just wondering, if Swami recreated the dream yet again to confirm He is the ONE in Muddenahalli, in the Subtle Form and also reassure to me that it has been cured because even now, at times, I worry about it.

The beautiful physical form of Bhagawan that I'm so attached to is forcing me not to believe in any other forms but is Swami wanting me to graduate to the next level, wherein I experience Him in the formless?

(Representational Image attached)

Shirdi Sai - Parthi Sai_Vida de Sathya Sai Baba_Cap 45.

Ananda Vahini - Edición ciento cuatro - 14 de diciembre 2017_Ananda Vahini - Issue One Hundred and Four - December 14, 2017.

Edisión Ciento cuatro - 14 de diciembre de 2017
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Cuando practicas la devoción, el deber y la disciplina, podrás alcanzar la unidad de tu pensamiento, palabra y obra, y alcanzar la meta espiritual. Solo aquellos con un corazón puro, un corazón limpio podrán realizar la Divinidad. Desarrolla una mente amplia, que todos sean nuestros hermanos y hermanas y que el mundo entero sea una sola familia. 
Con las bendiciones de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, nos complace presentar nuestro numero Ciento cuarto de Ananda Vahini. 
El boletín semanal incluye reflexiones interesantes y breves extractos de los eventos de la semana. En este número, les traemos un informe sobre el Bhoomi Puja del Centro Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani para cuidado del corazón infantil,  y entrenamiento en habilidades de cuidado cardíaco pediátrico. en Navi Mumbai el 26 de noviembre de 2017 y las celebraciones del primer año del Centro Internacional Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani para el cuidado y la investigación del corazón infantil en Palwal, Haryana el 27 de noviembre de 2017.  También se ha presentado un informe sobre la visita de Bhagawan a Mathura, Brindavan y Rishikesh entre el 28 de noviembre y el 2 de diciembre de 2017. 

Aprovechamos esta oportunidad para invitarlo a las celebraciones del quinto aniversario del programa de desayuno de Annapoorna en Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli, el 17 de diciembre de 2017 a las 9:30 a.m. 

En  VISION INTERNA de esta semana  , el hermano Madhusudan Naidu comparte un momento interesante que ocurrió entre Señor y un maestro. 

- Equipo de Comunicaciones Sathya Sai Grama.

Por Sri Madhusudan Naidu

La banda de Baba 

Mientras los chicos de la banda pasaban todas sus vacaciones practicando para tocar en el cumpleaños de Swami, mirando a una maestra que antes era un estudiante, Swami preguntó: "¿Estuviste también en la banda antes?" 

"No Swami", dijo la maestra. 

"Pero la banda estaba allí incluso en tus días de escuela, ¿no?", Preguntó Swami. 

"¡Sí, Swami! Pero no era tan buena como ahora ", confesó la maestra. 

"Por supuesto, anteriormente era una 'Barber's Band' (La banda del barbero), pero ahora es 'Baba's Band' (La Banda de Baba), porque los estudiantes tocan solo para Mí, por su amor, eso ha marcado la diferencia", se rèia entre dientes Swami, incluso mientras explicaba el motivo de ello. 

Sin lugar a dudas, la devoción trae la perfección a cada actividad, ¡nuestra propia Brass Band (Banda de mùsicos) no es una excepción.! 


La vida humana es preciosa. La salud es esencial para nuestro bienestar como individuos y como sociedad. El cuidado, cuando se vincula con la Salud, asume como paradigma único, trascendiendo el estado físico, mental y espiritual de nuestro ser. Los Cuidadores aquellos que tocan la vida, por lo tanto, necesitan ser moldeados de manera diferente, en un ambiente que combine la compasión con la competencia, la empatía con la eficacia, el altruismo con la capacidad de respuesta, y así alimentar la nobleza con la capacidad.

En 'Chaitanyam', los Cuidadores compasivos y socialmente conscientes introducen una transformación novedosa en el cuidado de la salud. Se propone redefinir el aspecto de Cuidado de la Salud y proporciona un entorno de aprendizaje enriquecedor para la próxima generación de Cuidadores. La característica distintiva de 'Chaitanyam' será que todos los cursos se integrarán con un programa único en excelencia humana para permitir al cuidador con una base en la atención compasiva.
La llegada de Bhagavan a 'Chaitanyam' 
Satsang en Chaitanayam 
Sri C Sreenivas encendiendo la lámpara ceremonial
El hermano Shantanu Dixit dirigiéndose a la audiencia 
El Dr. Shaun Setty dirigiéndose a la reunión 


El Bhoomi Pooja para el tercer hospital - Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Centro de Cuidados Cardíacos y Entrenamiento en Habilidades Cardíacas Pediátricas en Kharghar, Navi Mumbai tuvo lugar el 26 de noviembre de 2017 en la Divina Presencia de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, desplegando otro evento más en la historia de su gran misión de salud. 
El Bhoomi Pooja fue realizado por el honorable Ministro Principal de Maharashtra, Sri Devendra Fadnavis, junto con Bharat Ratna, ganador e hijo legendario del Cricket, Sri Sachin Tendulkar. Los otros dignatarios que fueron parte de este evento fueron Venerable Sri Indulal Shah, Sri Som Bahanda, Sri BN Narasimha Murthy, Sri Creenas y Isaac Tigrett. 
El Bhoomi Puja se celebró en la presencia ...
El sitio para el próximo hospital en Kharghar, Navi Mumbai
Sri Sachin Tendulkar encendiendo la lámpara ceremonial 
Bhoomi Puja interpretada por Sri Devendra Fadnavis, Ministro Principal de Maharashtra 
Ceremonia de colocación de Stone Foundation
Discurso Divino 
Sri Narendra Modi, primer ministro de la India deseos para la ocasión 
Sri Sachin Tendulkar dirigiéndose a la audiencia 
Sri Aravind Thiagarajan dirigiéndose a la audiencia 



Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba llegó para las celebraciones del primer aniversario del Hospital recién construido y operativo en Palwal, que no es simplemente una estructura concreta de cuidado y tratamiento, sino más bien un templo de curación, amor y servicio que brilla como un testamento del voluntad y palabra del Señor

Las celebraciones de la mañana comenzaron con una breve charla de la Dra. Ruchika Sharma, anestesióloga consultora del Hospital, quien habló de la magnitud fenomenal ...

Mañana de Satsang en progreso
Sri Ashok Gajapathi Raju, Ministro de la Unión de Aviación Civil dirigiéndose a la audiencia
Sra. Kavita Narayan, Asesora técnica, Célula nacional de recursos humanos, Ministerio de salud y bienestar familiar, Gobierno de la India 
'Gift of Life' *Regalo d Vida* presentaea una niña operada.
Bhagavan junto con los dignatarios 



Las celebraciones nocturnas comenzaron cuando Bhagavan fue recibido con melodiosos bhajans . El Centro Internacional Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani para el Cuidado e Investigación del Corazón del Niño, un sueño que solo pudo convertirse en realidad a través de la intervención divina, celebró un año ofreciendo atención médica integral y gratuita a los niños que padecen dolencias cardíacas congénitas. El proceso de la  ...

Bhagavan bendiciendo a los niños en el hospital
Inauguración del Bloque Dr. Savitri - Alojamiento para enfermeras 
Tarde de Satsang en progreso  
Gratitud a Bhagawan de los niños 
Presentación del drama por parte del personal y los niños 
Bhagawan junto con los niños y el personal


La comitiva de Bhagavan, que consistía en 350 personas, estudiantes, personal y devotos, después de un desayuno muy temprano, se dirigió hacia Brindavan. Este viaje a Brindavan y Mathura fue lo más destacado del viaje de 10 días, ya que la visita a estos dos lugares santos fue con Sai Krishna mismo. Cada persona se llenó de inmensa gratitud por haber tenido esta oportunidad única de acompañar al Señor. La primera parada fue en el histórico, antiguo y auspicioso templo de Sri Banke Bihari en Brindavan. La imagen de Bihariji instalada en Sri Banke Bihari Mandir, es la otorgada ...

Templo de Banke Bihari en Brindavan
Ídolo de Lord Banke Bihari en el templo 
Templo Krishna Janmasthan, Mathura 
El Señor Sri Krishna con Radha Rani 
Satsang en el templo 

29 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2017 - DÍA 1 

Paropakaarartham Vahanti Nadyah'

Un río fluye solo por el bien de otros ... 
A medida que el río fluye continuamente a través de las montañas, para calmar la sed de todas las criaturas, y luego fundirse en el océano, nos enseña que el altruismo en nosotros fluye solo cuando tenemos una fe firme en nosotros mismos como las montañas y nuestro objetivo es dirigirse hacia la Realización del Ser.

Dos aviones llenos de devotos llego a Rishikesh, y cuando el avión aterrizó, los ojos disfrutaron de la vista de los Himalayas, cubiertos con nubes brillantes y ...
Una bienvenida divina al Señor en 'Pramarth Niketan'
Puja se realiza antes del Ganga Arati 
Ganga Arati 

30 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2017 - DÍA 2 

El 30 de noviembre por la mañana, el helicóptero estaba listo en las orillas del río esperando para llevar a Swami junto con Sri BN Narasimha Murthy, Sri C Sreenivas y el mayor general VPS Bhakuni a Raniket, una estación de montaña en Uttarakhand. 
Swami visitó Raniket con la misión de establecer un Ashram allí en el futuro cercano. 
Los estudiantes y devotos fueron bendecidos con una sesión fotográfica antes del despegue. Swami había instruido a los devotos que estaban en buena forma física, para visitar Vasishta Guha o Gufa. Esta es la Cueva en la ...
Bhagavan con invitados antes de ir a Ranikhet por la mañana 
Tarde Satsang en progreso 
Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji dirigiéndose a la reunión 
Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati dirigiéndose a la audiencia 
Discurso Divino 

DICIEMBRE 01 Y 02 DE 2017 - DÍA 3 Y 4

El penúltimo día en Rishikesh fue muy especial cuando Swami hizo señas a todos los estudiantes del Centro Sri Sathya Sai para la Excelencia Humana que lo habían acompañado para una entrevista exclusiva. Esta fue una sesión vital, esencial e importante para todos. Los guió hacia sí mismos, mientras enfatizaba la importancia del tiempo, mientras distribuía relojes de pulsera a todos. Él dijo: "¡Mira! Si mantienes tu mente en una meditación constante durante ...

Narayana Seva en la mañana 
Tarde Satsang en progreso 
Puja se realiza antes de Ganga Arati 
Ganga Arati 
Distribuyendo Prasadam a los Rishikumaras en el Ashram 
Amruta Vahini es una revista mensual de 50 páginas en inglés / kannada de Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli que capta Divine Discourses of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba en sutiles actualizaciones de eventos, desde fotos hasta relatos de viajes, desde extractos de libros hasta actualizaciones de noticias.También presenta la serie, 'Sri Sathya Sai Divya Anandam', la biografía continua de Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba en la forma sutil, por Sri BN Narasimha Murthy.
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¡Suscríbete a 'Amruta Vahini', la revista mensual de Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli hoy! Desde los Discursos Divinos hasta las actualizaciones de eventos, desde las funciones fotográficas hasta los relatos de viajes, desde extractos de libros hasta actualizaciones de noticias, ¡'Amruta Vahini' es una revista mensual imprescindible! 

Amruta Vahini también presenta la serie, 'Sri Sathya Sai Divya Anandam', la biografía continua de Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba en la forma sutil, por Sri BN Narasimha Murthy.

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Issue One Hundred and Four - December 14, 2017
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When you practice devotion, duty and discipline, then you will be able to attain oneness of your thought, word and deed and reach the spiritual goal. Only those with a pure heart, a clean heart will be able to realise Divinity. Develop broad-mindedness that all are our brothers and sisters and the whole world is one family. 
With the Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we are delighted to present our Hundred and Fourth issue of Ananda Vahini. The weekly newsletter includes interesting musings and short excerpts from the week's events.

In this issue, we bring you a report on the Bhoomi Puja of the  Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Centre For Child Heart Care and Training in Pediatric Heart Care Skills at Navi Mumbai on November 26, 2017 and the first year anniversary celebrations of the Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani International Centre For Child Heart Care and Research at Palwal, Haryana on  November 27, 2017.

A report on Bhagawan's visit to Mathura, Brindavan and Rishikesh between November 28 to December 02, 2017 has also been presented in this issue.

We take this opportunity to invite you to the Fifth Year Anniversary Celebrations of Annapoorna Breakfast Programme at Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli on December 17, 2017 at 9:30 a.m.

In this week's INNER VIEW, Brother Madhusudan Naidu shares an interesting moment which happened between the Lord and a teacher.

- Sathya Sai Grama Communications Team.

By Sri Madhusudan Naidu

Baba’s Band 

As the band boys spent all their holidays practising to perform on Swami’s birthday, looking at a teacher who was earlier a student, Swami asked, “Were you too in the band earlier?”

“No Swami”, said the teacher.

“But the band was there even in your school days, isn’t it?”, enquired Swami.

“Yes, Swami! But it wasn’t as good as it is now”, confessed the teacher.

“Of course, earlier it was a ‘Barber’s Band’ but now it is ‘Baba’s Band’, for the students play only for me out of their love, that has made all the difference”, Swami chuckled even as He spelt out the reason for it.

Undoubtedly, devotion brings perfection to every pursuit, our own Brass Band is no exception! 

Human life is precious. Health is integral to our well-being as Individuals and advancement as a society. Care, when linked to Health, thus assumes as very unique paradigm, transcending the physical, mental and spiritual status of our being. Care-givers. the ones who touch life, therefore need to be moulded differently, in an environment that blends compassion with competence, empathy with efficacy, selflessness with responsiveness, and thus nurture nobility with ability.

At 'Chaitanyam', a novel transformation in healthcare is brought in by socially conscious and compassionate Caregivers. It sets forth to redefine the Care aspect of the Health, and provides an enriching learning environment for the next generation Care-givers. The distinguishing feature at 'Chaitanyam' will be that all the courses will be integrated with a unique programme on Human Excellence to enable the Caregiver with a foundation on compassionate care.
Bhagawan's arrival at 'Chaitanyam' 
Satsang at Chaitanayam 
Sri C Sreenivas lighting the Ceremonial Lamp
Brother Shantanu Dixit addressing the audience 
Dr Shaun Setty addressing the gathering 
The Bhoomi Pooja for the third hospital – Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Centre for Cardiac Care and Training in Pediatric Cardiac skills in Kharghar, Navi Mumbai took place on the November 26, 2017 in the Divine Presence of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, unfolding yet another event in the history of His grand health mission. The Bhoomi Pooja was performed by the honourable Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Sri Devendra Fadnavis along with Bharat Ratna winner and legendary son of Cricket Sri Sachin Tendulkar. The other dignitaries who were a part of this event were Revered Sri Indulal Shah, Sri Som Bahanda, Sri B N Narasimha Murthy, Sri C Sreenivas and Mr Isaac Tigrett , Founder of Hard Rock Café and the House of Blues. The Bhoomi Puja was held in the divine presence of Bhagawan, and the architect plans were also shared with the dignitaries present.
Dr Shruti Prabhu welcomed the august gathering. Set under the tenets of Love All, Serve All, Dr. Shruti gave a wonderful introduction by presenting the statistics of tremendous work in the field of cardiac care in the last five years by the Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani centers at Naya Raipur and Palwal, Haryana. Over 20,000 pediatric cardiac consultations, 200 pediatric catheter interventions, over 4000 cardiac surgeries along with community outreach activities offering holistic and sustained care to children not only from India but from countries such as Bangladesh, Nigeria, Liberia, Fiji, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan, etc. In India alone more than 2 crore and 50 lakh suffer the burden... 

To know more, click HERE
The site for the upcoming hospital at Kharghar, Navi Mumbai
Sri Sachin Tendulkar lighting the ceremonial lamp 
Bhoomi Puja being performed by Sri Devendra Fadnavis, Chief Minister of Maharashtra 
Foundation Stone laying ceremony
Divine Discourse 
Sri Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India wishes for the occasion 
Sri Sachin Tendulkar addressing the audience 
Sri Aravind Thiagarajan addressing the audience 

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba arrived for the first anniversary celebrations of the newly constructed and operational Hospital in Palwal, which is not merely a concrete structure of care and treatment, rather a temple of healing, love and service that shines forth as a testament of the will and word of the Lord.
The morning celebrations began with a short talk by Dr Ruchika Sharma, a consultant Anaesthesiologist at the Hospital, who spoke of the phenomenal magnitude of work that is being undertaken with the sole intention of bringing relief to otherwise despaired families. She profusely thanked the entire team and the Institution for providing her with the opportunity of being associated with the Hospital and the mission of free healthcare.
The next speaker was Dr Munesh Tomar, the Director of Paediatric Cardiology at the Hospital. She stressed that a genuine doctor could easily find enough work in any corner of the world and through his or her dedication and commitment, can easily leave a mark in the field chosen, However, the undercurrent of peace and bliss that she experiences in Swami’s Hospital has been something that she hasn’t come across in fifteen years of professional career in corporate Hospitals. Dr Tomar gave a brief overview of her department and also the work that has been undertaken since the day it was inaugurated.
Tabassum, a young girl of seventeen, who was one of many children being discharged that morning, addressed the gathering and shared her joy and gratitude....

To know more, click HERE
Morning Satsang in progress
Sri Ashok Gajapathi Raju, Union Minister for Civil Aviation addressing the audience
Ms Kavita Narayan, Technical Advisor, National Human Resource Cell, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt of India 
'Gift of Life' being presented to one of the children
Bhagawan along with the dignitaries 


The evening celebrations began as Bhagawan was welcomed with melodious Bhajans.  Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani International Centre for Child Heart Care and Research, a dream that can only be converted into reality through divine intervention, celebrated one year of offering comprehensive and free healthcare to children suffering from congenital heart ailments. The evening proceedings commenced with the rendition of Vedic hymns by the youth from Europe. This was quickly followed by a recital of popular Shlokas and chants by little children from a local school that was a part of the Divine Mother and Child Program.
The evening marked a gratitude program of sorts as volunteers and staff members from each department in the Hospital spoke a few words, pouring their hearts before the Lord. The first speaker for the evening was Sri Nutan, who reminisced about how, over the past couple of years during which period he was associated with the Raipur and Palwal Hospital, Swami saved his life on not one but two occasions. The next speaker, Ms Sangeeta, who was the first formal employee to be appointed was celebrating her first service anniversary along with the Hospital, expressed her gratitude to Bhagawan for providing not only her but also her husband the opportunity to work for Swami. Sri Devendar, a technician who was also completing one year of service at the Hospital, spoke next and focussed on the immense happiness he had experienced by working at the Hospital over the past year. The next speaker, Mrs Nanda Kulkarni, a former volunteer with Swami’s Super Speciality Hospital in Bangalore and currently employed as a technician in the Palwal Hospital, spoke of the immeasurable...

To know more, click HERE
Bhagawan blessing the children at the hospital
Inauguration of Dr Savitri Block – Accommodation for Nurses 
Evening Satsang in progress  
Gratitude to Bhagawan from the children 
Drama Presentation by staff and children 
Bhagawan along with the children and staff
Bhagawan’s retinue which consisted of 350 people – students, staff and devotees, after a very early breakfast, proceeded towards Brindavan. This trip to Brindavan and Mathura was the highlight of the 10-day trip, as the visit to these two holy places was with Sai Krishna Himself! Every single person was filled with immense gratitude for having been given this unique opportunity to accompany the Lord. The first stop was at the historic, ancient and auspicious Sri Banke Bihari Temple in Brindavan. The image of Bihariji installed in the Sri Banke Bihari Mandir, is the one granted to Swami Haridas by the celestial couple Shyama-Shyam themselves. Submitting to the desire of devotees, The Lord appeared in person with His divine consort and left back a black charming image before disappering. The temple was brimming with devotees chanting the name of their beloved Krishna. Walking with Swami inside the temple, and hearing Him reveal the story of the temple was indeed amazing!
At the Banke Bihari Temple before He went up to the inner chambers of the temple, Swami said, “Do you know who is Haridasa? He was the Guru of Tansen. Tansen sang for the king and man. Haridasa sang for God. It is in this Temple that Haridasa had the divine vision of Krishna and attained Him!”
The devotees were pushing and pressing for the Lord’s Darshan, and Swami suddenly beckoned Father Charles Ogada to come to Him. With His unmistakable ‘Krishna chuckle’, He asked Father Charles, “Father, you too have come to see Krishna?” Father Charles replied, “Swami, I have come to see Krishna with Krishna!” With a big smile,...

To know more, click HERE
Banke Bihari Temple at Brindavan
Lord Banke Bihari idol at the temple 
Krishna Janmasthan Temple, Mathura 
Lord Sri Krishna with Radha Rani 
Satsang at the temple 
NOVEMBER 29, 2017 - DAY 1   
Paropakaarartham Vahanti Nadyah’
A river flows only for the sake of others….

As the ever-flowing river passes through the standing mountain ranges to quench the thirst of all the creatures and then merges into the ocean, it teaches us that selflessness in us flows only when we have firm faith in ourselves like the mountains and our goal is to head towards Self Realisation.
Two plane full of devotees with the Lord to Rishikesh, and as the plane touched down, the eyes relished the sight of the Himalayas, capped with bright clouds and lined with running branches of river basins.
After landing at the Jolly Grant Airport in Dehradun around noon on November 29, Swami’s entourage boarded the bus to ‘Paramarth Niketan’, a serene Ashram on the banks of river Ganges in Rishikesh, closer to Ram Jhoola, the suspended bridge that connects both the banks for commuters to cross over, the other being Laxman Jhoola which is about two kilometers away. Swami’s car was ahead of the bus.
Everything was perfectly in place for the Lord’s arrival and stay for the next three days. Swami was greeted with customary Purna Kumbham Swagatham at the Ashram. Special buntings...

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A Divine welcome to the Lord at'Paramarth Niketan'
Puja being performed before Ganga Arati 
Ganga Arati 
NOVEMBER 30, 2017 – DAY 2 
On the November 30 morning, the chopper was ready right on the banks of the river waiting to take Swami along with Sri B N Narasimha Murthy, Sri C Sreenivas and Major General VPS Bhakuni to Raniket, a hill station in Uttarakhand. Swami visited Raniket with a mission to set up an Ashram there in the near future. Students and devotees were blessed with a photo-op before the take off. Swami had instructed the devotees who were physically fit to visit Vasishta Guha or Gufa. This is the Cave in which Sage Vasishta had lived, and Bhagawan had visited the Guha during His visit in the 1960’s and had blessed Swami Purushottamananda, a disciple of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. The elders who could not make it for the Guha spent their day walking along the banks near Ram and Lakshman Jhula, absorbing the holy precincts of Rishikesh.
The evening Satsang after the Ganga Arati was held at the canopy specially erected on the banks of Ganga. Puja Sri Chidanand Saraswathi ji, Sadhvi Bhagavathi and two Islamic scholars joined Bhagawan on stage. The setting was perfect....

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Bhagawan with guests before going to Ranikhet in the morning 
Evening Satsang in progress 
Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji addressing the gathering 
Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati addressing the audience 
Divine Discourse 
DECEMBER 01 AND 02, 2017 – DAY 3 AND 4
The penultimate day in Rishikesh was very special when Swami beckoned all the students of the Sri Sathya Sai Centre for Human Excellence who had accompanied Him for an exclusive interview. This was a vital, essential and an important session for everyone. He guided them towards themselves, as He re-emphasised the importance of time, as He distributed wristwatches to everyone. He said, “See! If you keep your mind in one pointed meditation for about 21 mins, it will be liberated from the cycles of birth and death! Focusing the mind for 11 seconds is Concentration, 11*11 seconds is Contemplation and 11*11*11 seconds is Meditation.” He also spoke about the six virtues being Shama, Dama, Uparathi, Titiksha, Shraddha and Samadhana which all must develop for spiritual practices. He told the students to practice ‘Thought Meditation’ which was the highest of all.
Swami also told the students to keep their thought on self-realisation and encouraged them to read books on spirituality and philosophy from various cultures, so the opportunity is not lost and they will play their roles well. He said since He is aware of all the routes, He is showing the shortest path to reach the goal! What a blessing!
Swami then moved to the banks of Ganga where Narayan Seva was organised for over 350 Sadhus. These Sadhus have left everything and chose God, and they...

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Narayana Seva in the morning 
Evening Satsang in progress 
Puja being performed before Ganga Arati 
Ganga Arati 
Distributing Prasadam to the Rishikumaras in the Ashram 
Amruta Vahini is a 50 page monthly magazine in English/Kannada from Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli which captures from Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in subtle to event updates, from photo features to travelogues, from book excerpts to news updates. It also features the series, 'Sri Sathya Sai Divya Anandam', the continuing biography of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in the subtle form, by Sri B N Narasimha Murthy.
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Amruta Vahini also features the series, 'Sri Sathya Sai Divya Anandam', the continuing biography of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in the subtle form, by Sri B N Narasimha Murthy.

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