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sábado, 26 de mayo de 2018

Ananda Vahini - Edicion ciento veintisiete - 24 de mayo de 2018_Ananda Vahini - Issue One Hundred And Twenty Seven - May 24, 2018.

Número Ciento veintisiete - 24 de mayo de 2018
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¡Un milagro no es más que rendición! Si te rindes, se producirán milagros. Entrégate a la voluntad de Dios con gran amor y afecto. Considerando todo como nuestro, deberíamos servir. Lo que sabes de este mundo es muy poco. La Ley de Dios es infinita. Ve por la ley del amor, porque el amor no conoce la ley. Cuando lo hacen con amor, Dios está a su lado y Él lo proporcionará.      -Baba

Con las bendiciones de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, nos complace presentar nuestro número ciento veintisiete de Ananda Vahini. El boletín semanal incluye reflexiones interesantes y breves extractos de los eventos de la semana. En este número, les traemos la parte final del Retiro de verano de Bhagavan en Kodaikanal del 10 de mayo al 20 de mayo de 2018.    

En la VISTA INTERNA de esta semana  , el hermano Madhusudan Naidu comparte un momento interesante que sucedió entre el Señor y un devoto en Kodaikanal. 

- Equipo de Comunicaciones Sathya Sai Grama.


Por Sri Madhusudan Naidu.

*Bhava Priya!* 

Swami la miró con gran compasión mientras las lágrimas corrían por sus ojos. Y declaró a todos que ella era una muy buena cantante. La noche siguiente, cuando los jóvenes y Ex alumnos presentaban canciones de gratitud a Swami en el Retiro de KodaiKanal, ella también se atrevió a cantar una canción, y no muchos sabían que era su primera actuación con una tabla y un armonio que acompañaban su canto. un debut de géneros. Sin embargo, la canción cantada estaba impregnada de devoción, aunque estaba un poquito por debajo de la marca musical. Obviamente estaba nerviosa y ...

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Retiro de Verano en Kodai - 15

 de Mayo, 2018.


¡La quinta visita de Swami a Kodai en la forma sutil! Y han pasado cinco años desde que el mundo llegó a saber a través de Su primer discurso desde el Bungalow de Hill Top, que Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba continúa Su misión de aliviar el sufrimiento humano, a través de Su forma sutil. 
¡Que misericordia! 
Incluso después de dejar su físico, puramente por amor a su creación, continúa guiando y protegiendo.

Después del desayuno, que incluye platos occidentales también todos los días, gracias a un gran equipo de ...
Mañana - Satsang público en progreso 
Dhruv Satish del Grado 10 expresando su voluntad de servir en la misión continua de Bhagavan
'Gumbanna Kara Yudire', un recital de danza Bharatanatyam de la hermana Saishwari Patil de Pune 
Sri C Sreenivas comparte recuerdos sobre el Bungalow Hill Top 
Sesiones nocturnas en progreso 
Sri BS Vijay Sai, ex alumno y ex profesor de inglés del Instituto de Educación Superior Sri Sathya Sai, Campus de Brindavan compartiendo sus experiencias con su querido Señor
Sri BS Vijay Sai y la familia con el Señor

Retiro de Verano en Kodai - 16

 de Mayo, 2018.


Estar en Kodaikanal con Bhagavan es el sueño de cada devoto y la máxima fantasía de cada estudiante Sai. Cuando el día amaneció en una mañana brillante y soleada, parecía que esos mismos sueños se habían hecho realidad con su amado Señor en medio de ellos. 
El Señor también parecía disfrutar el calor de la mañana, mientras bajaba los escalones que conducían al Salón de Oración. 
Bhajans conmovedores estaban en progreso y mientras Swami caminaba por el pasillo bendiciendo a todos en la reunión, ¡era el comienzo perfecto para ...
Ofrenda musical de los alumnos y jóvenes 
Cena con los invitados, el personal y los alumnos

Retiro de Verano en Kodai - 17

 de Mayo, 2018. 


Una mañana brillante volvió a renovar las esperanzas y aspiraciones de los estudiantes y devotos que fueron bendecidos de estar en su presencia, que pueden ser afortunados de recibir una mirada, una palabra o dos o incluso una palmadita de Aquel que es la fuente de todo la felicidad, la luz del sol de todas las vidas. 
Después de un suntuoso desayuno, todos se reunieron en el Salón de Oración para la mañana de Satsang . Una vez que ...
Mañana - Programa musical de los devotos de Malasia
Noche - Ofrenda musical de Sri Mandolin U Rajesh 
Bendiciendo a los padres de Sri U Rajesh - Sri U Satyanarayana, y Smt Kantham 

Retiro de Verano en Kodai - 18

 de Mayo, 2018.


Había emoción en el aire de la mañana, ya que era el día de diversión y juegos con el Señor. Bhagavan caminó hacia la sala de oración donde los estudiantes y devotos se habían reunido, esperando su llegada, mientras los bhajans estaban en progreso. 

Por primera vez en muchos años, un grupo de tenderos tibetanos también se había reunido para tener el Darshan de Swami . Como muestra de gratitud, ofrecieron flores de Bhagawan y Khatags, pañuelos blancos tradicionales que se presentan a las personas...

Bendiciendo a los tibetanos con sus tokens de amor 
Retiro divertido con invitados, personal, jóvenes y estudiantes 
Sesión vespertina en progreso 
El hermano Vinod Kumar narra el viaje de la transformación de sus padres
Sri PDN Sreenivasu, vicerrector de la próxima Universidad Sri Sathya Sai para la Excelencia Humana, compartiendo sus experiencias

Retiro de Verano en Kodai - 19

 de Mayo, 2018. 


Era el último día del retiro de Kodaikanal para el año 2018. ¡El final de otro viaje inolvidable a las montañas frías con el Señor! Verdaderamente, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba no es más que un reflejo, reacción y resonancia. Y Kodai es su patio de recreo, el adorable Señor siempre está lleno de acción, y siempre hace cosas 'geniales', para gran emoción de Sus muy queridos estudiantes. La lluvia de amor de Swami en los últimos días hizo que todos esperaran que continuara para  ...
El Hermano Vijay Gupta, Contador Público de Dubai compartiendo su viaje de transformación
Bendiciendo al personal de seguridad
Sesión de fotos con los estudiantes
Tarde - Programa de gratitud 
Interpretación musical por Smt Gayathri Ganjawalla 

Retiro de Verano en Kodai - 20

 de Mayo, 2018.

Era la mañana de la partida después de pasar diez días sublimes en la proximidad de Dios en el regazo de la creación de Dios. Los días comenzaron literalmente con Dios y terminaron con Dios, teniendo su Darshan, Sparshan y Sambhashan, hablándole, riéndose con Él, jugando con Él, cenando con Él y sobre todo aprendiendo de Él en cada minuto, cada segundo.

Después de jugar a ...
Adiós Satsang antes de la partida 
Salida desde el aeropuerto de Madurai 
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* Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutha Prakashna *, Todos los derechos reservados. 

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Issue One Hundred and Twenty Seven - May 24, 2018
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A miracle is nothing but surrender! If you surrender, miracles will ensue. Surrender to the will of God with great love and affection. Considering all as our own we should serve. What you know of this world is very little. Law of God is infinite. Go by the law of love, for love knows no law. When you do with love, God is by your side and He will provide.      
With the Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we are delighted to present our One Hundred and Twenty Seventh issue of Ananda Vahini. The weekly newsletter includes interesting musings and short excerpts from the week's events.

In this issue, we bring you the final part of Bhagawan's Summer Retreat in Kodaikanal from May 10 to May 20, 2018.  

In this week's INNER VIEW, Brother Madhusudan Naidu shares an interesting moment which happened between the Lord and a devotee in Kodaikanal.

- Sathya Sai Grama Communications Team.
By Sri Madhusudan Naidu
Bhava Priya!      
Swami looked at her with great compassion as streams of tears flowed down her eyes. And declared to all that she was a very good singer. The next evening as the youth and Alumni were presenting songs of gratitude to Swami at the KodaiKanal Retreat, she too made bold to sing a song, and not many knew that it was her first ever performance with a tabla and a harmonium accompanying her singing, a debut of sorts. The song sung though was suffused with devotion, however was a wee bit below the musical mark. She obviously was nervous and that added to the anxiety which was palpable in her voice.

Anyways, song over, Swami called her to gift her a ring and said, “I am happy with your singing as you did it for My sake, out of devotion.” She immediately apologised for not being up to the mark, as she had so far been only a bathroom singer and had little knowledge of rhythm and ragas, for she wasn’t a professionally trained vocalist. Swami was quick to reply when He said, “God is not Raga Priya (fond of tunes), Nada Priya (fond of rhythm), Gana Priya (fond of singing), not even Tabla Priya (fond of Tabla percussion) or Harmonium Priya (fond of Harmonium), but He is Bhava Priya (fond of feelings) and thus your singing has touched Me!” While all enjoyed the Sai humour that sweetened the sublime message, the debutant devotee dissolved in a deluge of tears.   



MAY 15, 2018  
Swami’s fifth visit to Kodai in the subtle form! And five years have gone by since the world came to know through His first discourse from the Hill Top Bungalow, that Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is continuing His mission of alleviating human suffering, through His subtle form. What mercy! Even after leaving His physical, purely out of love for His creation, He continues to guide and guard!
After breakfast, which includes western dishes as well everyday, thanks to a huge team of western devotees who chop, cook and clean for every single meal, Swami walked down to the Prayer Hall, as has been the ritual ever since the start of the 2018 Kodai Summer Retreat! Swami entered the Prayer Hall amidst Bhajans, and along with Him was Sri C Sreenivas, who had arrived that morning to be with the Lord. The first programme of the morning was a dance performance ‘Gumbanna Kara Yudire’, by a youth from Pune, Ms Saishwari Patil, whose only dream was to perform for her beloved Swami, since she was a little girl. A third generation Sai devotee, her family is actively involved in Seva. The Padam that Saishwari presented, exemplified the mischievous childhood of Krishna. When little Krishna breaks a mudpot of a Gopi, she complains to his mother who is now very angry with him and wants to teach him a lesson. Krishna shudders at the thought of his mother calling Gumbanna, a terrible ghost to scare him. He pleads with her to not do so, and Yashoda looks at her beloved little son and comforts him with her warm embrace, knowing all too well that this was not the end of her dear son’s mischiefs! Swami blessed Saishwari profusely with a token of His love, and thereafter called upon Dhruv Satish, a Grade 10 student from Bangalore, who is all set to study pediatric cardiology on Swami’s command after High School. He had only prayer, “Make me Your best instrument Swami, Make me.....

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Morning - Public Satsang in progress 
Dhruv Satish of Grade 10 expressing his willingness to serve in Bhagawan's ongoing mission
'Gumbanna Kara Yudire', a Bharatanatyam Dance recital by Sister Saishwari Patil from Pune 
Sri C Sreenivas sharing reminiscing about the Hill Top Bungalow 
Evening sessions in progress 
Sri B S Vijay Sai, an alumnus and a former English Lecturer from the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Brindavan Campus sharing his experiences with his dear Lord
Sri B S Vijay Sai and family with the Lord
MAY 16, 2018   
To be in Kodaikanal with Bhagawan is the dream of every devotee and the ultimate fantasy of every Sai student. As the day dawned to a bright, sunny morning, it seemed like those very dreams had come true with their beloved Lord in their midst. The Lord too seemed to enjoy the morning warmth, as He walked down the steps leading to the Prayer Hall. Soulful Bhajans were in progress and as Swami walked down the aisle blessing everyone in the gathering, it was the perfect start to the day! After a couple of Bhajans, Bhagawan beckoned for the Mangala Arati, so that there would be no delay for the morning programme.
One of the hallmarks of Bhagawan’s visit to Kodaikanal includes boat rides in the Kodai lake and shopping at the Tibetan market by the lakeside. And so He had planned that the women devotees and girls students go ‘marketing’ as He calls it, and the most compassionate Lord even distributed envelopes of pocket money, so they could purchase gifts for their family members. The purpose of the shopping, He explained was to generate some income for the shopkeepers who are mostly refugees from Tibet. Having lost their country, hearth and homes, they had relocated to this tourist spot, so they could earn some money and support their families. The all-inclusive, all-encompassing love of the Lord!
The men devotees and boys students were also sent to enjoy boat rides in the picturesque Kodai Lake. Bhagawan too drove down to the lakeside to bless those fortunate shopkeepers who were.....

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Musical offering by the alumni and youth 
Dinner with the guests, staff and alumni
MAY 17, 2018   
A bright morning once again renewed the hopes and aspirations of students and devotees who were blessed to be in His presence, that they may be fortunate to receive a glance, a word or two or even a pat from the One who is the source of all happiness, the sunshine of all lives. After a sumptuous breakfast, everybody gathered in the Prayer Hall for the morning Satsang. Once Bhagawan arrived and was seated, devotees and youth from Malaysia offered a bouquet of songs at Swami’s Lotus Feet.
The programme included songs in Malay, and a couple of famous songs such as – ‘Jab Koi Baat Bigad Jaaye’ and ‘Every moment of my life please be with me’ that had the audience joining in as well. Swami then beckoned for one of the Malaysian devotees, Brother Krushna who is visually challenged to be brought up to the dais. Touched and pleased with his devotion, Swami blessed Him with a token of His love. Overpowered by emotion, the devotee was shedding tears of gratitude and it was indeed deeply moving to see Bhagawan wipe away his tears with His own hands. Swami explained to those seated that the devotee who had lost his eyesight in an accident had prayed that having been blessed to perceive Swami’s form, he did not wish to see anything else of the world that is illusory, and instead wanted to let the Divine image remain etched in his memory forever! Bhagawan too promised....

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Morning - Musical Programme by the devotees of Malaysia
Evening - Musical offering by Sri Mandolin U Rajesh 
Blessing the parents of Sri U Rajesh - Sri U Satyanarayana, and Smt Kantham 
MAY 18, 2018   
There was excitement in the morning air as it was the day of fun and games with the Lord. Bhagawan walked down to the Prayer Hall where students and devotees had gathered, awaiting His arrival while Bhajans were in progress. 
For the first time in many many years, a group of Tibetan shopkeepers had also gathered to have Swami’s Darshan. As a mark of gratitude, they offered to Bhagawan flowers and Khatags- traditional white scarves that are presented to holy persons as a gesture of respect and reverance.  Bhagawan too blessed them all profusely with tokens of His love.
Bhagawan then commanded one of His students to address the gathering. Ankit Kumar is a student of the Sri Sathya Sai Centre for Human Excellence pursuing Chartered Accountancy and like several others has dedicated his life to serve in Bhagawan’s mission. He had earlier spoken a few days ago as well, and began by extending a warm welcome to all the Tibetan brothers and sisters, and urged them to come back every year so that they too may experience Swami’s love. He spoke in hindi – a language familiar to them, and recounted Bhagawan’s assurance of taking care of his entire family and even narrated an experience of his mother being saved by Divine intervention.
This was followed by Sri B N Narasimha Murthy’s speech who also reminisced Bhagawan’s compassion for the downtrodden and especially for the Tibetans, and how despite all these years, nothing....

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Blessing the Tibetans with His Tokens of Love 
Fun retreat with guests, staff, youth and students 
Evening session in progress 
Brother Vinod Kumar narrating the journey of his parents' transformation
Sri PDN Sreenivasu, Vice-Chancellor of the upcoming Sri Sathya Sai University for Human Excellence sharing his experiences
MAY 19, 2018   
It was the last day of the Kodaikanal retreat for the year 2018. The end of yet another memorable trip to the cool mountains with the cool Lord! Truly, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is but a reflection, reaction and resound. And Kodai being His playground, the adorable Lord is always full of action, and always does ‘cool’ things, much to the excitement of His very dear students. The downpour of love from Swami over the past few days made everyone hope it would continue forever and ever. The dear Lord also decided to make it a most memorable day for every single person. Every single person!
Swami walked down to the Prayer Hall where everyone were seated, which included a couple of the local police personnel, who also wanted to receive Bhagawan’s blessings. Once He was seated, on His command, young Vijay Gupta was the first speaker of the morning. Vijay, son of Sri Madan and Smt Shobhna Gupta hails from Dubai, and is currently pursuing his Chartered Accountancy in London. Although his family had never seen Bhagawan’s Darshan in the physical form, Vijay along with his parents are active participants in Swami’s ongoing mission. They are also blessed with the privilege of hosting Him during His visit to Dubai. Vijay shared his journey since the Lord’s first visit to Dubai in 2015, and how Swami has been guiding and guarding him at every step, and his own journey of transformation since then.
Sri B N Narasimha Murthy was the next speaker who spoke on the value of gratitude. He reiterated that above all relationships and obligations, one must be grateful to God. Never before had anybody taken so many students and devotees who were neither His kith or kin, ensuring their utmost comfort....

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Brother Vijay Gupta, a Chartered Accountant from Dubai sharing his journey of transformation
Blessing the Security Staff
Photo session with students
Evening - Gratitude Programme 
Musical rendition by Smt Gayathri Ganjawalla 
MAY 20, 2018   
It was the morning of departure after spending ten sublime days in God’s proximity in the lap of God’s own creation. Days literally began with God and ended with God – having His Darshan, Sparshan and Sambhashan, talking to Him, laughing with Him, playing with Him, dining with Him and above all learning from Him every minute, every second.
After playing hide and seek amongst the clouds over the past few days, the sun was out- all bright and shining, bringing cheer and excitement to all, for the entourage of guests and students were blessed to once again travel with the Lord, nay literally fly across the sky with Him.
After a light breakfast, everyone gathered for the farewell session. As Swami emerged from His room upstairs, He went around distributing chocolates to all. The journey would begin with a downhill ride through hairpin curves and bends in the ghats section usually causing nausea and travel-sickness. The caring mother that He is, advised to eat the chocolates  incase one felt such a sensation, and the sweet-medicine did come handy to most people!
Bhajans were in progress and Swami took His seat ensuring everyone had received Prasadam from His hands. A special cake had been ordered and placed, as it was the birthday of a little boy- Pranav Sai. Swami then blessed him and asked him to cut the cake – the moment he had been waiting for all morning, and he happily did so!
Swami then beckoned the child’s father Brother Anand Kadali, who selflessly leads the Annapoorna Breakfast Seva and is an inspiration to many, and has given up a lucrative career in a top multinational company – Hewlett Packard, so that he could serve Swami full time through the Annapoorna programme. The family....

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Farewell Satsang before departure 
Departure from Madurai Airport 
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