Sai Ram - Divina Leela de Bhagavan ...
Sucedió alrededor de 1988. Había cerca de 1400 estudiantes en el albergue de la universidad de Swami en Brindavan, en Campo Blanco cerca de Bangalore.
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai visito el albergue una noche. Los alumnos estaban encantados con respeto en su presencia. De repente, la electricidad se corto. En la oscuridad, Swami se movió silenciosamente hacia un chico y le susurró en sus oídos: "Athul, te voy a dar algo. Ponga su mano." El muchacho extendió su mano abierta y Swami puso un laddoo en ella. Asimismo susurró al muchacho: "No lo muestre a nadie. Ponga su mano detrás suyo."
De repente, la electricidad fue restaurada. Las bombillas volvieron a la vida. Athul miró a su alrededor. Sorprendentemente, todos los 1400 chicos reunidos allí mantenían sus manos detrás de cada uno de ellos. Todo el mundo tenia un laddoo en su mano.
De repente, la electricidad fue restaurada. Las bombillas volvieron a la vida. Athul miró a su alrededor. Sorprendentemente, todos los 1400 chicos reunidos allí mantenían sus manos detrás de cada uno de ellos. Todo el mundo tenia un laddoo en su mano.
Es Swami! Nos asombró con las lilas increíbles. Nuestro poder de razonamiento nos abandona, la lengua nos falla, la mente se niega a funcionar, nada puede ser comprendido.
¿Cómo podemos comentar, y mucho menos explicar, tales exhibiciones del juego divino de Swami?
Es por eso que se dice, "Yatho Vacho Nivarthanthe Aprapya Manasa Saha", lo que significa que
"El Absoluto Universal no puede ser alcanzado o comprendido por los sentidos del cuerpo o por la mente ..."
- Tomado de 'Thapovanam' Sri Sathya Sai Sathcharithra, Capítulo 10, "Santisri" Sastry Jandhyala Venkateswara.
Sai Ram - Divine Leela of Bhagawan...
It happened around 1988. There were about 1400 students in the hostel of Swami's College in Brindavan at White Field near Bangalore. Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai visited the hostel one night. The delighted students respectfully stood in His presence. Suddenly, the eletricity went off. In the darkness, Swami moved quietly towards a boy and whispered to him in his ears, "Athul, I will give you something. Hold your hand." The boy extended his open hand and Swami placed a laddoo in it. He further whispered to the boy, "Don't show it to anybody. Put your hand behind you."
Suddenly, the electricity was restored. Bulbs came back to life. Athul looked around. Surprisingly, all the 1400 boys assembled there were keeping their hands behind them. Everyone was having a laddoo in his hand. That is Swami! We get astonished at the amazing leelas. Our reasoning power abandons us, tongue fails us, mind refuses to function; nothing can be understood. How can we comment upon, much less explain, such displays of Swami's divine sport? That is why it is said,
"Yatho Vacho Nivarthanthe Aprapya Manasa Saha," which means that
" the Universal Absolute cannot be reached or comprehended by the bodily senses or by mind..."
- taken from 'Thapovanam' Sri Sathya Sai Sathcharithra, Chapter 10, by "Santisri" Jandhyala Venkateswara Sastry.
"El Absoluto Universal no puede ser alcanzado o comprendido por los sentidos del cuerpo o por la mente ..."
- Tomado de 'Thapovanam' Sri Sathya Sai Sathcharithra, Capítulo 10, "Santisri" Sastry Jandhyala Venkateswara.
Sai Ram - Divine Leela of Bhagawan...
It happened around 1988. There were about 1400 students in the hostel of Swami's College in Brindavan at White Field near Bangalore. Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai visited the hostel one night. The delighted students respectfully stood in His presence. Suddenly, the eletricity went off. In the darkness, Swami moved quietly towards a boy and whispered to him in his ears, "Athul, I will give you something. Hold your hand." The boy extended his open hand and Swami placed a laddoo in it. He further whispered to the boy, "Don't show it to anybody. Put your hand behind you."
Suddenly, the electricity was restored. Bulbs came back to life. Athul looked around. Surprisingly, all the 1400 boys assembled there were keeping their hands behind them. Everyone was having a laddoo in his hand. That is Swami! We get astonished at the amazing leelas. Our reasoning power abandons us, tongue fails us, mind refuses to function; nothing can be understood. How can we comment upon, much less explain, such displays of Swami's divine sport? That is why it is said,
"Yatho Vacho Nivarthanthe Aprapya Manasa Saha," which means that
" the Universal Absolute cannot be reached or comprehended by the bodily senses or by mind..."
- taken from 'Thapovanam' Sri Sathya Sai Sathcharithra, Chapter 10, by "Santisri" Jandhyala Venkateswara Sastry.


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