Bhagavan que ama la música, que es en verdad Nada Brahman mismo, disfruto una fiesta musical brillante esta noche aquí en Prashanti Nilayam.
Como parte de la iniciativa nacional, por las Organizaciones Sathya Sai del Reino Unido, los devotos inspirados se centraron en los ideales y enseñanzas de Bhagavan; un grupo de 46 devotos se encuentran actualmente en Prashanti Nilayam en una peregrinación nacional, desde del 7 de octubre al 27 de octubre. Ofreciendo gratitud y amor ha Bhagavan, el grupo, Sai Jyothi, ofreció una presentación de música clásica titulada "Sai Anandam ', que consta de bhajans y música instrumental, esta tarde en el Sai Kulwant Hall.
Comenzando con una invocación, Raag Yaman ofrecio Kalyan, el programa continuó con algunos de los populares bhajans de Prashanti, antes de llegar a un crescendo con la estimulación instrumental ugalbandhi , que significa la ascensión del hombre hacia los reinos superiores de la espiritualidad.
Sai Anandam fue acompañada por Roopa Panesar en Sitar, Kirpal Panesar Singh Tar Shehnai, Kaviraj Singh en Voce, Dhadyalla en Santoor y Gurdain Singh Rayatt en Tablas.
Al final de la presentación de una hora, el grupo recibió una entusiasta ronda de aplausos por la asamblea de devotos. Cuando los bhajans continuaron, los artistas fueron felicitados y se distribuyó Prasadam para todos los presentes. Los Bhajans terminaron con el Jueves Especial "Madhura Madhura Ghana Muraleedhara Shyama ..." en la propia voz de Bhagavan. El Mangala Arathi se ofreció a las 18.15 hrs.
Continuando con su presentación el grupo Sai Jyothi, estaría presentando una mezcla de Bhajans en Inglés esta tarde en el Sanctum Sanctorum en la presencia omnipresente Divina de Bhagavan Amado.
II Samasta Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II
- Tomado de:
Prasanthi News - Sai Ananadam, a Musical presentation from UK...
Bhagawan Who loves music, Who is verily Nada Brahmam Himself, was treated with a scintillating musical feast this evening here in Prasanthi Nilayam.
As a part of the national initiative by the UK Sathya Sai Organisations, inspiring devotees to focus on Bhagawan’s ideals and teachings, a group of 46 devotees are currently in Prasanthi Nilayam on a national pilgrimage from 7 October till 27 October. Offering gratitude and love for Bhagawan, the group, Sai Jyothi, offered a classical musical presentation entitled ‘Sai Anandam’, comprising of Bhajans and Instrumental music, this evening in Sai Kulwant Hall.
Beginning with an invocation in Raag Yaman Kalyan offering salutations, the programme continued with some of the popular Prasanthi bhajans before reaching a crescendo with stimulating instrumental jugalbandhi, signifying the ascension of man to higher realms of spirituality.
Sai Anandam had Roopa Panesar on Sitar, Kirpal Singh Panesar on Tar Shehnai, Kaviraj Singh Dhadyalla on Santoor and Vocal and Gurdain Singh Rayatt on Tabla.
At the end of the one-hour presentation, the group was given a rousing round of applause by the evening assembly of devotees. As bhajans continued, the artistes were felicitated and Prasadam was distributed for the entire assembly. Bhajans ended with the Thursday Special “Madhura Madhura Ghana Muraleedhara Shyama…” in Bhagawan’s own voice. Mangala Arathi was offered at 1815 hrs.
Continuing with their presentation the Sai Jyothi group would be presenting a medley of English bhajans tomorrow evening at the Sanctum Sanctorum in the omnipresent Divine Presence of Beloved Bhagawan.
II Samasta Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II
- taken from :
Prasanthi News - Sai Ananadam, a Musical presentation from UK...
Bhagawan Who loves music, Who is verily Nada Brahmam Himself, was treated with a scintillating musical feast this evening here in Prasanthi Nilayam.
As a part of the national initiative by the UK Sathya Sai Organisations, inspiring devotees to focus on Bhagawan’s ideals and teachings, a group of 46 devotees are currently in Prasanthi Nilayam on a national pilgrimage from 7 October till 27 October. Offering gratitude and love for Bhagawan, the group, Sai Jyothi, offered a classical musical presentation entitled ‘Sai Anandam’, comprising of Bhajans and Instrumental music, this evening in Sai Kulwant Hall.
Beginning with an invocation in Raag Yaman Kalyan offering salutations, the programme continued with some of the popular Prasanthi bhajans before reaching a crescendo with stimulating instrumental jugalbandhi, signifying the ascension of man to higher realms of spirituality.
Sai Anandam had Roopa Panesar on Sitar, Kirpal Singh Panesar on Tar Shehnai, Kaviraj Singh Dhadyalla on Santoor and Vocal and Gurdain Singh Rayatt on Tabla.
At the end of the one-hour presentation, the group was given a rousing round of applause by the evening assembly of devotees. As bhajans continued, the artistes were felicitated and Prasadam was distributed for the entire assembly. Bhajans ended with the Thursday Special “Madhura Madhura Ghana Muraleedhara Shyama…” in Bhagawan’s own voice. Mangala Arathi was offered at 1815 hrs.
Continuing with their presentation the Sai Jyothi group would be presenting a medley of English bhajans tomorrow evening at the Sanctum Sanctorum in the omnipresent Divine Presence of Beloved Bhagawan.
II Samasta Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II
- taken from :


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