La historia detrás de esta foto.
Srimathi Kaushalya Rani se fundio en Sai.
(El Pajaro Garuda bendice "Pindam" ( bola de arroz).
Me siento triste de informar que otro devoto Sai se fusiono con Bhagavan Baba. Ella es Srimathi Kaushalya Rani, esposa del devoto mayor Sri. P. Srinivasa Raghavan, quien fue un alto funcionario jubilado en el Banco Estatal de la India.
La Madre Kaushalya Rani, Late Rajagopalan Smt.Kamala, llamado cariñosamente por Bhagavan como "Suprabhatham Kamalamma", era una devota antigua, de los días juveniles de Swami. Fue elegida por Bhagavan Baba, para hacer varios Sevas meritorios, incluyendo la prestación de "Suprabhadam", el diario interior Prashanti Mandir, hasta hace unos pocos años.
Sra. Kaushalya Rani fue uno de los pocos devotos elegido para dirigir bhajans durante Nagar sankeeratan, en Prashanti Nilayam. Ella también había publico el libro popular, "Guía para la Espiritualidad y la cultura india". El que ha sido traducido en algunos idiomas extranjeros y al servicio de la Causa Divina desde 1974 hasta esta fecha como una de las publicaciones del Trust.
La familia de Srinivasa Raghavan proviene de un linaje Vaishnavit, y su familia era devota del Señor Narayana. Él creyó que su esposa había alcanzado los sagrados pies de loto del Señor Narayana. y luego sucedió algo que confirmo su creencia.
En el 10 º día de la desaparición física estaba ofreciendo "pindams" (bolas de arroz cocido), que se sumergen por costumbre en un lago en Bangalore. Cuando el "Pindam" tocó el agua, un pájaro Garuda (con bandas blancas en el cuello) apareció de repente en el cielo. El pájaro Garuda se supone que es el vehículo del Señor Narayana. El pájaro hizo un vuelo en picada hacia el agua, tomo el "Pindams" (bola de arroz), con sus garras justo cuando estaba a punto de hundirse.
Esto sorprendió a los miembros de la familia que se habían reunido en el lugar.
Esta fe una confirmación para el Sr. Srinivasa Raghavan, tomándolo como un indicio de que el Señor Narayana confirmaba que su esposa había alcanzado los Pies de Loto del Señor Narayana. Y de acuerdo con él, el Señor Narayana no es otro que Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba!
Con Amor,
"Mumbai" Srinivasan
Story behind this photo .
Srimathi Kausalya Rani merges in SAI.
(Garuda Bird blesses "Pindam" (The rice Ball)
I feel sad to report of another Sai devotee merging with Bhagavan Baba. She is Srimathi Kausalya Rani, wife of the senior devotee Sri.P. Srinivasa Raghavan, who was a retired senior official in State Bank of India.
Smt. Kausalya Rani’s Mother, Late Smt.Kamala Rajagopalan, .affectionately called by Bhagawan as “Suprabhatham Kamalamma”, was an old time devotee, from the days of Swami’s youthful days. She was chosen by Bhagavan Baba, to do various meritorious Sevas, including rendering “Suprabhadam” daily inside Prashanthi Mandir, till a few years ago.
Mrs. Kausalya Rani was one of the few chosen devotees to lead Bhajans during Nagar sankeeratan, in Prashanthi Nilayam. She had also published the popular book, “Guide to Indian Culture Spirituality”. Which has been translated in a few Foreign Languages also and serving the Divine Cause from 1974 till this date as one of the Trust Publications.
Sri. Srinivasa Raghavan family hails from a Vaishnavit lineage, and their Family devotee was Lord Narayana He believed that his wife attained the sacred Lotus feet of Lord Narayana. Later something happened later on to confirm his conviction.
On the 10th day of the demise, he was offering “pindams” (cooked rice balls), which were later immersed in a lake in Bangalore. As the “Pindam” touched the water, a Garuda Bird (with white bands on the neck) suddenly appeared in the sky. The Garuda Bird is supposed to be the vehicle of Lord Narayana. The bird made a nose dive towards the water, touched the “Pindams” (rice Balls), with its legs, just as it was about to sink.
This stunned the family members who had gathered in tank bund. It is the firm conviction of Mr. Srinivasa Raghavan, that it is an indication that Lord Narayana is confirming that his wife had attained the Lotus Feet of Lord Narayana. And according to him, Lord Narayana is none other than Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba!!
With Love Regards,
"Mumbai" Srinivasan

Story behind this photo .
Srimathi Kausalya Rani merges in SAI.
(Garuda Bird blesses "Pindam" (The rice Ball)
I feel sad to report of another Sai devotee merging with Bhagavan Baba. She is Srimathi Kausalya Rani, wife of the senior devotee Sri.P. Srinivasa Raghavan, who was a retired senior official in State Bank of India.
Smt. Kausalya Rani’s Mother, Late Smt.Kamala Rajagopalan, .affectionately called by Bhagawan as “Suprabhatham Kamalamma”, was an old time devotee, from the days of Swami’s youthful days. She was chosen by Bhagavan Baba, to do various meritorious Sevas, including rendering “Suprabhadam” daily inside Prashanthi Mandir, till a few years ago.
Mrs. Kausalya Rani was one of the few chosen devotees to lead Bhajans during Nagar sankeeratan, in Prashanthi Nilayam. She had also published the popular book, “Guide to Indian Culture Spirituality”. Which has been translated in a few Foreign Languages also and serving the Divine Cause from 1974 till this date as one of the Trust Publications.
Sri. Srinivasa Raghavan family hails from a Vaishnavit lineage, and their Family devotee was Lord Narayana He believed that his wife attained the sacred Lotus feet of Lord Narayana. Later something happened later on to confirm his conviction.
On the 10th day of the demise, he was offering “pindams” (cooked rice balls), which were later immersed in a lake in Bangalore. As the “Pindam” touched the water, a Garuda Bird (with white bands on the neck) suddenly appeared in the sky. The Garuda Bird is supposed to be the vehicle of Lord Narayana. The bird made a nose dive towards the water, touched the “Pindams” (rice Balls), with its legs, just as it was about to sink.
This stunned the family members who had gathered in tank bund. It is the firm conviction of Mr. Srinivasa Raghavan, that it is an indication that Lord Narayana is confirming that his wife had attained the Lotus Feet of Lord Narayana. And according to him, Lord Narayana is none other than Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba!!
With Love Regards,
"Mumbai" Srinivasan


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