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martes, 30 de julio de 2019

Ananda Vahini - Número ciento sesenta y cinco - 26 Julio 2019

Emisión ciento sesenta y cinco - 26 de julio de 2019
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El objetivo de la vida de uno no es continuar existiendo como la burbuja y engañarse a sí mismo con todas las reflexiones que realmente no existen, sino que finalmente se dan cuenta de que él o ella no están separados de Dios. - Baba

Con las bendiciones de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, estamos encantados de presentar nuestro número ciento sesenta y cinco de Ananda Vahini. El boletín semanal incluye interesantes reflexiones y extractos breves de los eventos de la semana. 
En este número, le presentamos las actualizaciones de las celebraciones de Ashadi Ekadashi celebradas el 12 de julio de 2019 y las celebraciones de Guru Purnima celebradas del 14 al 17 de julio de 2019 en Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli. 
Además, se presentaron informes sobre la visita de Bhagawan a Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva Pre-University College en Muddenhalli el 20 de julio de 2019 y DRDO Community Hall en CV Raman Nagar, Bangalore el 21 de julio de 2019.

En la VISTA INTERIOR de esta semana, Sadhguru Sri Madhusudan Sai comparte un momento interesante entre Él y Seva Volunteers of Spain.

- Equipo de comunicaciones de Sathya Sai Grama.

Por Sri Madhusudan Sai
Todo sobre Seva?

En declaraciones a los voluntarios de Seva en España, Swami preguntó si sabían de qué se trataba realmente Seva. Esta pregunta inesperada sacó un blanco inteligente de la audiencia y, por lo tanto, creó una oportunidad para que Swami elaborara. 
Swami comentó: "¿Cuándo se debe hacer Seva? ¿Dónde se debe hacer?¿Cómo debe hacerse? ¿Qué se debe hacer como Seva? ¿Y por qué se debe hacer Seva? Todos estos deben ser conocidos sobre Seva por los voluntarios de Seva ". 
Y él mismo continuó respondiendo el cuándo, dónde, cómo, qué y por qué de Seva como dijo: 
“¿Cuándo se debe hacer Seva? Todo el tiempo. 
¿Dónde se debe hacer? En todos lados. 
¿Qué seva debe hacerse? Lo que sea necesario 
¿Cómo debe hacerse? Con humildad y sin ego. 
¿Por qué debería hacerse? Por una vez, superación personal. 
Por lo tanto, Swami resumió todo lo que uno necesitaba saber sobre Seva.

Celebraciones de Ashadi Ekadashi - Aldea Sathya Sai, Muddenahalli - 12 de Julio de 2019.

Mientras Muddenahalli se preparaba para los auspiciosos procedimientos de Guru Purnima, las celebraciones comenzaron con el auspicioso programa Ashadi Ekadashi. Un festival dedicado a Lord Vishnu, este Ekadashi marca el comienzo de Chaturmasam. 
Durante este tiempo, los devotos del Señor Vishnu en Maharashtra llamados Vatkaris peregrinan a Pandharpur para adorar al Señor Vishnu en la forma de Vitthala y su consorte Rakkumai. Todos los devotos, sin distinciones de casta o credo, cantan Abhangs y Bhajans a lo largo del camino, deleitándose con la alegría de la música y la devoción.

El programa comenzó con el canto de Ganesha Suktam por parte de los alumnos de 10º grado de la escuela secundaria Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva. 
Fue seguido por un programa musical edificante que, con razón, celebró temas musicales repletos de devoción a causa de este festival.....

Celebraciones de Ashadi Ekadashi
Programa de música de los estudiantes y el personal del grupo de instituciones Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva

Celebraciones de Guru Purnima - Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli - 14 de Julio de 2019.

Las grandes celebraciones de Guru Purnima en Muddenahalli comenzaron el 14 de julio de 2019 en la divina presencia de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Con Dios mismo como el Gurú, cada devoto reunido aquí fue bendecido con la gracia abundante del Señor.

El programa del día comenzó con tres lanzamientos de libros. El primero fue la traducción al kannada de 'Sri Sathya Sai Divya Anandam' por Sri BN Narasimha Murthy. Este libro narra sus experiencias con Bhagavan y es una secuela de su autobiografía 'Sri Sathya Sai Divya Kripashraya'. Fue presentado por Sri Ananta Murthy, presidente de Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva High School y su esposa Smt Chaya Murthy. Este fue el trabajo de traducción número 20 de la pareja. El segundo libro fue 'Visión interior', volumen 3 de Sri Madhusudan, que es una recopilación de 100 conversaciones cortas con Swami, y fue presentada por ...

Lanzamiento de la traducción Kannada de 'Sri Sathya Sai Divya Anandam', realizada por Sri BN Narasimha Murthy
Lanzamiento de 'Vista interior - Volumen 3', autorizada por Sri Madhusudan Sai
Lanzamiento de 'Sai Hrudayam - In the Heart of Sai', un libro que resume las historias de los devotos de Dubai
Programa de danza cultural de la Sra. Tanushree Shankar y compañía

Celebraciones de Guru Purnima - Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli - 15 de Julio de 2018.

Las celebraciones de Guru Purnima en Muddenahalli continuaron el 15 de julio con varios espectáculos culturales muy encantadores. El programa comenzó con el canto de Vishnu Suktam por parte de los estudiantes de los grados 6, 7 y 8 de la escuela Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Kendra (CBSE), Muddenahalli.

La traducción en kannada del libro 'Vision interior - Volumen 2', escrita por Sri Madhusudan con fragmentos de experiencias entre Bhagavan y Sus ...

Interpretación musical de Smt Gayatri Ganjawala con personal y estudiantes del Grupo de Instituciones Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva

Celebraciones de Guru Purnima - Salon Sathya Sai, Muddenahalli - 16 de Julio de 2018 (Mañana).

En la mañana de las auspiciosas celebraciones de Guru Purnima, mientras los Bhajans melodiosos estaban en progreso, Bhagavan entró en el salón de Premamrutham y concedió a Darshan desde el balcón sobre el escenario. Vestido con un brillante color amarillo, el hermano Sri Madhusudan procedió a entrar en la sala escoltado por una procesión de estudiantes cantando los Vedas. ¡Uno solo podía imaginar cómo se veía Swami ... radiante y glorioso, como siempre lo ha hecho, durante cada día de Guru Purnima!

Mientras se deslizaba entre todos los que se habían reunido, Bhagavan concedió el Darshan a todos, cortando pasteles para marcar la ocasión antes de ....

Lanzamiento de 'Tannah Sarvah Prachodayaat', un CD de audio que consta de 21 cantos de 'Sai Gayatri' con la voz meliflua del hermano Sumeet Tappoo. Música compuesta y arreglada por el Sr. Dimitris Lambrianos.
Lanzamiento del décimo volumen de Sri Sathya Sai Uvacha en inglés
El equipo global de Sri Sathya Sai Uvacha libros
Lanzamiento del octavo volumen de 'Love Beyond Boundaries', realizado por la Sra. Bhuvana Santhanam
Charla del Sr. Isaac Tigrett
Sri BN Narasimha Murthy dirigiéndose a la reunión
Discurso divino

Celebraciones de Guru Purnima - Aldea Sathya Sai, Muddenahalli - 16 de Julio de 2018 (Por la Noche).

Después de una memorable e histórica sesión matutina, las celebraciones de la noche comenzaron cuando Bhagavan entró en el salón Premamrutham y se deslizó entre todos los que se habían reunido, derramando Su amor y bendiciones para todos. Alumnos superiores del campus de niñas de Nallakadirenahalli cantaron el Narayana Suktam para comenzar el programa de la noche.

Bhagavan luego lanzó un libro para el programa *Creciendo para ser Dios* que es un programa de educación para el desarrollo infantil. Iniciado por Bhagavan en 2017, este programa ahora se...

Noche: Inauguración de 'Sai Sri', división de Finanzas y Cuentas.
Inauguración de 'Sai Ashraya - Bloque J'
Tarde Satsang en progreso
Sri Rajsingham del Reino Unido durante el lanzamiento del libro 'Growing to be God'.
Presentación musical del Sr. Dimitris Lambrianos y Sri Mandolin U Rajesh acompañados por varios artistas.

Celebraciones de Guru Purnima - Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli - 17 de Julio de 2019.

El evento culminante de las celebraciones de Guru Purnima 2019 vio otra actuación musical divina de Sri Sumeet Tappoo y compañía.

La noche comenzó con el canto del Shikshavali por parte de las niñas de 9º y 10º grado de la escuela Prashanti Balamandira.

Luego comenzó la fascinante actuación de Sri Sumeet Tappoo, quien estuvo acompañado por Sri Rishi Singh en la guitarra, Sri Kiran Vinkar en la flauta, Sri Mukesh Chaudhary en el teclado, Sri Lokesh Gandharv en la Tabla, Sri Manoj Kumar en el Dholak y Sri Ajay Dande sobre las percusiones.

Sri Sumeet Tappoo pertenece a una familia de devotos de Bhagavan y ha estado sirviendo al...

Para saber más, haga clic AQUÍ

Actuación musical de Sri Sumeet Tappoo y compañía.

Visita Divina al Colegio Pre- Universitario Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva - Aldea Sathya Sai, Muddenahalli - 20 de Julio de 2019.

En la mañana del 20 de julio de 2019, Swami visitó el Colegio Preuniversitario de Sri Sathya Sai Lai Seva en el campus de Muddenahalli, para bendecir a los estudiantes y al personal. Fue recibido en Prem Kutir con Poorna Kumbham , en medio de cantos védicos por parte de los estudiantes. Swami los bendijo aceptando cartas y flores, guiándolos y aconsejándolos sobre diversos asuntos, firmando tarjetas y libros, derramando Akshatas sobre sus cabezas, irradiando alegría y amor en sus corazones.

Mientras los Bhajans estaban en progreso, Swami se sentó en Su silla y repasó todas las cartas que Él había aceptado, otorgándoles gran alegría y....

Satsang con estudiantes y personal
Sri Manjrekar Reddy, Warden dirigiéndose a la reunión
Charla de Sri RK Subramanya
Discurso divino
Almuerzo con estudiantes y personal

SATSANG PÚBLICO _ En el Salón Comunitario DRDO - CV Raman Nagar, Bangalore - 21 de Julio de 2019.

El 21 de julio de 2019 marcó el cuarto Satsang con Bhagavan en el Salón de la Comunidad DRDO en el área de Raman Nagar en Bangalore y los procedimientos de la mañana comenzaron con el canto de Sai Gayatri. 
Cuando los Bhajans estaban en ejecución, Bhagavan llegó al salón y bendijo la reunión, derramando Su amor y bendiciones a todos y cada uno de los presentes en el Salón con Su gracia. 
Después de que Bhagavan subiera al estrado, Sri SA Vasudev dio la bienvenida a la reunión. Dio una cálida bienvenida a Bhagavan y le transmitió....

DRDO Community Hall, CV Raman Nagar, Bangalore
Bhagawan recibe la bienvenida de los beneficiarios del programa de desayuno CV Raman Nagar Annapoorna
Sri Vasudev dando la bienvenida a la reunión
Ofrenda musical de la juventud
Charla de Sri BN Narasimha Murthy
Discurso divino
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Issue One Hundred and Sixty Five - July 26, 2019
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The goal of one’s life is not to continue existing as the bubble and deluding oneself with all the reflections that do not really exist, but ultimately realise that he or she is not separate from God.                                                                                                                                                                                  - Baba
With the Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we are delighted to present our One Hundred and Sixty Fifth issue of Ananda Vahini. The weekly newsletter includes interesting musings and short excerpts from the week's events.

In this issue, we present you the updates of Ashadi Ekadashi celebrations held on July 12, 2019 and Guru Purnima celebrations held from July 14 to July 17, 2019 at Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli.

Also, reports on Bhagawan's visit to Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva Pre-University College at Muddenhalli on July 20, 2019 and DRDO Community Hall at C V Raman Nagar, Bangalore on July 21, 2019 has been presented.

In this week's INNER VIEW, Sadhguru Sri Madhusudan  Sai shares an interesting moment between Him and Seva Volunteers of Spain.

- Sathya Sai Grama Communications Team.
By Sri Madhusudan Sai 
All about Seva? 

Speaking to Seva volunteers in Spain, Swami asked if they knew what Seva truly construed of. This unexpected question drew an intelligent blank from the audience and thus created an opportunity for Swami to elaborate.

Swami remarked, ”When should Seva be done? Where should it be done? How it should be done? What should be done as Seva? And why should one do Seva? All these should be known about Seva by the Seva volunteers.”

And He Himself went on to answer the When, where, how, what and why of Seva as He said,
“When should Seva be done? All the time.
Where should it be done? Everywhere.
What Seva should be done? Whatever is needed.
How it should be done? With humility and no ego.
Why should it be done? For once own self improvement.”

Thus, Swami summarised all that one needed to know about Seva.     
 JULY 12, 2019 
As Muddenahalli prepared for the auspicious Guru Purnima proceedings, the celebrations began with the auspicious Ashadi Ekadashi programme. A festival dedicated to Lord Vishnu, this Ekadashi marks the beginning of the Chaturmasam. During this time, devotees of Lord Vishnu in Maharashtra called the Vatkaris go on a pilgrimage to Pandharpur to worship Lord Vishnu in the form of Vitthala and his consort Rakkumai. All the devotees, with no distinctions of caste or creed, sing Abhangs andBhajans all along the way, revelling in the joy of music and devotion.

The programme began with the chanting of the Ganesha Suktam by the grade ten students of Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva High School. It was followed by an uplifting musical programme which rightfully celebrated music replete with devotion on account of this festival. Presented by various students and staff of the organisation, the programme included compositions be various devotees of Swami, Purandaradasa Keertanas, Kritis...   
To know more, click HERE
Ashadi Ekadashi Celebrations
Music programme by the students and staff of Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva Group of Institutions 
 JULY 14, 2019 
The grand Guru Purnima celebrations at Muddenahalli began on the July 14, 2019 in the divine of presence of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Said Baba. With God Himself as the Guru, every devotee gathered here was bestowed with the abundant grace of the Lord.

The programme for the day began with three book launches. The first was the Kannada translation of ‘Sri Sathya Sai Divya Anandam’ by Sri B N Narasimha Murthy. This book narrates his experiences with Bhagawan and is a sequel to his autobiography ‘Sri Sathya Sai Divya Kripashraya’. It was presented by Sri Ananta Murthy, Chairman of Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva High School and his wife Smt Chaya Murthy. This was the couple’s 20th work of translation. The second book was ‘Inner View’, Volume 3 by Sri Madhusudan, which is a compilation of 100 short conversations with Swami and this was presented by Sister Usha Kotta and Brother Girish Katti from Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutha Prakashna – Books and Publications division. The last book was ‘Sai Hrudayam – In the Heart of Sai’ by devotees from Dubai, who were lovingly christened ‘Sai Hrudayam’ by Swami Himself. Swami has highlighted....   
To know more, click HERE
Launch of Kannada translation of ‘Sri Sathya Sai Divya Anandam’, authoured by Sri B N Narasimha Murthy
Launch of ‘Inner View - Volume 3', authoured by Sri Madhusudan Sai
Launch of ‘Sai Hrudayam – In the Heart of Sai’, a book which encapsulates the stories of devotees from Dubai
Cultural dance programme by Mrs Tanushree Shankar and troupe
 JULY 15, 2019 
Guru Purnima celebrations at Muddenahalli continued on the 15th of July with several more enchanting cultural performances. The programme began with the chanting of the Vishnu Suktam by students of grade 6, 7 and 8 of the Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Kendra (CBSE) School, Muddenahalli.

The Kannada translation of the book ‘Inner View – Volume 2’ written by Sri Madhusudan with snippets of experiences between Bhagawan and His dear devotees, was presented to Bhagawan by two senior alumni of the Alike campus – Sri Kana Sundar Bhat, Head Master of the Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva High School (SSSLHS) and Sri Kabir Adkastala, Kannada teacher at SSSLHS.

Thereafter, the evening’s cultural programme was rendered by Smt Gayatri Ganjawala along with staff and students of various institutions of Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva Group of Institutions. Smt Gayatri is an exponent in Carnatic and Hindustan styles of Music. They performed Marathi Abhangs, which are devotional.....   
To know more, click HERE
Musical rendition by Smt Gayatri Ganjawala with staff and students of Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva Group of Institutions
JULY 16, 2019 (MORNING)

On the morning of the auspicious Guru Purnima celebrations, as melodious Bhajans were in progress, Bhagawan entered the Premamrutham hall and granted Darshan from the balcony above the stage. Clad in effulgent yellow, Brother Sri Madhusudan proceeded to enter the hall escorted by a procession of students chanting Vedas. One could only imagine how Swami must have looked…radiant, and glorious, as He has always, during every Guru Purnima day!
Gliding amidst all those who had gathered, Bhagawan granted Darshan to everyone, cutting cakes to mark the occasion before ascending the dais to take His seat on the throne. The morning’s celebrations began with a rendering of the Guru Paduka Stotram which was then followed by the Guru Mahima Stotram, which describes how a human can become elevated to the status of the Divine by the grace of the Guru.
The second-year students of the Pre-University college at Muddenahalli, then began the proceedings with an invocatory chant of the Atma Suktam, after which Bhagawan released a number of books and CDs offered by various devotees from all over the globe.
The first release was, ‘Tannah Sarvah Prachodayaat’, an audio CD of twenty-one chants of Sai Gayatri by Brother Sumeet Tappoo and Mr Dimitris Lambrianos. This was followed by the offering of twenty-three publications in seventeen world languages, by the Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutha Prakashna, Books and Publications division. Different volumes of Sri Sathya Sai Uvacha and The Story Divine were released by Bhagawan in the various languages of: Chinese, Croatian, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Sinhalese, Slovenian, Spanish, Turkish, Telugu and Tamil. Mr Isaac Tigrett then offered the tenth volume of the Sri Sathya Sai Uvacha series in English, after which Bhagawan blessed the team of translators... 
To know more, click HERE
Launch of 'Tannah Sarvah Prachodayaat', an audio CD comprising of twenty-one chants of 'Sai Gayatri' in the mellifluous voice by Brother Sumeet Tappoo. Music composed and arranged by Mr Dimitris Lambrianos.
Launch of tenth volume of Sri Sathya Sai Uvacha in English 
The Global team of Sri Sathya Sai Uvacha books
Launch of eighth volume of 'Love Beyond Boundaries', authoured by Ms Bhuvana Santhanam
Talk by Mr Isaac Tigrett
Sri B N Narasimha Murthy addressing the gathering
Divine Discourse
JULY 16, 2019 (EVENING)
After a memorable and historic morning session, the evening’s celebrations began as Bhagawan entered the Premamrutham hall and glided amidst all who had gathered, showering His love and blessings on everyone. Senior students from the Nallakadirenahalli girls’ campus chanted the Narayana Suktam to begin the evening’s programme.

Bhagawan then released a book for the Growing to be God programme which is a programme of education for child development. Initiated by Bhagawan in 2017, this programme has now spread to many European countries, with Australia, Singapore and New Zealand preparing to launch the programme as well.

This was followed by a musical presentation by Sri Mandolin U Rajesh and Mr Dimitris Lambrianos. The duo offered a selection of beautiful compositions. Beginning with an offering to Lord Ganesha, they played various pieces such as Amrita Varshini Sudhamayi and Deep End. They also offered melodious renditions of well-known Bhajans and were skilfully accompanied by, Bangalore Dr V Praveen on the Mridangam, Bangalore Rajashekhar...  

To know more, click HERE
Evening: Inauguration of 'Sai Sri', Accounts and Finance division
Inauguration of 'Sai Ashraya - J Block'
Evening Satsang in progress
Sri Rajsingham from the United Kingdom during the launch of the book 'Growing to be God' . 
Musical presentation by Mr Dimitris Lambrianos and Sri Mandolin U Rajesh accompanied by various artists
 JULY 17, 2019 
The culmination event of the Guru Purnima celebrations 2019 saw yet another divine musical performance by Sri Sumeet Tappoo and troupe.
The evening began with the chanting of the Shikshavali by girls of Grade 9 and 10 of Prashanti Balamandira School.
Then began the mesmerising performance by Sri Sumeet Tappoo who was accompanied by Sri Rishi Singh on the Guitar, Sri Kiran Vinkar on the Flute, Sri Mukesh Chaudhary on the Keyboard, Sri Lokesh Gandharv on the Tabla, Sri Manoj Kumar on the Dholak and Sri Ajay Dande on the Percussions.
Sri Sumeet Tappoo belongs to a family of devotees of Bhagawan and has been serving the Lord through various activities in Fiji and across the world. He has received several awards in Fiji and India. Despite not being formally trained in music, his musical performances are a divine treat to listeners. It is a classic example of how offering one’s God gifted talent back at His lotus feet can elevate it to greater heights.
Swami blessed the musicians profusely, after which Mangala Arati was offered, and the Lord retired for the night.
Musical Performance by Sri Sumeet Tappoo and troupe
 JULY 20, 2019 
On the morning of 20th July 2019, Swami visited Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva Pre-University College of Muddenahalli Campus, to bless the students and staff. He was welcomed at Prem Kutir with Poorna Kumbham, amidst Vedic chants by the students. Swami blessed them by accepting letters and flowers, guiding and counselling them on various matters, signing cards and books, showering Akshatas on their heads, all the while radiating joy and love upon their pining hearts.
As Bhajans were in progress, Swami sat on His chair and went through all the letters that He had accepted, granting great joy and satisfaction to all the students, reminding them of His utmost love and concern for every minute detail of their lives.
After few more Bhajans, Swami signalled Brother Manjrekar Reddy, Warden of the Pre-University College to speak. He spoke about how Swami has fulfilled the heartfelt desire of many other alumni, bringing them to stay closer to Him and serve in His Mission. He encouraged the boys to feel Swami’s presence everywhere and to make good use of the golden opportunity bestowed only upon a chosen few.
Sri R K Subramanya spoke next and very candidly narrated his own life story, as to how he had to work very hard to get good marks in his studies during his pre-university years. He stressed on the point that hard work always pays and that Swami’s only expectation from us is that we should serve society.
Thereafter, Swami interacted with the students, detailing the incidents between Radha and Krishna. He described how Radha’s Bhakti was different from the other Gopikas of Vrindavan, how Krishna would wait for Radha before playing His flute and how one day Krishna even bent down on His knees, saying that He was blessed...
To know more, click HERE
Satsang with Students and Staff
Sri Manjrekar Reddy, Warden addressing the gathering
Talk by Sri R K Subramanya
Divine Discourse
Lunch with Students and Staff
 JULY 21, 2019   

July 21, 2019 marked the fourth Satsang with Bhagawan at the DRDO Community Hall in the C V Raman Nagar area of Bangalore and the morning’s proceedings commenced with the chanting of Sai Gayatri. As Bhajans were underway, Bhagawan arrived into the hall and blessed the gathering, showering His love and benedictions, charging each and every one present in the Hall with His grace. After Bhagawan had ascended the dais, Sri S A Vasudev welcomed the gathering. He fondly welcomed Bhagawan and conveyed gratitude to Him on behalf of all who were present. He also welcomed Sri B N Narasimha Murthy, Chancellor and Chief Mentor for the Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva Group of Institutions and Retd. Major General VPS Bhakuni. Sri Vasudev then prayed to Bhagawan for His guidance and said that to be in His presence was indeed a blessing. He spoke about how during this year’s Guru Purnima celebrations, Brother Sri Madhusudan had also transitioned, just like Lord Buddha, who went from being Gautam Siddharth to Gautam Buddha. He showed by example that it is possible for each and every one to attain God-realisation. Sri Vasudev then prayed to Bhagawan to speak to the gathering and elaborate on the way in which we can empty ourselves in order to become self-realised. This was followed by an offering of a bouquet of songs by the youth music group. They presented a selection of mellifluous songs by Sri Purandara Dasa and a few Hindi numbers, as well as Bhajans.
Thereafter, Sri B N Narasimha Murthy addressed the gathering and described how Bhagawan is completely manifesting Himself in Jeevan Mukta Swarupa, Sri Madhusudan Sai. He spoke about how there is no more Sri Madhusudan and in his ascension from Madhusudan to Sri Madhusudan Sai, his family has lost their beloved son and brother. He declared that Sri Madhusudan Sai is the most amazing miracle of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, as He has raised a man to the level of God. Sri Narasimha Murthy spoke....  
To know more, click HERE
DRDO community Hall, C V Raman Nagar, Bangalore
Bhagawan being welcomed by beneficiaries of the C V Raman Nagar Annapoorna Breakfast Programme
Sri Vasudev welcoming the gathering
Musical offering by the Youth
Talk by Sri B N Narasimha Murthy
Divine Discourse
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