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martes, 7 de junio de 2022

'Diálogo con lo Divino' | ¿Dónde está Sri Sathya Sai Baba?

Muchos jóvenes están apegados a Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Tú has dicho que Él está en todos nosotros. ¿Dónde está exactamente Él ahora? ¿Por favor explícanos?

Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai – Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba es una manifestación divina. Si cierro los ojos y pienso en Él, todavía puedo verlo aquí, pero Él decide no hablar. Él solo observa y me pide que siga adelante y haga lo que debe hacerse. Así que aún hoy, no sé adónde van mis manos, mi movimiento, mi habla o mis pensamientos. Pero sé claramente que es un poco diferente de lo que era antes. Sé que podía sentir claramente Su energía, Sus caminos, Sus métodos, Sus acciones a través de mí. Ahora veo claramente que no es Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba como una forma que está trabajando a través de mí. Es una entidad neutral, la Divinidad que está haciendo. Cada vez que se necesita a Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Él siempre está ahí, Su presencia siempre está ahí. Porque la misma Divinidad muy rápidamente toma esa forma y vuelve a ti. Rezo a Krishna, veo a Krishna. Pero eso no significa que Krishna esté todo el tiempo trabajando a través de mí. La divinidad está allí todo el tiempo: cualquiera que sea la forma que deseemos adorar, se manifiesta.

Contener a Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba como una persona con una forma, en un lugar es una comprensión muy limitada de Su verdad. Pero aquellos que están apegados a la forma de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba y oran a esa forma, Él se les manifestará en esa forma. Incluso hoy, aquellos que rezan a Shirdi Baba, pueden visualizar o ver a Shirdi Baba venir a ellos en esa forma. Él no los confundirá con otro nombre y forma, porque quiere atraerlos al camino espiritual que les atrae. A alguien más vendrá como Jesús, Krishna, Rama, pero es la misma conciencia Divina, esto no debemos olvidarlo. Desafortunadamente, mucha gente se apega tanto a un nombre y una forma, que se vuelven casi al borde del fanatismo: 'es esta forma la que es Dios y nada más, todo lo demás es falso', este tipo de enfoque que no podemos permitirnos. tomar. Debemos ser audaces, de mente amplia y debemos estar siempre agradecidos a la Divinidad, por haber tomado una forma, un nombre y una forma, y haberse limitado a sí mismo a una identidad individual para guiar a las personas en el camino sagrado, sin lo cual, no lo haríamos. se han perdido. Pero también tenía un propósito mayor para enseñar: una persona ordinaria dispuesta a renunciar a todo su egoísmo, también puede alcanzar alturas extraordinarias: esta es la lección más importante.

El descenso de lo Divino es la lección que Él enseñó con el primer avatar. El ascenso del humano en este recipiente (refiriéndose a Sadguru) es la lección más grande. Esto es lo que todos debemos aprender, y nuestro verdadero tributo será este. No tiene sentido decir: 'Soy un devoto' y seguir hablando de lo que hizo, cómo lo hizo y cuándo lo hizo. Hablando así, no puedes añadir a Su gloria, ni puedes quitar nada de Su gloria—¡nada sucede! Pero qué te pasa a ti, tienes que hacer esta pregunta. Su gloria es glorificada en tu gloria. Él es glorificado cuando te das cuenta de tu Divinidad y caminas por este camino. Entonces, si todavía estás apegado a una forma y un nombre y quieres servir a la forma y al nombre, entonces haz lo que Él dijo: esto es todo lo que estoy tratando de decir. Su Divinidad está allí con ustedes. Las bendiciones están allí en abundancia. Finalmente, todo el mundo tiene que recorrer este camino. Es como cuando uno pierde a sus padres y pierde la guía de sus padres, entonces tiene que continuar en el camino trazado por sus padres al recordar las palabras de los padres.


'Dialogue with the Divine' | Questions and Answers Session | Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai with the Youth

Question: Where is Sri Sathya Sai Baba?  

Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai – Firstly, let us learn a few things about Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. You should get some of your fundamentals right about Him, His personality and His very purpose. You may feel that the Divine Consciousness manifests itself fully and totally only through avatārs over the ages. But the truth is that it is manifesting in all of us—it is manifesting in the table, chair, and flowers. But there are rare instances in time where the Divine consciousness is capable of manifesting itself fully, without any dilution, without any restriction, without any restraint—those kinds of Divine beings come time and again and they are called avatārs. pūrṇa avatār is that which can express that Divine consciousness in all its potentiality and power.

So, in this way, 'that' Divine consciousness took a form, took the most beautiful, and charming form namely Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba—easy to work with, talk to, easy to be with, and easy to love; so that He could attract people towards the great idea of spirituality. So, you must remember that it is Divine consciousness which manifests as a personality on this earth for a particular mission or cause. Many times, we see it the other way round—we say, "Rama is God." But we don't say "God is Rama." We say "Krishna is God" because we know Krishna, and we don't know God. So, we don't say "God is Krishna." It is all relative. Similarly, most of us kept on saying "Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is God", which is true. But the bigger truth, the real truth is that 'God is Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.' God was, is and will be. This is the ultimate vedānta.

Secondly, when the Divine consciousness manifested as a persona, as a guru, as a guide, as God—it guided us, it took us on the right path. This is how the journey began. But somewhere as Confucius says, when the disciple is ready, the guru appears. When the disciple is truly ready, the guru disappears. So, at some point in time, we could not have been going on with this idea that, because we are being told so, we are doing—because we have been asked to do, so we are doing— otherwise, we wouldn't have done anything. So, there the transition started. I think around guru purnima 2019, the real transition happened, when I was actually not really ready. Initially I was never ready for anything. I have always been, in a way, pushed into the next thing, without being aware. In fact, I had to go with it. We have committed ourselves to our goal. That is why I say, gurudakṣiṇā does not mean going and offering flowers at the samādhi. gurudakṣiṇā means to revere the word of the guru. That is how it started. And as the time passed, it was becoming more and more obvious that one has to depend on the Divine consciousness because that is the true purpose. And that is how the training was done. Slowly you must also start depending on your Divine consciousness.

And then you will know that it was always validated by the Presence. But slowly the Presence started merging in the consciousness. So, how do we comprehend this phenomenon now? When you shift water from one vessel to another, it looks different—from blue glass it goes into a yellow glass—but the water is the same. When you drink the water, you know it is the same. Similarly, those who know Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, have naturally related to God through Him. Those who know Jesus, (today is Good Friday), they relate to God that way—for them Jesus is God. At the end what is God is the question—as I said, the Divine consciousness at the vedānta level is Supreme Selfless Love. So, when the transition happened, I definitely felt very unnerved, in a way I felt lost, with a lot of questions. I knew a lot of questions would be asked, a lot of doubts would be raised, which weren't new to me. There were always umpteen questions and doubts that were raised, but that time it was easy because I just followed blindly—then, there was somebody to follow. But now, suddenly I saw none in front of me. I felt like a child lost in a new place.

But then, I kept listening to my inner conscience. It kept telling me – 'this is what it is; this is what you must do.' I couldn't ignore it because it was so loud and clear. So, I had to just believe in that Divine consciousness. This is what I was told right at the beginning—ten years is this phase, after ten years it won't be so. And I was always under the impression that, after ten years I will go back to being my usual self. But I did not know that this is what was being planned for me. These ten years were like the transition phase where, when an iron remains too close to a magnet for too long, it becomes magnet itself—it gets magnetised. This is 'Divinity Transferring.' There are names, ways, things that will change because it is now manifesting through another form and name with its own personalities. To that extent it is different and to that extent it is the same. But as I said, if you taste you would know. By looking at it you will not know. You have to taste it. Tasting it means, you really work closely, trying to understand and not come with pre-conditioned minds. When we come with conditions, we lose God. If we come unconditionally; we find God just with a snap of a finger.

It was a difficult experience in the beginning, but now I know this is how it was supposed to be. You surrender to that Divine, it takes over, it does what it wants to do through you and you don't come in between, which means you don't let your mind come in the way. This is the destiny for all of us, sooner or later. Be prepared! I am not saying you all can claim that it is Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba who got inside you, for these are all just a way to explain things. It is actually the Divine consciousness which suddenly awakens within you, and then it starts doing what it needs to do. The personality of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is only a catalyst to bring about this change. Catalyst does nothing—it just starts the reaction; helps you complete the reaction and gets out of the reaction without being changed at all. God is like that; Divinity is like that. It is the catalyst which actually invokes your own inner Divinity to do what needs to be done. To that extent, it is the same, to that extent, it is different. Is this clear? – Ponder over it!
