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viernes, 20 de abril de 2018

Ananda Vahini - Número Ciento veintidós - 20 de abril 2018_Ananda Vahini - Issue One Hundred And Twenty Two - April 20, 2018

Número ciento veintidós - 20 de abril de 2018
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No hay humanidad sin compasión, y uno deja de ser humano cuando uno deja de tener compasión. ¿Qué es la compasión? No puede permanecer callado cuando ve a otra persona sufrir. La compasión impulsa a uno a actuar. Alivia, entra en acción cuando ve a alguien sufrir. Solo la oración no es suficiente, por nuestra propia capacidad, por pequeña que sea, uno debe actuar con este sentimiento de compasión. Esta es tu verdadera identidad. ¡El día que te olvidas, tú no existes! La compasión debe convertirse en tu sello y virtud., - Baba
Con las bendiciones de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, nos complace presentar nuestro número ciento veintidós de Ananda Vahini. El boletín semanal incluye reflexiones interesantes y breves extractos de los eventos de la semana. En este número, les traemos la parte final de la visita de Bhagavan a Dubai, Londres, Italia, Grecia, Suiza y Francia entre el 26 de marzo y el 13 de abril de 2018. También les traemos el informe de las celebraciones del Año Nuevo Tamil y de Vishu celebradas en abril 14, 2018 en Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli.  

En VISIÓN INTERIOR de esta semana  , el hermano Madhusudan Naidu comparte un momento interesante que sucedió entre el Señor y un devoto. 

- Equipo de Comunicaciones Sathya Sai Grama.


Por Sri Madhusudan Naidu.

Nadie puede detenerme! 

Cuando salimos de Francia para Suiza, las noticias de una huelga nacional pusieron a todos ansiosos. Como tal, había muy pocos vuelos directos desde París a Ginebra, y los devotos en Suiza estaban esperando ansiosamente a Swami con gran anticipación. Sin embargo, al informarle a Swami, si necesitábamos hacer arreglos alternativos o cancelar el viaje a Suiza, su respuesta fue no se preocupen. 

Como su voluntad prevaleció, ¡nuestro vuelo fue el único que despegó mientras que el anterior y el posterior fueron cancelados,! Así aterrizamos en Ginebra, y nos dirigimos a la casa del anfitrión en Berna. Cuando Swami entró, el organizador anfitrión de este viaje le dijo a Swami, "¡Baba! Escuchamos que iba a haber un paro en París, pero no nos preocupamos. Porque si las aerolíneas no te traian aquí, habría ido y te habría llevado sobre mis hombros a Suiza ". 

Swami rápidamente respondio cuando dijo:" ¿Cómo puede alguien evitar que yo te encuentre? Cuando un devoto sincero busca a Dios, no hay nada en el mundo que pueda evitar que Dios se encuentre con su devoto ".

Fue de hecho el caso aquí y en todas partes, de lo que nosotros, como sus compañeros de viaje, somos un testigo constante. Cómo cuando se emiten las visas en tiempo récord, los asientos de las aerolíneas están disponibles en vuelos completos, se cancelan huelgas, se borra la congestión del tráfico, o cuando el clima lluvioso da paso a un sol brillante, ¡e incluso el tiempo se detiene cuando tiene que encontrarse con Sus devotos! 

Como dijo una vez San Agustín de Hippo, "enamorarse de Dios es el romance más grande; buscarlo, la aventura más grande; encontrarlo a Él, el mayor logro humano. "Y aquí somos testigos de primera mano, del mayor romance entre el Señor y Sus devotos a través de todas las aventuras de visas y horarios de vuelo, tráficos y huelgas, lluvia, sol y nieve, oposiciones y obstrucciones !   

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10, 11 Y 12 DE ABRIL, 2018.

Fue una mañana emocionante para todos, porque poco después del desayuno, un viaje por carretera a Asís estaba en la agenda. Asís, un lugar bendito conocido en todo el mundo hoy en día por San Francisco, que fue designado Santo Patrono de Italia, y fue canonizado en 1228. San Francisco vivió y predicó el noble sendero de Dios y el servicio a los demás. Cuando ...

10 de abril - Inauguración de Cente para el Desarrollo Humano - Casa Del Divino
Revelando la placa
Satsang en progreso 
En la Basílica de San Francesco d'Assisi
11 de abril - Evening Satsang en progreso
Sor Giovanna de Asís dirigiéndose a la reunión  
 14 DE ABRIL DE 2018.

A la mente humana le gusta darle mucho valor al concepto de "nuevo". Desde ropa, entretenimiento, viajes e incluso teléfonos móviles, "nuevo" es algo que excita la mente acerca de estas cosas. Incluso a un niño le encantan los juguetes nuevos. Lo mejor de la novedad de un objeto es que aporta frescura. Una flor recién florecida difunde su fragancia, mientras que una canción recién creada deleita tanto al compositor como al oyente. Esta frescura ...

Procesión tradicional de los devotos de Tamil Nadu dando la bienvenida a Bhagawan 
Iluminación de lámpara ceremonial
Lanzamiento de 'Sri Sathya Sai Uvacha - Volumen 3' en Tamil, traducido por Smt Suchitra Ravindran
Lanzamiento de 'Inner View' en tamil, traducido por Sri Ravi Chander 
Sri Jaya Prabhakar hablando sobre la importancia del servicio 
'Kuchela', una presentación de Kathakali por los devotos de Kerala 
Discurso Divino 
Distribuyendo Sus muestras del amor a los voluntarios del Programa de Desayuno de Annapoorna en la noche 
Recital Veena del Dr. Jayanthi Kumaresh 


De las 84 lac (8.400.000) de especies, el nacimiento humano dotado por Dios es uno de los más raros. Habiendo recibido un regalo tan precioso de Dios por nacer como humano, uno debe usar este nacimiento de una manera apropiada. 
Lo que diferencia a los humanos de otros animales es el sentido del deber o ...

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* Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutha Prakashna *, Todos los derechos reservados. 

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Issue One Hundred and Twenty Two - April 20, 2018
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There is no humanity without compassion, and one ceases to be a human when one ceases to have compassion. What is compassion – unable to stay quiet when you see someone else suffer. Compassion propels one to act. It relieves, it springs into action when it sees someone suffer. Only prayer is not enough, in our own capacity however small, one must act with this feeling of compassion. This is your true identity. The day you forget, you don’t exist! Compassion should become your hallmark and virtue. 
With the Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we are delighted to present our One Hundred and Twenty Second issue of Ananda Vahini. The weekly newsletter includes interesting musings and short excerpts from the week's events.

In this issue, we bring you the final part of Bhagawan's visit to Dubai, London, Italy, Greece, Switzerland and France between March 26 and April 13, 2018.

We also bring you the report of Tamil New Year and Vishu Celebrations held on April 14, 2018 at Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli. 

In this week's INNER VIEW, Brother Madhusudan Naidu shares an interesting moment which happened between the Lord and a devotee.

- Sathya Sai Grama Communications Team.
By Sri Madhusudan Naidu
No One Can Stop!  
As we were to leave France for Switzerland, the news of a nation wide strike made everyone anxious. As such there were very few direct flights from Paris to Geneva, and the devotees at Switzerland were eagerly waiting for Swami with great anticipation. Nevertheless on reporting to Swami, whether we needed to make some alternative arrangements or cancel the trip to Switzerland altogether, His response was not to worry.

As His will prevailed, ours was the only flight that took off while the one before and after, were cancelled! Thus we landed in Geneva, and made our way to the host’s home in Bern. As Swami walked in, the host organiser of this trip told Swami, “Baba! We heard that there was going to be a strike in Paris, but we did not worry. Because if the Airlines did not bring you here, I would have come and carried You on my shoulders to Switzerland.”

Swami was quick to respond when He said, “How could anyone stop Me from meeting you? When a sincere devotee seeks God, there is nothing in the world that can stop God from meeting His devotee.”

It was indeed the case here and everywhere, to which we, as His co-travellers are a constant witness. How visas get cleared in record time, airline seats become available in otherwise full flights, strikes are called off, traffic congestion clears up, otherwise rainy weather makes way for a shining sun, and sometimes even time freezes when He has to meet His devotees!

As St Augustine of Hippo once said, “To fall in love with God is the greatest romance; to seek Him, the greatest adventure; to find Him, the greatest human achievement.” And here we are witnessing first hand, the greatest romance between the Lord and His devotees through all the adventures of visas and flight schedules, traffics and strikes, rain, sun and snow, oppositions and obstructions!   

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APRIL 10, 11 AND 12, 2018

It was an exciting morning for everyone, for soon after breakfast, a road travel to Assisi was on the agenda. Assisi, a blessed place known world over today because of St Francis, who was designated Patron Saint of Italy, and was cannonised in 1228. St Francis lived and preached the noble path of God and the service to others. When Swami had visited Assisi in 2017, He had wanted to come back this year and had also willed that a Centre for Human Development would be established in the sacred land.
Swami reached Assisi close to noon, and was driven up straight to ‘Casa Del Divino’ the Centre for Human Development. He was lovingly welcomed by Mrs Marilena, wife of Mr Ampelio, and the entire family. Swami inaugurated the Centre, walked around the entire place, and even took group photographs with everyone. Swami then sat down in theSatsang room, and spoke to all gathered about the place. He spoke about how the teaching of St Francis is similar to that of Christ, which is ‘serve others’. Thereafter, lunch was served to all.
In the evening, yet again everyone gathered in the cosy Satsang room. Sister Giovanna from Assisi had also come to take part in the spiritual evening. Mr Ampelio thanked Swami for the extraordinary opportunity He was given. “With the strength given by the Master we have been able to do all this. And the joy is enveloping , and it will continue to be with us. It’s not the chronological age that defines youth, it’s all about the love which we give and receive. Swami has given me an engine, but without the petrol nothing can be fine. And the petrol is the extraordinary family that I have! You must believe what the Master says, and I am saying this from my experience. This will be a place where we will receive all the youth!” Swami then said, as “As you are in touch with God, you will reopen. One has to hold on to the Master, to ripen in His grace!”
Sister Giovanna offered her gratitude to Swami for the Centre, and expressed her deep love for all gathered. Swami spoke about how she derives great joy in the presence of Sai. He revealed....

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April 10 - Inauguration of Cente for Human Development - Casa Del Divino
Unveiling the plaque
Satsang in progress 
At Basilica of San Francesco d'Assisi
April 11 - Evening Satsang in progress
Sister Giovanna from Assisi addressing the gathering  
 APRIL 14, 2018

The human mind likes to attach a lot of value to the concept of ‘new.’ Right from apparel, entertainment, travel, and even mobile phones – ‘new’ is something that excites the mind about these things. Even a child loves to have new toys. The best thing about the newness of an object is that it brings freshness. A newly blossomed flower spreads its fragrance while a newly created song brings delight to both the composer and listener. This freshness is something that every human being is in search for, though the essence of the objective of human life remains fundamentally same—to realize the omnipresence of divinity and living in that realization.
For this, every day is a new day; every moment is a new opportunity. We are blessed to have the chance to start on attaining this realization every second. Going through such a introspection and personal resolve, a moment like the Tamil Puthundu (Tamil New Year) and Vishu (Malayali New Year) is something that can give a person the right kind of nudge to start afresh. And what would be more blessed than to get a chance to spend these moments in the very presence of the Divine Entity who came down from the heavens to remind us of our divine inheritance!
Well, Muddenahalli was up to the occasion. After missing its dearest Swami for a couple of weeks, who was visiting various European countries to bless the devotees there and start various new projects, the place was geared to celebrate the New Year with devotees coming from various parts of Tamil Nadu and Kerala.
Morning Program
The morning program started with the Vedam group, traditional dance and band escorting and welcoming Swami to the Sai Premamrutham Hall. Devotees were eagerly waiting inside to begin and celebrate the New Year with their beloved Lord. Swami entered the Hall and blessed the devotees, signing the books, accepting letters and counselling them on various personal matters before proceeding towards the stage.
The morning session was opened by chanting of the Durga Suktam by the devotees of....

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Traditional procession by the devotees of Tamil Nadu welcoming Bhagawan 
Lighting of ceremonial lamp
Launch of 'Sri Sathya Sai Uvacha - Volume 3' in Tamil, translated by Smt Suchitra Ravindran
Launch of 'Inner View' in Tamil, translated by Sri Ravi Chander 
Sri Jaya Prabhakar speaking about the importance of service 
'Kuchela', a Kathakali presentation by the devotees of Kerala 
Divine Discourse 
Distributing His tokens of the love to the volunteers of Annapoorna Breakfast Programme in the evening 
Veena recital by Dr Jayanthi Kumaresh 

Out of 84 lac species, human birth gifted by God is one of the rarest. Having received such a precious gift from God to be born as a human, one must use this birth in an appropriate way. That which differentiates human from other animals is The sense of duty or Dharma that makes human beings different from animals without which human beings are as good as animals. What is this Dharma? This body has been given in order to be of service to others. One needs to serve. This is the duty that differentiates a human from just being an animal. Being able to think of others, being able to sacrifice for others’ sake, being able to serve others is that which differentiates human beings from anybody else.
Dear ones, use every moment that has been gifted by God to you, out of trust and faith in you that you will use it well, in the service of others. While there is still time, one must use it well and what way is the best use of time? It is best used when it is used in service of others. It is all right if you cannot visit a temple and offer flowers and fruits and Daanam that is charity in these temples but if you visit a school and feed a hungry child and let some Anna or food go into the stomach of that child, there is no greater worship, there

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