Om Sai Ram querida Familia Sai:
Saludos desde la morada de nuestro amado Señor. La gracia de Swami es tan inmensa que Prashanti está muy ocupado con una serie de programas que se llevan a cabo aquí en la morada divina a partir del año nuevo chino.
Los programas culturales por los devotos de Delhi fueron fantásticos. Hay otro programas previstos por los devotos de Singapur, Malasia, Indonesia y Tailandia, que tendrán un programa cultural el viernes día 28.
En la actualidad, aparte de los grupos anteriores, un grupo de la planta de acero de Vizag, y unos pocos cientos de estudiantes de una escuela en el Distrito Federal, están acampando en Prashanti para disfrutar darshans.

Hubo muchos informes en los medios de comunicación acerca del Sathya Sai Central Trust, el viernes se emitió una factura de electricidad por valor de Rs.3.3 millones de rupias en concepto de atrasos pendientes por el hospital.
Hubo muchos informes en los medios de comunicación acerca del Sathya Sai Central Trust, el viernes se emitió una factura de electricidad por valor de Rs.3.3 millones de rupias en concepto de atrasos pendientes por el hospital.
Es una organización completamente sin fines de lucro y el hospital es único en su tipo en la prestación de servicios de clase mundial médica a los pobres y necesitados .
Hasta ahora, del costo unitario de Rs.4.30 / -, el gobierno del estado estaba ofrecía Rs.4 / - por unidad, y el Fideicomiso pagaba 30 paisas al departamento de energía.
Todo estaba funcionando sin problemas hasta que el gobierno decidió tratar al hospital de Swami a la par de otros hospitales. Este movimiento repentino por el gobierno del estado, encontró una severa crítica de cada uno en la sociedad, incluyendo los partidos de la oposición y los líderes del partido gobernante, rechazando la decisión repentina del Gobierno del Estado.
El Domingo, 22 de enero, los habitantes de Puttaparthi expresaron su disgusto, con el cierre en forma voluntaria de los negocios por un día.
Hubo tantas historias que se escribieron y dijeron en los medios de comunicación sobre la decisión tomada por el gobierno de Andhra Pradesh, pero hablando en el idioma de nuestros Swami , era sólo una nube pasajera.
Tampoco era cierto que la fuente de alimentación fue retirada en el hospital por el departamento de electricidad
Según algunas fuentes confiables, la Fundación expresó su descontento sobre esto y le escribió una carta al gobierno del estado, el mismo día, para volver a considerar la continuación del subsidio al hospital de Swami sin lo cual sería una pesada carga para la organización.
Los ministros locales ejes de acción, también se dirigieron con preocupación al Primer Ministro, esperando una declaración oficial, la orden del gobierno ha sido acatada y el subsidio de energía continuara como de costumbre, para el hospital de Swami.
Este es también el resultado de las oraciones de millones de devotos de Swami, buscando su intervención oportuna para despejar el problema del subsidio a la electricidad.
Tampoco era cierto que la fuente de alimentación fue retirada en el hospital por el departamento de electricidad
Según algunas fuentes confiables, la Fundación expresó su descontento sobre esto y le escribió una carta al gobierno del estado, el mismo día, para volver a considerar la continuación del subsidio al hospital de Swami sin lo cual sería una pesada carga para la organización.
Los ministros locales ejes de acción, también se dirigieron con preocupación al Primer Ministro, esperando una declaración oficial, la orden del gobierno ha sido acatada y el subsidio de energía continuara como de costumbre, para el hospital de Swami.
Este es también el resultado de las oraciones de millones de devotos de Swami, buscando su intervención oportuna para despejar el problema del subsidio a la electricidad.
Así que hermanos y hermanas, para resumir, no tienen que preocuparse de este tema más , ya que el Gobierno ha respondido positivamente.
Después de todo, muchos de los líderes en el poder han llegado a Swami por sus bendiciones, personalmente he sido testigo del fantástico servicio que el hospital está haciendo a la sociedad.
En una nota similar, también sería muy bonito si todos los devotos visitantes tomaran la donación de sangre como un deber primordial durante su visita a Puttaparthi. Es probable que el nuestro no sea el único hospital / organización, que necesita muchos posibles donantes . Nuestro hospital está siempre lleno de muchas operaciones en fila todos los días. Hay pacientes que vienen de todas partes de la India e incluso del extranjero con muchas dolencias. A diferencia de otros hospitales / organizaciones , todos sabemos que nunca, el hospital de Super especialidades, realiza campañas de donación de sangre de las masa de público para reponer el banco de sangre, siempre ha dependido de los devotos que vienen para el darshan.
Ya que hay muchos Yatras Parthi( peregrinaciones a Puttaparthi) para un futuro próximo, los jefes de Centros Sai pueden asegurarse de que todos los jóvenes del grupo donen sangre al hospital de Swami , que beneficiará a miles de nuestros hermanos y hermanas pobres que visitan el hospital. Hay muchos amigos del extranjero que siempre donan sangre en el hospital de Swami. Personalmente, fui inspirado por el hermano Kanwar Narinder del Reino Unido, que siempre dona sangre al hospital de Swami, incluso cuando tenía que quedarse un día o dos en Parthi. Vamos todos a asegurarnos de que ayudemos a nuestros hermanos y hermanas, y ganar su gracia, mediante la donación de sangre ..
Ahora que la cuestión de la fuente de alimentación ha sido resuelta, demos gracias a Swami por su intervención oportuna y oremos a Dios para que nos bendiga a todos para ser sus instrumentos escogidos y dignos, para completar su misión divina.
Con pranams a los pies de loto de nuestro amado Señor,
Om Sairam dearest Sai Family
Greetings from the abode of our beloved Lord. Swami's grace is so immense that Prasanthi is so busy with a series of programmes that are being conducted here at the Divine abode starting from the Chinese new year. The Delhi devotees cultural programmes were fantastic. There is another programme by the devotees from Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand are having a cultural programme on friday the 28th. Presently apart from the above groups, a group from Vizag steel plant, few hundreds of students from a school in Karnataka are camping in Prasanthi enjoying darshans.

There were so many reports in the media about Sathya Sai Central Trust on Friday, being served with a notice to cough up a power bill amounting to Rs.3.3 crore as arrears pending by the hospital.
Being a completely non-profit organisation and hospital being one of its kind in providing world class medical services to the poor and needy Until now, out of a unit cost of Rs.4.30/-, the state government was offering Rs.4/- per unit, and 30 paisa was paid by the Trust to the power department. Every thing was running smoothly until the government decided to treat Swami's hospital on par with other hospitals. This sudden move by the state government came into severe criticism from every one in the society including the opposition parties and ruling party leaders crying foul to the sudden decision taken by the State Government. On sunday, 22nd Jan the residents of Puttaparthi expressed their displeasure by voluntarily shutting down the business for a day. There were so many stories were written and said in the media about the decision taken by the government of Andhra Pradesh but to speak in our Swami's language it was just a PASSING CLOUD.
It was also not true that the power supply was taken off to the hospital by the electricity department
According to some reliable sources, the Trust expressed its displeasure about this and wrote a letter to the state government, on the same day, to re-consider continuation of the subsidy to Swami's hospital failing which it would be a heavy burden for the organisation.
The local ministers, MLAs also addressed these concerns to the Chief Minister and even though an official statement is expected, the government order has been taken back and the power subsidy will continue as usual for Swami's hospital.
This is also a result of prayers of millions of Swami's devotees seeking His timely interference to clear the air with the electricity subsidy. So brothers and sisters, to sum it up, we don't have to worry about this issue any more as the Government has responded positively. After all, many of the leaders in power have come to Swami for His blessings, have personally witnessed the fantastic service the hospital is doing to the society.
On a similar note, it would also be very nice if all the visiting devotees take blood donation as a prime duty during their visits to Puttaparthi. Probably ours is the only hospital/organisation which has so many potential donors. Our hospital is always busy with many operations lined up every day. There are patients coming from all parts of India and even from abroad with many ailments. Unlike other hospitals/organisations We all know that the Super specialty hospital never conducts mass blood donation camps in public as the blood bank always depended on the devotees coming for darshan.
As there are many Parthi Yatras lined up in the near future, the Sai center heads may make sure every youth of the group donate blood to Swami's hospital which inturn will benefit thousands of our own poor brothers and sisters visiting the hospital. There are many friends from overseas who always donate blood in Swami's hospital. I personally was inspired by brother Narinder Kanwar from the UK who always makes sure donates blood to Swami's hospital even if he had to stay for a day or two in Parthi. Let us all make sure we help our fellow brothers and sisters and earn His grace by donating blood..
Now that the issue of the power supply has been solved, let us thank Swami for His timely interference and also pray to Him to bless us all to be His chosen and worthy instruments to complete His divine mission.
With pranams at the Lotus feet of our beloved Lord,
En una nota similar, también sería muy bonito si todos los devotos visitantes tomaran la donación de sangre como un deber primordial durante su visita a Puttaparthi. Es probable que el nuestro no sea el único hospital / organización, que necesita muchos posibles donantes . Nuestro hospital está siempre lleno de muchas operaciones en fila todos los días. Hay pacientes que vienen de todas partes de la India e incluso del extranjero con muchas dolencias. A diferencia de otros hospitales / organizaciones , todos sabemos que nunca, el hospital de Super especialidades, realiza campañas de donación de sangre de las masa de público para reponer el banco de sangre, siempre ha dependido de los devotos que vienen para el darshan.
Ya que hay muchos Yatras Parthi( peregrinaciones a Puttaparthi) para un futuro próximo, los jefes de Centros Sai pueden asegurarse de que todos los jóvenes del grupo donen sangre al hospital de Swami , que beneficiará a miles de nuestros hermanos y hermanas pobres que visitan el hospital. Hay muchos amigos del extranjero que siempre donan sangre en el hospital de Swami. Personalmente, fui inspirado por el hermano Kanwar Narinder del Reino Unido, que siempre dona sangre al hospital de Swami, incluso cuando tenía que quedarse un día o dos en Parthi. Vamos todos a asegurarnos de que ayudemos a nuestros hermanos y hermanas, y ganar su gracia, mediante la donación de sangre ..
Ahora que la cuestión de la fuente de alimentación ha sido resuelta, demos gracias a Swami por su intervención oportuna y oremos a Dios para que nos bendiga a todos para ser sus instrumentos escogidos y dignos, para completar su misión divina.
Con pranams a los pies de loto de nuestro amado Señor,
R. Satish Naik
Om Sairam dearest Sai Family
Greetings from the abode of our beloved Lord. Swami's grace is so immense that Prasanthi is so busy with a series of programmes that are being conducted here at the Divine abode starting from the Chinese new year. The Delhi devotees cultural programmes were fantastic. There is another programme by the devotees from Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand are having a cultural programme on friday the 28th. Presently apart from the above groups, a group from Vizag steel plant, few hundreds of students from a school in Karnataka are camping in Prasanthi enjoying darshans.
There were so many reports in the media about Sathya Sai Central Trust on Friday, being served with a notice to cough up a power bill amounting to Rs.3.3 crore as arrears pending by the hospital.
Being a completely non-profit organisation and hospital being one of its kind in providing world class medical services to the poor and needy Until now, out of a unit cost of Rs.4.30/-, the state government was offering Rs.4/- per unit, and 30 paisa was paid by the Trust to the power department. Every thing was running smoothly until the government decided to treat Swami's hospital on par with other hospitals. This sudden move by the state government came into severe criticism from every one in the society including the opposition parties and ruling party leaders crying foul to the sudden decision taken by the State Government. On sunday, 22nd Jan the residents of Puttaparthi expressed their displeasure by voluntarily shutting down the business for a day. There were so many stories were written and said in the media about the decision taken by the government of Andhra Pradesh but to speak in our Swami's language it was just a PASSING CLOUD.
It was also not true that the power supply was taken off to the hospital by the electricity department
According to some reliable sources, the Trust expressed its displeasure about this and wrote a letter to the state government, on the same day, to re-consider continuation of the subsidy to Swami's hospital failing which it would be a heavy burden for the organisation.
The local ministers, MLAs also addressed these concerns to the Chief Minister and even though an official statement is expected, the government order has been taken back and the power subsidy will continue as usual for Swami's hospital.
This is also a result of prayers of millions of Swami's devotees seeking His timely interference to clear the air with the electricity subsidy. So brothers and sisters, to sum it up, we don't have to worry about this issue any more as the Government has responded positively. After all, many of the leaders in power have come to Swami for His blessings, have personally witnessed the fantastic service the hospital is doing to the society.
On a similar note, it would also be very nice if all the visiting devotees take blood donation as a prime duty during their visits to Puttaparthi. Probably ours is the only hospital/organisation which has so many potential donors. Our hospital is always busy with many operations lined up every day. There are patients coming from all parts of India and even from abroad with many ailments. Unlike other hospitals/organisations We all know that the Super specialty hospital never conducts mass blood donation camps in public as the blood bank always depended on the devotees coming for darshan.
As there are many Parthi Yatras lined up in the near future, the Sai center heads may make sure every youth of the group donate blood to Swami's hospital which inturn will benefit thousands of our own poor brothers and sisters visiting the hospital. There are many friends from overseas who always donate blood in Swami's hospital. I personally was inspired by brother Narinder Kanwar from the UK who always makes sure donates blood to Swami's hospital even if he had to stay for a day or two in Parthi. Let us all make sure we help our fellow brothers and sisters and earn His grace by donating blood..
Now that the issue of the power supply has been solved, let us thank Swami for His timely interference and also pray to Him to bless us all to be His chosen and worthy instruments to complete His divine mission.
With pranams at the Lotus feet of our beloved Lord,
R.Satish Naik