Gracias Swami
Con reverencia a los pies de loto del Señor amado,
R.Satish Naik
Swami has time again showed His Omnipresence by a latest miracle in Puttaparthi which happened on the 20th January 2013 ( Sunday).
This is a story of this poor sister Meenakshi who came as a sevadal from Kerala. For her it was a thanks giving to Swami for "Bye Passing" a possible BY PASS surgery last year when the doctors in Swami's hospital said all is well with her heart. In spite of her husband's ill ness she decided to come and serve in Prashanthi in the Kerala state sevadal batch.
She was posted in the South Indian Canteen to help in making rotis and on 16th January after finishing her duty in the South Indian, she stepped out only to find her Tali (Mangala sutra) missing. Mangala Sutra is a sacred thread which a married woman wears after marriage and it is believed to protect their marriage and life of their husbands
Even though the modern generation, especially in the urban upper class community, the
importance of Tali is being neglected, but for some one like Sister Meenakshi it is
verily her life.
When her Tali went missing, she was very hurt. More over as her husband was ailing she
had many weird thoughts in her mind. With no other option left and being in the Abode
of our beloved Lord, she went to Sai Kulwanth and prayed to Swami. By then it was five
days since she lost her Tali.

It was Sunday evening and the devotees in Sai Kulwanth hall were given prasadam.
After offering prayers to Swami she went to her dormitory
and opened the prasadam packet to share with her friends. To her utter astonishment
and as other friends of her's were awe struck, she found her Tali along with the
thread tangled to the sweet.
The Tali thread which is usually dipped in Turmeric and yellow in colour this time was dipped in Red Vermillion and there were two knots on either side of the Tali as if to give extra protection.
Sister Meenakshi knew no bounds to her happiness and this miracle has made every one in Prasanthi very happy and it is indeed a clear message from Swami that HE IS GONE NO WHERE BUT VERY MUCH NOW-HERE..
Prayers of this sort which are completely surrendered at His Lotus Feet are bound to be answered. Sisters and brothers lets all be re-assured that Swami is very much with us and even if we leave Him, He is in no mood to leave us..
Had a chance to interview Sister Meenakshi and here is the link for this 10 minute video which is subtitled into English
With Pranams at the Lotus Feet our beloved Lord,
R.Satish Naik
20 de enero 2013
Om Sai Sairam querida familia:
Swami otra vez mostró su omnipresencia, en un último milagro en Puttaparthi, que ocurrió el domingo 20 de enero de 2013.
Esta es la historia de esta pobre hermana Meenakshi, que vino como sevadal desde Kerala. Para ella fue una acción de gracias a Swami, por el "Bye pass" que su esposo recibió el año pasado, por los médicos en el hospital de Swami. A pesar del mal de su esposo decidió venir a servir en Prashanti en el lote de Kerala.
Ella fue designada en la cantina de India del Sur, para ayudar en los rotis y el 16 de enero después de terminar su servicio en la cantina sur de la India, encontró que su Talisman (Sutra Mangala) faltaba. El Sutra Mangala es un hilo sagrado que una mujer casada utiliza cuando se casa y se cree que protege el matrimonio y la vida de su marido.
Las generaciones modernas, sobre todo en la comunidad de clase alta urbana, no le dan mucha importancia a los Talismanes, pero para alguien como Meenakshi es en verdad su vida.
Cuando su Talisman desapareció, estaba muy mal. Sumado que su marido estaba enfermo, ellatenía muchos pensamientos extraños en su mente.
Swami otra vez mostró su omnipresencia, en un último milagro en Puttaparthi, que ocurrió el domingo 20 de enero de 2013.
Esta es la historia de esta pobre hermana Meenakshi, que vino como sevadal desde Kerala. Para ella fue una acción de gracias a Swami, por el "Bye pass" que su esposo recibió el año pasado, por los médicos en el hospital de Swami. A pesar del mal de su esposo decidió venir a servir en Prashanti en el lote de Kerala.
Ella fue designada en la cantina de India del Sur, para ayudar en los rotis y el 16 de enero después de terminar su servicio en la cantina sur de la India, encontró que su Talisman (Sutra Mangala) faltaba. El Sutra Mangala es un hilo sagrado que una mujer casada utiliza cuando se casa y se cree que protege el matrimonio y la vida de su marido.
Las generaciones modernas, sobre todo en la comunidad de clase alta urbana, no le dan mucha importancia a los Talismanes, pero para alguien como Meenakshi es en verdad su vida.
Cuando su Talisman desapareció, estaba muy mal. Sumado que su marido estaba enfermo, ellatenía muchos pensamientos extraños en su mente.
Sin otra opción y al estar en la Morada de nuestro amado Señor, fue al Sai Kulwanth y oro a Swami. Para entonces ya habian pasado cinco días desde que perdió su Talisman.
Era domingo por la noche y a los devotos en el Salón Sai Kulwanth se les dio prasadam.
Después de ofrecer oraciones a Swami se fue a su dormitorio, y abrió el paquete de prasadam para compartir con sus amigos.
Era domingo por la noche y a los devotos en el Salón Sai Kulwanth se les dio prasadam.
Para su asombro y el de sus amigos, ella encontró su Talisman junto con el hilo enredado en el dulce.
El hilo del Talisman que normalmente se sumerge en cúrcuma es de color amarillo, pero esta vez se sumergió en Rojo Vermellon y había dos nudos en cada lado del Talisman como para dar protección adicional.
La hermana Meenakshi no tenia límites a su felicidad ya que el milagro se había realizado en Prasanthi y de hecho es un claro mensaje de que Swami no se ha ido, esta aquí ..
Las oraciones de los que están completamente rendidos a sus pies de loto, son respondidas. Hermanas y hermanos tengan seguridad de que Swami está muy presente entre nosotros, e incluso si lo dejamos, El no está de ánimo para dejarnos ..
Tuve la oportunidad de entrevistar a la hermana Meenakshi y aquí está el enlace de este video de 10 minutos que lleva subtítulos en Inglés
El hilo del Talisman que normalmente se sumerge en cúrcuma es de color amarillo, pero esta vez se sumergió en Rojo Vermellon y había dos nudos en cada lado del Talisman como para dar protección adicional.
La hermana Meenakshi no tenia límites a su felicidad ya que el milagro se había realizado en Prasanthi y de hecho es un claro mensaje de que Swami no se ha ido, esta aquí ..
Las oraciones de los que están completamente rendidos a sus pies de loto, son respondidas. Hermanas y hermanos tengan seguridad de que Swami está muy presente entre nosotros, e incluso si lo dejamos, El no está de ánimo para dejarnos ..
Tuve la oportunidad de entrevistar a la hermana Meenakshi y aquí está el enlace de este video de 10 minutos que lleva subtítulos en Inglés
Gracias Swami
Con reverencia a los pies de loto del Señor amado,
R.Satish Naik
JANUARY 20, 2013
Om Sairam dearest Sai Family:
Swami has time again showed His Omnipresence by a latest miracle in Puttaparthi which happened on the 20th January 2013 ( Sunday).
This is a story of this poor sister Meenakshi who came as a sevadal from Kerala. For her it was a thanks giving to Swami for "Bye Passing" a possible BY PASS surgery last year when the doctors in Swami's hospital said all is well with her heart. In spite of her husband's ill ness she decided to come and serve in Prashanthi in the Kerala state sevadal batch.
She was posted in the South Indian Canteen to help in making rotis and on 16th January after finishing her duty in the South Indian, she stepped out only to find her Tali (Mangala sutra) missing. Mangala Sutra is a sacred thread which a married woman wears after marriage and it is believed to protect their marriage and life of their husbands
Even though the modern generation, especially in the urban upper class community, the
importance of Tali is being neglected, but for some one like Sister Meenakshi it is
verily her life.
When her Tali went missing, she was very hurt. More over as her husband was ailing she
had many weird thoughts in her mind. With no other option left and being in the Abode
of our beloved Lord, she went to Sai Kulwanth and prayed to Swami. By then it was five
days since she lost her Tali.
It was Sunday evening and the devotees in Sai Kulwanth hall were given prasadam.
After offering prayers to Swami she went to her dormitory
and opened the prasadam packet to share with her friends. To her utter astonishment
and as other friends of her's were awe struck, she found her Tali along with the
thread tangled to the sweet.
The Tali thread which is usually dipped in Turmeric and yellow in colour this time was dipped in Red Vermillion and there were two knots on either side of the Tali as if to give extra protection.
Sister Meenakshi knew no bounds to her happiness and this miracle has made every one in Prasanthi very happy and it is indeed a clear message from Swami that HE IS GONE NO WHERE BUT VERY MUCH NOW-HERE..
Prayers of this sort which are completely surrendered at His Lotus Feet are bound to be answered. Sisters and brothers lets all be re-assured that Swami is very much with us and even if we leave Him, He is in no mood to leave us..
Had a chance to interview Sister Meenakshi and here is the link for this 10 minute video which is subtitled into English
With Pranams at the Lotus Feet our beloved Lord,
R.Satish Naik