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viernes, 20 de octubre de 2017




VISIÓN INTERIOR_*Instrumentación."_Por Sri Madhusudan Naidu.


Por Sri Madhusudan Naidu


Mientras Swami hablaba con los anfitriones en Fiji durante el desayuno, notó que uno de ellos era un cantante, uno era orador, uno era médico, uno era abogado y la señora de la casa era una muy buena cocinera. 

Swami dijo: "Mira, todos ustedes son Mis instrumentos de diferentes clases. Uno puede cantar, el otro puede hablar, uno puede tratar a los pacientes, y de la misma manera, otro puede cocinar. Todos son instrumentos diferentes para realizar diferentes tareas. Lo que una cuchara puede hacer, un tenedor no puede, y así también el cuchillo. Así que cada instrumento es importante a su manera, y uno debe ser feliz de desempeñar cualquier papel que Swami le dé ". 

"¿Cómo podemos ser mejores instrumentos tuyos?", Preguntó el joven que era cantante, a Swami.

Swami respondió: "Primero debes ser puro, la pureza es lo más importante, pero no suficiente. También debes tener la capacidad de hacer el trabajo (mira al doctor en la habitación). Ella es un médico con las habilidades necesarias para tratar los problemas de los pacientes, sólo entonces podrá ayudarlos. 
Si ella quiere ayudar sin esas habilidades, no será de ninguna utilidad.
Nobleza y habilidad, ambos son importantes. Pero por encima de estas dos cualidades para ser mi instrumento, el requisito más importante es la "disponibilidad". Solo si se ponen a Mi disposición, podrè utilizarlos como instrumento. 

Por lo tanto, la disponibilidad, la nobleza y la capacidad son tres cualidades importantes para ser instrumentos de Swami ". 

"Nimitta Mattram Bhava Savyasachi", se solo un instrumento Mío "Oh Arjuna', dijo el Señor en el Bhagavad Gita,, pero nuestro Señor explicó cómo poder serlo.






By Sri Madhusudan Naidu


As Swami was speaking to the hosts in Fiji over breakfast, He noticed that one amongst them was a singer, one was a speaker, one was a doctor, one was a lawyer and the lady of the house was a very good cook.

Swami said, "See all of you are My instruments of different kinds. One can sing, the other can speak, one can treat patients and likewise, another can cook. All are different instruments to do different tasks. Just as a needle has a role, so also the knife. And what a spoon can do, a fork cannot. So every instrument is important in its own way, and one must be happy to play whatever role Swami gives."

"How can we be better instruments of Yours?", asked the youth who was a singer, to Swami.

Swami replied, "You need be pure first, purity is most important, but not enough. You must also have the ability to do the work (looking at the Doctor in the room). She is a doctor with the needed skills to treat the patients, only then she is able to help them. She wanting to help without skills won't be of any use. Like wise, Nobility and Ability, both are important. But above these two qualification to be My instrument is the more important requirement of 'availability'. Only if you make yourselves available to Me, can I use you as an instrument. Thus, availability, nobility and ability are three important qualities to be Swami's instrument."

'Nimitta Mattram Bhava Savyasachi, be just an instrument of mine Oh Arjuna', said the Lord in Bhagawad Gita, but our Lord explained how could one that be. 



Ananda Vahini - Edición noventa y ocho - 19 de octubre, 2017_Ananda Vahini - Issue Ninety Eight - October 19, 2017.

Edición noventa y ocho - 19 de octubre de 2017
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"En este día de Diwali, resuelve encender la lámpara de Namasmarana y colocarla en tu puerta, los labios. Aliméntala con el aceite de la devoción, y ten firmeza como la mecha. Deja que la lámpara ilumine cada minuto de tu vida. El Nombre alejará la oscuridad fuera de ti y dentro de ti. Difundirás alegría y paz entre todos los que se te acerquen ".


Con las bendiciones de Bhagaván Sri Sathya Sai Baba, estamos encantados de presentar nuestro Noventa  ocho número de Ananda Vahini. El boletín semanal incluye reflexiones interesantes y breves extractos de los eventos de la semana. Deseamos a todos los lectores, un feliz y próspero Diwali. Aprovechamos esta oportunidad para invitar cordialmente a la Bhoomi Puja de Sri Sathya Sai Satwaniketanam en Karwar, Uttara Kannada District, Karnataka el 23 de octubre de 2017. En este número, le traemos la parte final de los aspectos más destacados de la visita de Bhagavan a  "Argentina, Colombia y México " entre el 6 de octubre y el 18 de octubre de 2017.  

En la vision interior de esta semana , El Hermano Madhusudan Naidu comparte un momento interesante que sucedió entre el Señor y Sus devotos. 

- Equipo de comunicaciones de Sathya Sai Grama.

Por Sri Madhusudan Naidu


Mientras Swami hablaba con los anfitriones en Fiji durante el desayuno, notó que uno de ellos era un cantante, uno era orador, uno era médico, uno era abogado y la señora de la casa era una muy buena cocinera. 

Swami dijo: "Mira, todos ustedes son Mis instrumentos de diferentes clases. Uno puede cantar, el otro puede hablar, uno puede tratar a los pacientes, y de la misma manera, otro puede cocinar. Todos son instrumentos diferentes para realizar diferentes tareas. Lo que una cuchara puede hacer, un tenedor no puede, y 
así también el cuchillo. Así que cada instrumento es importante a su manera, y uno debe ser feliz de desempeñar cualquier papel que Swami le dé ". 

"¿Cómo podemos ser mejores instrumentos tuyos?", Preguntó el joven que era cantante, a Swami.

Swami respondió: "Primero debes ser puro, la pureza es lo más importante, pero no suficiente. También debes tener la capacidad de hacer el trabajo (mira al doctor en la habitación). Es un médico con las habilidades necesarias para tratar los problemas de los. pacientes, solo entonces podrá ayudarlos. 

Querer ayudar sin habilidades no será de ninguna utilidad. 
Nobleza y habilidad, ambos son importantes. Pero por encima de estas dos cualificaciones para ser mi instrumento, el requisito más importante es la "disponibilidad". Solo si se ponen a Mi disposición, podrè utilizarlos como instrumento. 
Por lo tanto, la disponibilidad, la nobleza y la capacidad son tres cualidades importantes para ser instrumentos de Swami ". 

"Nimitta Mattram Bhava Savyasachi", se solo un instrumento Mío "Oh Arjuna', dijo el Señor en el Bhagavad Gita, 

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10 Y 11 DE OCTUBRE DE 2017.  

Después del tradicional desayuno del sur de India, Swami se dirigió a la residencia de la Sra. Liliana, la señora que había invitado a Swami a Salta. Alrededor de 75 personas se habían reunido en su casa, y cuando Swami entró, se dirigió directamente a Su habitación. ¡Swami sabía exactamente hacia dónde se dirigía.! 
Bendijo a la señora de la casa profusamente, diciéndole que cuando estaba muy enferma recientemente con fiebre alta, era Swami quien estuvo a su lado toda la noche. Todo el tiempo ...
Llegada a la residencia de la Sra. Liliana
Dr. Jorge Berra dirigiéndose a la reunión
 Satsang público por la noche en Salta.


12 DE OCTUBRE DE 2017.

Debido a la llegada tardía a Bogotá, a altas horas de la madrugada, todos salieron de sus habitaciones solo alrededor del almuerzo. Entretanto, se hacían preparativos para el Satsang privado en la residencia de los Deeb. Cerca de 60 devotos se habían reunido para experimentar el supremo amor, de la suprema fuente de amor divino, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. 
El Sr. Richard y su familia...
Satsang en progreso por la noche.
Sr. Richard Deeb comparte sus experiencias 


13 Y 14 DE OCTUBRE DE 2017.


Fue una mañana emocionante para el grupo central de devotos que estaban a la vanguardia organizando la visita divina, ya que Swami había aceptado benevolentemente encontrarse con ellos. Alrededor de 20 devotos se habían reunido en la residencia de Deeb alrededor de las 10 de la mañana. Swami habló con ellos durante más de una hora dando consejos preciosos. A partir de entonces, se sirvió el almuerzo y todos se retiraron por la tarde.

Un  Satsang Público se organizó por la noche en el auditorio de la Universidad Konrad Lorenz. ¡El auditorio se llenó a su capacidad, y la efusión de amor ...
 Satsang Publico en el Auditorio de la Universidad Konrad Lorenz




México, una ciudad empapada de cultura. Las antiguas civilizaciones de los mayas y los aztecas han intrigado por mucho tiempo al hombre. De hecho, los mayas creían profundamente en la naturaleza cíclica de la vida, nada "nacía" y nada "moría", y esta creencia inspiraba su visión de los dioses y el cosmos. 
Los anfitriones de Swami en la Ciudad de México, el Sr. Héctor Avalos y su esposa, la Sra. Cynthia, no dejaron ninguna piedra para prepararse para la primera visita de Swami a la Ciudad de México. El año pasado Swami  ...
Satsang publico de tarde en el Auditorio del Instituto de Ingenieros Civiles de México. 
Invocación a los dioses en el idioma náhuatl de los aztecas por un grupo de nativos.  


16 Y 17 DE OCTUBRE DE 2017.

Poco después del desayuno, el séquito de Swami y los devotos de América Latina se dirigieron al aeropuerto de la Ciudad de México para abordar su vuelo a Chihuahua, una ciudad que salía de una película nativa india con un terreno escarpado y montañas áridas por todas partes, de hecho algo diferente y maravilloso. A dos horas y media en avión desde la Ciudad de México, cuando el avión tocó Chihuahua, la comitiva ...
Bhoomi Puja del Centro para el Desarrollo Humano en Chihuahua, México

Amruta Vahini es una revista mensual de 50 páginas en inglés / Kannada de Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli, que captura de los Divinos discursos de Bhagaván Sri Sathya Sai Baba en sutiles actualizaciones de eventos, desde características fotográficas hasta viajes, desde extractos de libros hasta actualizaciones de noticias. También presenta la serie, 'Sri Sathya Sai Divya Anandam', la biografía continua de Bhagaván Sri Sathya Sai Baba en la forma sutil, de Sri BN Narasimha Murthy. 

A continuación se detallan los cargos por suscripción, 

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                                   Rs.1800 / - (Para los Supervisores) 
                                Aceptable por 1,2 o 3 años 

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Sanathana Vani es una plataforma para invitar, asociar, hablar, escuchar, contemplar, buscar, practicar y comprender la verdad, enseñada por todos los grandes seres que alguna vez caminaron por la faz de nuestro planeta. 

Mi señor y yo',  una serie de conversaciones estimulantes, que traspasan fronteras y barreras. Las historias dulces del Señor y Sus devotos de diferentes ámbitos de la vida, que son refrescantes, inspiradoras y centelleantes estarán en el aire todas las semanas.Estas serán una amalgama hermosa del viaje de un individuo desde "yo" a "nosotros" hasta "él". Ven, escuchemos, contemplemos y disfrutemos de la dicha divina de la Voz Eterna, todos los jueves a las 1500 horas IST y repitamos a las 2200 horas IST. Esta semana nuestro invitado en el programa es el hermano Tarashankar Chakravarthy , ,
 un ardiente devoto de Bhagaván que  comparte sus experiencias con su Señor. 

Una transmisión repetida de la entrevista con Sri P Krishnankutty, un ardiente devoto de Bhagaván 
 , será transmitida el lunes 23 de octubre de 2017 a las 09.30 horas IST y a las 30.00 horas IST.

Suscríbete a 'Amruta Vahini', la revista mensual de Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli hoy! Desde los discursos divinos hasta las actualizaciones de eventos, desde fotografías a viajes, desde extractos de libros hasta actualizaciones de noticias, ¡Amruta Vahini es una revista mensual imprescindible! 

Amruta Vahini también presenta la serie, 'Sri Sathya Sai Divya Anandam', la biografía continua de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba en la forma sutil, de Sri BN Narasimha Murthy.
Para suscribirse a 'Amruta Vahini', envíenos un correo electrónico a  

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Sintonice a Sanathana Vani todos los jueves (IST 5:30 p. M.), El domingo (IST 6 p. M.) Y durante los festivales, para escuchar el satsang EN VIVO, transmitido directamente desde Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli.
Copyright © * 2017 * 
* Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutha Prakashna *, Todos los derechos reservados. 

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Issue Ninety Eight - October 19, 2017
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"On this day of Diwali, resolve to light the lamp of Namasmarana and place it at your doorstep, the lips. Feed it with the oil of devotion; have steadiness as the wick. Let the lamp illumine every minute of your life. The splendor of the Name will drive away darkness from outside you as well as from inside you. You will spread joy and peace among all who come near you."
With the Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we are delighted to present our Ninety Eighth issue of Ananda Vahini. The weekly newsletter includes interesting musings and short excerpts from the week's events.

We wish all the readers, a happy and prosperous Diwali.

We take this opportunity to cordially invite you to the Bhoomi Puja of Sri Sathya Sai Satwaniketanam at Karwar, Uttara Kannada District, Karnataka on October 23, 2017.

In this issue, we bring you the final part of highlights of Bhagawan's visit to "Argentina, Columbia and Mexico"between October 6 and October 18, 2017. 

In this week's INNER VIEW, Brother Madhusudan Naidu shares an interesting moment which happened between the Lord and His devotees.

- Sathya Sai Grama Communications Team.
By Sri Madhusudan Naidu


As Swami was speaking to the hosts in Fiji over breakfast, He noticed that one amongst them was a singer, one was a speaker, one was a doctor, one was a lawyer and the lady of the house was a very good cook.

Swami said, "See all of you are My instruments of different kinds. One can sing, the other can speak, one can treat patients and likewise, another can cook. All are different instruments to do different tasks. Just as a needle has a role, so also the knife. And what a spoon can do, a fork cannot. So every instrument is important in its own way, and one must be happy to play whatever role Swami gives."

"How can we be better instruments of Yours?", asked the youth who was a singer, to Swami.

Swami replied, "You need be pure first, purity is most important, but not enough. You must also have the ability to do the work (looking at the Doctor in the room). She is a doctor with the needed skills to treat the patients, only then she is able to help them. She wanting to help without skills won't be of any use. Like wise, Nobility and Ability, both are important. But above these two qualification to be My instrument is the more important requirement of 'availability'. Only if you make yourselves available to Me, can I use you as an instrument. Thus, availability, nobility and ability are three important qualities to be Swami's instrument."

'Nimitta Mattram Bhava Savyasachi, be just an instrument of mine Oh Arjuna', said the Lord in Bhagawad Gita, but our Lord explained how could one that be. 

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OCTOBER 10 & 11, 2017
After traditional South Indian breakfast, Swami proceeded to the residence of Mrs Liliana, the lady who had invited Swami to Salta. About 75 people had gathered at her home, and as Swami entered, He made His way straight to His room. Swami knew exactly where He was going! He blessed the lady of the house profusely, telling her that when she was very unwell recently with high fever, it was Swami who was by her side all night. All along she had thought it was a dream, but Swami told her it was He who had come and stood by her side all night! Bhajans were in progress, as Swami took His seat. He called upon Dr Jorge Berra to speak, who started by saying “The mercy of God is so immense and has no end. And God leaves us speechless.” Moments before, Mrs Liliana had offered her home to Swami, so it could be of some use for the Ashram in Escobar! Swami commanded Dr Berra to narrate about this and also about how the Sai Prema Foundation was instituted in a record time!
Thereafter, Mrs Liliana addressed the gathering and said that everything has been possible in her life only because of Swami. She submitted herself at His Lotus Feet very emotionally and thanked Swami for everything that she is today.
Swami then beckoned Mr Tigrett to speak about faith and surrender. He started by saying that faith is a very elusive thing. “For the 44 years I have been....

To know more, click HERE
Arrival at the residence of Mrs Liliana
Dr Jorge Berra addressing the gathering
Evening Public Satsang at Salta

OCTOBER 12, 2017 

Due to the late arrival into Bogota, in the wee hours of the morning, everyone surfaced from their rooms only around lunch. Meanwhile, preparations were in progress for the evening private Satsang at the Deeb residence. Around sixty eager devotees had gathered to experience the ultimate love from the ultimate source of divine love, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Mr Richard and his family are founding members of the Sathya Sai School in Colombia and have been tirelessly towards imparting values based education to children. They also manage a children’s home in another town Medellin, which is close to Bogota. Six children from the Home were seated at Bhagawan’s Lotus Feet, all dressed in white and waiting to experience His love. The caretaker of the Home was also seated along with them, who later revealed that Swami manifests regularly in the Home and some of the children are even able to see Him!
The Satsang began with Swami calling upon Mr Richard Deeb, the host, to narrate his experiences with Swami. He shared one of his most vivid experiences when during one of his visits to Puttaparthi when he was very unwell, Swami had appeared in a dream and hugged him, and he recovered the very next morning. As Mr Deeb was speaking, Swami....

To know more, click HERE
Evening Satsang in progress
Mr Richard Deeb sharing his experiences 

OCTOBER 13 & 14, 2017 

It was an exciting morning for the core group of devotees who were at the forefront organizing the divine visit, as Swami had benevolently agreed to meet them. About 20 devotees had gathered at the Deeb residence at around 10 a.m. Swami spoke to them for over an hour giving precious advise. Thereafter, lunch was served and everyone retired for the afternoon.
The Public Satsang was organized in the evening at the Konrad Lorenz University auditorium. The auditorium was filled to its capacity, and the outpour of love was indeed incredible! Mrs Catalina Deeb welcomed the gathering and expressed her gratitude to Swami. Thereafter, a young musician expressed the same emotion through two beautiful Spanish songs which took everyone to another realm. Truly, music has no language!
Swami then asked Mr Tigrett to speak about love. He began by saying that love is completely tied up with his success. He spoke about his journey with the Hard Rock Cafe and said love is the message and the way. He concluded by saying, “If you have love, if you have mutual respect for other people, if you become fearless, the world belongs to you. And, kindness, which is the most important thing you can share with anyone else, is the most infectious and amazing thing on the planet. So, if you don’t believe in anything else, the greatest thing you can do is take time to be kind to everyone you meet!”
Sri C Sreenivas took to the podium next and spoke about how to perpetuate love and service. He also stressed on Mr Tigrett’s message about the founding philosophy of life given by Bhagawan that one needs to embed...

To know more, click HERE
Public Satsang at Konrad Lorenz University Auditorium

OCTOBER 15, 2017 


Mexico, a city drenched in culture. The ancient civilisations of the Maya and Aztec have long intrigued man. In fact, the Maya believed deeply in the cyclical nature of life – nothing was ever `born’ and nothing ever `died’ – and this belief inspired their view of the Gods and the cosmos. Swami’s hosts in Mexico City Mr Hector Avalos and his wife Mrs Cynthia had left no stone unturned to prepare for Swami’s first visit to Mexico City. Last year Swami had visited Chihuahua, a little over two hours from Mexico City. The compassionate Lord manifested at the entrance of their new home at 4:30 a.m. and blessed the couple, and urged them to rest. Due to the late arrival in the wee hours of the morning from Bogota, the entourage rested until lunch, while preparations were underway for the Public Satsang in the evening.
The Public Satsang in the evening was organised at the Auditorium of the Institute of Civil Engineers of Mexico. Over 300 people had gathered from various parts of Mexico, ever grateful for the Lord having visited them in His original form.
The Satsang commenced with a very powerful invocation to the Gods in the Nahuatl language of Aztec by a group of four natives, who are descendants from a civilisation even older than the Maya and Aztec. They invoked the four directions, sky and earth, along with the five elements to the beating of the traditional drums. Towards the end, they bowed down in all reverence and humility to Mother Earth, thanking Her for allowing their feet to kiss the ground. The whole ceremony lasted for....

To know more, click HERE
Evening Public Satsang at the Auditorium of  Institute of Civil Engineers of Mexico 
Invocation to the Gods in the Nahuatl language of Aztec by a group of natives  

OCTOBER 16 & 17, 2017

Soon after breakfast, Swami’s entourage and devotees from Latin America proceeded to the Mexico City Airport to board their flight to Chihuahua, a city straight out of a native Indian movie with rugged terrain and arid mountains all around, indeed something different and wonderful about it. Two-and-a-half hour by plane from Mexico City, as the plane touched down Chihuahua, the entourage were greeted by Mrs Rosario Ordonez and other devotees from Chihuahua. When Swami had visited Chihuahua in October 2016, He guided them to establish a Centre for Human Development.
Upon landing in Chihuahua around 3 p.m. the entourage were driven to the residence of Mrs Erma. After lunch and refreshments, Swami proceeded to the site of the Centre for officiating the Bhoomi Puja and blessing the land.
A short twenty minutes drive was the land, set in the lap of mountains. A marquee was erected to welcome the Lord. To the auspicious chants of Sai Gayathri, Swami Himself conducted the rituals of the Bhoomi Puja through Brother Madhusudan. Swami then took His seat, and called upon Mr Rafael, a long-standing devotee for over thirty years to address the gathering. Swami commanded him to speak about the episode which happened twenty years before, when he had prayed to Swami to build a Centre for Human Excellence. Swami then had told an eager Mr Rafael it would happen later. Mr Rafael was overwhelmed as finally the moment had arrived for the birth of the Centre in Chihuahua.
Sri C Sreenivas began by saying that with Swami sometimes one feels that beginnings are not clear, but month on month as the plan unravels, everything....

To know more, click HERE
Bhoomi Puja of Centre for Human Development at Chihuahua, Mexico
Amruta Vahini is a 50 page monthly magazine in English/Kannada from Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli which captures from Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in subtle to event updates, from photo features to travelogues, from book excerpts to news updates. It also features the series, 'Sri Sathya Sai Divya Anandam', the continuing biography of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in the subtle form, by Sri B N Narasimha Murthy.

Below are the subscription charges,

Annual Subscription: Rs. 250/-  (Only in India)
                                   Rs.1800/- (For Oversees)
                                Acceptable for 1,2 or 3 years

Patronship: Rs.10,000/- (Only In India)

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1. Cheques/Bank Drafts should be in the favour of "SRI SATHYA SAI PREMAMRUTHA PRAKASHNA", payable at Muddenahalli, Karnataka-562101.

Cheques/Bank Drafts are to be sent through registered post only.


For details, contact:
Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutha Prakashna, Amruta Vahini,
B-103, Sai Sannidhi, Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli,
Chikkaballapur Taluk & District - 562101,
Phone Number: +91-9902035742, +91-7760221060.

Sanathana Vani is a platform to invite, associate, speak, listen, contemplate, seek, practise and realise the truth, taught by all the great beings that ever walked the face of our planet. 

'My Lord and I’, a series of stimulating conversations, cutting across boundaries and barriers. Sweet stories of the Lord and His devotees from different walks of life, which are refreshing, inspiring and scintillating will be On Air every week. These will be a beautiful amalgamation of an individual’s journey from 'I' to 'We' to 'He'. 
Come, let’s listen, contemplate and bask in the divine bliss of the Voice Eternal, every Thursday at 1500 hrs IST and repeat at 2200 hrs IST. This week our guest on show is Brother Tarashankar Chakravarthy,, an ardent devotee of Bhagawan sharing his experiences with his Lord.

A repeat broadcast of the interview with Sri P Krishnankutty, an ardent devotee of Bhagawan 
will be aired on Monday, October 23, 2017 at 0930 hrs IST and 1930 hrs IST.
Subscribe to 'Amruta Vahini', the monthly magazine from Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli today! From Divine Discourses to event updates, from photo features to travelogues, from  book excerpts to news updates, 'Amruta Vahini' is a must-have monthly magazine!

Amruta Vahini also features the series, 'Sri Sathya Sai Divya Anandam', the continuing biography of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in the subtle form, by Sri B N Narasimha Murthy.
To subscribe to 'Amruta Vahini' mail us 

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Tune in to Sanathana Vani every Thursday (IST 5:30pm), Sunday (IST 6pm), and during festivals, to listen to the LIVE satsang, streamed directly from Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli.
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