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Soy muy afortunado_29/11/2011.

Soy muy afortunado ...
Martes, 29 de noviembre 2011.
En esta auspiciosa ocasión del cumpleaños número 86 de nuestro querido Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, transmito mis saludos a todos los devotos, los ancianos, hermanos y hermanas.
Este es el primer cumpleaños que celebramos en la ausencia física de nuestro amado Bhagavan. Aunque Bhagavan no está físicamente presente entre nosotros, Él es el Morador espiritualmente en nuestros corazones, no sólo ahora, sino siempre y para siempre.
Soy muy afortunado ...
Martes, 29 de noviembre 2011.
En esta auspiciosa ocasión del cumpleaños número 86 de nuestro querido Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, transmito mis saludos a todos los devotos, los ancianos, hermanos y hermanas.
Este es el primer cumpleaños que celebramos en la ausencia física de nuestro amado Bhagavan. Aunque Bhagavan no está físicamente presente entre nosotros, Él es el Morador espiritualmente en nuestros corazones, no sólo ahora, sino siempre y para siempre.
Bhagavan sigue otorgando su presencia física a aquellos que anhelan verlo físicamente y escuchar sus palabras nectarinas. Sin embargo, aquellos que se dedican a otros pensamientos y actividades pueden no ser capaces de sentir Su Presencia Divina.
Puttaparthi es un centro de peregrinación famoso, ya que Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba lo ha elegido para que sea su lugar de nacimiento.
Puttaparthi es un centro de peregrinación famoso, ya que Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba lo ha elegido para que sea su lugar de nacimiento.
Este es un lugar sagrado.
Leemos en los Puranas, las leyendas que el Señor Krishna nació en Mathura. Creemos en él, visitamos el lugar y experimentamos un gran gozo.
La gran historia épica Ramayana, nos dice que Ayodhya fue el lugar de nacimiento del Señor Sri Rama. Incluso ahora la gente va a Ayodhya con intenso anhelo de tener el darshan del Señor Sri Rama y la experiencia de la bienaventuranza divina.
De la misma manera, Puttaparthi, el lugar de nacimiento del Amado Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, es un gran centro de peregrinación para todos nosotros.
Este es un lugar sagrado, Dios mismo ha encarnado aquí y caminó entre los devotos, concediendo su santo darshan cada día a millones de personas de todo el mundo. Él se esforzó incansablemente por más de ocho décadas para enseñar el buen comportamiento ha todos nosotros y lograr una transformación en nuestros corazones. Exhortó a todos a vivir en el amor, la paz y la felicidad. Ni siquiera una vez en su vida divina él deseo tener nada para sí mismo. Su único deseo era que no tengamos deseos.
Este es un lugar sagrado, Dios mismo ha encarnado aquí y caminó entre los devotos, concediendo su santo darshan cada día a millones de personas de todo el mundo. Él se esforzó incansablemente por más de ocho décadas para enseñar el buen comportamiento ha todos nosotros y lograr una transformación en nuestros corazones. Exhortó a todos a vivir en el amor, la paz y la felicidad. Ni siquiera una vez en su vida divina él deseo tener nada para sí mismo. Su único deseo era que no tengamos deseos.
Siempre siento que soy muy afortunada, no porque me convirtió en un ministro, o un gobernador, sino porque me convirtió en uno de los millones de devotos de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Me da una enorme satisfacción y felicidad.
Bhagavan solía llamarnos "Bangaroo! cariñosamente. Hoy echamos de menos esa llamada entrañable. Sin embargo, sienta por un momento, de lo más profundo de su corazón, el amor infinito de Bhagavan y afecto por nosotros. Y vamos a ser capaces de sentir el dulce sonido del timbre de las llamadas de Bhagavan en nuestros oídos.
No hay duda de que había gente que dudaba y criticó a Dios en tiempos de los Puranas también. No es necesario preocuparse por estas personas. Tenemos que ser capaces de darle la bienvenida. No tenemos que estar preocupados por todas las otras cosas. Algunas personas se entregan a hablar por hablar innecesariamente si Sri Sathya Sai Baba es Dios o no.
No hay duda de que había gente que dudaba y criticó a Dios en tiempos de los Puranas también. No es necesario preocuparse por estas personas. Tenemos que ser capaces de darle la bienvenida. No tenemos que estar preocupados por todas las otras cosas. Algunas personas se entregan a hablar por hablar innecesariamente si Sri Sathya Sai Baba es Dios o no.
Cuando nos fijamos en las actividades llevadas a cabo por un gran servicio de las organizaciones Sri Sathya Sai Seva, bajo la inspiración divina y la guía de Sri Sathya Sai Baba en la India y en el extranjero, manteniendo Puttaparthi como su cuartel general, está claro que sólo Dios puede realizar y completar tareas tan gigantesca y nadie más.
Puttaparthi fue una vez una aldea remota y en la actualidad es la sede del Avatar Sri Sathya Sai Baba, cuya misión ha llegado a todos los rincones del mundo y su nombre divino está siendo cantado por millones de personas en 151 países.
¿Qué prueba más es necesaria para llamarlo Dios?
Hoy estamos celebrando el cumpleaños de "Dios" en ausencia de su forma física. Hoy en día, todos los devotos están reunidos en gran número, con la convicción de que Bhagavan está espiritualmente aquí presente, aunque no físicamente.
¡Ven! Marchemos adelante con tal creencia sincera y firme ... vamos a realizar más actividades de servicios para el beneficio de la sociedad ...
Que todos podamos caminar en el camino indicado por Bhagavan, para mejorarnos a nosotros mismos y para la elevación de la sociedad!
Que todos podamos caminar en el camino indicado por Bhagavan, para mejorarnos a nosotros mismos y para la elevación de la sociedad!
¡Ven! Vamos a ayudar a nuestros semejantes, como exhortados por nuestro amado Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba!
Estoy en deuda con Bhagavan por haberme concedido esta oportunidad de participar en este programa junto con todos ustedes.
I am most fortunate.......& Latest Updates - 29.11.2011

I am most fortunate…
Tuesday, November 29th, 2011
On this auspicious occasion of the 86th Birthday of our most Beloved Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, I convey my greetings to all the devotees, elders, brothers and sisters.
This is the first birthday we are celebrating in the physical absence of our Beloved Bhagawan. Though Bhagawan is physically not present amongst us now, He is spiritually the Indweller in our hearts not only now, but forever and ever. Bhagawan continues to grant His physical presence to those who yearn to see Him physically and hear His nectarine words. However, those who are engaged in other thoughts and activities may not be able to feel His Divine Presence.
Puttaparthi is a famous pilgrim centre, since Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba had chosen to make it His birthplace. This is a holy place. We read in the Puranas and legends that Lord Krishna was born in Mathura. We believe in it and visit that place and experience great bliss. The great epic Ramayana tells us that Ayodhya was the birthplace of Lord Sri Rama. Even now people go to Ayodhya with intense yearning to have the darshan of Lord Sri Rama and experience Divine Bliss. In the same way, Puttaparthi, the birthplace of Beloved Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is a great pilgrim centre for all of us.
This is a holy place, for God Himself had incarnated here and walked amongst the devotees, granting His holy darshan every day to millions of people from all over the world. He strove tirelessly for over eight decades to teach good behavior to all of us and bring about a transformation in our hearts. He exhorted one and all to live in love, peace and happiness. Not even once in His Divine life He desired to have anything for Himself. His only desire was to make us desireless.
I always feel that I am most fortunate, not because I became a minister, a chief minister or a governor, but because I became one among the millions of devotees of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. It gives me tremendous satisfaction and happiness.
Bhagawan used to call us ‘Bangaroo!’ endearingly. Today we miss that endearing call. However, think for a moment from the depths of your heart about Bhagawan’s infinite love and affection for us. We will still be able to feel the sweet sound of Bhagawan’s call ringing in our ears.
No doubt there were people who doubted and criticized God in puranic times too. We need not care for such people. Wherever there is good, we must be able to welcome it. We need not be concerned about all other things. Some people indulge in loose and unnecessary talk whether Sri Sathya Sai Baba is God or not. When we look at the great service activities undertaken by the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations under the Divine inspiration and guidance of Sri Sathya Sai Baba in India and abroad keeping Puttaparthi as His headquarters, it is clear that only God can undertake and complete such gigantic tasks and none else.
Puttaparthi was once a remote village and today it is the headquarters of Avatar Sri Sathya Sai Baba Whose mission has reached every nook and corner of the world and His Divine Name is being chanted by millions in 151 countries. What more proof is required to call Him God?
Today we are celebrating the Birthday of ‘that God’ in the absence of His physical form. Today all the devotees gathered here in vast numbers firmly believing that Bhagawan is spiritually present here, though not physically. Come! Let’s march forward with such sincere and firm belief…let’s undertake more and more service activities for the benefit of the society…
May we all walk in the path shown by Bhagawan by improving ourselves and working for the uplift of the society! Come! Let’s help our fellow human beings as exhorted by our Beloved Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba! I am beholden to Bhagawan for granting me this opportunity of participating in this programme along with you all.
I am most fortunate.......& Latest Updates - 29.11.2011
I am most fortunate…
Tuesday, November 29th, 2011
On this auspicious occasion of the 86th Birthday of our most Beloved Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, I convey my greetings to all the devotees, elders, brothers and sisters.
This is the first birthday we are celebrating in the physical absence of our Beloved Bhagawan. Though Bhagawan is physically not present amongst us now, He is spiritually the Indweller in our hearts not only now, but forever and ever. Bhagawan continues to grant His physical presence to those who yearn to see Him physically and hear His nectarine words. However, those who are engaged in other thoughts and activities may not be able to feel His Divine Presence.
Puttaparthi is a famous pilgrim centre, since Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba had chosen to make it His birthplace. This is a holy place. We read in the Puranas and legends that Lord Krishna was born in Mathura. We believe in it and visit that place and experience great bliss. The great epic Ramayana tells us that Ayodhya was the birthplace of Lord Sri Rama. Even now people go to Ayodhya with intense yearning to have the darshan of Lord Sri Rama and experience Divine Bliss. In the same way, Puttaparthi, the birthplace of Beloved Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is a great pilgrim centre for all of us.
This is a holy place, for God Himself had incarnated here and walked amongst the devotees, granting His holy darshan every day to millions of people from all over the world. He strove tirelessly for over eight decades to teach good behavior to all of us and bring about a transformation in our hearts. He exhorted one and all to live in love, peace and happiness. Not even once in His Divine life He desired to have anything for Himself. His only desire was to make us desireless.
I always feel that I am most fortunate, not because I became a minister, a chief minister or a governor, but because I became one among the millions of devotees of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. It gives me tremendous satisfaction and happiness.
Bhagawan used to call us ‘Bangaroo!’ endearingly. Today we miss that endearing call. However, think for a moment from the depths of your heart about Bhagawan’s infinite love and affection for us. We will still be able to feel the sweet sound of Bhagawan’s call ringing in our ears.
No doubt there were people who doubted and criticized God in puranic times too. We need not care for such people. Wherever there is good, we must be able to welcome it. We need not be concerned about all other things. Some people indulge in loose and unnecessary talk whether Sri Sathya Sai Baba is God or not. When we look at the great service activities undertaken by the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations under the Divine inspiration and guidance of Sri Sathya Sai Baba in India and abroad keeping Puttaparthi as His headquarters, it is clear that only God can undertake and complete such gigantic tasks and none else.
Puttaparthi was once a remote village and today it is the headquarters of Avatar Sri Sathya Sai Baba Whose mission has reached every nook and corner of the world and His Divine Name is being chanted by millions in 151 countries. What more proof is required to call Him God?
Today we are celebrating the Birthday of ‘that God’ in the absence of His physical form. Today all the devotees gathered here in vast numbers firmly believing that Bhagawan is spiritually present here, though not physically. Come! Let’s march forward with such sincere and firm belief…let’s undertake more and more service activities for the benefit of the society…
May we all walk in the path shown by Bhagawan by improving ourselves and working for the uplift of the society! Come! Let’s help our fellow human beings as exhorted by our Beloved Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba! I am beholden to Bhagawan for granting me this opportunity of participating in this programme along with you all.