2019 Divine Visit to USA
Northern California Registration Reminder Also Please See Change of Venue for June 24th below, as well as Hotel Change, Volunteering & Other Important Information!
Divine Visit to Northern California
Date Monday, June 24, 2019 (Tentative Timing 4 PM - 8 PM)
*Please Note Change in Venue to:
*India Community Center (ICC)
525 Los Coches St., Milpitas, CA 95035
Closest Airport will be San Jose International. The next closest airports are San Francisco International and Oakland International.
Please check the website for location, discounted hotels, parking and other important information
Shuttle Service
The Transportation Team for the Northern California Event is exploring a few options to shuttle devotees to the venue and back on Monday June 24, 2019.
If you would like a ride, please click on the button above and provide your hotel and contact information.
If you are interested in volunteering, please check this pagearound June 7th. The Planning Team will have more details on signing up for the Northern California Public Event.
'Heart to Heart' Music Concerts Featuring Internationally Renowned Singer
Sumeet Tappoo
Heart to Heart Foundation (H2H Foundation) is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to saving the lives of children born with congenital heart defects (CHD) by providing free pediatric cardiac surgeries. Every year more than 300,000 children are born with CHD in India; without timely intervention 250 to 300 children die every day, even before their first birthday.
Sumeet Tappoo and his team of renowned musicians are coming to USA to do a multi-city Concert Tour to create more awareness of this noble cause.
Please see below or visit the following link for dates and locations: https://www.h2h.foundation/Events
Scheduled Dates for Spiritual Music Concerts in California
June 2nd, 2019 at 3:00 PM: Sanatan Mandir, San Bruno, CA June 6th, 2019 at 6:30 PM: Sri Satya Narayana Swamy Devasthanam, Milpitas, CA June 7th, 2019 at 5:30 PM: Sanatana Dharma Kendra, San Jose, CA June 9th, 2019 at 4:00 PM: Heartfulness Institute, Fremont, CA June 13th, 2019 at 7:00 PM: Sri Datta Sai Temple & Cultural Center, San Ramon, CA Contact: h2hfoundation.usa@gmail.com
Cardiac Screening Centre Opens in Fiji
The year 2019 brought forth the new Cardiac Screening Centre that was officially inaugurated by the Honourable Prime Minister of Fiji, Mr Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama. He was formally received at the Medical Centre along with Swami and other dignitaries including the Minister of Health. Dr Krupali Tappoo, Medical Director of the Sai Prema Foundation welcomed the gathering and updated everyone on the year gone by. Sri Mahendra Tappoo expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the Honourable Prime Minister and reiterated the commitment of the Sai Prema Foundation.
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Dr Shaun Setty thereafter presented Fiji’s first mobile medical device, the smart Stheth developed by HD Medical from California, to the Prime Minister who commended the wonderful work done by the Foundation and once again pledged his support and the support of his entire Government, and stressed that it should be the collective effort and partnership of everyone in society to work together, and help each other take healthier decisions. He expressed his happiness about the novel medical device and it’s role in saving many more children in the Island.
Sai Prema Ashram Inaugurated in Fiji
Sai Prema Ashram is one of the 18 Ashrams being established by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in His continuing mission to guide and guard from His ethereal realm and was inaugurated by its Master. A golden Sarva Dharma Stupa stood in front of the Ashram to remind everyone about the unity of all religions, and the everlasting teaching of human values of Sathya, Dharma, Shanti, Prema and Ahimsa by Sri Sathya Sai to the world.
Swami was received with a traditional Fijian welcome, befitting a King. A choir from the local church burst out into a solemn hymn, and the entire atmosphere was charged with a surreal bliss!
After lighting the ceremonial lamp, Swami walked around the Ashram and walked towards the stunning sea shore. Later, a Yagna was performed on stage.
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Sanjeevani Mumbai Hospital Begins Surgeries
Khargar, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra
“Tomorrow (May 6, 2019), I am going to Mumbai to commence surgeries at our hospital there. Hundreds of children are already screened and are waiting for the surgery. Every year, 2.5 lacs children are being born with congenital heart diseases in India alone. But only 25,000 children are being treated for this ailment in the country. The Divine Mother and Child Health Programme in Mumbai has been started so that children are born healthy and pregnant mothers are provided with the required nutrition. A lot of such service initiatives are being carried out across the world.” Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba Discourse at Muddenahalli on May 5, 2019.
The FIRST PEDIATRIC CARDIAC PROCEDURE was successfully performed at Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Centre for Child Heart Care and Training in Cardiac Skills, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai by the Divine Grace and Mercy of Bhagawan on May 6, 2019! Eight month old baby, Ananya was the first patient to undergo the surgery and she is already up and recovering!
It was a day suffused with Love for all those who are part of the Sai Sanjeevani Story! Bhagawan, along with bestowing baby Ananya a new lease of life, He has also assured her mother that the girl’s complete education will be taken care of and when she grows up, she will become a doctor and serve in the very Sai Sanjeevani Hospital!
Swami said, “From a new born baby like Ananya to a centenarian like Indulal Shah, everybody is part of this Mission”. Swami had promised that He would build a free hospital in Mumbai as per Indulal Shah’s prayers. He kept His word to make His favourite devotee happy with the commencement of surgery!
Above: Pratham Sevak, Sri Indulal Shah Centre for Training & Education was opened in honour of Sri Indualal Shah at Sri Sathya Sai Centre for Child Heart Care & Training in Cardiac Skills, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai. |
Above: Sreemayee Sanctum for Child Heart Surgeries was dedicated to the service of children in Sreemayee's fond memory. |
Grandsire of Sathya Sai Seva Organization
Sri. Indulal Shah Ji merged at the lotus feet of His Master, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on the morning of May 18, 2019; a very auspicious Buddha Poornima Day. He lived a full life of hundred years in His service and enjoyed the infinite Grace and Love of Swami till the last moment!
“Sri Indulal Shah was with Me when the rest of the world was not. He stood by My side and did what I said when everyone else were wondering whether it should be done or not. It is his faith that stands as testimony today to tell us that nothing is impossible for a man with Faith, for he attains the grace of God and everything is achievable thereafter.”- Divine Discourse, Inauguration of Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani International Centre for Child Heart Care and Research, Palwal, Haryana, Nov. 27, 2016 Swami wanted the soul of revered Indulal Ji to be in the body till he opened the operation theatre in Sri
Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital in Mumbai because it was Indulal Ji's desire to build a hospital in Mumbai and Swami had postponed the plan back then. He lived with God till his last breath, serving Him! Swami considered Indulal Ji and his wife, Sarla Ma as His greatest devotees!
"The only thing Swami and Indulal Ji asked each other was ‘What can I do for you?’ This is what the whole relationship between them was all about!" - Sri Madhusudan at 'Tattva Sameeksha', Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli, May 27, 2019
Follow-Up Report
As mentioned in the May Newsletter, the Bay Area Sai Youth, guided by HIS Mission to feed the hungry, collaborated with other like-minded, non-profit groups to pack meals that will reach hundreds of children around the globe.
The USA Young Adults called themselves 1YOUTH with a slogan "United We Serve". They were more than 100 volunteers on May 18th and 19th who joined the Feed My Starving Children event in San Jose and packed a whopping *163,296 meals. *These meals will be shipped to different parts of the globe to feed 447 hungry children for an entire year. It took more than 500 volunteers working non-stop for two days, over multiple sessions, to achieve this! |
By HIS inspiration, 1Youth USA plans to partner with more organizations to conduct such events in various parts of the County and turn HUNGER into HOPE. They seek HIS blessings and are ever thankful to HIM for being their Guiding Light!
A big shout out to all the 100+ volunteers from 1Youth for being a part of this event!View Short Video
Global Education Conference 2019
Presented by Sri Sathya Sai University for Human Excellence at Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli, India
The world today needs a system of education which helps in the manifestation of perfection and goodness already latent in man and brings about an inner evolution as the culmination of the best educational process. The Global Education Conference 2019 with the theme ‘Values Based Education for a Better World’, inspired by Sri Sathya Sai Baba, gathered educationists from around the world to deliberate on the ways to implement values based system of education as the only potent tool to achieve peace and prosperity for mankind. The Conference was held from May 24 - 26, 2019.
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A Panel of distinguished Educationists from all over the world shared their common interests in values based education. They discussed how to incorporate values and ethics of sustainability and global citizenship in the process of education and learning. "To recognize that peace is the wholeness created by right relationships with oneself, other persons, other cultures, other life, the Earth and the larger whole of which all are part"! - As presented byMirian Vilela, Executive Director of the *Earth Charter.
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*The final text of the Earth Charter was approved at a meeting of the Earth Charter Commission at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris in March 2000.
Youth from Singapore performed skits based on Human Values. Interactive sessions shared the practicing of values through story-telling. A video presentation on 'Sprituality in Education' highlighted the history of education and it's current devolution through the erosion of values in the world by global economies with an urgent need to change it's course.
The event concluded with a Valedictory Session that included a discourse from Swami, followed by two Brass Band Performances by students of Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva Group of Institutions - Girls' Band called 'Sai's Symphony' and the Boys' Band called 'Sai's Angels'!
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"All the speakers who participated in the Global Education Conference at Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli, which was held from May 24 -26, 2019; whenever they got half a minute or a few seconds to interact with Swami said, 'Swami! We want to participate in this work (Education). Please guide us on how we can work with You.' And Swami was very happy to hear that." - Sri Madhusudan at 'Tattva Sameeksha', Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli, May 27, 2019
Important Links
There is so much happening in the world of Sai that it is almost impossible to keep up with everything. Below are a few links to sites that provide updated info, videos, summaries of talks and much more. What a delight it is to be a part of Swami’s ongoing mission of love and service.
- New Divine Will Foundation Facebook page: Facebook
- Updates of events at the Muddenahalli Ashram/Campus: Muddenahalli
- Latest photos and summary articles about Swami's travels: Travels
- Videos of events at Muddenahalli and around the world: Videos
- Electronic Divine Booklets of Swami's international travels: Divine Booklets
- Subscribe to Muddenahalli Free Newsletter: Ananda Vahini
- Divine Will Foundation previous newsletter list (right click on links to open in new window): Previous DWF Newsletters
- Information about local Satsangs in the USA: USA Local Satsangs
- US Academy for Human Excellence Website: USAHE Website