Howard Murphet y su esposa Iris, conoció a la familia Harrison en 1976, y a través de ellos pudo ver el despliegue de "un gran milagro australiano". Para una información detallada de este incidente, leemos a Howard Murphet:
A principios de 1976 en Australia, mi esposa y yo nos familiarizamos con Perla Harrison, una secretaria jubilada de la facultad de medicina de una universidad de Sydney. Al principio pensamos que esto parecía ser sólo un encuentro casual, pero más tarde nos preguntábamos.
En aquel momento el manuscrito de 'Sai Baba Avatar' mi libro, después de muchas correcciones, estaba listo para el proyecto final de la editorial . Perla, aunque ocupada con el trabajo voluntario de secretaria, expresó su deseo de escribir el manuscrito . ¿Por qué ella debe tener este deseo, que ella no entendía, pero lo hace ahora.
De todos modos, se hicieron arreglos para que ella haga la tipificación, y por lo tanto le presente a los milagros de Sathya Sai Baba. Uno de sus dos nietas, de ocho años de edad, Maya Waynberg, a veces, ayudaba a Perla para leer en voz alta el material que se ha escrito. Mientras que la abuela se sentía escéptico acerca de los milagros, la nieta los aceptaba sin lugar a dudas. Para el niño parecía muy natural.
La tipificación de los primeros capítulos había concluido, cuando Maya, que últimamente se veía muy pálida y tenia moretones con demasiada facilidad, fue llevada a un médico para un examen de sangre. El médico se sorprendió por los resultados. Llamó a la madre de Maya, Helen Waynberg, y recomienda encarecidamente que la niña debía ser recogido de la escuela y llevada a casa a descansar sin demora. Él también hizo los arreglos inmediatos para que ella se haga una prueba de médula ósea en el Hospital Príncipe de Gales en Sydney.
En esta etapa la familia se puso muy preocupada. Perla me habló de ella cuando me llamó para averiguar cómo la tipificación estaba progresando. Pude ver que tenía miedo, mucho miedo, que su pequeña nieta podría tener alguna enfermedad drástica, asesina, como la leucemia. Se demostró que no era leucemia, pero era algo igualmente letal - anemia aplástica, en el que la médula ósea no produce los componentes sanguíneos vitales en cantidad suficiente para mantener la salud y la vida.
Su análisis de sangre en ese momento mostró las cifras de hemoglobina inferior a la mitad de la normal, los glóbulos blancos de la sangre alrededor de un tercio del nivel normal y las plaquetas hasta una quinceava parte del número normal. Maya fue puesto bajo el cuidado de un especialista que le dijo a su madre que el único tratamiento es el uso de ciertos medicamentos, una hormona masculina llamada prednisolona y otro, fluoximesterona.
De ambos, efectos secundarios angustiantes era de esperar, tales como retraso en el crecimiento el crecimiento del niño, causando la hinchazón y la obesidad, el crecimiento del vello en la cara mientras que causan la calvicie en la cabeza. El paciente tendría que tener la sangre constante y pruebas de médula ósea para controlar su condición. Como Maya tenía una fobia profunda acerca de las agujas que perforan la piel y los vasos sanguíneos, esto fue una prueba terrible para ella y todos los demás que se trate.
Pero la parte más trágica de la situación fue que, después de pasar por este tratamiento y sufrir sus efectos secundarios, no por ello puede curarse. Lo mejor que se podía esperar, son unos años más de vida, con una actividad muy limitada. La terapia con medicamentos no era una cura, los médicos le dijeron, lo único que podía hacer era retrasar lo inevitable durante un tiempo. Nadie podría decir de cuánto tiempo seria ese período.
En esta triste situación Perla pensaba acerca de los milagros de Sai había que estaba escribiendo.
Ella dice:
"Debo admitir que para completar mi falta de fe en la religión, teniendo en cuenta mí tradición judía, pero no en la practica. Yo había escrito acerca de muchos milagros que Sai Baba había realizado y había pensado en lo interesante que sonaba todo intelectualmente, pero no tenia esta enfermedad terrible en mi propia nieta, que podría haber dejado las cosas como estaban.
Entonces fue como si mi mente de repente se abriera de un tirón, y me puse a pensar que tal vez había algo real en todo lo que había escrito. Howard e Iris Murphet, estaban muy preocupados cuando les dije acerca de Maya. Dijeron que iban a traer un poco de vibhuti para Maya y podría empezar a tomarlo de inmediato. "
A menudo se ha dicho y escrito que Sai Baba esta especialmente interesado en alguien en quien sus devotos están interesados. Así que el enlace estaba allí. Sin embargo, me acordé de él, diciendo enfáticamente que dos ingredientes necesarios de la sanidad divina es la fe y la entrega. ¿Podríamos encontrar estos ingredientes en esta casa suburbana de Sydney, donde nadie parecía tener intereses religiosos o espirituales, y Sai Baba era un mando a distancia, casi de ficción, figura en un país extranjero lejano?
Bueno, pero podría intentarlo. Pero Maya me dijo muy seria: 'Tienes que real y verdaderamente creen en el poder de Sai Baba! "
-Oh, pero lo hago ", replicó ella, y en la forma en que lo dijo sentí que ser simple como la fe del niño, que Cristo había puesto como algo primordial.
Un poco más tarde, el abuelo Jack Harrison, me hizo sentir que él también puede ser terreno fértil para la fe. Dijo, de pie en el jardín de su casa, "me voy a la India tan pronto como me sea posible para dar las gracias a Sai Baba por curar a Maya."
"Debo admitir que para completar mi falta de fe en la religión, teniendo en cuenta mí tradición judía, pero no en la practica. Yo había escrito acerca de muchos milagros que Sai Baba había realizado y había pensado en lo interesante que sonaba todo intelectualmente, pero no tenia esta enfermedad terrible en mi propia nieta, que podría haber dejado las cosas como estaban.
Entonces fue como si mi mente de repente se abriera de un tirón, y me puse a pensar que tal vez había algo real en todo lo que había escrito. Howard e Iris Murphet, estaban muy preocupados cuando les dije acerca de Maya. Dijeron que iban a traer un poco de vibhuti para Maya y podría empezar a tomarlo de inmediato. "
A menudo se ha dicho y escrito que Sai Baba esta especialmente interesado en alguien en quien sus devotos están interesados. Así que el enlace estaba allí. Sin embargo, me acordé de él, diciendo enfáticamente que dos ingredientes necesarios de la sanidad divina es la fe y la entrega. ¿Podríamos encontrar estos ingredientes en esta casa suburbana de Sydney, donde nadie parecía tener intereses religiosos o espirituales, y Sai Baba era un mando a distancia, casi de ficción, figura en un país extranjero lejano?
Bueno, pero podría intentarlo. Pero Maya me dijo muy seria: 'Tienes que real y verdaderamente creen en el poder de Sai Baba! "
-Oh, pero lo hago ", replicó ella, y en la forma en que lo dijo sentí que ser simple como la fe del niño, que Cristo había puesto como algo primordial.
Un poco más tarde, el abuelo Jack Harrison, me hizo sentir que él también puede ser terreno fértil para la fe. Dijo, de pie en el jardín de su casa, "me voy a la India tan pronto como me sea posible para dar las gracias a Sai Baba por curar a Maya."
Él no dijo: 'Si él la cura. " El tratamiento Sai apenas había comenzado, sin embargo, parecía no tener dudas sobre su eficacia.
Nos puede nacer con la fe, la certeza interior de la Suprema omnipotencia, o podemos adquirirla, pero nunca se puede adquirir a través del razonamiento y la lógica. De hecho, la mente racional puede ser una desventaja, bloqueando la luz del conocimiento más profundo que los hombres llaman fe.
La abuela Perla tenía sus barreras intelectuales, pero un corazón muy cálido. La madre de Helen no es vinculante. A juzgar por su charla, ella era atea, pero ella estaba dispuesta a probar el tratamiento de vibhuti. Seguimos asegurando a la familia de la importancia de la oración - la oración constante. Se pusieron de acuerdo para orar a Swami por su ayuda. Mi esposa y yo oramos a Dios fervientemente y con regularidad.
Hubo, sin embargo, una pregunta urgente a responder. Sabíamos por el estudio de muchos casos, que Swami en ocasiones cura a las personas a través de los medicamentos prescritos por los médicos, mientras hace la prevención de efectos secundarios negativos.
Nos puede nacer con la fe, la certeza interior de la Suprema omnipotencia, o podemos adquirirla, pero nunca se puede adquirir a través del razonamiento y la lógica. De hecho, la mente racional puede ser una desventaja, bloqueando la luz del conocimiento más profundo que los hombres llaman fe.
La abuela Perla tenía sus barreras intelectuales, pero un corazón muy cálido. La madre de Helen no es vinculante. A juzgar por su charla, ella era atea, pero ella estaba dispuesta a probar el tratamiento de vibhuti. Seguimos asegurando a la familia de la importancia de la oración - la oración constante. Se pusieron de acuerdo para orar a Swami por su ayuda. Mi esposa y yo oramos a Dios fervientemente y con regularidad.
Hubo, sin embargo, una pregunta urgente a responder. Sabíamos por el estudio de muchos casos, que Swami en ocasiones cura a las personas a través de los medicamentos prescritos por los médicos, mientras hace la prevención de efectos secundarios negativos.
A veces, por el contrario, Él no permite que los medicamentos se utilizan en absoluto. ¿Cuál sería su voluntad en el caso de Maya?
La única manera de estar seguro era que se lo pidan. Mientras tanto, pensamos, lo mejor sería dejar que el niño inicie la terapia con medicamentos, especialmente con los que los médicos habían dicho que no tienen efectos secundarios, se haría durante unos tres meses. Teníamos que encontrar alguna manera de pedir a Swami la cuestión vital, tan pronto como sea posible. Debe ser consultado directamente.
Por un golpe de buena fortuna, nuestra amiga Lynette Penrose, estaba a punto de realiza una visita a Sai Baba. Dicho sea de paso, había estado en la casa de Lynette en Balmain donde empezamos las reuniones Sai en Sydney. Lynette acordó tomar para Swami una fotografía de Maya, y cartas pidiendo la consulta sobre el tratamiento farmacológico.
La única manera de estar seguro era que se lo pidan. Mientras tanto, pensamos, lo mejor sería dejar que el niño inicie la terapia con medicamentos, especialmente con los que los médicos habían dicho que no tienen efectos secundarios, se haría durante unos tres meses. Teníamos que encontrar alguna manera de pedir a Swami la cuestión vital, tan pronto como sea posible. Debe ser consultado directamente.
Por un golpe de buena fortuna, nuestra amiga Lynette Penrose, estaba a punto de realiza una visita a Sai Baba. Dicho sea de paso, había estado en la casa de Lynette en Balmain donde empezamos las reuniones Sai en Sydney. Lynette acordó tomar para Swami una fotografía de Maya, y cartas pidiendo la consulta sobre el tratamiento farmacológico.
Esperamos, además, que tuviese la oportunidad de hacerle esta pregunta, ella misma, en persona. Ella se fue a la India, y todas las palabras esperadas de ella. No pasó mucho tiempo antes de que una carta por correo aéreo llegó.
Lynette nos dijo que a ella le había concedido una entrevista y le había dado la fotografía y cartas a Swami. Cuando miró la fotografía, ella escribió: "Su rostro se había vuelto muy, muy suave y compasivo." Sobre el tratamiento farmacológico Su respuesta fue: 'No, sin medicamentos, sólo vibhuti en el agua dos veces al día.
Perla Harrison escribe: "Cuando este mensaje llego de regreso, tuvimos que decidir si se le deben quitar los medicamentos y darle vibhuti solamente."
Maya decidió por nosotros. Ella dijo, 'Si Sai Baba dice que no debo tomar medicamentos, entonces no voy a tomarlos. "
Así que después de tan sólo tres semanas en las drogas, se las quitaron, y solo tomaría vibhuti a partir de entonces. Todo eso para poner fe en el poder curativo de alguien que ningún miembro de la familia había visto en su vida, excepto por las fotografías.
Nos sentimos en parte responsables , ya que habíamos sido el canal a través del cual habían oído hablar de Sai Baba. Todo lo que podíamos hacer era aferrarnos a nuestra propia confianza y fe en el Señor. Entonces pensamos en algo que podría ayudar, en el extremo receptor del rayo de sanidad divina. Le sugerimos que comiencen la celebración de reuniones Sathya Sai en la casa de Harrison en Greenacre. Ellos estuvieron de acuerdo con esto, y su casa de la calle Letonia, se convirtió en el segundo centro, y abrió sus puertas en Sydney para bhajans y círculos de estudio.
Las reuniones fueron un éxito desde el principio, la gente venia de todas partes del área metropolitana, y de lugares distantes en las Montañas Azules y la costa sur.
Lynette nos dijo que a ella le había concedido una entrevista y le había dado la fotografía y cartas a Swami. Cuando miró la fotografía, ella escribió: "Su rostro se había vuelto muy, muy suave y compasivo." Sobre el tratamiento farmacológico Su respuesta fue: 'No, sin medicamentos, sólo vibhuti en el agua dos veces al día.
Perla Harrison escribe: "Cuando este mensaje llego de regreso, tuvimos que decidir si se le deben quitar los medicamentos y darle vibhuti solamente."
Maya decidió por nosotros. Ella dijo, 'Si Sai Baba dice que no debo tomar medicamentos, entonces no voy a tomarlos. "
Así que después de tan sólo tres semanas en las drogas, se las quitaron, y solo tomaría vibhuti a partir de entonces. Todo eso para poner fe en el poder curativo de alguien que ningún miembro de la familia había visto en su vida, excepto por las fotografías.
Nos sentimos en parte responsables , ya que habíamos sido el canal a través del cual habían oído hablar de Sai Baba. Todo lo que podíamos hacer era aferrarnos a nuestra propia confianza y fe en el Señor. Entonces pensamos en algo que podría ayudar, en el extremo receptor del rayo de sanidad divina. Le sugerimos que comiencen la celebración de reuniones Sathya Sai en la casa de Harrison en Greenacre. Ellos estuvieron de acuerdo con esto, y su casa de la calle Letonia, se convirtió en el segundo centro, y abrió sus puertas en Sydney para bhajans y círculos de estudio.
Las reuniones fueron un éxito desde el principio, la gente venia de todas partes del área metropolitana, y de lugares distantes en las Montañas Azules y la costa sur.
Pronto Jack Harrison decidió convertir su garaje en un templo Sai, y compra una cochera nueva para albergar a su coche. Dentro del templo Sai, forrado y decorado con la ayuda de los devotos, un hermoso santuario fue erigido. El lugar adquirió una atmósfera sagrada y el tamaño del grupo se amplio. Fue sorprendente ver, tanto en el templo Greenacre y en Balmain, con la rapidez, y de todo corazón, como los australianos salieron a cantar bhajans.
Muchos aprendieron a ser bastoneros (conductores), la niña Maya era uno de ellos. La salud de Maya no tardó en mostrar una mejora constante. La familia decidió que sería mejor dejar que los médicos piensen que, por el momento, Maya estaba tomando sus medicamentos. Cada dos semanas se le hizo una prueba de sangre en el hospital y el personal médico estaba encantado con los resultados. Sin duda se sorprendieron demasiado.
Hubo un aumento dramático en su recuento de glóbulos rojos, una buena mejora en el número de glóbulos blancos, y el recuento de plaquetas iba hacia arriba. Después de unos meses del tratamiento con vibhuti Sai, sin la asistencia médica, el recuento de glóbulos rojos y blancos volvió a la normalidad. Los médicos decidieron entonces que las pruebas podrían ser tomadas cada dos meses solamente, en vez de cada dos semanas como antes.
Sus plaquetas, en estas pruebas, mostraron un aumento cerca de 10.000 cada dos meses. Los médicos habían examinado anteriormente a la hermana de Maya, Alona, que es alrededor de un año mayor, para la compatibilidad de su médula ósea con la de Mayas, para un posible trasplante. Cuando los resultados fueron conocidos, se encontró que la hermana era compatible, y se aconseja un trasplante de médula ósea.
A pesar de que la condición de Maya estaba mostrando una mejoría satisfactoria, las plaquetas estaban todavía lejos de ser normal, y se consideró que un injerto podría ayudar a detener la enfermedad. Así, otra pregunta se le hizo a la familia y ha nosotros - realizamos la operación ?
Afortunadamente, otro devoto de Australia, acaba de salir en este momento de Puttaparthi, fue capaz de consultar a Swami directamente si la operación se debería hacer o no.
Muchos aprendieron a ser bastoneros (conductores), la niña Maya era uno de ellos. La salud de Maya no tardó en mostrar una mejora constante. La familia decidió que sería mejor dejar que los médicos piensen que, por el momento, Maya estaba tomando sus medicamentos. Cada dos semanas se le hizo una prueba de sangre en el hospital y el personal médico estaba encantado con los resultados. Sin duda se sorprendieron demasiado.
Hubo un aumento dramático en su recuento de glóbulos rojos, una buena mejora en el número de glóbulos blancos, y el recuento de plaquetas iba hacia arriba. Después de unos meses del tratamiento con vibhuti Sai, sin la asistencia médica, el recuento de glóbulos rojos y blancos volvió a la normalidad. Los médicos decidieron entonces que las pruebas podrían ser tomadas cada dos meses solamente, en vez de cada dos semanas como antes.
Sus plaquetas, en estas pruebas, mostraron un aumento cerca de 10.000 cada dos meses. Los médicos habían examinado anteriormente a la hermana de Maya, Alona, que es alrededor de un año mayor, para la compatibilidad de su médula ósea con la de Mayas, para un posible trasplante. Cuando los resultados fueron conocidos, se encontró que la hermana era compatible, y se aconseja un trasplante de médula ósea.
A pesar de que la condición de Maya estaba mostrando una mejoría satisfactoria, las plaquetas estaban todavía lejos de ser normal, y se consideró que un injerto podría ayudar a detener la enfermedad. Así, otra pregunta se le hizo a la familia y ha nosotros - realizamos la operación ?
Afortunadamente, otro devoto de Australia, acaba de salir en este momento de Puttaparthi, fue capaz de consultar a Swami directamente si la operación se debería hacer o no.
La respuesta de Swami fue definitiva: "Ella está mejorando y pronto estará completamente bien. No hay necesidad de dicha operación.
La noticia llegó de nuevo a Greenacre rápidamente, y de inmediato se decidió, para gran alivio de Maya, y de hecho de todos los interesados, que no habría ninguna operación. La familia se sentía segura de sí misma, que nada se necesitaba, solo el poder de Swami, que viene a través del vibhuti, para que las plaquetas de mayas se normalizaran, y tener un análisis de sangre totalmente normal.
Pero a pesar de la escalada, las plaquetas no eran normales , y me fui a la India a principios de 1978. Sin embargo, antes de que tuviéramos la oportunidad de hablar con Swami sobre el caso, hemos recibido una carta de la abuela Perla, que nos dice que la última prueba de sangre de Maya, dada después de salir, había mostrado un recuento de plaquetas normales - de hecho, era de 174.000, que era mejor que lo normal.
La niña estaba completamente curada de su enfermedad "incurable". A principios del año que viene Jack y Perla hicieron lo que habían declarado que iban a hacer, incluso antes de que el tratamiento hubiese comenzado. Vinieron, con las dos nietas, a dar gracias a Swami personalmente por la cura maravillosa, y milagrosa.
La noticia llegó de nuevo a Greenacre rápidamente, y de inmediato se decidió, para gran alivio de Maya, y de hecho de todos los interesados, que no habría ninguna operación. La familia se sentía segura de sí misma, que nada se necesitaba, solo el poder de Swami, que viene a través del vibhuti, para que las plaquetas de mayas se normalizaran, y tener un análisis de sangre totalmente normal.
Pero a pesar de la escalada, las plaquetas no eran normales , y me fui a la India a principios de 1978. Sin embargo, antes de que tuviéramos la oportunidad de hablar con Swami sobre el caso, hemos recibido una carta de la abuela Perla, que nos dice que la última prueba de sangre de Maya, dada después de salir, había mostrado un recuento de plaquetas normales - de hecho, era de 174.000, que era mejor que lo normal.
La niña estaba completamente curada de su enfermedad "incurable". A principios del año que viene Jack y Perla hicieron lo que habían declarado que iban a hacer, incluso antes de que el tratamiento hubiese comenzado. Vinieron, con las dos nietas, a dar gracias a Swami personalmente por la cura maravillosa, y milagrosa.
La familia también, al final, dijo al especialista a cargo del caso, que el sagrado vibhuti había sustituido los medicamentos que había prescrito. Él no estaba tan sorprendido como ellos habían esperado.
De hecho, él dijo: "Pensé que debía ser algo así , ya que no hubo efectos secundarios. Luego añadió: "Mi madre cree en la curación espiritual. El doctor amablemente dio a la familia todos los análisis de sangre de Maya como prueba documental. También estuvo de acuerdo en aceptar una copia del libro, 'Sai Baba: El hombre de los milagros'.
Cuando Perla se la entregó a él, ella dijo: 'ahora no dejes que sólo se encuentre en el estante, léelo, y luego compártelo a alguien más. Si usted siente que no quiere leerlo, por favor envíemelo de nuevo a mí. " Nunca ha vuelto a aparecer.
De hecho, él dijo: "Pensé que debía ser algo así , ya que no hubo efectos secundarios. Luego añadió: "Mi madre cree en la curación espiritual. El doctor amablemente dio a la familia todos los análisis de sangre de Maya como prueba documental. También estuvo de acuerdo en aceptar una copia del libro, 'Sai Baba: El hombre de los milagros'.
Cuando Perla se la entregó a él, ella dijo: 'ahora no dejes que sólo se encuentre en el estante, léelo, y luego compártelo a alguien más. Si usted siente que no quiere leerlo, por favor envíemelo de nuevo a mí. " Nunca ha vuelto a aparecer.
"Sai Baba: Invitación a la gloria" por el Sr. Howard Murphet. Página: 33-41. Publicado por Macmillan India Ltd, 1982.
"Sai Baba: Invitación a la gloria" por el Sr. Howard Murphet. Página: 33-41. Publicado por Macmillan India Ltd, 1982.
Sai Ram - How the faith of little Mayan gave her a new life
Howard Murphet and his wife Iris met the Harrison family in 1976 and through them could see the unfolding of ‘a great Australian miracle’. For a detailed account of this incident, over to Howard Murphet:
Early in 1976 in Australia my wife and I became acquainted with Pearl Harrison, a retired secretary of the medical faculty of a university in Sydney. At first we thought this seemed to be just a chance meeting, but later we wondered.
At that time the manuscript of my book ‘Sai Baba Avatar’, after much rewriting, was ready for the final, publisher's draft. Pearl, although busy with volunteer welfare work, expressed a desire to type the manuscript. Why she should have this desire she did not understand, but she does now.
Anyway, arrangements were made for her to do the typing, and thus she was introduced to the miracles of Sathya Sai Baba. One of her two grand daughters, eight-year-old Mayan Waynberg would, at times, help Pearl by reading aloud the material to be typed. While the grandmother felt sceptical about the miracles, the granddaughter accepted them without question. To the child they seemed quite natural.
The typing of the first few chapters had been completed when Mayan, who had lately been looking very pale and had been bruising too easily, was taken to a doctor for a blood test. The doctor was appalled at the results. He phoned Mayan's mother, Helen Waynberg, and strongly advised that the child should be collected from her school and taken home to rest without delay. He also made immediate arrangements for her to be given a bone-marrow test at the Prince of Wales Hospital in Sydney.
At this stage the family became very worried indeed. Pearl told me about it when I called to find out how the typing was progressing. I could see she was afraid, very afraid, that her little granddaughter might have some drastic, killer disease, like leukemia. It proved not to be leukemia, but something equally lethal - aplastic anaemia, in which the bone-marrow fails to produce the vital blood components in sufficient quantity to maintain health and life.
Her blood picture at that time showed the haemoglobin count at less than half normality, the white components of the blood about a third the normal level and the platelets way down to one-fifteenth of the normal count. Mayan was put under the care of a specialist who told her mother that the only treatment was the use of certain drugs, one a male hormone named Prednisolone and another, Fluoxymesterone.
From both of these, distressing side effects could be expected, such as stunting the child's growth, causing puffiness and obesity, hair growth on the face while causing baldness on the head. The patient would need to have constant blood and bone marrow tests to monitor her condition. As Mayan had a deep phobia about needles piercing her skin and blood vessels, this was a frightful ordeal for her and everyone else concerned.
But the most tragic part of the situation was that, after going through this treatment and suffering its side effects, she would still not be cured. The best that could be expected was a few more years of life, with very limited activity. The drug therapy was not a cure, the elders were told; all it could do was to delay the inevitable for a time. No one could say how long that period would be.
In this sad situation Pearl thought about the Sai miracles she had been typing. She writes:
“I must admit to complete lack of faith in religion, considering myself a Jewess by tradition but not by observance. I had typed about many miracles that Sai Baba had performed, and had thought how interesting it all sounded intellectually, but had not this dreadful illness occurred to my own granddaughter, I might have let it go at that.
Then it was as if my mind suddenly opened with a jerk, and I began to think that perhaps there was something real in all I had typed. Howard and Iris Murphet were most concerned when I told, them about Mayan. They said they would bring some Vibhuti over and Mayan could start taking it immediately.”
It has often been said and written that Sai Baba is specially interested in anyone in whom his devotees are interested. So the link was there. Yet, I remembered him saying emphatically that two necessary ingredients of divine healing are faith and surrender. Could we find such ingredients in this Sydney suburban home, where no one seemed to have religious or spiritual interests, and Sai Baba was a remote, almost fictional, figure in a far-off foreign country?
Well, we could but try. To Mayan I said earnestly, 'You must really and truly believe in the power of Sai Baba!'
'Oh, but I do', she replied, and in the way she said it I sensed the simple, child-like faith that Christ had put of first importance.
A little later, Grandfather Jack Harrison made me feel that he too may be fertile soil for faith. He said, standing in the garden of their home, 'I am going to India as soon as I can to thank Sai Baba for curing Mayan.' He did not say, 'If he cures her.' The Sai treatment had hardly begun, yet he seemed to have no doubts about its effectiveness.
We may be born with faith, that inner certainty of the omnipotent Supreme, or we may acquire it, but we can never acquire it through reasoning and logic. In fact, the reasoning mind can be a handicap, blocking the birth of the deeper knowledge that men call faith.
Grandmother Pearl had her intellectual barriers but a very warm heart. Mother Helen was non-committal. Judging by her talk, she was atheistic but she was willing to try the Vibhuti treatment. We kept assuring the family of the importance of prayer - constant prayer. They agreed to pray to Swami for His help. My wife and I prayed to Him fervently and regularly.
There was, however, an urgent question to be answered. We knew from studying many cases that Swami sometimes cures people through drugs prescribed by doctors, while preventing any bad side effects. Sometimes, on the other hand, He will not let drugs be used at all. What would be His Will in the case of Mayan?
The only way to be sure was to ask Him. In the meantime, we thought, it would be best to let the child start the drug therapy, particularly as the doctors had said that no side-effects would become evident for about three months. We had to find some way of asking Swami the vital question as soon as possible. He must be asked directly.
By a stroke of good fortune, our friend Lynette Penrose was about to set off on a visit to Sai Baba. Incidentally, it had been in Lynette's home in Balmain that we first began Sai meetings in Sydney. Lynette agreed to take to Swami a photograph of Mayan, and letters asking the vital question about drug treatment. We hoped, moreover, that she would have the opportunity of asking Him this question, herself, orally. She went off to India, and we all eagerly awaited word from her. It was not long before an airmail letter arrived.
Lynette told us that she had been granted an interview and had given the photograph and letters to Swami. When He looked at the photograph, she wrote, 'His face had become very, very soft and compassionate.' About the drug therapy His reply was, 'No, no drugs, just Vibhuti in water twice a day.'
Pearl Harrison writes: 'When this message came back, we had to decide whether to take her off the drugs and give her Vibhuti only.'
Mayan made up our minds for us. She said, 'If Sai Baba says I should not take drugs, then I won't take them.'
So after just three weeks on the drugs, she went off them and took nothing but Vibhuti from then on. This was putting complete faith in the healing power of someone no member of the family had ever seen, except in photographs.
We felt some responsibility as we had been the channel through which they had heard of Sai Baba. All we could do was to hold fast to our own trust and faith in the Lord. Then we thought of something that might help at the receiving end of the divine healing ray. We suggested that they start holding Sathya Sai meetings at the Harrison home in Greenacre. They readily agreed to this, and their house in Latvia Street became the second centre opened in Sydney for Bhajans and study.
The meetings were a success from the start, people coming from all parts of the metropolitan area, and from distant places in the Blue Mountains and the south coast. Soon Jack Harrison decided to convert his large garage into a Sai temple, buying a new carport to shelter his car. Within the Sai temple, lined and decorated with the help of devotees, a beautiful shrine was erected. The place acquired a sacred atmosphere and the size of the group expanded. It was surprising to see, both at the Greenacre temple and at Balmain, how quickly and wholeheartedly the Australians took to singing Bhajans.
Many learned to lead (the Bhajans), the child Mayan being one of them. Mayan's health was soon showing a steady improvement. The family decided it might be better to let the doctors think, for the time being, that Mayan was taking their drugs. Every two weeks she was given a blood test at the hospital, and the medical people were delighted at the results. No doubt they were surprised too.
There was a dramatic rise in her red blood cell count, a good improvement in the number of white cells, and the platelet count was creeping upwards. After a few months of the Sai Vibhuti treatment, with no medical assistance whatever, the red and white cell count was back to normal. The doctors then decided that tests could be taken every two months only, instead of every two weeks as before.
Her platelets, in these tests, showed a rise of about 10,000 every two months. The doctors had earlier examined Mayan's sister, Alona, who is about a year the senior, for bone-marrow compatibility with that of Mayan. When the results were known, and it was found that the sister's bone-marrow was compatible, they advised a bone-marrow graft.
Even though Mayan's condition was showing satisfactory improvement, the platelets were still far from normal, and it was felt that such a graft would help in arresting the disease. Thus another question was posed to the family and to us - should the operation be performed?
Fortunately another Australian devotee, just leaving at this time for Puttaparti, was able to ask Swami directly if the operation should be done or not. Swami's reply was definite: 'She is getting better and will soon be completely well. There is no need for such an operation.'
The news came back to Greenacre quickly, and immediately it was decided, to the great relief of Mayan, and indeed to all concerned, that there would be no operation. The family felt confident now that nothing was needed but Swami's power, coming through the Vibhuti, to bring Mayan's platelets up to normal, and so create a perfectly healthy blood picture.
But though climbing, the platelets were not normal when my wife and I left for India early in 1978. However, before we had an opportunity to speak to Swami about the case, we received a letter from grandmother Pearl, telling us that Mayan's last blood test, given after we left had shown her platelet count up to normal - in fact, at 174,000, it was better than normal.
The child was completely cured of her 'incurable' disease. Early the next year Jack and Pearl did what he had declared he would do even before the treatment had begun. They came, bringing the two granddaughters, to thank Swami personally for the wonderful, miraculous cure. The family also, at the end, told the specialist in charge of the case that sacred Vibhuti had been substituted for the drugs he had prescribed. He was not so shocked as they had expected.
In fact, he said: 'I thought it must be something like that as there were no side-effects.' Then he added, 'My mother believes in spiritual healing.' The doctor kindly gave the family all the figures of Mayan's blood tests as documentary evidence. He also agreed to accept a copy of the book, ‘SaiBaba: Man of Miracles’.
When Pearl handed it to him, she said: 'now don't let it just lie on the shelf; read it, and then pass it on to somebody else. If you feel you don't want to read it, please send it back to me.' It has never come back.
Source :
“Sai Baba: Invitation To Glory” by Mr. Howard Murphet. Page: 33-41. Published by Macmillan India Ltd, 1982.

Sai Ram - How the faith of little Mayan gave her a new life
Howard Murphet and his wife Iris met the Harrison family in 1976 and through them could see the unfolding of ‘a great Australian miracle’. For a detailed account of this incident, over to Howard Murphet:
Early in 1976 in Australia my wife and I became acquainted with Pearl Harrison, a retired secretary of the medical faculty of a university in Sydney. At first we thought this seemed to be just a chance meeting, but later we wondered.
At that time the manuscript of my book ‘Sai Baba Avatar’, after much rewriting, was ready for the final, publisher's draft. Pearl, although busy with volunteer welfare work, expressed a desire to type the manuscript. Why she should have this desire she did not understand, but she does now.
Anyway, arrangements were made for her to do the typing, and thus she was introduced to the miracles of Sathya Sai Baba. One of her two grand daughters, eight-year-old Mayan Waynberg would, at times, help Pearl by reading aloud the material to be typed. While the grandmother felt sceptical about the miracles, the granddaughter accepted them without question. To the child they seemed quite natural.
The typing of the first few chapters had been completed when Mayan, who had lately been looking very pale and had been bruising too easily, was taken to a doctor for a blood test. The doctor was appalled at the results. He phoned Mayan's mother, Helen Waynberg, and strongly advised that the child should be collected from her school and taken home to rest without delay. He also made immediate arrangements for her to be given a bone-marrow test at the Prince of Wales Hospital in Sydney.
At this stage the family became very worried indeed. Pearl told me about it when I called to find out how the typing was progressing. I could see she was afraid, very afraid, that her little granddaughter might have some drastic, killer disease, like leukemia. It proved not to be leukemia, but something equally lethal - aplastic anaemia, in which the bone-marrow fails to produce the vital blood components in sufficient quantity to maintain health and life.
Her blood picture at that time showed the haemoglobin count at less than half normality, the white components of the blood about a third the normal level and the platelets way down to one-fifteenth of the normal count. Mayan was put under the care of a specialist who told her mother that the only treatment was the use of certain drugs, one a male hormone named Prednisolone and another, Fluoxymesterone.
From both of these, distressing side effects could be expected, such as stunting the child's growth, causing puffiness and obesity, hair growth on the face while causing baldness on the head. The patient would need to have constant blood and bone marrow tests to monitor her condition. As Mayan had a deep phobia about needles piercing her skin and blood vessels, this was a frightful ordeal for her and everyone else concerned.
But the most tragic part of the situation was that, after going through this treatment and suffering its side effects, she would still not be cured. The best that could be expected was a few more years of life, with very limited activity. The drug therapy was not a cure, the elders were told; all it could do was to delay the inevitable for a time. No one could say how long that period would be.
In this sad situation Pearl thought about the Sai miracles she had been typing. She writes:
“I must admit to complete lack of faith in religion, considering myself a Jewess by tradition but not by observance. I had typed about many miracles that Sai Baba had performed, and had thought how interesting it all sounded intellectually, but had not this dreadful illness occurred to my own granddaughter, I might have let it go at that.
Then it was as if my mind suddenly opened with a jerk, and I began to think that perhaps there was something real in all I had typed. Howard and Iris Murphet were most concerned when I told, them about Mayan. They said they would bring some Vibhuti over and Mayan could start taking it immediately.”
It has often been said and written that Sai Baba is specially interested in anyone in whom his devotees are interested. So the link was there. Yet, I remembered him saying emphatically that two necessary ingredients of divine healing are faith and surrender. Could we find such ingredients in this Sydney suburban home, where no one seemed to have religious or spiritual interests, and Sai Baba was a remote, almost fictional, figure in a far-off foreign country?
Well, we could but try. To Mayan I said earnestly, 'You must really and truly believe in the power of Sai Baba!'
'Oh, but I do', she replied, and in the way she said it I sensed the simple, child-like faith that Christ had put of first importance.
A little later, Grandfather Jack Harrison made me feel that he too may be fertile soil for faith. He said, standing in the garden of their home, 'I am going to India as soon as I can to thank Sai Baba for curing Mayan.' He did not say, 'If he cures her.' The Sai treatment had hardly begun, yet he seemed to have no doubts about its effectiveness.
We may be born with faith, that inner certainty of the omnipotent Supreme, or we may acquire it, but we can never acquire it through reasoning and logic. In fact, the reasoning mind can be a handicap, blocking the birth of the deeper knowledge that men call faith.
Grandmother Pearl had her intellectual barriers but a very warm heart. Mother Helen was non-committal. Judging by her talk, she was atheistic but she was willing to try the Vibhuti treatment. We kept assuring the family of the importance of prayer - constant prayer. They agreed to pray to Swami for His help. My wife and I prayed to Him fervently and regularly.
There was, however, an urgent question to be answered. We knew from studying many cases that Swami sometimes cures people through drugs prescribed by doctors, while preventing any bad side effects. Sometimes, on the other hand, He will not let drugs be used at all. What would be His Will in the case of Mayan?
The only way to be sure was to ask Him. In the meantime, we thought, it would be best to let the child start the drug therapy, particularly as the doctors had said that no side-effects would become evident for about three months. We had to find some way of asking Swami the vital question as soon as possible. He must be asked directly.
By a stroke of good fortune, our friend Lynette Penrose was about to set off on a visit to Sai Baba. Incidentally, it had been in Lynette's home in Balmain that we first began Sai meetings in Sydney. Lynette agreed to take to Swami a photograph of Mayan, and letters asking the vital question about drug treatment. We hoped, moreover, that she would have the opportunity of asking Him this question, herself, orally. She went off to India, and we all eagerly awaited word from her. It was not long before an airmail letter arrived.
Lynette told us that she had been granted an interview and had given the photograph and letters to Swami. When He looked at the photograph, she wrote, 'His face had become very, very soft and compassionate.' About the drug therapy His reply was, 'No, no drugs, just Vibhuti in water twice a day.'
Pearl Harrison writes: 'When this message came back, we had to decide whether to take her off the drugs and give her Vibhuti only.'
Mayan made up our minds for us. She said, 'If Sai Baba says I should not take drugs, then I won't take them.'
So after just three weeks on the drugs, she went off them and took nothing but Vibhuti from then on. This was putting complete faith in the healing power of someone no member of the family had ever seen, except in photographs.
We felt some responsibility as we had been the channel through which they had heard of Sai Baba. All we could do was to hold fast to our own trust and faith in the Lord. Then we thought of something that might help at the receiving end of the divine healing ray. We suggested that they start holding Sathya Sai meetings at the Harrison home in Greenacre. They readily agreed to this, and their house in Latvia Street became the second centre opened in Sydney for Bhajans and study.
The meetings were a success from the start, people coming from all parts of the metropolitan area, and from distant places in the Blue Mountains and the south coast. Soon Jack Harrison decided to convert his large garage into a Sai temple, buying a new carport to shelter his car. Within the Sai temple, lined and decorated with the help of devotees, a beautiful shrine was erected. The place acquired a sacred atmosphere and the size of the group expanded. It was surprising to see, both at the Greenacre temple and at Balmain, how quickly and wholeheartedly the Australians took to singing Bhajans.
Many learned to lead (the Bhajans), the child Mayan being one of them. Mayan's health was soon showing a steady improvement. The family decided it might be better to let the doctors think, for the time being, that Mayan was taking their drugs. Every two weeks she was given a blood test at the hospital, and the medical people were delighted at the results. No doubt they were surprised too.
There was a dramatic rise in her red blood cell count, a good improvement in the number of white cells, and the platelet count was creeping upwards. After a few months of the Sai Vibhuti treatment, with no medical assistance whatever, the red and white cell count was back to normal. The doctors then decided that tests could be taken every two months only, instead of every two weeks as before.
Her platelets, in these tests, showed a rise of about 10,000 every two months. The doctors had earlier examined Mayan's sister, Alona, who is about a year the senior, for bone-marrow compatibility with that of Mayan. When the results were known, and it was found that the sister's bone-marrow was compatible, they advised a bone-marrow graft.
Even though Mayan's condition was showing satisfactory improvement, the platelets were still far from normal, and it was felt that such a graft would help in arresting the disease. Thus another question was posed to the family and to us - should the operation be performed?
Fortunately another Australian devotee, just leaving at this time for Puttaparti, was able to ask Swami directly if the operation should be done or not. Swami's reply was definite: 'She is getting better and will soon be completely well. There is no need for such an operation.'
The news came back to Greenacre quickly, and immediately it was decided, to the great relief of Mayan, and indeed to all concerned, that there would be no operation. The family felt confident now that nothing was needed but Swami's power, coming through the Vibhuti, to bring Mayan's platelets up to normal, and so create a perfectly healthy blood picture.
But though climbing, the platelets were not normal when my wife and I left for India early in 1978. However, before we had an opportunity to speak to Swami about the case, we received a letter from grandmother Pearl, telling us that Mayan's last blood test, given after we left had shown her platelet count up to normal - in fact, at 174,000, it was better than normal.
The child was completely cured of her 'incurable' disease. Early the next year Jack and Pearl did what he had declared he would do even before the treatment had begun. They came, bringing the two granddaughters, to thank Swami personally for the wonderful, miraculous cure. The family also, at the end, told the specialist in charge of the case that sacred Vibhuti had been substituted for the drugs he had prescribed. He was not so shocked as they had expected.
In fact, he said: 'I thought it must be something like that as there were no side-effects.' Then he added, 'My mother believes in spiritual healing.' The doctor kindly gave the family all the figures of Mayan's blood tests as documentary evidence. He also agreed to accept a copy of the book, ‘SaiBaba: Man of Miracles’.
When Pearl handed it to him, she said: 'now don't let it just lie on the shelf; read it, and then pass it on to somebody else. If you feel you don't want to read it, please send it back to me.' It has never come back.
Source :
“Sai Baba: Invitation To Glory” by Mr. Howard Murphet. Page: 33-41. Published by Macmillan India Ltd, 1982.