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viernes, 18 de mayo de 2018


Shirdi Sai - Parthi Sai_Vida de Sathya Sai Baba_Cap 49.

“Tattva Sameeksha”_"Trabajar para Dios es una oportunidad; trabajar con Dios es un honor"._07-05-2018.

La imagen puede contener: 14 personas, personas sonriendo, personas de pie, océano, cielo, exterior, agua y naturaleza

- Sri Madhusudan Naidu en 'Tattva Sameeksha' (7 de mayo de 2018), Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli.

('Tattva Sameeksha' es una sesión de charla del lunes por la tarde por eminentes oradores a los residentes del Ashram de Sathya Sai Grama en Muddenahalli).

"Trabajar para Dios es una oportunidad; trabajar con Dios es un honor"

En los últimos tiempos, cuando estábamos en Fiji, lo que pasó fue muy interesante e importante cuando Swami estaba hablando con el Dr. Krupali Tapoo que había sido instrumento en la construcción del centro médico Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani en el corazón de Suva, en persona trece semanas desde el inicio hasta su terminación.

Haciendo un poco de historia acerca de este centro médico gratuito único, en el sagrado nombre de Swami. Swami les dijo hace seis meses, durante su visita anterior a Fiji, que volvería el 24 de abril de 2018 y que sería un día memorable, lleno de nuevos comienzos, ¡sin fin!. Y que quería que este Centro Médico funcionara ese día en particular. Obviamente, en Fiji, que es propenso a los ciclones, las normas de construcción son muy estrictas, los cimientos de los edificios deben ser mucho más fuertes y profundos, y el tipo de país Fiji es, muy lento, todo el procesamiento de una sola aplicación en sí misma. toma muchos días y semanas. También deben obtener mano de obra calificada de Australia o Nueva Zelanda.

Todo fue un desafío para el pequeño equipo. Pero ellos dijeron, '¡Swami! ¡Dijiste esto y lo haremos! "Sin embargo, en el momento en que el grupo se sentó; debatieron si realmente podrían hacerlo en tan poco tiempo. Incluso sugirieron reducir esto y lo otro. Pero el hermano Sumeet Tappoo, el esposo de la Dra. Krupali se mantuvo firme en sus armas, 'No.., deberíamos entregar algo que valga llevar el nombre de Sathya Sai Baba. Debe ser de esa calidad ". 

Entonces, todos trabajaron duro durante todo el día y finalmente lo que surgió fue simplemente maravilloso. Swami estaba muy feliz y dijo durante la inauguración: 'Si alguien entra a este edificio, se le asegurará que su salud será restaurada porque está muy bien hecho. Hay calidad aquí, hay belleza aquí. Los doctores también serán buenos aquí, porque el edificio mismo infunde ese tipo de confianza en las personas que ingresan. "Es por eso que los edificios de Swami son siempre únicos. En el momento en que entras, te sientes tan inspirado. Te sientes elevado. Eso soluciona la mitad del problema, el resto lo hace el médico.

Volviendo a la historia principal, en la noche, la Dra. Krupali (la esposa de Sumeet), mientras le servía comida a Swami, dijo con lágrimas: "Muchas gracias, Swami, por esta oportunidad". Bueno, ahora que lo pienso, ella realmente agradeció a ¡Swami por todo el trabajo agotador, noches sin dormir, ansiedad y tensión.! Swami respondió: "Trabajar para Dios es una oportunidad; trabajar con Dios es un honor ".

Trabajar para Dios como Su siervo es definitivamente una oportunidad. Pero Él simplemente lo actualizó para todos, al decir que trabajar con Dios es un honor. Estar de su lado y hacer cosas con Èl como su pueblo, es un honor. Todos tenemos oportunidades y las estamos utilizando. Pero en realidad es un honor cuando te vuelves como Él, te conviertes en Él y comienzas a hacer lo que Él hace. De repente, tu mundo cambia, todo se ve diferente. Él dijo: 'Tú trabajas conmigo. No trabajes para Mí '. Él les dijo: "Quédense conmigo". Todos trabajaremos juntos '.

¿No dice Èl: 'No camines delante de Mí, Yo no puedo seguirte. No camines detrás de Mí, Yo no puedo liderar. Camina conmigo, camina conmigo ".

Él nos está eligiendo para caminar con Él, para honrarnos, darnos este gran privilegio de ser Sus colegas, ser compañeros de Dios. Eso es lo que nos ha sucedido, consciente o inconscientemente; merecida o inmerecidamente; no sabemos Él sabe. 
Ninguna razón en la tierra debería hacernos renunciar a esta gran oportunidad de trabajar con Él como si fuéramos Èl mismo. 

¡Qué gran honor! ¡Qué gran honor!


Fuente: Sai Vrinda
Traduc_Centro Sai Hispano


Sri Madhusudan Naidu at 'Tattva Sameeksha' (May 7, 2018), Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli.

('Tattva Sameeksha' is a Monday evening Talk session by eminent speakers to the Ashram residents of Sathya Sai Grama in Muddenahalli).

“To work for God is an opportunity; to work with God is an honour.”

In recent times, when we were in Fiji, what happened was very interesting and important when Swami was talking to Dr. Krupali Tappoo who had been instrumental in the construction of Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani medical center in the heart of Suva, in straight thirteen weeks from concept to completion.

A little background about this unique free medical centre in Swami’s sacred name. Swami told them six months before during His previous visit to Fiji, that He would come back on April 24, 2018 and would make it a memorable day, full of new beginnings, no ends! And that He wanted this medical center up and running on that particular day. Obviously, in Fiji, which is prone to cyclones, the construction norms are very stringent, the foundations of the buildings need to be far stronger and deeper, and the kind of country Fiji is, very slow, the whole processing of a single application itself takes many days and weeks. They also have to get skilled labour from Australia or New Zealand. Everything was a challenge for the little team. But they said, ‘Swami! You said this, and we will do it!’ However, the moment the group sat together; they debated whether they could really do it in such a short time. They even suggested scaling down this and that. But Brother Sumeet Tappoo, Dr Krupali’s husband stuck to his guns, ‘No, we should deliver something that is worth carrying the name of Sathya Sai Baba. It should be of that quality’. So, everybody worked hard round the clock and finally what came up was simply wonderful. Swami was very happy and He said during inauguration, ‘If anyone walks into this building, they will be assured that their health will be restored because, it is so well done. There is quality here, there is beauty here. Doctors also will be good here, because the building itself infuses that kind of confidence in people who walk in.’ That’s why Swami’s buildings are always unique. The moment you walk in, you feel so inspired. You feel elevated. That itself solves half the problem, the rest doctor does.

Back to the main story, in the evening, Dr Krupali (Sumeet’s wife), while serving food to Swami, said with tears, “Thank you so much Swami, for this opportunity.” Well, come to think of it, she actually thanked Swami for all the back breaking work, sleepless nights, anxiety and tension! Swami responded, “To work for God is an opportunity ; to work with God is an honour.”

To work for God as His servant is definitely an opportunity. But He just upgraded them all by saying, to work with God is an honour. To be on His side and do things with Him as His people, is an honour. We all have opportunities and we are utilizing it. But it is actually an honour when you become like Him, become Him and start doing as He does. Suddenly, your world changes, everything looks different. He said, ‘You work with Me. Don’t work for Me’. He told them, ‘Be with Me. We will all work together’.

Does He not say, ‘Don’t walk ahead of Me, I may not follow. Don’t walk behind Me, I may not lead. Walk with Me, walk with Me’.

He is choosing us to walk with Him to honour us, to give us this great privilege of being His colleagues, to be peers of God. That is what has come our way, knowingly or unknowingly; deservedly or undeservedly; we don’t know. He knows. No reason on earth should make us forego this great opportunity to work with Him as His own. What an honour! What an honour!


SOURCE: Sai Vrinda

Ananda Vahini - Número Ciento Veintiseis - 17 de mayo, 2018_Ananda Vahini - Issue One Hundred And Twenty Six - May 17, 2018.

Número ciento veintiseis - 17 de mayo de 2018
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La verdad es que Swami está siempre presente. Él está en todos los lugares, en todo momento, de todas las formas posibles en que puedas encontrarlo. No hay ningún lugar donde Swami no esté allí. Es cuestión de nosotros tratar de encontrarlo. Y, por lo tanto, encuéntralo en el servicio a los demás, encuéntralo en la alegría que le das a los demás cuando sirves a los demás. En esa alegría, en esa felicidad se encuentra la felicidad de Swami.    -Baba

Con las bendiciones de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, nos complace presentar nuestro número ciento veintiséis de Ananda Vahini. El boletín semanal incluye reflexiones interesantes y breves extractos de los eventos de la semana. En este número, les traemos la primera parte del Retiro de verano de Bhagavan en Kodaikanal del 10 de mayo al 20 de mayo de 2018.    

En VISION INTERIOR de esta semana  , el hermano Madhusudan Naidu comparte un momento interesante que sucedió entre el Señor y un devoto en Kodaikanal. 

- Equipo de Comunicaciones Sathya Sai Grama.

Por Sri Madhusudan Naidu

Recogiendo frutas        
Después de la sesión del almuerzo en el comedor de Kodaikanal, cuando Swami regresaba a su habitación, distribuyó manzanas a todos los devotos que flanqueaban el sendero rojo. 

Al ver esto, un devoto comentó alegremente: "¡Oh! Swami está recogiendo frutos. " 

Swami sonrió y dijo:" ¡Sí! solo aquellos que son maduros, suaves y dulces y no verdes, duros y amargos. ¡Así como estos frutos, yo elijo a mis devotos también! " 

En un santiamén, Él había definido a Sus verdaderos devotos, los que iban a ser elegidos por Él, como maduros, dulces y suaves.¡Bien, el resto quedaría sin elegir.!    

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La palabra 'Kodaikanal' inmediatamente evoca un refugio fresco de verano en el regazo de la Madre Naturaleza. Pero para los devotos de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, connota el campo de juegos Divino, una especie de peregrinación anual, una tradición que comenzó hace muchas décadas.
 Kodaikanal es el lugar donde cada estudiante, personal y devoto siempre han querido acompañar a su Maestro, estar con Él y participar de ...
10 de mayo, tarde - La llegada de Bhagavan a Kodaikanal 
11 de mayo por la mañana - Public Satsang en progreso 
11 de mayo, tarde - Satsang en Hilltop Bungalow con los invitados, el personal y los estudiantes
Sri BN Narasimha Murthy dirigiéndose a la reunión 


Mayo 12 - Mañana.

Una mañana brillante y soleada volvió a asegurar que, poco después del desayuno, Swami iría caminando al Prayer Hall ( Salon d Plegarias), en lugar de llegar en automóvil. 
Y así fue, Swami caminó desde el Bungalow hasta el Salón de Oración. En realidad, uno ha llegado al punto de entender que solo hay uno, y no hay dos: Swami y el hermano Madhusudan.

 Entonces, cuando el hermano ...
12 de mayo por la mañana - Satsang público en progreso en Sri Sathya Sai Ananda Ashram Bhajan Hall
El hermano Ankit Kumar expresando su gratitud a Bhagawan
El Dr. Deekshith Shashidharan, un médico residente en el Instituto Waynad de Ciencias Médicas en Kerala compartiendo sus experiencias con Bhagawan
Discurso Divino 
12 de mayo, noche - Anand Sai, estudiante de 9 ° grado expresando su devoción y gratitud a Bhagawan 




Rudyard Kipling dijo: "Dios no puede estar en todas partes, por eso creó madres". Pero, poco se dio cuenta, de que Dios encarnaría en la forma humana y derramará el amor de mil madres de una sola vez, al mismo tiempo, a cada ser en el Universo. 
El 13 de mayo está dedicado a todas las Madres y se celebra como el "Día de las Madres", y aunque Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba ha recordado varias veces que no se trata de celebrar a la madre en un día en particular, ya que ...
Mañana - Interpretación de canciones de los devotos de Singapur 
Bhagavan junto con los devotos de Singapur 
Avi Gopinath, un estudiante de primer año de Pre University que comparte su historia de transformación 
Hermanos Avi Gopinath y Rishi Gopinath con Bhagawan 
El hermano Dev Archan de Singapur dirigiéndose a la audiencia 
Tarde - Distribución de saris por Bhagawan con motivo del Día de la Madre 
Una oferta musical especial en varios idiomas por parte de jóvenes, estudiantes, personal y devotos




Aunque llovió un poco la noche anterior, Swami se aseguró de que controlar las fuerzas de la naturaleza una vez más por la mañana, para que sus queridos estudiantes y devotos se mantuvieran secos y cómodos, especialmente los dedicados Seva Dals, o voluntarios, que administran incansablemente el ...

Mañana - sesión de fotos con el primer grupo de voluntarios 
Tarde Satsang en progreso
La Sra. Saima Rajasingham leyendo el poema "Belleza", de su composición de poemas 
Recital centelleante de piano del Sr. Dimitris Lambrianos

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* Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutha Prakashna *, Todos los derechos reservados. 

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Issue One Hundred and Twenty Six - May 17, 2018
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Truth is that Swami is ever present. He is in all places, at all times, in all possible ways you can find Him. There is no place where Swami is not there. It is the question of us trying to find Him. And therefore find Him in the service of others, find Him in the joy that you give others when you serve others. In that joy, in that happiness lies Swami’s happiness.    
With the Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we are delighted to present our One Hundred and Twenty Sixth issue of Ananda Vahini. The weekly newsletter includes interesting musings and short excerpts from the week's events.

In this issue, we bring you the first part of ongoing Bhagawan's Summer Retreat in Kodaikanal from May 10 to May 20, 2018.  

In this week's INNER VIEW, Brother Madhusudan Naidu shares an interesting moment which happened between the Lord and a devotee in Kodaikanal.

- Sathya Sai Grama Communications Team.
By Sri Madhusudan Naidu
Picking Fruits     
After the lunch session in the dining hall at Kodaikanal, as Swami was returning to His room, He distributed apples to all the devotees who were flanking the red path.

Seeing this a devotee remarked joyfully, “Oh! Swami is picking fruits.”

Swami smiled and said, “Yes! only those which are ripe, soft and sweet and not green, hard and bitter. Just as these fruits, I pick my devotees too!”

In a jiffy, He had defined His true devotees, the ones who were to be picked up by Him, as ripe, sweet and soft. Well, the rest were to remain unpicked!    

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MAY 10 AND MAY 11, 2018  

The word ‘Kodaikanal’ immediately conjures a cool summer retreat in the lap of Mother Nature. But for devotees of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, it connotes the Divine Playground, an annual pilgrimage of sorts, a tradition which commenced many decades ago. For Kodaikanal is the place where every student, staff and devotee have always wanted to accompany their Master, to be with Him and partake nuggets of spiritual lessons, as they come under His transformative influence.
On the morning of May 10, devotees from around the world, girl students and staff proceeded to the Bangalore Airport to join the Lord on a chartered plane to Madurai. Boys had already left the previous day with their teachers by bus, and were eagerly waiting for Bhagawan to welcome Him at Madurai. On the evening of May 8, the Lord called all the guests, students and staff who would accompany Him to Kodaikanal. He told everyone that the ten days for sure are not holidays, but ‘holy-days’, as it will be a time spent in the contemplation of God. Swami then lovingly handed over suitcases filled with goodies, from clothes to probably every single essential that would be required on the trip to His students, staff and also to some of the guests. Like it is always said, for a student of Sai, everything is taken care by the Divine Parent, from pin to plane!
After a brief delay due to a technical snag, the aircraft took off to Madurai. The technical snag actually turned out to be a blessing, as Swami walked down the aisle and distributed chocolates.....

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May 10, evening - Bhagawan's arrival to Kodaikanal 
May 11, morning - Public Satsang in progress 
May 11, evening - Satsang at Hilltop Bungalow with the guests, staff and students
Sri B N Narasimha Murthy addressing the gathering 
MAY 12, 2018   
A bright, sunny morning yet again ensured that soon after breakfast, Swami would walk to the Prayer Hall, instead of arriving by car. And so it was, Swami walked from the Bungalow down to the Prayer Hall. Actually, one has reached a point of understanding that there is only one, and no two – Swami and Brother Madhusudan. So when Brother Madhusudan walks, one assumes it is the way Swami is walking. This whole phenomenon of the subtle form is surely intriguing and mystifying to many, but as the days roll by one thing is certain and clear, this is something for the heart, and can never be fathomed by the mind. The heart knows, and it sure does…as for how long can someone feign being able to see the Divine or communicate whatever He says! No way! And of course all the work that is going on around the world is sheer proof that NONE of them are even remotely and humanly thinkable!
Though the morning was sunny, a cool breeze did descend upon the Hill, and as Swami walked into the Prayer Hall, the soul stirring Bhajans seemed to caress the inner core of the being. The first speaker of the morning was Ankit Kumar. He joined the Institution few years ago and now on Swami’s command is pursing his Chartered Accountancy. He recalled some very emotional moments with Swami and offered his gratitude to the Lord for having picked him to serve at a Campus, which will be established in his home town in Bihar in the future.
The second speaker for the morning was Dr Deekshith Shashidharan, a resident doctor at Waynad Institute of Medical Sciences in Kerala, who has been an ardent devotee of Bhagawan since childhood. He narrated instances from his life, and thanked Swami profusely for being his guiding light with a pledge.....

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May 12, morning - Public Satsang in progress at Sri Sathya Sai Ananda Ashram Bhajan Hall
Brother Ankit Kumar expressing his gratitude to Bhagawan
Dr Deekshith Shashidharan, a resident doctor at Waynad Institute of Medical Sciences in Kerala sharing his experiences with Bhagawan
Divine Discourse 
May 12, evening - Anand Sai, Grade 9 student expressing his devotion and gratitude to Bhagawan 
MAY 13, 2018   
Rudyard Kipling said, “God cannot be everywhere, so He created mothers.” But little did he realise that God would incarnate in the human form and shower the love of a thousand mothers all at one go, at the same time, to every being in the Universe. May 13 is dedicated to all Mothers and celebrated as ‘Mothers Day’, and though Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba has reminded all several times that it is not about celebrating the mother on one particular day, as she needs to be celebrated every single day for all her sacrifices and selfless deeds, it is definitely a day to offer gratitude to the Divine Mother for all that she continues to do for her children in all worlds, out of Her compassion and mercy. So, an emotional morning was about to unfold, as Swami entered the Prayer Hall for the Public Satsang. From beautiful roses to cards, devotees and students were exuding their love for Bhagawan, the Jagan Matha, the source of all existence and sustenance of this creation!
The devotees of Singapore were all set and ready to offer a bouquet of songs at Bhagawan’s Lotus Feet. The songs heightened all emotions, and one could see even Bhagawan visibly moved and touched. Then, and now; physical or subtle, seeing the Lord cry touches the core of the heart, and stirs the soul. There was not a dry eye in the Hall, for every heart cried for its Divine Mother who was seated in front of them, in Her cosmic form. After a group photograph with His ‘Singapore Gang’ as He fondly calls them, Swami beckoned young Avi Gopinath, a student of First Year Pre University to address the gathering. He and his brother Rishi who hail from Canada joined....

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Morning - Rendition of songs by the devotees of Singapore 
Bhagawan along with the devotees of Singapore 
Avi Gopinath, a student of First Year Pre University sharing his story of transformation 
Brothers Avi Gopinath and Rishi Gopinath with Bhagawan 
Brother Dev Archan from Singapore addressing the audience 
Evening - Distribution of sarees by Bhagawan on the occassion of Mothers Day 
A special musical offering in various languages by youth, students, staff and devotees
MAY 14, 2018   
Though it rained a bit the previous night, Swami ensured that He controlled the forces of nature once again in the morning, so His dear students and devotees would stay dry and comfortable, especially the committed Seva Dals, or volunteers, who tirelessly manage the traffic outside Sri Sathya Sai Anand Ashram. Eternally equipped with a raincoat and umbrella, one can see the traffic management volunteers constantly on their walkie talkies, coordinating the movement of cars up and down the hill. Bless their souls, as forgetting rain, fog and the cold, they only want to ensure Swami’s guests are at ease. For ten days, they are busy doing their work, without even a glimpse of their beloved Bhagawan, but naturally pining to see Him. But of course, He is with them all the time, and on the last day before His departure, He rewards them amply and blesses them profusely!
So since it was a dry morning, soon after a few Bhajans at the Prayer Hall, Swami called for Mangala Arati, as He wanted all the guests and students to go sight seeing, and boating in the Kodai Lake. While everyone left as per His command, the merciful Lord clicked photographs with the first batch of staff, volunteers and guests who were leaving the next day. Choked with emotions, each person went up to Swami, while He lovingly gave them an envelope to go shopping, or ‘Marketing’ in His lingo. And as He did, some held back their tears of separation, while for others the flood gates....

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Morning - Photo session with the first batch of volunteers 
Evening Satsang in progress
Ms Saima Rajasingham reading out the poem 'Beauty', from her composition of poems 
Scintillating Piano recital by Mr Dimitris Lambrianos
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