Actualizado Sábado, 27 de agosto 2011 - 19:58Hrs. IST
"Mi vida es mi mensaje" es probablemente la frase más poderosa de Bhagavan, que siempre vivió su vida como un ejemplo para la humanidad. El respeto a la madre, la madre tierra y la lengua materna se encuentran entre los altos principios que practicó y enseñó.
Por lo tanto, Bhagavan siempre animó a sus estudiantes a aprender las artes populares de la tierra.
La presentación de Burrakatha en Prashanti tiene un significado especial, ya que, en muchas ocasiones, fue Bhagavan quien pidió las misma, seleccionando el tema y el título por sí mismo.
El arte popular de Andhra Pradesh, se ha ganado el estatus de "Folklore Divino ', ganando la atención y la gracia de Bhagavan.

La Burra Katha se centra en presentar las cosas serias de una manera fácil y con un toque de humor. Se compone de tres artistas, uno de los Kathakudu (historiador), el Rajakiya (analista político) y el Hasyaka (humorista). El trío, son estudiantes de la Universidad de Sri Sathya Sai, Prabhakar Sai, Aravind Sai y Raghuram Sai (Postgrado de la Universidad), y tienen la bendición de ser los 'creadores', y ser el primer grupo de estudiantes burrakatha, que han mostrando sus habilidades en el arte distintivo, con las bendiciones constantes, orientación y aliento de Bhagavan.
La Burra Katha se centra en presentar las cosas serias de una manera fácil y con un toque de humor. Se compone de tres artistas, uno de los Kathakudu (historiador), el Rajakiya (analista político) y el Hasyaka (humorista). El trío, son estudiantes de la Universidad de Sri Sathya Sai, Prabhakar Sai, Aravind Sai y Raghuram Sai (Postgrado de la Universidad), y tienen la bendición de ser los 'creadores', y ser el primer grupo de estudiantes burrakatha, que han mostrando sus habilidades en el arte distintivo, con las bendiciones constantes, orientación y aliento de Bhagavan.
Prasanthi ha sido testigo de varios de estas sesiones burrakatha en los últimos tres años, y de la presentación de incidentes épicos, en la presencia divina. El trío ha sido entrenado por el señor Krishna Bhaskar de BHEL, que tuvo la rara bendición de llevar a cabo sesiones de burrakatha para Bhagavan durante los primeros años.
Esta tarde, los estudiantes interpretaron el tema "Yuga avatar Sai". Haciendo un recuento, de la bendición de ser su contemporáneo, y jugar un pequeño papel en su misión; los estudiantes narraron la historia bendita del Nacimiento del Señor y de su esplendor sin igual.
Esta tarde, los estudiantes interpretaron el tema "Yuga avatar Sai". Haciendo un recuento, de la bendición de ser su contemporáneo, y jugar un pequeño papel en su misión; los estudiantes narraron la historia bendita del Nacimiento del Señor y de su esplendor sin igual.
La presentación fue muy hermoso, suavemente llevo al público a través de la historia, su historia, con muy oportuno interludios cómicos, interpretaciones astutas y melodiosas canciones.
El programa concluyó a las 18:00hrs, seguido por bhajans y el Arati. Prasadam fue distribuido a toda la asamblea.

El programa concluyó a las 18:00hrs, seguido por bhajans y el Arati. Prasadam fue distribuido a toda la asamblea.

Updated Saturday, Aug 27, 2011 - 19:58Hrs. IST
"My Life is His Message" is probably the most powerful quote of Bhagawan who always lived His life as an example for humanity. Respect to the mother, mother land and mother tongue were among the high principles he practised and taught. Therefore Bhagawan always encouraged his students to learn the folk arts of the land. Burrakatha sessions in Prasanthi hold a special significance, as, on most occasions, it is Bhagawan who 'demands' the same, selecting the theme and title by Himself. Ever since it’s grand entry into the precincts of Prasanthi Nilayam, this popular folk art of Andhra Pradesh has earned the status of ‘Divine Folklore’, earning the attention and grace of Bhagawan.

The Burra Katha focuses on presenting serious matters in an easily understandable manner with a touch of humour. It consists of three artistes, one the Kathakudu( Story Teller), the Rajakiya (Political Analyst) and the Hasyaka (Humourist).The trio, students from Sri Sathya Sai University, Sai Prabhakar, Aravind Sai and Sai Raghuram (Post Graduates of the University), blessed to be the ‘originators’ by being the first batch of burrakatha students, have been displaying their skills in the distinctive art with constant blessings, guidance and encouragements from Bhagawan. Prasanthi has witnessed number of such burrakatha sessions over the past three years, enacting epical incidents in the Divine presence. The trio have been trained by Mr. Krishna Bhaskar from BHEL who had the rare blessing of conducting burrakatha sessions for Bhagawan during the early years.
This evening the students decided to perform on the theme "Yugaavatar Sai". Recounting the blessing of being His contemporary and playing a small role in His mission, the students narrated the blessed story of the Lord's Advent and His matchless splendor. The presentation was extremely beautiful gently taking the audience through history - His Story with well timed comic interludes, astute interpretations and melodious songs.
The programme concluded at 1800hrs followed by Bhajans and Arati. Prasadam was distributed to the assemblage.

Updated Saturday, Aug 27, 2011 - 19:58Hrs. IST
"My Life is His Message" is probably the most powerful quote of Bhagawan who always lived His life as an example for humanity. Respect to the mother, mother land and mother tongue were among the high principles he practised and taught. Therefore Bhagawan always encouraged his students to learn the folk arts of the land. Burrakatha sessions in Prasanthi hold a special significance, as, on most occasions, it is Bhagawan who 'demands' the same, selecting the theme and title by Himself. Ever since it’s grand entry into the precincts of Prasanthi Nilayam, this popular folk art of Andhra Pradesh has earned the status of ‘Divine Folklore’, earning the attention and grace of Bhagawan.
The Burra Katha focuses on presenting serious matters in an easily understandable manner with a touch of humour. It consists of three artistes, one the Kathakudu( Story Teller), the Rajakiya (Political Analyst) and the Hasyaka (Humourist).The trio, students from Sri Sathya Sai University, Sai Prabhakar, Aravind Sai and Sai Raghuram (Post Graduates of the University), blessed to be the ‘originators’ by being the first batch of burrakatha students, have been displaying their skills in the distinctive art with constant blessings, guidance and encouragements from Bhagawan. Prasanthi has witnessed number of such burrakatha sessions over the past three years, enacting epical incidents in the Divine presence. The trio have been trained by Mr. Krishna Bhaskar from BHEL who had the rare blessing of conducting burrakatha sessions for Bhagawan during the early years.
This evening the students decided to perform on the theme "Yugaavatar Sai". Recounting the blessing of being His contemporary and playing a small role in His mission, the students narrated the blessed story of the Lord's Advent and His matchless splendor. The presentation was extremely beautiful gently taking the audience through history - His Story with well timed comic interludes, astute interpretations and melodious songs.
The programme concluded at 1800hrs followed by Bhajans and Arati. Prasadam was distributed to the assemblage.