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viernes, 27 de abril de 2018

Ananda Vahini - Edicion ciento veintitrés - 26 de abril 2018.

Número ciento veintitrés: 26 de abril de 2018
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La gracia de Dios es como un paraguas que protege de la lluvia, es como un zapato que protege de piedras y espinas. Los malos tiempos no se pueden evitar. Es bueno y malo, día y noche, placer y dolor. Pero con la gracia de Dios, puedes atravesar los malos momentos con una sonrisa. ¡Ama a todos, sirve a todos y gana la gracia de Dios!

Con las bendiciones de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, estamos encantados de presentar nuestra ediciòn ciento veintidós   de Ananda Vahini. El boletín semanal incluye reflexiones interesantes y breves extractos de los eventos de la semana. 
En este número, presentamos un informe sobre la visita en curso de Bhagavan a Fiji entre el 20 de abril y el 1 de mayo de 2018.

En VISIÒN INTERIOR de esta semana, el hermano Madhusudan Naidu comparte un momento interesante que sucedió entre el Señor y los estudiantes.

- Equipo de Comunicaciones Sathya Sai Grama.

Por Sri Madhusudan Naidu

*Conquista interior *

Los estudiantes acababan de regresar de una visita a Atenas y Swami les preguntó: "¿Vieron la antigua Acrópolis?" 
"Sí", todos respondieron en coro. 
"¿Qué hay del Partenón?" 
"Sí, Swami. Incluso fuimos al antiguo museo ", agregaron los ...

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DEL 20 AL 23 DE ABRIL, 2018.

¡Sin embargo, otro viaje a Fiji en exactamente seis meses! Durante la visita de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba en la forma sutil, en septiembre de 2017, había realizado el auspicioso Bhoomi Puja para un Centro Médico, ¡y había querido que se construyera dentro de seis meses! Su única palabra es suficiente para que las familias devotas como los Tappoos en Fiji renuncien a todo lo demás y se aseguren de ...

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22 de abril - Satsang en la residencia Tappoo
Celebraciones de cumpleaños de Sri Mahendra Tappoo
23 de abril: evento Gift of Life
Una niña que se sometió a cirugía, expresando su gratitud al equipo
Niños celebrando 'Regalo de la vida', con Bhagawan

24 de abril de 2018 

Una dedicación, en este día.!

¡Una onza de acción es mucho más valiosa que una tonelada de palabras!

Durante su visita a Fiji hace seis meses, Swami enfatizó sobre la necesidad de pasar de la mera contemplación de su retrato decorado con flores marchitas y contemplar su pérdida ceremoniosamente, a hacer una diferencia en la vida de los necesitados, en su sagrado nombre , y así celebrar su guía y presencia continuas en las vidas de todos.

¡Y así se hizo hoy en Fiji.! ....

Bhagawan siendo bienvenido en el Centro Médico Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani
Revelando la placa
La pequeña Saisha Tappoo dando la bienvenida a la reunión
Hermano Rimal Tappoo con Swami
En la residencia del hermano Rajendra Kumar y su esposa Smt Varsha en la noche


Este cuerpo ha sido entregado para servir a otros. Además del servicio, si el cuerpo está siendo utilizado para cualquier otro trabajo, es una pérdida de la oportunidad de nacer como ser humano. El Seva que Swami comenzó en pequeña escala ahora se está extendiendo a todas partes del mundo en tantos continentes y países y esto lo están llevando a ...
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Issue One Hundred and Twenty Three - April 26, 2018
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God’s grace is like an umbrella which protects from rain, it is like a shoe which protects from stones and thorns. Bad times cannot be avoided. It is like good and bad, day and night, pleasure and pain. But with the grace of God, you can go through the bad times with a smile. Love all, serve all and win the grace of God! 
With the Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we are delighted to present our One Hundred and Twenty Third issue of Ananda Vahini. The weekly newsletter includes interesting musings and short excerpts from the week's events.

In this issue, we bring you a report on Bhagawan's ongoing visit to Fiji between April 20 and May 01, 2018. 

In this week's INNER VIEW, Brother Madhusudan Naidu shares an interesting moment which happened between the Lord and students.

- Sathya Sai Grama Communications Team.
By Sri Madhusudan Naidu
Inner Conquest 
The students had just returned from a sight seeing tour of Athens and Swami asked them, “Did you see the ancient Acropolis?”

“Yes”, all replied in chorus.

“What about the Parthenon?”

“Yes, Swami. We even went to the ancient museum”, added the students.

“Did you go to our Seva Centre?”, enquired a curious Swami.

This Seva Centre, named by Swami as Nectar of Love, was opened a year ago by Swami, which houses a conference room, offices, a radio studio and most importantly a community kitchen where the devotees and youth cook over 2000 meals for the refugees twice a week, and carry it all the way to their dwellings along with daily necessities and medicines.

“No Swami. We did not have enough time”, submitted the students apologetically.

Swami was a bit disappointed and He said, “Oh, then you have missed something important. While all that you saw were built by the emperors of the yore for conquering the world outside, our Seva Centre was built for the inner conquest, to win over our inner enemies of ego and attachments born out of our false sense of identity. You missed the most important mansion in Athens.”

Only when the host intervened and offered to take them to the centre next day, was Swami satisfied.

Recently He even revealed that He is travelling around the world and establishing these centres and ashrams because a day will come when tired and disappointed with outer illusions, the world will come looking for inner guidance and these centres will be the beacons of light, guiding the wandering ships of their misguided lives to the shore of sublime eternity.     
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APRIL 20 TO 23, 2018

Yet another trip to Fiji in exactly six months! During the visit of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in the subtle form, in September 2017, He had performed the auspicious Bhoomi Puja for a Medical Centre, and had willed it should be constructed within six months! His one word is enough for devoted families like the Tappoos in Fiji to resign everything else, and ensure His word is honoured and executed. And so Swami’s entourage which included Dr Satish Babu, his wife Dr Archana, his son Dhruv, set off on a very long flight across the Pacific Ocean to reach the Fiji Islands on April 20th. A connecting flight on the afternoon of April 21st, meant an overnight at Singapore. The entourage reached Nadi in the wee hours of April 22, and were driven to Suva. After a three-hour journey, everyone reached the residence of Sri Mahendra Tappoo. His wife Smt Maya Tappoo, and their entire family which included son Sumeet, daughter-in-law Dr Krupali, and daughter, little Saisha welcomed the entourage. It was a home coming for everyone, as the Tappoo family’s hospitality is to be experienced. Their daughter Sheetal, son-in-law Chetan Punja and their little son Siddhanth were also present, equally excited and exuding warmth! A traditional South Indian breakfast of Idli and Sambhar greeted everyone, thereafter Swami’s entourage headed back to their hotel to rest, only to emerge around 6 p.m. from their rooms. They were then driven to the Tappoo residence. As it was the 65th Birthday of Sri Mahendra Tappoo, close family and friends had gathered. Swami came out of His room amidst a soulful Bhajan ‘Pranava Swaroopa Pahi Gajanana’ by Sumeet. After a couple of Bhajans, Swami asked Sri Mahendra Tappoo to sing as well. A melodious singer, Mahen Bhai, as he is fondly called by everyone, sang the song ‘Aisa Do Vardan Prabhu’. Through the lyrics of the song, the singer asks God for a boon which would grant him the wish, that he would never....

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April 22 - Satsang at Tappoo residence 
Birthday celebrations of Sri Mahendra Tappoo
April 23 - Gift of Life event 
A little girl who underwent surgery, expressing her gratitude to the team
Children celebrating 'Gift of Life', with Bhagawan 
APRIL 24, 2018

A dedication on this day!
During His visit to Fiji six months ago, Swami roared about the need to move on from merely glooming over His portrait decorated with withering flowers, and contemplating His loss ceremoniously, to making a difference to the lives of those in need, in His sacred name, and thus celebrating His continuing guidance and presence in everybody’s lives.
And so it was done today in Fiji! 27 children stricken with critical congenital cardiac conditions, received a new lease of life through free surgical and interventional procedures by a global team of highly dedicated medical professionals lead by our own surgeons from Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani pediatric care hospitals in India, under the aegis of Sai Prema Foudndation of Fiji, to mark the ‘D’ date with new beginnings and not any ends!
“When I celebrate My birthday, I give gifts and not receive any, unlike others who do it to receive”, He proclaimed. “So should be the date of the physical departure observed with giving the gifts of hope and joy to those in distress”, added the Lord.
And again the joyful opportunity to render this task supreme came to the Sai Prema Foundation of Fiji, which apart from gifting 27 lives to children and thus their kith and kin, parted ways with the hands of the clock, and worked day and night, through sunshine and rains, hurricanes and hailstorms, to fulfill the word of their....

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Bhagawan being welcomed at Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Medical Centre 
Unveiling the plaque 
Little Saisha Tappoo welcoming the gathering 
Brother Rimal Tappoo with Swami 
At the residence of Brother Rajendra Kumar and his wife Smt Varsha in the evening 
This body has been given for service to others. Other than service if the body is being used for any other work, it is a waste of an opportunity to be born as a human being. The Seva that Swami started in a small way is now spreading to all parts of the world in so many continents and countries and this is being carried out by very pure-hearted devotees who are ready to sacrifice anything for Swami and to fulfill Swami’s command. For many, 24th April is a day when they mourn the loss of the most important person in their lives but truth is I have not come from anywhere, I don’t go anywhere. God does not have a birth or a growth or a death. He is constant, He is eternal, He is ever present. Such a God, such Divine is present in all beings as the very embodiment of Atman as the spirit. And therefore there is only birth and death for the body; Atman which is Divinity remains forever. And today what we see happening around the world is this Atman which is manifesting itself through the hands, heads and hearts of several devotees who are always ready to serve Swami.
We must spend all out time, energy, efforts in order to make somebody’s life better. Even a small Seva, even a kind act of speaking sweetly is also a good Seva which gives joy to others. Your look, your....

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