Dios a través de los ojos de un niño - experiencias de la infancia con Swami, por B.Aravind.

Preguntas sin respuesta...
Hay algunas cosas en la vida que nunca podremos encontrarle una respuesta. Y al experimentar el amor y la gracia de Swami ( Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba ), he descubierto muchas preguntas, para las que nadie puede dar una respuesta satisfactoria.
Episodio 1 - En mis sueños.
Me presentaron a Swami cuando estaba en Bangalore. Y después, nos mudamos a Mumbai. Tuve unos cuantos Darshans de Swami para entonces y esos fueron suficientes para inculcar en mí, el amor y la devoción por él. Yo había hecho un pequeño altar para Él en la cenefa encima de una ventana en mi habitación. Yo solía subirme a una tabla utilizando un taburete para luego colocar las flores en su fotografía durante la adoración .
Volviendo a las preguntas planteadas al principio del artículo, ahora estoy convencido de que no necesito saber todas las respuestas.
Preguntas sin respuesta...
Hay algunas cosas en la vida que nunca podremos encontrarle una respuesta. Y al experimentar el amor y la gracia de Swami ( Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba ), he descubierto muchas preguntas, para las que nadie puede dar una respuesta satisfactoria.
Algunas de ellas son:
"Todos son iguales ante los ojos de Dios. ¿Por qué entonces algunas personas parecen 'bendecidas', mientras que otros parecen "menos benditos?"
"¿En qué momento en el tiempo el Señor entra en la vida de uno?"
"¿Por qué Swami hace las cosas que él hace?"
"Todos son iguales ante los ojos de Dios. ¿Por qué entonces algunas personas parecen 'bendecidas', mientras que otros parecen "menos benditos?"
"¿En qué momento en el tiempo el Señor entra en la vida de uno?"
"¿Por qué Swami hace las cosas que él hace?"
Este artículo no tiene ninguna intención de profundizar en estas cuestiones. Por ahora, lo mejor es dejar estas preguntas sin respuesta. Sin embargo, habría que admitir que, cuando Swami entra en su vida o confiere una experiencia, no se lo puede perder.
Swami viene a la vida con todo el amor, grandeza, majestad, gracia y omnipresencia que son simplemente sobrecogedoras.
Recuerdo que mi padre me dijo una vez, "La gente es poseída por fantasmas. Es nuestra buena fortuna que hemos sido poseídos por Dios. Nuestras vidas son santificadas, ya que Él nunca nos dejará. Si un simple "fantasma" tiene poderes de posesión, imagine cuán poderosamente el Señor será capaz de hacer lo mismo! "
El relato que sigue es revivir algunos episodios interesantes a través del cual Swami entró en mi vida, se convirtió en el centro de mi vida y me convenció de su divinidad.
Hay tres episodios distintos de mi infancia recuerdo con mucha claridad.
Episodio 1 - En mis sueños.
Me presentaron a Swami cuando estaba en Bangalore. Y después, nos mudamos a Mumbai. Tuve unos cuantos Darshans de Swami para entonces y esos fueron suficientes para inculcar en mí, el amor y la devoción por él. Yo había hecho un pequeño altar para Él en la cenefa encima de una ventana en mi habitación. Yo solía subirme a una tabla utilizando un taburete para luego colocar las flores en su fotografía durante la adoración .
En la noche, tuve un sueño. Fue el primer sueño con Swami que recuerdo. En el sueño, Swami estaba caminando con mi madre por un camino cuando me reuní con ellos. Swami se volvió de repente y me tomo la muñeca derecha. La sostuvo muy apretada, pero no dijo nada. Después de un rato, él me soltó la muñeca y me dijo que volvería. Él siguió caminando junto con mi madre, Y desperté. Esta fue la primera vez que tuve un sueño con Swami. Sentí que de alguna manera tenía algún significado interno. Hoy sé que todos los sueños de Swami son verdaderos . No lo pensaba entonces! Así que me dirigí a mis padres y les narre el sueño. Ellos también deben haberse sorprendido porque tales cosas no habían sucedido en nuestra familia hasta el momento. Pero los dos estaban muy contentos de que yo tuviera el sueño.

La foto que adornaba mi altar ...
Fuente: aravindb1982
Por la mañana, cuando terminé de bañarme, de acuerdo con mi rutina diaria, me subí a la mesa para colocar flores a Swami. Cuando yo estaba poniendo las flores, yo no me di cuenta que mi hermana había entrado y tomo el taburete. Quería limpiar un ventilador de techo, parada sobre el taburete. Confiado simplemente baje y el taburete no estaba, por lo que tuve una caída. Me caí directamente sobre mi mano derecha y me genero un dolor intenso en mi muñeca derecha. Mis padres pensaron que me había roto la muñeca. Rápidamente fuimos a un médico que dijo: "Tú tienes suerte jovencito ! Tu no has sufrido ninguna fractura. Sólo descansa tu muñeca por un día y debería estar bien. "
La foto que adornaba mi altar ...
Fuente: aravindb1982
Por la mañana, cuando terminé de bañarme, de acuerdo con mi rutina diaria, me subí a la mesa para colocar flores a Swami. Cuando yo estaba poniendo las flores, yo no me di cuenta que mi hermana había entrado y tomo el taburete. Quería limpiar un ventilador de techo, parada sobre el taburete. Confiado simplemente baje y el taburete no estaba, por lo que tuve una caída. Me caí directamente sobre mi mano derecha y me genero un dolor intenso en mi muñeca derecha. Mis padres pensaron que me había roto la muñeca. Rápidamente fuimos a un médico que dijo: "Tú tienes suerte jovencito ! Tu no has sufrido ninguna fractura. Sólo descansa tu muñeca por un día y debería estar bien. "
En el camino de vuelta a casa, todos nosotros estábamos discutiendo mi sueño con gran alegría y entusiasmo, cuando Swmai tomo fuertemente mi muñeca derecha. Esa fue la primera vez que cerré los ojos y agradecí a Swami. Mi amor por él creció y mi fe en Él se fortaleció. Su amor por mí era como el de una madre, no es de extrañar que estaba con mi madre en ese sueño!
Episodio 2 - Dios siempre está mirando.
La televisión por cable en general y de la red Star TV en particular, muestran las cosas que"suceden" en la India. (1991-92) Fue el comienzo de la era de la "televisión adictiva", a la que se refiere Swami como Tele Visham (veneno transmitido a través de la tele).
Episodio 2 - Dios siempre está mirando.
La televisión por cable en general y de la red Star TV en particular, muestran las cosas que"suceden" en la India. (1991-92) Fue el comienzo de la era de la "televisión adictiva", a la que se refiere Swami como Tele Visham (veneno transmitido a través de la tele).
Había adquirido una locura por ver WWF - lucha libre - con mis amigos. WWF (ahora WWE cambió cuando el Fondo Mundial para la Naturaleza protestó contra el uso de las mismas letras, engañando a la gente) era lo que discutíamos durante el recreo en la escuela.
Había cientos de WWF juegos de cartas y juegos de mesa. Cada uno de nosotros teníamos nuestros "héroes" a quien nos queríamos parecer. Mi madre no estaba del todo contenta con esto (y con razón). Ella me dijo que tenía que dejar de ver cosas tan violenta. Le rogué a ella que me deje ver durante media hora todos los días, pero fue en vano.
Un día, tuve una oportunidad magnífica. Mi madre se había dormido en la tarde. Mi padre había ido a la oficina y mi hermana estaba en la escuela. El horario del programa era a las 2:30 pm - WWF estaría empezando en cualquier momento. Me tentó.
Poco a poco cerré la puerta del dormitorio de mi madre. Entonces, fui a la televisión y baje el volumen a cero (era un control manual en un televisor viejo). Entonces fui a encender el interruptor principal de encendido.
Yo no sabía que Swami sabe las cosas en directo . SAI BABA TV ( SAI BABA TeVe).
Cuando mi dedo tocó el interruptor para encenderlo, algo me golpeó en la mano. Me sorprendí y retire instintivamente mi mano. Me preguntaba qué era lo que me había golpeado. Cuando lo vi, era una enorme flor que había sido colocada en la fotografía de Swami, que también estaba en la misma pared que el switch. En la foto aparece Swami mirando directamente con una sonrisa que todo lo sabe. Tuve mucho miedo. Sentí que Swami me estaba diciendo, "Estoy viendo siempre".

El cuadro en la pared, cerca del interruptor de la televisión desde que él estaba viendo ...
Fuente: aravindb1982
Yo no encendí la televisión - ni vi a WWF después de eso. Tan pronto como mi madre se despertó fui a ella, la abrase y le narre el episodio. Ella simplemente sonrió y me abrazó de nuevo. Ese día, me di cuenta de que Dios no era sólo amor de madre, sino también disciplina de Padre.
Episodio 3 - Swami se encarga de nosotros, incluso antes de que oremos por su intervención.
Esta fue otra experiencia onírica que siguió de cerca a las dos anteriores. A estas alturas, estábamos convencidos como familia, que Swami era el Señor todopoderoso y todo amor, el cuidaba de nosotros siempre. En estos días, tuve un sueño. En ese sueño, Swami me aconsejó no ir a la escuela al día siguiente. Cuando me desperté por la mañana, lo primero que hice fue decirle a mis padres que yo no iba a ir a la escuela. Entonces les dije que Swami me había dicho que no vaya a la escuela. Mi madre estaba en duda. Este parece un niño perfectamente normal y saludable, diciendo que no iba a ir a la escuela. Pero también decía que Swami lo dijo.
El cuadro en la pared, cerca del interruptor de la televisión desde que él estaba viendo ...
Fuente: aravindb1982
Yo no encendí la televisión - ni vi a WWF después de eso. Tan pronto como mi madre se despertó fui a ella, la abrase y le narre el episodio. Ella simplemente sonrió y me abrazó de nuevo. Ese día, me di cuenta de que Dios no era sólo amor de madre, sino también disciplina de Padre.
Episodio 3 - Swami se encarga de nosotros, incluso antes de que oremos por su intervención.
Esta fue otra experiencia onírica que siguió de cerca a las dos anteriores. A estas alturas, estábamos convencidos como familia, que Swami era el Señor todopoderoso y todo amor, el cuidaba de nosotros siempre. En estos días, tuve un sueño. En ese sueño, Swami me aconsejó no ir a la escuela al día siguiente. Cuando me desperté por la mañana, lo primero que hice fue decirle a mis padres que yo no iba a ir a la escuela. Entonces les dije que Swami me había dicho que no vaya a la escuela. Mi madre estaba en duda. Este parece un niño perfectamente normal y saludable, diciendo que no iba a ir a la escuela. Pero también decía que Swami lo dijo.
¿Está "utilizando"a Swami a su favor porque él tiene otros planes para hoy?.
Entonces ella me preguntó: "¿ Swami realmente te dijo que no vayas a la escuela?" . Fue en un tono y una mirada que nunca había visto en mi vida !. Pero yo no tenía necesidad de mentir ahora! ..."¡Sí! ... Él me dijo que no fuera a la escuela ", le respondí con mucha confianza. Eso fue suficiente para convencer a mi madre, y mi hermana se puso muy celosa!
El mismo día, a las pocas horas de tomar el desayuno, desarrolle fiebre. La temperatura se elevó más por la tarde, había sido diagnosticado con varicela!.
Una vez más, ofrecimos nuestra gratitud a Swami.
Volviendo a las preguntas planteadas al principio del artículo, ahora estoy convencido de que no necesito saber todas las respuestas.
Y es que no hay "respuestas correctas" - sólo "preguntas correctas".
La respuesta de mi corazón es que todo lo que sucede es para nuestro bien solamente. Y con esa respuesta, he vivido hasta ahora - Estoy seguro de que ' voy a vivir feliz para siempre también, porque Swami ha dicho que tal aceptación de todo como bueno, constituye una verdadera entrega .
God through the eyes of a child - Childhood experiences with Swami, by B.Aravind.

'Unanswerable' questions...
There are some things in life for which we can never find an answer. And experiencing the Love and Grace of Swami (Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba), I have discovered many such questions for which nobody can ever provide a satisfactory answer. Some of these are,
“All are equal in the eyes of God. Why then do some people seem ‘blessed’ while others seem ‘less-blessed’?”
“At what point in time does the Lord enters one’s life?”
“Why does Swami do the things that He does?”
This article is not any attempt to delve into those questions. For now, it is best to leave these questions unanswered. However, one would have to admit, when Swami does enter one’s life or confers an experience, you just cannot miss it. Swami comes into your life with all the Love, Grandeur, Majesty, Grace and Omnipresence that you are simply awe-struck. I remember my father telling me once,
“People get possessed by Ghosts. It is our good fortune that we have been possessed by God. Our lives are sanctified for He will never leave us. If a mere ‘ghost’ has so much powers of possession, imagine how powerfully the Lord will be able to do the same!”
The narration that follows is to relive some interesting episodes through which Swami entered my life, became the center of my life and convinced me of His divinity. There are three distinct episodes from my childhood that I remember very clearly. The back -ground to these, as I have already mention in “My first memorable interaction with Sathya Sai as His student”, is that Swami had got me as a free-devotee i.e. to say, when my father told me Swami was God, I had simply accpted it - no questioning. Thus, I had missed what we can call as my ‘introduction-miracle’! :)
Episode 1 - Pre-emptive Divine action in dream
I was introduced to Swami when we was staying in Bangalore. And then, we moved to Mumbai. I had a few Darshans of Swami by then and those were enough to instill in me, love and devotion for Him. I had made a small altar for Him on the pelmet above a window in my room. I used to climb onto a table using a stool and then place flowers in worship on His photograph.
On night, I had a dream. It was the first ever dream of Swami that I remember.
In the dream, Swami was walking with my mother on a road when I caught up with them. Swami turned suddenly and held my right wrist. He held it very tight but did not speak anything. After a while, He let go of my wrist and told me to go back. I returned and He continued to walk along with my mother.
I woke up. This was the first time I was having a dream about Swami. I felt that somehow it had some inner meaning. Today I know that all dreams of Swami are true. I didn't then! So, I went and narrated the dream to my parents. They too must have been surprised because such things had not happened in our family thus far. We were only “a couple of months old” in ‘Sai’s fold’ as it is called. But both of them were very happy that I had the dream.

The photo that adorned my altar...
Source: aravindb1982
In the morning, as I finished my bath, according to my daily schedule, I climbed up the table to place flowers to Swami. Even as I was placing flowers, unknown to me, my sister came and took the stool away. She wanted to clean a ceiling fan, standing on the stool.
Out of sheer force of habit, I simply stepped back from the table to land on the stool. The stool was not there! And I had a fall. I fell straight on my right hand and my right wrist was in severe pain. My parents thought that I had broken my wrist. I was hurried to a doctor who said,
“You are lucky young fella! You did not suffer any fracture. Just rest your wrist for a day and it should be fine.”
On the way back home, all of us were discussing my dream that morning with great joy and excitement. That was the first time I closed my eyes and thanked Swami. My love for Him grew and my faith in Him was strengthened. His love for me was like that of a mother - no wonder He was with my mother in that dream!
Episode 2 - God is always watching.
The cable TV in general and the Star TV network in particular were the ‘happening’ things in India. (1991-92) It was the beginning of the age of “addictive television” which Swami refers to as Tele Visham (poison transmitted through the telly). I had acquired a craze for watching WWF - freestyle wrestling - from my friends. WWF (now changed to WWE when the World Wildlife Fund for nature protested against using the same letters and misleading people) was what they discussed during the recess in school. There were hundreds of WWF card games and board games. Each of us had our ‘heroes’ whom we would want to watch.
My mother was not at all happy with this (and rightly so). She told me that I should stop watching such violent stuff. I pleaded to her to let me watch for about half an hour everyday but it was to no avail. One day, I got a superb opportunity.
My mother had slept in the afternoon. My father had gone to office and sister was in school. The time was 2:30pm - WWF would be starting on Star Sports any moment now. I got tempted. I slowly closed my mother’s bedroom door. Then, I went to the television and brought the volume slider (it was a manual slider in TVs of that age) to zero. I then went to flick the main switch on. Little did I know thatSwami knows the thoughts even as they arise.
When my finger touched the switch to put it on, something hit me on my hand. I was shocked and instinctively withdrew my hand. I was wondering what was it that had hit me. When I saw, it was a huge marigold flower that had been placed on Swami’s photograph which was also on the same wall as the switch. The photo featured Swami looking directly with an all-knowing smile. I got very scared. I felt Swami was telling me,
“I am watching always.”

The picture on the wall near the television switch from which He was watching...
Source: aravindb1982
I did not switch on the television - nor did I watch WWF after that. As soon as my mother woke up, I went to her, hugged her and narrated the whole episode. She simply smiled and hugged me back. That day, I realized that God was not just Mother Love but also Father Discipline.
Episode 3 - Swami takes care even before we pray for His intervention
This was another dream experience that followed close in heels to the above two. By now, we were convinced as a family that Swami was the all-powerful and all-loving Lord, taking care of us always. At this point in time, I had a dream. In that dream, Swami advised me not to go to school the next day.
When I woke up in the morning, the first thing I did was to tell my parents that I would not be going to school. I then told them that Swami had told me not to go to school. My mother was in a doubt.
Here was a perfectly normal and healthy boy telling that he would not go to school. But he was also saying that Swami said so. Is he ‘using’ Swami to his advantage because he has some other plans for today?
She asked me,
“Did Swami really tell you not to go to school?”
That was a tone and look to which I could never lie in my life! But I had no need to lie now!
“Yes! He told me not to go to school”, I replied very confidently.
That was enough to convince my mother and make my sister feel very jealous!
The same day, within a few hours of having breakfast, I developed a fever. The temperature rose higher and by the afternoon, I had been diagnosed with chickenpox! Once more, we just offered our gratitude to Him.
Returning to the questions asked in the beginning of the article, I am now convinced that I need not know every answer. And that is because there are no ‘right answers’ - only ‘right questions’! The answer for my heart is that everything that happens is for the Good alone. And with that answer, I have lived so far - I am sure I’ll live happily ever after too because Swami has said that it is such acceptance of everything as good for one which constitutes true surrender.
God through the eyes of a child - Childhood experiences with Swami, by B.Aravind.
'Unanswerable' questions...
There are some things in life for which we can never find an answer. And experiencing the Love and Grace of Swami (Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba), I have discovered many such questions for which nobody can ever provide a satisfactory answer. Some of these are,
“All are equal in the eyes of God. Why then do some people seem ‘blessed’ while others seem ‘less-blessed’?”
“At what point in time does the Lord enters one’s life?”
“Why does Swami do the things that He does?”
This article is not any attempt to delve into those questions. For now, it is best to leave these questions unanswered. However, one would have to admit, when Swami does enter one’s life or confers an experience, you just cannot miss it. Swami comes into your life with all the Love, Grandeur, Majesty, Grace and Omnipresence that you are simply awe-struck. I remember my father telling me once,
“People get possessed by Ghosts. It is our good fortune that we have been possessed by God. Our lives are sanctified for He will never leave us. If a mere ‘ghost’ has so much powers of possession, imagine how powerfully the Lord will be able to do the same!”
The narration that follows is to relive some interesting episodes through which Swami entered my life, became the center of my life and convinced me of His divinity. There are three distinct episodes from my childhood that I remember very clearly. The back -ground to these, as I have already mention in “My first memorable interaction with Sathya Sai as His student”, is that Swami had got me as a free-devotee i.e. to say, when my father told me Swami was God, I had simply accpted it - no questioning. Thus, I had missed what we can call as my ‘introduction-miracle’! :)
Episode 1 - Pre-emptive Divine action in dream
I was introduced to Swami when we was staying in Bangalore. And then, we moved to Mumbai. I had a few Darshans of Swami by then and those were enough to instill in me, love and devotion for Him. I had made a small altar for Him on the pelmet above a window in my room. I used to climb onto a table using a stool and then place flowers in worship on His photograph.
On night, I had a dream. It was the first ever dream of Swami that I remember.
In the dream, Swami was walking with my mother on a road when I caught up with them. Swami turned suddenly and held my right wrist. He held it very tight but did not speak anything. After a while, He let go of my wrist and told me to go back. I returned and He continued to walk along with my mother.
I woke up. This was the first time I was having a dream about Swami. I felt that somehow it had some inner meaning. Today I know that all dreams of Swami are true. I didn't then! So, I went and narrated the dream to my parents. They too must have been surprised because such things had not happened in our family thus far. We were only “a couple of months old” in ‘Sai’s fold’ as it is called. But both of them were very happy that I had the dream.
The photo that adorned my altar...
Source: aravindb1982
In the morning, as I finished my bath, according to my daily schedule, I climbed up the table to place flowers to Swami. Even as I was placing flowers, unknown to me, my sister came and took the stool away. She wanted to clean a ceiling fan, standing on the stool.
Out of sheer force of habit, I simply stepped back from the table to land on the stool. The stool was not there! And I had a fall. I fell straight on my right hand and my right wrist was in severe pain. My parents thought that I had broken my wrist. I was hurried to a doctor who said,
“You are lucky young fella! You did not suffer any fracture. Just rest your wrist for a day and it should be fine.”
On the way back home, all of us were discussing my dream that morning with great joy and excitement. That was the first time I closed my eyes and thanked Swami. My love for Him grew and my faith in Him was strengthened. His love for me was like that of a mother - no wonder He was with my mother in that dream!
Episode 2 - God is always watching.
The cable TV in general and the Star TV network in particular were the ‘happening’ things in India. (1991-92) It was the beginning of the age of “addictive television” which Swami refers to as Tele Visham (poison transmitted through the telly). I had acquired a craze for watching WWF - freestyle wrestling - from my friends. WWF (now changed to WWE when the World Wildlife Fund for nature protested against using the same letters and misleading people) was what they discussed during the recess in school. There were hundreds of WWF card games and board games. Each of us had our ‘heroes’ whom we would want to watch.
My mother was not at all happy with this (and rightly so). She told me that I should stop watching such violent stuff. I pleaded to her to let me watch for about half an hour everyday but it was to no avail. One day, I got a superb opportunity.
My mother had slept in the afternoon. My father had gone to office and sister was in school. The time was 2:30pm - WWF would be starting on Star Sports any moment now. I got tempted. I slowly closed my mother’s bedroom door. Then, I went to the television and brought the volume slider (it was a manual slider in TVs of that age) to zero. I then went to flick the main switch on. Little did I know thatSwami knows the thoughts even as they arise.
When my finger touched the switch to put it on, something hit me on my hand. I was shocked and instinctively withdrew my hand. I was wondering what was it that had hit me. When I saw, it was a huge marigold flower that had been placed on Swami’s photograph which was also on the same wall as the switch. The photo featured Swami looking directly with an all-knowing smile. I got very scared. I felt Swami was telling me,
“I am watching always.”
The picture on the wall near the television switch from which He was watching...
Source: aravindb1982
I did not switch on the television - nor did I watch WWF after that. As soon as my mother woke up, I went to her, hugged her and narrated the whole episode. She simply smiled and hugged me back. That day, I realized that God was not just Mother Love but also Father Discipline.
Episode 3 - Swami takes care even before we pray for His intervention
This was another dream experience that followed close in heels to the above two. By now, we were convinced as a family that Swami was the all-powerful and all-loving Lord, taking care of us always. At this point in time, I had a dream. In that dream, Swami advised me not to go to school the next day.
When I woke up in the morning, the first thing I did was to tell my parents that I would not be going to school. I then told them that Swami had told me not to go to school. My mother was in a doubt.
Here was a perfectly normal and healthy boy telling that he would not go to school. But he was also saying that Swami said so. Is he ‘using’ Swami to his advantage because he has some other plans for today?
She asked me,
“Did Swami really tell you not to go to school?”
That was a tone and look to which I could never lie in my life! But I had no need to lie now!
“Yes! He told me not to go to school”, I replied very confidently.
That was enough to convince my mother and make my sister feel very jealous!
The same day, within a few hours of having breakfast, I developed a fever. The temperature rose higher and by the afternoon, I had been diagnosed with chickenpox! Once more, we just offered our gratitude to Him.
Returning to the questions asked in the beginning of the article, I am now convinced that I need not know every answer. And that is because there are no ‘right answers’ - only ‘right questions’! The answer for my heart is that everything that happens is for the Good alone. And with that answer, I have lived so far - I am sure I’ll live happily ever after too because Swami has said that it is such acceptance of everything as good for one which constitutes true surrender.