Maravilloso incidente- Entrevista de Trabajo de un Estudiante de Swami ...
El incidente maravilloso a continuación, fue enviado por Shri. Anantha Vijaya, ex alumno de ISSSES ..
Entrevista de trabajo del estudiante de Swami:
Un estudiante de la Universidad de Swami había terminado sus estudios y se busco un puesto de trabajo. Él era de una familia pobre y no tuvo mucho apoyo financiero del hogar a lo largo de sus días de infancia. En la entrevista se le preguntó muchas cosas sobre sí mismo, sus antecedentes, su educación y así sucesivamente. Al final de la entrevista, se le preguntó "¿Usted estudió en la Universidad Sri Sathya Sai Baba?. Hemos oído que Sathya Sai Baba da anillos y cadenas a Sus devotos. ¿Qué has recibido de Él? ".
Intuitivamente, el muchacho respondió con gran confianza: "Estimados señores. Vengo de una familia pobre donde la mayoría de los miembros de la familia no son aún suficientemente alfabetizados. El conocimiento del idioma Inglés no es algo que recibí de mis antepasados.
Recibir una educación de posgrado es impensable en las circunstancias que he crecido.
Si hoy en día, soy capaz de hacer frente a este grupo de élite de expertos, y comunicarme eficazmente con todos ustedes sobre mis antecedentes, calificaciones y metas de la vida, sin vacilación y plena convicción, se debe a la confianza en mi mismo que tengo. Esta confianza en mí mismo es el mayor regalo de Sathya Sai Baba para mí. "
El panel fue abrumado con la respuesta, ya que comunica el don más grande que Swami ha estado dando a todos sus estudiantes y devotos.
Wonderful incident - Job Interview of a Swami’s Student...
The Below wonderful incident was sent by Shri.Anantha Vijaya, alumni of SSSIHL..
Job Interview of a Swami’s Student
A student of Swami's University had finished his education and moved on for a job. He was from a poor family and did not have much financial support from home all through his childhood days. At the interview he was asked many things about himself, his background, his education and so on. At the end of the Interview, he was asked “You studied in Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s University. We have heard that Sathya Sai Baba gives rings and chains to His devotees. What have you received from Him?”.
Intuitively, the boy answered with great confidence, “Dear sirs. I come from a poor family background where majority of the members of the family are not even sufficiently literate. The knowledge of English language is not something I received from my ancestors. To receive post graduate education is unthinkable in the circumstances I have grown in. If today, I am able to face this elite panel of experts and communicate effectively with all of you about my background, qualifications and goals of life without hesitation and full conviction, it is because of the Self-confidence I have. This Self-confidence is Sathya Sai Baba’s greatest gift to me.”
The panel was overwhelmed with his response as it communicated the greatest gift that Swami has been giving to all His students and devotees.
El panel fue abrumado con la respuesta, ya que comunica el don más grande que Swami ha estado dando a todos sus estudiantes y devotos.
Wonderful incident - Job Interview of a Swami’s Student...
The Below wonderful incident was sent by Shri.Anantha Vijaya, alumni of SSSIHL..
Job Interview of a Swami’s Student
A student of Swami's University had finished his education and moved on for a job. He was from a poor family and did not have much financial support from home all through his childhood days. At the interview he was asked many things about himself, his background, his education and so on. At the end of the Interview, he was asked “You studied in Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s University. We have heard that Sathya Sai Baba gives rings and chains to His devotees. What have you received from Him?”.
Intuitively, the boy answered with great confidence, “Dear sirs. I come from a poor family background where majority of the members of the family are not even sufficiently literate. The knowledge of English language is not something I received from my ancestors. To receive post graduate education is unthinkable in the circumstances I have grown in. If today, I am able to face this elite panel of experts and communicate effectively with all of you about my background, qualifications and goals of life without hesitation and full conviction, it is because of the Self-confidence I have. This Self-confidence is Sathya Sai Baba’s greatest gift to me.”
The panel was overwhelmed with his response as it communicated the greatest gift that Swami has been giving to all His students and devotees.


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