Anup Jalota interpretaria a Sathya Sai Baba.
Om Sai Ram querida Familia Sai.
Esta es una interesante noticia acerca de la nueva película sobre Swami. Como todos sabemos el Director Telugu Sri. Kodi Ramakrishna ya ha iniciado una película sobre Swami el año pasado en Gurupurnima, que fue lanzada oficialmente en Puttaparthi después de la inauguración del Mahasamadhi.
La película está casi terminada y el actor que interpreta el papel de Swami se mantiene encubierto.
Esta película en que Singer Sri.Anup Jalota está actuando, es una película diferente. Sri.Jalota estaba en Parthi para las celebraciones del 86 cumpleaños de Swami e incluso cantó la canción Jhoola para Swami, compartiendo todas sus experiencias hermosas que había tenido con Swami, entre canción y canción.
Esta película que aún está en edición, es muy interesante, pero una cosa es segura, el actor principal debe ser un fiel devoto de Bhagavan, es de esperar que no haya ningún elemento de controversia para participar en esta película .
Comparto este artículo de la edición del Times of India, Mumbai.
Con reverencia a los pies de Loto de Bhagavan amada
R.Satish Naik.
Nueva imagen de Anup JalotaMumbai Mirror | 16 de febrero 2012, 11.52AM IST
Anup Jalota
Anup Jalota to play Sathya Sai Baba
Om Sairam dearest Sai Family:
Here is an interesting news about this new film on Swami. As we all know, noted Telugu Director Sri.Kodi Ramakrishna has already started a movie on Swami last year Gurupoornima which was officially launched in Puttaparthi after the Mahasamadhi unveiling. The film is almost done and the actor playing the role of Swami is kept undercover.
This movie where noted Singer Sri.Anup Jalota is acting is a different movie. Sri.Jalota was in Parthi for Swami's 86th Birthday celebrations and he even sang the Jhoola song for Swami sharing all the beautiful time he had with Swami in between the songs.
This movie which is yet to go to the sets is very interesting, but one thing is for sure, the lead actor being a staunch devotee of Bhagawan, hopefully there won't be any controversial elements involved in this movie and the movie wouldn't hurt any ones'sentiments.
Just thought of sharing this article from Times of India, Mumbai edition.
With Pranams at the Lotus feet of beloved Bhagawan
R.Satish Naik

Anup Jalota's new imageMumbai Mirror | Feb 16, 2012, 11.52AM IST

Bhajan singer Anup Jalota will mark his acting debut by playing the iconic god manSathya Sai Baba
in a film with the same title.
Directed by Vicky Ranawat
, the film will go on the floors shortly. When contacted, Ranawat said, "Anupji bears an uncannily, striking resemblance to Sai Baba.
He also happens to be Sai Baba's follower and has been closely associated with him for many years. It gives us an edge because Anupji is well-versed in Baba's mannerisms and nuances. It helps us greatly because we can be as realistic as possible. He's thrilled to be a part of the film and taking a keen interest in every aspect."
El cantante de Bhajans Anup Jalota marcará su debut como actor interpretando Al hombre Dios Sathya Sai Baba ,
en una película con el mismo título.
Dirigida por Vicky Ranawat
, La película estara en las salas en breve. Cuando fue contactado, Ranawat dijo: "Anupji tiene un parecido misterioso, sorprendente a Sai Baba.
También es seguidor de Sai Baba y ha estado estrechamente asociado con él durante muchos años. Esto nos da una ventaja, porque Anupji es bien versado en los manierismos de Baba y los matices. Nos ayuda mucho, porque podemos ser lo más realista posible. Él está encantado de formar parte de la película, y teniene un gran interés en todos los aspectos. "
Dirigida por Vicky Ranawat
También es seguidor de Sai Baba y ha estado estrechamente asociado con él durante muchos años. Esto nos da una ventaja, porque Anupji es bien versado en los manierismos de Baba y los matices. Nos ayuda mucho, porque podemos ser lo más realista posible. Él está encantado de formar parte de la película, y teniene un gran interés en todos los aspectos. "
Anup Jalota to play Sathya Sai Baba
Om Sairam dearest Sai Family:
Here is an interesting news about this new film on Swami. As we all know, noted Telugu Director Sri.Kodi Ramakrishna has already started a movie on Swami last year Gurupoornima which was officially launched in Puttaparthi after the Mahasamadhi unveiling. The film is almost done and the actor playing the role of Swami is kept undercover.
This movie where noted Singer Sri.Anup Jalota is acting is a different movie. Sri.Jalota was in Parthi for Swami's 86th Birthday celebrations and he even sang the Jhoola song for Swami sharing all the beautiful time he had with Swami in between the songs.
This movie which is yet to go to the sets is very interesting, but one thing is for sure, the lead actor being a staunch devotee of Bhagawan, hopefully there won't be any controversial elements involved in this movie and the movie wouldn't hurt any ones'sentiments.
Just thought of sharing this article from Times of India, Mumbai edition.
With Pranams at the Lotus feet of beloved Bhagawan
R.Satish Naik
Anup Jalota's new imageMumbai Mirror | Feb 16, 2012, 11.52AM IST
Anup Jalota
Bhajan singer Anup Jalota will mark his acting debut by playing the iconic god manSathya Sai Baba
Directed by Vicky Ranawat
He also happens to be Sai Baba's follower and has been closely associated with him for many years. It gives us an edge because Anupji is well-versed in Baba's mannerisms and nuances. It helps us greatly because we can be as realistic as possible. He's thrilled to be a part of the film and taking a keen interest in every aspect."