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domingo, 4 de agosto de 2019

Ananda Vahini - Número ciento sesenta y seis - 01 Agosto, 2019

Número ciento sesenta y seis - 01 de agosto de 2019
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¿Qué se necesita para estar disponible? Se necesita una gran cantidad de valentía y coraje. Valor para soltar y ser libre. ¿Por qué tienes que temer? Si realmente tienes fe, no hay miedo. La fe no conoce el miedo. El miedo no conoce la fe. ¿Y cómo puedes ser valiente? Ten fe en que Él está allí para cuidar de todo, "¿Por qué debería preocuparme por eso, por qué debería temer?" Esta es la espiritualidad. No eres solo un humano común, mortal. Eres Divino, eres Dios. Entonces, tienes todo lo que Dios tiene. Lo que Dios puede hacer, tú también puedes hacerlo, porque eres Dios. ¡Pero lo has olvidado.! ... - Baba

Con las bendiciones de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, estamos encantados de presentar nuestro número ciento sesenta y seis  de Ananda Vahini. El boletín semanal incluye reflexiones interesantes y extractos breves de los eventos de la semana. 

En este número, le presentamos las actualizaciones de la visita de Bhagwan a diferentes campus del Grupo de Instituciones Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva del 24 al 27 de julio de 2019. 

En la VISION INTERIOR de esta semana  , Sadhguru Sri Madhusudan Sai comparte sobre un momento interesante entre Sri Madhusudan Sai y un devoto en Melbourne. 

- Equipo de comunicaciones de Sathya Sai Grama.

Por Sri Madhusudan Naidu.

En esta sección llamada VISIÓN INTERIOR, el Hermano Madhusudan Naidu comparte momentos interesantes y perspicaces de las interacciones de Bhagavan con Sus Estudiantes, Maestros y Devotos. ¡Esta es la verdadera sabiduría directamente desde el sanctum sanctorum más íntimo de la Presencia Divina directa!
Estas son las compilaciones de esas perlas de sabiduría para el beneficio de los devotos.

La experiencia de Dios!

Una dama en Melbourne se levantó para rezar a Bhagavan para pedirle bendiciones para sus hijos, para que también puedan experimentar a...


(Extraído del Satsang Divino 28/8/19)


El cuerpo de Madhusudan es un recipiente y el 'Pragya' de Sathya Sai Baba es el agua, el contenido.

Madhusudan se vació de su propia personalidad (Aham Bhava) para hacer espacio para que Sathya Sai Baba llene su ser con Su Pragya. Por lo tanto, esta forma que tiene el cuerpo de Madhusudan pero Pragya de Sathya Sai es - Madhusudan Sai.

Así como el Pragya de Shirdi Sai se manifestó en el cuerpo de Sathyanarayan Raju y fue conocido como Sathya Sai, así también se manifestó el Pragya de Sathya Sai en Madhusudan y ahora es Madhusudan Sai.

Entonces, la forma externa es Madhusudan y el contenido interno es Sathya Sai.

Sin embargo, la forma en que te dirijas a Él es la manera en que Él responderá. Llámalo como hombre y Él responderá como hombre. Llámalo a Él como Dios, Él responderá como Dios. Sin embargo, cuando no se aborda como humano o divino, es la combinación de divino en humano y humano en divino, como Madhusudan Sai.

Anteriormente, la elección de responder como humano o divino era con lo divino, pero ahora la elección es con humano. Al igual que el botón de control que cambia el canal de uno a otro, que era anterior solo con Sathya Sai, ahora es con Madhusudan Sai.

- Sri Madhusudan Sai



Día 1 - 25 de julio de 2019 

La visita de Bhagavan a Sri Sathya Sai Premaniketanam fue una respuesta a las oraciones de los estudiantes que le habían rezado para que visitara su Campus. ¡Fue la sorpresa más maravillosa y alegre para los estudiantes cuando recibieron la noticia de la llegada de Swami!

Todos los estudiantes se alinearon a lo largo del camino para dar la bienvenida a su Maestro, su Swami. Tan pronto como bajó del auto, fue recibido por el personal. Después de que se sirvieron algunos refrescos a Swami y a sus invitados que lo habían acompañado, el Sr. Bob Imhoff, el Dr. David Cornsweet y su esposa, la Sra. Jennie, se dirigió al Satsang . La sed de todos los estudiantes se .....

25 de julio de 2019 - Llegada al campus de Bijapur
Mañana Satsang
Un estudiante beneficiario de la beca Sri Madiyala Narayan Bhat expresando su gratitud.
Discurso divino
25 de julio por la noche: sesión con estudiantes de 10 grado
Tarde de Satsang
26 de julio, mañana: Celebrando el cumpleaños de Sri Madhusudan Sai
Adiós Satsang


Cuando Bhagawan decidió pasar preciosos momentos con Sus amados hijos, nada pudo detenerlo, a pesar de que fue una visita corta. En 24 horas se obtuvieron todos los permisos necesarios para el aterrizaje de helicópteros. ¡Incluso se construyó un nuevo helipuerto durante la noche! La decoración fue realizada por niños con su propia creación artesanal. El escenario estaba preparado. Muchos platos deliciosos estaban listos. Y los niños esperaban con los ojos pegados al cielo. Cuando el helicóptero aterrizó en el suelo de Sri Sathya Sai Vaniniketanam, Gadag, el ....
Llegada a Sri Sathya Sai Vaniniketanam, Gadag
En Satsang - Discurso Divino
Almuerzo con los estudiantes, el personal y los invitados.


26 de julio de 2019 - Noche

Swami fue recibido en Sri Sathya Sai Sharadaniketanam, Mandya en la noche por los bailarines tradicionales Veeragaase y Kamsaale , trompetas tradicionales, Mangalavadya . La procesión fue dirigida por Vedas y Poorna Kumbam . Los estudiantes y el personal de los campus de Mandya y Mysore estuvieron presentes para dar la bienvenida a Bhagawan. Después de llegar, llevó a sus invitados directamente a su habitación y les habló sobre ...

Noche del 26 de julio de 2019: Bhagavan es recibido con bailarines tradicionales Veeragaase y Kamsaale, trompetas tradicionales, Mangalavadya 
Tarde Satsang
27 de julio de 2019 (mañana) - Visita al templo de Sri Gavisiddeshwara; Bhagavan explicando el significado del lugar y sobre el Yogi Channabasappa
Satsang en Dhyana Mantapam en el Templo Shiva
Espectáculo de danza del profesor de danza del campus.
Charla del Sr. Bob Imhoff
Discurso divino
Mangala Arati
Almuerzo con los estudiantes, el personal y los invitados.
Momentos especiales con el personal
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* Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutha Prakashna *, Todos los derechos reservados. 

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Issue One Hundred and Sixty Six - August 01, 2019
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What does it take to be available? It takes tremendous amount of fearlessness and courage. Courage to let go and be free. Why do you have to fear? If you really have faith, there is no fear. Faith knows no fear. Fear knows no faith. And how can you be fearless? Have Faith that He is there to look after everything, 'Why should I worry about it, why should I fear?'This is the spirituality. You are not just ordinary humans, mortals. You are Divine, you are God. So, you have all that which God has. What God can do, you can do too, because you are God. But you forget it!                           
With the Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we are delighted to present our One Hundred and Sixty Sixth issue of Ananda Vahini. The weekly newsletter includes interesting musings and short excerpts from the week's events.

In this issue, we present you the updates of Bhagwan's visit to different campuses of Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva Group of Institutions from July 24 to July 27, 2019. 

In this week's INNER VIEW, Sadhguru Sri Madhusudan  Sai shares about an interesting moment between Sri Madhusudan Sai and a devotee in Melbourne.

- Sathya Sai Grama Communications Team.
By Sri Madhusudan Sai 
God’s Experience! 
A lady in Melbourne got up to pray to Bhagawan to shower His blessings upon her children so that they could also experience Swami.

Swami asked her back, “What do you mean by experiencing Swami?”

She replied, “Swami’s presence and miracles....”

Swami was quick to cut her short and said, “Swami’s presence and miracles at a place is not the experience of Swami. If you do something that your child cannot, then your own child will call you a miracle woman. If I can do something that you cannot, then I am called a miracle man. So, it’s not miracles, but it’s the experience of God’s love in one’s heart which is truly experiencing Swami.”

Not stopping there, Swami further clarified, “And a mother can help the children experience God by raising them well, like the mother Madalasa of the yore, who while rocking the cradle, sang lullabies conveying that, beyond the delusions of the world they are purity, awareness and bliss personified. That led to her children becoming Brahma Jnanis (Knowers of God).”

More than God Himself, it’s the mother who can help her children experience God as love, we learnt. Isn’t it why they say that the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world, nay spiritual world!   
What is the phenomenon of Madhusudan Sai?
By Sri Madhusudan Sai 
Madhusudan's body is a vessel and Sathya Sai Baba's 'Pragya' is the water - the content.

Madhusudan emptied himself of his own personality (Aham Bhava) to make space for Sathya Sai Baba to fill his being with His Pragya. Therefore, this form which has the body of Madhusudan but Pragya of Sathya Sai is - Madhusudan Sai.

Just as the Pragya of Shirdi Sai manifested in the body of Sathyanarayan Raju and was known as Sathya Sai, so is the Pragya of Sathya Sai manifesting in Madhusudan and is now Madhusudan Sai.

So, the outer form is Madhusudan and inner content is Sathya Sai.

However, the way you address Him that is the way He will respond. Call Him as man and He will respond as man. Call out to Him as God, He will respond as God. However, when not addressed either as human or divine - he is the combination of both divine in human and human in divine - as Madhusudan Sai.

Earlier, the choice of responding as human or divine was with the divine but now the choice is with human. Like the control button that switches the channel from one to another, which was earlier with Sathya Sai alone, now it is with Madhusudan Sai.     
Day 1 – July 25, 2019 
The visit of Bhagawan to Sri Sathya Sai Premaniketanam was an answer to the prayers of students who had prayed to Him to visit their Campus. It was the most wonderful and joyful surprise to the students when they got the news of Swami’s arrival!
All the students were lined up along the road to welcome their Master, their Swami. As soon as He got down from the Car, He was welcomed by the staff. After some refreshments were served to Swami and His guests who had accompanied Him, Mr Bob Imhoff, Dr David Cornsweet and his wife Mrs Jennie, He proceeded for Satsang. The thirst of all students was quenched as their Lord walked amidst them, blessed them, spoke to them, and showered His bountiful love.
Swami sat on His new Simhasana and all the students beamed in joy. Swami was lost in melodious Bhajans for a long time. This was followed by Veda Gosha. Swami and His guests were welcomed by Brother Gaurav, who spoke his heart out and told the students that everyone should follow in the footsteps of Swami’s guests who had accompanied Him, as they were walking in the footsteps of Sai.
A recipient of Sri Madiyala Narayan Bhatt scholarship spoke straight from his heart next. The student said Swami has given everything to him now, but before, he was struggling to get even get educated. Sri B N Narasimha Murthy spoke about the guests in....
To know more, click HERE
July 25, 2019 – Arrival at the Bijapur Campus
Morning Satsang
A student, who is beneficiary of Sri Madiyala Narayan Bhat scholarship expressing his gratitude
Divine Discourse
July 25, evening: Session with Grade 10 Students
Evening Satsang
July 26, morning: Celebrating Sri Madhusudan Sai’s Birthday
Farewell Satsang
When Bhagawan decided to spend precious moments with His beloved children, nothing could stop it, even though it was a short visit. Within 24 hours all the necessary permissions for helicopter landing were obtained. Even a new helipad was built overnight! Decoration was done by children with their own handmade creation. The stage was set. Many delicious dishes were ready. And the children waited with their eyes glued to the sky. When the helicopter landed on the soil of Sri Sathya Sai Vaniniketanam, Gadag of July 26, 2019, it was a sight to behold! God descending to be with His beloved creation. He was taken in procession of Veda and Dollu. Swami spoke to His guests about the importance of girl child education as part of His mission.
Swami dined with the guests and students. All the students prayed fervently that He speaks to them. He granted the boon by calling all of them inside His residence and talking to them. Children basked in His divine love. The prayers of the children were heard by all God’s and it started pouring, when He was about to leave. So, He....

To know more, click HERE
Arrival at Sri Sathya Sai Vaniniketanam, Gadag
At Satsang - Divine Discourse
Lunch with the students, staff and guests
July 26, 2019 – Evening
Swami was received at Sri Sathya Sai Sharadaniketanam, Mandya in the evening by the traditional Veeragaase and Kamsaale dancers, traditional trumpets, Mangalavadya. The procession was led by Veda and Poorna Kumbam. Students and staff from both the Mandya and Mysore Campus were present to welcome Bhagawan. After arrival, He took His guests straight to His room and spoke to them about the history and genesis of the Campus before urging them to rest for a while.
In the evening, Swami came down for Satsang. Sai Hrudayam prayer hall was filled with the students of both the campuses, their parents, devotees, alumni, who were all eagerly waiting to enjoy the divine nectar. Dr David Cornsweet addressed the students first and explained how Swami is toiling to provide best quality of education and facilities to thousands of students studying in different campuses. He told the students to make best use of the opportunity. Sri B N Narasimha Murthy sir spoke about how to offer gratitude to the Lord through daily prayers.
Swami blessed all with His divine message, “You are all learning Vedas, you all chant Upanishads. So Isavasya Upanishad says – Tatra ko noha ka shokah ekatvam anupashyataha. The one who sees oneness of God inside, outside, everywhere, in everything, will never be sad. There will never be a moment when he will be sad or sorrowful. So what is the secret to be happy always? To realise God within. That is the only way to be happy....
To know more, click HERE
July 26, 2019 Evening: Bhagawan being welcomed with traditional Veeragaase and Kamsaale dancers, traditional trumpets, Mangalavadya 
Evening Satsang
July 27, 2019 (Morning) – Visit to Sri Gavisiddeshwara Temple; Bhagawan explaining the significance of the place and about the Yogi Channabasappa
Satsang at Dhyana Mantapam in the Shiva Temple
Dance performance by Dance teacher of the Campus
Talk by Mr Bob Imhoff
Divine Discourse
Mangala Arati
Lunch with the Students, Staff and Guests
Special moments with Staff
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