Su creencia no está mal, sigue así.
No obstante alta un pájaro puede volar, tiene, tarde o temprano a posarse en la cima del árbol, para disfrutar de tranquilidad. Así también llegará un día en que incluso el más altivo, el más voluntarioso, el más incrédulos, incluso los que afirman que no hay alegría ni paz en la contemplación del Ser Supremo, tendrán que orar: "Dios me conceda la paz, dame consuelo, fortaleza y alegría. "
La experiencia de BP Kombrabail que denunció la Divinidad de Bhagavan tiene un paralelo con lo anterior dicho de Bhagavan, Bhagavan mismo donde él apareció para demostrar quién es Él y cómo Él había estado al servicio y el ahorro de él todo el tiempo.
Extraído de los archivos del Sanathana Sarathi ...
La gloria de Baba ocurrió durante años, fue un cuento de hadas para mí. Mi esposa era una ferviente devota y creía en su divinidad con todo su corazón. Pero, ella no podía adorarlo en mi casa, ya que yo no tenía fe en él. Yo no le permitía mantener su fotografía o incluso el vibhuti dado por Él, en mi casa. Cada vez que veía su imagen o la del Sai Baba de Shirdi, solía romperla y echar los trozos por la ventana.
Durante el mes de mayo de 1960, caí gravemente enfermo y postrado en cama durante unos 60 días. Un día, mi esposa se armó del valor suficiente para aplicarme vibhuti dado por Baba en la frente y poner una pizca en la lengua! Me molestaba su acción y le dije: "Yo no puedo creer que tu Baba es una encarnación de Dios o de algún santo. Si Él es realmente eso, ¿por qué no hace que crea en Él? "
Mi esposa estaba triste, porque no podía adorar a Baba en la libertad, como a ella le gustaba. Acostumbraba mantener su fotografía en su joyero y adorarlo cada vez que podía aprovechar la oportunidad. Ella sabía que yo no estaba interesado en sus pertenencias personales. La imagen de Baba estaba a salvo de mí.
En mayo de 1963, me desmayé inesperadamente en mi oficina! Fui llevado al hospital. Mi condición fue declarada como mala y ha mi esposa se le permitió permanecer cerca de mi cama, por la noche. Alrededor de la medianoche, mi esposa tuvo una visión de Sai Baba de Shirdi. Él le dijo: "Tu marido no va a morir. No llores en vano ". Luego se convirtió en Sri Sathya Sai Baba y desapareció. Mi esposa me despertó con asombro y me relató este incidente. Rechace la historia, diciendo: "Esto no es más que la acción refleja de sus antojos y deseos subconscientes. No puedo creer que Baba personalmente viniera a este hospital para bendecirnos.
"Pasaron unos minutos. Fue alrededor de la 1 hs en punto. Vi un rostro extraño, la cabeza con una espesa corona de pelo como un león, vestido con un vestido rojo largo, de pie ante mí, con la palma de la mano derecha levantada en un gesto de bendición. Le oí decir: "Tu fe no está mal,! Sigue así"
"Su creencia no está mal, sigue así!"
La visión desapareció de repente. Me quedé profundamente dormido. En horas de la mañana, empecé a preocuparme porque me concedió esa visión, y por qué Él dijo que mi creencia no estaba equivocada ! No pude obtener respuesta. Cuando mi esposa se despertó de su sueño, le pedí que me mostrara la foto que llevaba en el bolso. Ella respondió que ella no tenía ninguna foto con ella. Le aseguré que no la iba a hacer pedazos. Sólo quería confirmar si el rostro que vi en la visión era el de Baba. Luego, era una pequeña foto de Baba en la postura de bendición.
"Su creencia no está mal, sigue así!"
La visión desapareció de repente. Me quedé profundamente dormido. En horas de la mañana, empecé a preocuparme porque me concedió esa visión, y por qué Él dijo que mi creencia no estaba equivocada ! No pude obtener respuesta. Cuando mi esposa se despertó de su sueño, le pedí que me mostrara la foto que llevaba en el bolso. Ella respondió que ella no tenía ninguna foto con ella. Le aseguré que no la iba a hacer pedazos. Sólo quería confirmar si el rostro que vi en la visión era el de Baba. Luego, era una pequeña foto de Baba en la postura de bendición.
Mi enfermedad fue más allá de todos los médicos de Bombay. Yo solía desmayarme de pronto, en todos momentos, y en todo tipo de lugares. Una circunstancia peculiar despertó mi curiosidad: Cada vez que me desmayaba, me recuperaba sin ninguna ayuda exterior y estaba a salvó milagrosamente. Cuando me desmaye en el camino de la Reina, había un bloqueo de tráfico en ambos extremos y el camino estaba libre de tráfico vehicular. Cuando me desmayé mientras en Bombay, sentí alguien que me empujaba de nuevo a el coche, y me llevó a un lugar seguro.
En marzo de 1965, mi hija fue ingresada en el hospital por sospecha de tromboflebitis. Fue el mismo hospital, donde tuve la visión y la misma habitación, después de una investigación patológica y de una larga deliberación, los médicos decidieron que debía ser operada, para examinar una de las glándulas en su muslo. El día y la hora llegó, mi esposa abrió el bolso y sacó una cantidad de vibhuti otorgado por Baba, ella la le unto sobre la pierna de su hija, con toda la fe que tenía. El paciente fue trasladado al quirofano , los cirujanos no pudieron encontrar nada malo, el Cirujano General fue consultado de inmediato, siguiendo su consejo, se canceló la operación y el paciente fue dado de alta.
Asistí a las celebraciones de cumpleaños en Puttaparthi en 1966. Tuve la bendición de Baba, durante la entrevista. Desde entonces no he tenido un rastro de desmayo o mareo. Yo puedo afirmar, estoy perfectamente sano. Yo soy sólo uno entre los muchos millones que han sido bendecidos por Él y llevado al camino de la gloria, por Su Gracia omnipresente.
Que sus bendiciones sean compartida por todos, en todos los tiempos por venir.
- Tomado de:
"Your belief is not wrong, Keep it up"...
However high a bird may soar, it has sooner or later to perch on a tree top, to enjoy quiet. So too a day will come when even the most haughty, the most wilful, the most unbelieving, even those who assert that there is no joy or peace in the contemplation of the Highest Self, will have to pray: “God grant me peace, grant me consolation, strength and joy.”
The experience of B. P. Kombrabail who denounced Bhagawan’s Divinity has a parallel to the above saying of Bhagawan, where Bhagawan Himself showed Him up to prove Who He is and how He had been serving and saving him all along.
Extracted from Sanathana Sarathi archivals...
The glory of Baba was, for years a fairytale for me. My wife was an ardent devotee and believed in His Divinity with her entire heart. But, she was not free to worship Him in my house, since I had no faith in Him. I did not allow her to keep His photograph or even the Vibhuti given by Him, in my house. Whenever I saw His picture or that of the Sai Baba of Shirdi, I used to tear it and throw the pieces out of the window.
During the month of May, 1960, I fell seriously ill and was bedridden for about 60 days. One day, my wife summoned enough courage to apply the Vibhuti given by Baba on my forehead and to put a pinch on my tongue! I resented her action and told her, “I cannot believe that your Baba is an incarnation of God or of any Saint. If He is really so, why does He not make me believe in Him?”
Years rolled on. My wife was sad, because she could not worship Baba in freedom, as she liked. She used to keep His Photograph in her jewel box and worship it whenever she could seize the chance. She knew that I was not interested in her personal belongings. Baba’s picture was safe from me, there.
In May 1963, I fainted all of a sudden while in my office! I was removed to the hospital. My condition was declared bad and my wife was permitted to stay near my bed, for the night. Around midnight, my wife saw a vision of Sai Baba of Shirdi. He told her, “Your husband will not die. Don’t weep in vain.” He then became Sri Sathya Sai Baba and vanished. My wife woke up in astonishment and awakened me and related to me this incident. I brushed her story aside, saying, “This is but the reflex action of your own subconscious cravings and desires. I cannot believe that Baba personally came to this hospital to bless.” A few minutes passed. It was around 1 o’ clock. I saw a strange face, the head with a thick growth of hair like a lion, clad in a long red gown, standing before me, with the right palm raised in a blessing gesture. I heard Him say, “Your belief is not wrong; keep it up!”
“Your belief is not wrong; keep it up!”
The vision vanished suddenly. I fell fast asleep. In the morning hours, I started worrying who granted me that vision, and why He said that my belief was not wrong! I could not get the answer. When my wife awoke from sleep, I asked her to show me the photograph she was carrying in her purse. She replied that she had no picture with her. I assured her that I will not tear it to pieces. I only wanted to confirm whether the face I saw in the vision was that of Baba. Then, she produced the small photo of Baba in the blessing posture. My illness was beyond all the doctors of Bombay. I used to faint, suddenly, at all odd moments, in all sorts of odd places. One peculiar circumstance aroused my curiosity: Whenever I fainted, I recovered without any help from outside and I was saved miraculously. When I fainted in the busy Queen’s Road, opposite Churchgate Station, there was a long traffic block at both ends and the road was free from vehicular traffic. When I fainted while entraining or detraining the Bombay Suburban Electrical Locals, I used to feel someone pushing me back into the coach, and I carried safely on.
In March 1965, my daughter was admitted into hospital for suspected Thrombophlebitis. It was the same hospital, where I had the Vision, and the same cabin. After pathological investigation and long deliberation, the doctors decided that she must be operated on, to examine one of the glands on her thigh. The day and the hour came; my wife opened the handbag and took a quantity of Vibhuti granted by Baba; she smeared it over her daughter’s leg, with all the faith she had. The patient was removed to the theatre; the surgeons could not find anything wrong; the Chief Surgeon was immediately consulted; on his revised advice, the operation was cancelled and the patient was discharged.
I attended the Birthday Celebrations at Puttaparthi in 1966. I was blessed by Baba, during the interview. Since then I have had not a trace of fainting or giddiness. I can boldly assert, I am perfectly healthy. I am just one among the countless millions who have been blessed by Him and led on to the path of glory, by His omnipresent Grace. May His blessings be shared by all, for all time to come.
- taken from :
- Tomado de:
"Your belief is not wrong, Keep it up"...
However high a bird may soar, it has sooner or later to perch on a tree top, to enjoy quiet. So too a day will come when even the most haughty, the most wilful, the most unbelieving, even those who assert that there is no joy or peace in the contemplation of the Highest Self, will have to pray: “God grant me peace, grant me consolation, strength and joy.”
The experience of B. P. Kombrabail who denounced Bhagawan’s Divinity has a parallel to the above saying of Bhagawan, where Bhagawan Himself showed Him up to prove Who He is and how He had been serving and saving him all along.
Extracted from Sanathana Sarathi archivals...
The glory of Baba was, for years a fairytale for me. My wife was an ardent devotee and believed in His Divinity with her entire heart. But, she was not free to worship Him in my house, since I had no faith in Him. I did not allow her to keep His photograph or even the Vibhuti given by Him, in my house. Whenever I saw His picture or that of the Sai Baba of Shirdi, I used to tear it and throw the pieces out of the window.
During the month of May, 1960, I fell seriously ill and was bedridden for about 60 days. One day, my wife summoned enough courage to apply the Vibhuti given by Baba on my forehead and to put a pinch on my tongue! I resented her action and told her, “I cannot believe that your Baba is an incarnation of God or of any Saint. If He is really so, why does He not make me believe in Him?”
Years rolled on. My wife was sad, because she could not worship Baba in freedom, as she liked. She used to keep His Photograph in her jewel box and worship it whenever she could seize the chance. She knew that I was not interested in her personal belongings. Baba’s picture was safe from me, there.
In May 1963, I fainted all of a sudden while in my office! I was removed to the hospital. My condition was declared bad and my wife was permitted to stay near my bed, for the night. Around midnight, my wife saw a vision of Sai Baba of Shirdi. He told her, “Your husband will not die. Don’t weep in vain.” He then became Sri Sathya Sai Baba and vanished. My wife woke up in astonishment and awakened me and related to me this incident. I brushed her story aside, saying, “This is but the reflex action of your own subconscious cravings and desires. I cannot believe that Baba personally came to this hospital to bless.” A few minutes passed. It was around 1 o’ clock. I saw a strange face, the head with a thick growth of hair like a lion, clad in a long red gown, standing before me, with the right palm raised in a blessing gesture. I heard Him say, “Your belief is not wrong; keep it up!”
“Your belief is not wrong; keep it up!”
The vision vanished suddenly. I fell fast asleep. In the morning hours, I started worrying who granted me that vision, and why He said that my belief was not wrong! I could not get the answer. When my wife awoke from sleep, I asked her to show me the photograph she was carrying in her purse. She replied that she had no picture with her. I assured her that I will not tear it to pieces. I only wanted to confirm whether the face I saw in the vision was that of Baba. Then, she produced the small photo of Baba in the blessing posture. My illness was beyond all the doctors of Bombay. I used to faint, suddenly, at all odd moments, in all sorts of odd places. One peculiar circumstance aroused my curiosity: Whenever I fainted, I recovered without any help from outside and I was saved miraculously. When I fainted in the busy Queen’s Road, opposite Churchgate Station, there was a long traffic block at both ends and the road was free from vehicular traffic. When I fainted while entraining or detraining the Bombay Suburban Electrical Locals, I used to feel someone pushing me back into the coach, and I carried safely on.
In March 1965, my daughter was admitted into hospital for suspected Thrombophlebitis. It was the same hospital, where I had the Vision, and the same cabin. After pathological investigation and long deliberation, the doctors decided that she must be operated on, to examine one of the glands on her thigh. The day and the hour came; my wife opened the handbag and took a quantity of Vibhuti granted by Baba; she smeared it over her daughter’s leg, with all the faith she had. The patient was removed to the theatre; the surgeons could not find anything wrong; the Chief Surgeon was immediately consulted; on his revised advice, the operation was cancelled and the patient was discharged.
I attended the Birthday Celebrations at Puttaparthi in 1966. I was blessed by Baba, during the interview. Since then I have had not a trace of fainting or giddiness. I can boldly assert, I am perfectly healthy. I am just one among the countless millions who have been blessed by Him and led on to the path of glory, by His omnipresent Grace. May His blessings be shared by all, for all time to come.
- taken from :


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