Sai Ram - El Divino Sai Gayatri .
Sabemos que esta es la encarnación de Sai la Suprema Divinidad.
Meditamos en este Dios de la Verdad.
Que esta personalidad Todopoderoso nos lleve
por el camino de la liberación total.
"Sé que a través de los gurús y los Shastras (y por experiencia directa) que Sai es Dios mismo: Él es Bhagavan e Ishwara que median en esta forma en mi corazón con todas mis facultades mentales. Él es la encarnación de la verdad, la divinidad, la conciencia universal.. y el que impregna todas las palabras. Ruego a Sai parameshwar para que dirija nuestro intelecto, y para participar en actividades favorables y justas, medito en esta gran forma " .
Este Sathya Sai Gayatri, como otros Gayatris, es un mantra Vedico o fórmula mística. Cuenta con 24 letras, y se compone de tres líneas, cada una con 8 letras.
Tal composición tiene propiedades únicas. Según Maharishi Vararuchi, la numerología de todas las cartas, suman hasta 108. Es por eso que la recitación se hace 108 veces, para hacer realidad la plena vigencia de los Siddhis -que se identifica con el número 108, es decir, Meru, o la borla de un rosario o Japamala.
Ashtottara Shata Naama - el cantar 108 veces el nombre conduce a la realización de Dios, que es la meta.
Cada Mantra Gayatri tiene un Rishi o profeta revelador, y una deidad que preside adhishthana Devatha, el mantra. Ni que decir que Bhagavan mismo es la deidad que preside esta fórmula mística o mantra.
El verdadero significado de Gayatri:
Bueno, ¿cuál es el verdadero significado de la palabra Gayatri? ¿Es que hay alguien hoy día que intenta conocer esto? La palabra significa una diosa o una fórmula mística. Gayatri es aquello que protege (Thra) las respiraciones de la vida (o pranas gayas), los sentidos (indriyas), comenzando con el habla. Además, se dice, que salva a los que le cantan, la veneran, o meditan en él, se llama Gayatri.
Cada Mantra Gayatri tiene un Rishi o profeta revelador, y una deidad que preside adhishthana Devatha, el mantra. Ni que decir que Bhagavan mismo es la deidad que preside esta fórmula mística o mantra.
El verdadero significado de Gayatri:
Bueno, ¿cuál es el verdadero significado de la palabra Gayatri? ¿Es que hay alguien hoy día que intenta conocer esto? La palabra significa una diosa o una fórmula mística. Gayatri es aquello que protege (Thra) las respiraciones de la vida (o pranas gayas), los sentidos (indriyas), comenzando con el habla. Además, se dice, que salva a los que le cantan, la veneran, o meditan en él, se llama Gayatri.
Gaayantham thraayathe yasmaath Gayatri, Thena kathyathe. Es decir, es este mantra sagrado, que transforma un sabio real (rajarshi), en un sabio Vishvamitra brahmánica (Brahmarshi).
Es la madre de los Vedas (Vedamatha), otorga todas las bendiciones a todos aquellos que la adoran. La diosa se describe en términos gloriosos en los Brahmanas y en los textos de Dharma (Dharma-sutras), si usted entiende esto con claridad, puede LLEGAR A LA REALIZACIÓN, sin ayuda.
-Extraído de Dharma Vahini, Capítulo VII, de Bhagavan.
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Sai Ram - The Divine Sai Gayathri
We know this Sai is Supreme Divinity incarnate.
We meditate on this God of Truth.
May this Almighty Personality lead us
on the path of total liberation.
"I know through Gurus and Shastras (and by direct experience) that Sai is God himself : He is Bhagavan and Ishwara. I mediate on this form in my heart with all my mental faculties. He is the embodiment of truth, divinity, universal consciousness and one who pervades all the words. I pray to such Saiparameshwar to direct our intellects to engage in auspicious and righteous activities. I meditate on this great form"
This Sathya Sai Gaayathri, like other Gaayahtris, is on a part with Veda Manthra or mystic formula. It has 24 letters; it consists of three lines, each with 8 letters. Such a composition has unique properties. According to Maharishi Vararuchi, the numerology of all letters adds upto 108. That is why recitation is to be done 108 times, to realize the full effect of Siddhi – which is signified by the 108th number, i.e. Meru or the tassel of a rosary or Japamala. Ashtottara Shata Naama – the 108 name chanting leads to realization of God, which is the goal.
Every Gaayathri Manthra has a revealing prophet or Rishi and a presiding diety Adhishthana Devatha, who is the subject of manthra. Needless to say that Bhagawan Himself is the presiding deity of this mystic formula or Manthra.
The Real meaning of Gayathri :
Well, what is the real meaning of the word Gayatri? Does anyone try to know it today? The word is taken to mean either a Goddess or a formula. Gayatri is that which protects (thra) the life breaths (gayas or pranas) or the senses (indriyas), beginning with speech. Besides, it is said, That which saves those who sing it, revere it, repeat it, or meditate on it is called Gayatri. Gaayantham thraayathe yasmaath Gayatri, thena kathyathe. That is to say, it is this sacred mantra that transformed a royal sage (rajarshi) like Viswamitra into a brahmanical sage (brahmarshi). The mother that is the Veda (Vedamatha) will confer all boons on all those who worship Her. That Goddess is described in glorious terms in the Brahmanas and in the texts on dharma (dharma-sutras); if you understand these clearly, you can realize it, unaided.
- From Dharma Vahini, Chapter VII by Bhagavan.
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-Extraído de Dharma Vahini, Capítulo VII, de Bhagavan.
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Sai Ram - The Divine Sai Gayathri
We know this Sai is Supreme Divinity incarnate.
We meditate on this God of Truth.
May this Almighty Personality lead us
on the path of total liberation.
"I know through Gurus and Shastras (and by direct experience) that Sai is God himself : He is Bhagavan and Ishwara. I mediate on this form in my heart with all my mental faculties. He is the embodiment of truth, divinity, universal consciousness and one who pervades all the words. I pray to such Saiparameshwar to direct our intellects to engage in auspicious and righteous activities. I meditate on this great form"
This Sathya Sai Gaayathri, like other Gaayahtris, is on a part with Veda Manthra or mystic formula. It has 24 letters; it consists of three lines, each with 8 letters. Such a composition has unique properties. According to Maharishi Vararuchi, the numerology of all letters adds upto 108. That is why recitation is to be done 108 times, to realize the full effect of Siddhi – which is signified by the 108th number, i.e. Meru or the tassel of a rosary or Japamala. Ashtottara Shata Naama – the 108 name chanting leads to realization of God, which is the goal.
Every Gaayathri Manthra has a revealing prophet or Rishi and a presiding diety Adhishthana Devatha, who is the subject of manthra. Needless to say that Bhagawan Himself is the presiding deity of this mystic formula or Manthra.
The Real meaning of Gayathri :
Well, what is the real meaning of the word Gayatri? Does anyone try to know it today? The word is taken to mean either a Goddess or a formula. Gayatri is that which protects (thra) the life breaths (gayas or pranas) or the senses (indriyas), beginning with speech. Besides, it is said, That which saves those who sing it, revere it, repeat it, or meditate on it is called Gayatri. Gaayantham thraayathe yasmaath Gayatri, thena kathyathe. That is to say, it is this sacred mantra that transformed a royal sage (rajarshi) like Viswamitra into a brahmanical sage (brahmarshi). The mother that is the Veda (Vedamatha) will confer all boons on all those who worship Her. That Goddess is described in glorious terms in the Brahmanas and in the texts on dharma (dharma-sutras); if you understand these clearly, you can realize it, unaided.
- From Dharma Vahini, Chapter VII by Bhagavan.
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