Historia detrás de esta foto (BABA VISITA LA CABAÑA DEL ZAPATERO).

De: Satyam, Sivam, Sundaram por el Prof. Kasthuri.
Un incidente ocurrió en Bangalore, mientras estaba todavía en su adolescencia. Un zapatero ejerciendo su oficio en una esquina de una calle , vio a Baba en un bungalow frente al lugar donde estaba sentado; muchos coches llegaban y partían de la casa , la gente traía flores y los frutos y salían con las caras brillando de alegría y satisfacción, y hablaban de un Avatar, de Sri Krishna, de Bhagavan, de Baba, etc
El zapatero espero durante mucho tiempo, porque quería decirle a Baba, la dirección de su casa y quería saber cuando Baba lo visitaría, para que él pudiese limpiar y estar listo para recibirlo; pero tuvo que regresar rápidamente a su esquina para atender y cuidar su bolsa de cueros y zapatos viejos, y siendo empujado y empujado por la alta afluencia de visitantes, nadie le hacia caso cuando dijo que Baba había prometido realizar una visita a su choza y que necesitaba averiguar cuando Él iba a visitarlo. Algunos que lo escucharon, se rieron de él y de su audacia, y dijeron que estaba borracho o loco.
De repente un día un coche se detuvo justo en frente del zapatero. Él se sorprendió, tenía miedo de que podría ser el furgón de la policía o algún funcionario de la Corporación con la intención de procesarlo. Sin embargo, era Baba! Que invitó al zapatero a que entrara en el coche, el hombre estaba demasiado confundido incluso como para abrir la boca y indicar al conductor a su choza, pero, Baba parecía saber la dirección ! . Dejaron el coche a un lado de la carretera, él se bajó y corrió sobre los adoquines por el lateral de la pista a la cabaña exacta, en medio de una serie de chabolas!
Con Amor y Saludos,
"Mumbai" Srinivasan
Story behind this Photo (BABA VISITS THE HUT OF THE COBBLER).

Talking of His Karuna, an incident that happened at Bangalore, while He was yet in His teens occurs to mind. A cobbler plying his trade in a corner of a road in the Civil Station saw Baba in a Bungalow opposite the place where he sat; many cars were moving into the house and coming out; flowers and fruits were being taken in and the faces of those that came out on the road were bright with joy and contentment; they were talking of an Avathar, of Sri Krishna, of Bhagavan, of Baba etc. so, he too ventured to enter the gate and peep nervously into the Hall, where Baba was seated on a special chair, with men on one side and women on the other; his eyes fell on Baba, just when He too looked at him. Baba rose up immediately him, took the little dried-up garland that the cobbler held in his hand, even before the man offered it and He asked him in Tamil, what he wanted from Him!
The temerity to formulate his wish and express it in so many words must have been granted to that aged cobbler by Baba Himself for, how else can we explain the astounding request that he dared to make? He said, quite confidently and without hesitation, to the surprise of every one who heard him, "Please come to my house also and accept something!" Baba patted his back lovingly and said, "All right, I shall come." And resumed His seat at the other end of the hall.
The cobbler waited long because he wanted to tell Baba where his house was and he wanted to know when Baba would visit it, so that he might clean it and be ready to receive Him; but, he had to hurry back to his corner to keep watch over his bag of leather pieces and old shoes; he was pushed and jostled by the rush of visitors; no one listened to him when he said that Baba had promised to pay a visit to his hut and when he wanted them to find out form Him when He would be coming. Some laughed at him and his audacity; some said, he was drunk or mad. Days passed. Baba spent His days with other Bhakthas and did not visit the Bungalow opposite the Cobbler's Corner. He gave up all hopes of meeting Baba again.
Suddenly one day a swell car pulled up right in front of the aged fellow. He was taken aback; he was afraid it might be the police van or some Corporation officer intent on prosecuting him. But, it was Baba! He invited the cobbler to get into the car; the man was too confused even to open his mouth to direct the driver to his hut; but, Baba seemed to know! Stopping the car on the side of the road, He got down and hastened over the cobblestones in the side-lane to the exact hut, in the midst of a number of slum dwellings! The cobbler ran forward to warn his family; Baba 'took' some sweets and fruits and gave them as Prasad to the members of the cobbler's family, and sat on a plank near the wall. He blessed the aged man, who was shedding tears of joy, partook of a few plantains that he brought from a shop near by and left the hut, which he had made by His visit a place of pilgrimage for the entire neighborhood! Such was Baba's Prema.
Love & Regards, Mumbai Srinivasan
With Love & Regards,
"Mumbai" Srinivasan

De: Satyam, Sivam, Sundaram por el Prof. Kasthuri.
Un incidente ocurrió en Bangalore, mientras estaba todavía en su adolescencia. Un zapatero ejerciendo su oficio en una esquina de una calle , vio a Baba en un bungalow frente al lugar donde estaba sentado; muchos coches llegaban y partían de la casa , la gente traía flores y los frutos y salían con las caras brillando de alegría y satisfacción, y hablaban de un Avatar, de Sri Krishna, de Bhagavan, de Baba, etc
Por lo tanto, él zapatero, también se aventuró a entrar por la puerta y curiosear con nerviosismo en el salón, donde Baba estaba sentado en una silla especial, con los hombres en un lado y las mujeres por el otro, sus ojos se fijaron en Baba, justo cuando él también lo miró.
Baba se levantó de inmediato, le tomo la reseca guirnalda que el zapatero tenía en la mano, incluso antes de que el hombre lo hubiese ofrecido y le preguntó en tamil, lo que quería de él!
La osadía de formular un deseo y expresarlo en pocas palabras, que Baba le había concedido al zapatero, justificaba y explicaba la solicitud asombrosa que se atrevió a hacer.
Baba se levantó de inmediato, le tomo la reseca guirnalda que el zapatero tenía en la mano, incluso antes de que el hombre lo hubiese ofrecido y le preguntó en tamil, lo que quería de él!
La osadía de formular un deseo y expresarlo en pocas palabras, que Baba le había concedido al zapatero, justificaba y explicaba la solicitud asombrosa que se atrevió a hacer.
Dijo bien seguro y sin dudarlo, para sorpresa de todos los que le oían, "Por favor, ven a mi casa también, y acepta mi atención !" Baba le palmeó la espalda con cariño y le dijo: "Está bien, iré." Y volvió a sentarse en el otro extremo de la sala.
El zapatero espero durante mucho tiempo, porque quería decirle a Baba, la dirección de su casa y quería saber cuando Baba lo visitaría, para que él pudiese limpiar y estar listo para recibirlo; pero tuvo que regresar rápidamente a su esquina para atender y cuidar su bolsa de cueros y zapatos viejos, y siendo empujado y empujado por la alta afluencia de visitantes, nadie le hacia caso cuando dijo que Baba había prometido realizar una visita a su choza y que necesitaba averiguar cuando Él iba a visitarlo. Algunos que lo escucharon, se rieron de él y de su audacia, y dijeron que estaba borracho o loco.
Pasaron los días, y Baba pasaba sus días con otros devotos y no visitaba el negocio del zapatero, situado enfrente. Entonces el renunció a toda esperanza de reunirse con Baba otra vez.
De repente un día un coche se detuvo justo en frente del zapatero. Él se sorprendió, tenía miedo de que podría ser el furgón de la policía o algún funcionario de la Corporación con la intención de procesarlo. Sin embargo, era Baba! Que invitó al zapatero a que entrara en el coche, el hombre estaba demasiado confundido incluso como para abrir la boca y indicar al conductor a su choza, pero, Baba parecía saber la dirección ! . Dejaron el coche a un lado de la carretera, él se bajó y corrió sobre los adoquines por el lateral de la pista a la cabaña exacta, en medio de una serie de chabolas!
El zapatero corrió a avisar a su familia, Baba tomó "unos dulces y frutas y les dio como Prasad a los miembros de la familia del zapatero, y se sentó en un tablón junto a la pared.
Bendijo a los hombre de mediana edad, que estaba derramando lágrimas de alegría, comió un plátano y salió de la choza, había hecho por medio de su visita un lugar de peregrinación para todo el vecindario!
Bendijo a los hombre de mediana edad, que estaba derramando lágrimas de alegría, comió un plátano y salió de la choza, había hecho por medio de su visita un lugar de peregrinación para todo el vecindario!
Tal era Prema Baba.
Con Amor y Saludos,
"Mumbai" Srinivasan
Story behind this Photo (BABA VISITS THE HUT OF THE COBBLER).

From: Sathyam, Sivam, Sundaram by Prof. Kasthuri.
Talking of His Karuna, an incident that happened at Bangalore, while He was yet in His teens occurs to mind. A cobbler plying his trade in a corner of a road in the Civil Station saw Baba in a Bungalow opposite the place where he sat; many cars were moving into the house and coming out; flowers and fruits were being taken in and the faces of those that came out on the road were bright with joy and contentment; they were talking of an Avathar, of Sri Krishna, of Bhagavan, of Baba etc. so, he too ventured to enter the gate and peep nervously into the Hall, where Baba was seated on a special chair, with men on one side and women on the other; his eyes fell on Baba, just when He too looked at him. Baba rose up immediately him, took the little dried-up garland that the cobbler held in his hand, even before the man offered it and He asked him in Tamil, what he wanted from Him!
The temerity to formulate his wish and express it in so many words must have been granted to that aged cobbler by Baba Himself for, how else can we explain the astounding request that he dared to make? He said, quite confidently and without hesitation, to the surprise of every one who heard him, "Please come to my house also and accept something!" Baba patted his back lovingly and said, "All right, I shall come." And resumed His seat at the other end of the hall.
The cobbler waited long because he wanted to tell Baba where his house was and he wanted to know when Baba would visit it, so that he might clean it and be ready to receive Him; but, he had to hurry back to his corner to keep watch over his bag of leather pieces and old shoes; he was pushed and jostled by the rush of visitors; no one listened to him when he said that Baba had promised to pay a visit to his hut and when he wanted them to find out form Him when He would be coming. Some laughed at him and his audacity; some said, he was drunk or mad. Days passed. Baba spent His days with other Bhakthas and did not visit the Bungalow opposite the Cobbler's Corner. He gave up all hopes of meeting Baba again.
Suddenly one day a swell car pulled up right in front of the aged fellow. He was taken aback; he was afraid it might be the police van or some Corporation officer intent on prosecuting him. But, it was Baba! He invited the cobbler to get into the car; the man was too confused even to open his mouth to direct the driver to his hut; but, Baba seemed to know! Stopping the car on the side of the road, He got down and hastened over the cobblestones in the side-lane to the exact hut, in the midst of a number of slum dwellings! The cobbler ran forward to warn his family; Baba 'took' some sweets and fruits and gave them as Prasad to the members of the cobbler's family, and sat on a plank near the wall. He blessed the aged man, who was shedding tears of joy, partook of a few plantains that he brought from a shop near by and left the hut, which he had made by His visit a place of pilgrimage for the entire neighborhood! Such was Baba's Prema.
Love & Regards, Mumbai Srinivasan
With Love & Regards,
"Mumbai" Srinivasan