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jueves, 27 de diciembre de 2018

Ananda Vahini - Número Ciento cuarenta y nueve - 26 de diciembre, 2018

Emisión ciento ciento cuarenta y nueve - 26 de diciembre de 2018
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Amar a Dios es el propósito primordial de esta creación: Dios amando al hombre y hombre amando a Dios. Esa es la base de esta creación. Seguimos pasando nacimientos tras nacimientos. Ven, pasa el tiempo. Vas, vuelves en otra forma, pasa el tiempo otra vez. Vas, y vuelves en otra forma. Esa es toda esta historia de amor entre Dios y el hombre que es esta creación. -Baba                                                                                

Con las bendiciones de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, nos complace presentar nuestro número ciento cuarenta y nueve  de Ananda Vahini. El boletín semanal incluye interesantes reflexiones y extractos breves de los eventos de la semana. 

En este número, le traemos las actualizaciones de la visita de Bhagavan a Mauricio y Nigeria entre el 11 de diciembre y el 18 de diciembre de 2018 

En la VISION INTERIOR de esta semana  , el hermano Madhusudan comparte un momento interesante que tuvo lugar entre Bhagavan y la hermana Bhuvana Santhanam 

- Equipo de Comunicaciones Sathya Sai Grama.

Por Sri Madhusudan Naidu.

En esta sección llamada VISIÓN INTERIOR, el Hermano Madhusudan Naidu comparte momentos interesantes y perspicaces de las interacciones de Bhagavan con Sus Estudiantes, Maestros y Devotos. ¡Esta es la verdadera sabiduría directamente desde el sanctum sanctorum más íntimo de la Presencia Divina directa!

Estas son las compilaciones de esas perlas de sabiduría para el beneficio de los devotos.


La hermana Bhuvana, que abandonó una carrera de proyección en el extranjero, también en su apogeo, para estar con Swami desde que comenzó la misión en forma sutil, le estaba sirviendo el almuerzo, cuando ...

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Visita Divina - Mauricio - 11 Y 12 de Diciembre de 2018.

Por lo general, el itinerario anual de viaje cada año concluye con Sudamérica como el destino final de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba y su séquito. Pero como dice el Señor, "Ama mi incertidumbre". Y así fue, cuando Swami decidió emprender un viaje a Mauricio y Nigeria poco después de un Viaje Divino a Mumbai, Calcuta, Delhi y Rishikesh en diciembre.

Swami junto con ...

Llegada al templo Singamma Kali
Bhagavan en el templo Singamma Kali con la hermana Nila, la hermana Padma Murday y los sacerdotes
Durga Homa está siendo realizada por el Reverendo Sacerdote Sri Nanjunda Dixit 
Satsang privado - bendiciendo a los devotos  
La hermana Jaya da la bienvenida a Bhagavan en su residencia. 
Sri BN Narasimha Murthy dirigiéndose a la reunión en la residencia de Smt Jaya y Sri Ajith 
Cena en la residencia de Smt Jaya y Sri Ajith 

Visita Divina - Mauricio - 13 Y 14 de Diciembre de 2018.

Después de una buena noche de descanso, y aún reviviendo las hermosas experiencias del Templo Singamma Kali del día anterior, el séquito se fue a ver los arrecifes de coral en Blue Bay, mientras el equipo local estaba ocupado en los preparativos para el Satsang de la noche . 
Swami entró en medio de Cantos Vedicos y Bhajans. Después de la iluminación de la lámpara ceremonial, la hermana Nila dio la bienvenida a la reunión y agradeció a Swami por bendecirlos a todos. Fue alentador ver a ...

Satsang público
Encendiendo la lámpara ceremonial.
Bhagavan junto con los dignatarios en el estrado
La hermana Jaya ofrece su gratitud a Bhagavan. 
Bendición de voluntarios y equipo central en el hotel antes de partir a Nigeria
Bendiciendo a los devotos 
Mangala Arati

Visita Divina - Enugu, Nigeria - 15 Y 16 de Diciembre de 2018.

Durante la visita de Swami a Enugu en noviembre de 2017, anunció a Su Sankalpa(voluntad divina) para ayudar a África de cuatro maneras: Annam (Comida), Aksharam (Educación), Aarogyam (Salud) y Anandam (Bienaventuranza). 
Swami también había declarado: "El padre Charles trabaja para Dios y para su pueblo, ¡por lo tanto, Dios está aquí para ayudarlo a través de tantas manos!" 
Y así fue. Otra visita divina que también significaba, nuevas noticias para abrazar. Con la Navidad a la vuelta de la esquina, el regalo de Swami a los niños de Enugu, estaba brillando y radiante en toda su gloria en el Joy Ashram, ¡una nueva escuela que ahora podría albergar a 1000 niños!

El séquito de Swami llegó a última hora de la tarde el 15 de diciembre desde Mauricio. Todos fueron recibidos con ...

Con los niños y el padre Charles Ogada a su llegada a Enugu.
Niños cantando Sai Rudram
En la capilla
Misa dominical en la capilla
Equipo de Nigeria con su Señor

Visita Divina - Enugu, Nigeria - 17 Y 18 de Diciembre de 2018.

Poco después del desayuno, el séquito de Swami se dirigió al Ashram Alegría. De hecho, fue un día bendecido para todos los habitantes de la aldea de Ebbe, ya que la Escuela que brindaría educación a 1000 niños estaba lista para comenzar a funcionar esa mañana. 
Junto con la escuela, una instalación para pacientes, el pabellón de trabajadores, el teatro de operaciones y la unidad de laboratorio en el Hospital Aruike también estaban listos para ser inaugurados. También se programó la ...

El complejo de la escuela secundaria
En el evento durante la inauguración.
Swami y el Dr. Fintan Ekochin, Comisionado de Salud junto con otros dignatarios
Isaac Tigrett inaugura la planta de energía solar híbrida
Los paneles solares
Niños cantando el Sai Rudram
Swami bendiciendo a los niños
La asombrosa gracia de los estudiantes del coro junto con TELA Profesores.
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Issue One Hundred and Forty Nine - December 26, 2018
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Loving God is the prime purpose of this creation – God loving man and man loving God. That is the basis of this creation. We keep spending births after births. You come, spend time. You go, come back another form, we spend time again. You go, we come back in another form. That is all this love story between God and man that this creation is.                                                                                                    -Baba

With the Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we are delighted to present our One Hundred and Forty Eighth issue of Ananda Vahini. The weekly newsletter includes interesting musings and short excerpts from the week's events.

In this issue, we bring you the updates of Bhagawan's visit to Mauritius and Nigeria between December 11 and December 18, 2018 

In this week's INNER VIEW, Brother Madhusudan shares an interesting moment which took place between Bhagawan and Sister Bhuvana Santhanam

- Sathya Sai Grama Communications Team.

By Sri Madhusudan 
Mission Movie!     

Sister Bhuvana, who gave up a hot shot career abroad, that too at its peak, to be with Swami ever since the mission in the subtle form started, was serving lunch to Him when Swami said, “See you have joined early and have been witnessing this phenomenal mission, right from the inception and now it’s scaling higher peaks with every passing year, so be steady and stay on till the end to watch the entire story, don’t go away half way.”

Then to emphasise upon what He said, He gave the analogy of a movie and said, “When you watch a movie right from the very beginning till the very end, you will understand it completely and enjoy it, whereas if you miss either the beginning, the middle or the end you will not have the same understanding and might miss out on the real story. Many came early and are with me, many joined halfway and have struggled to understand it, many have left in between and will never know the end, so unless you stay on steadfastly it won’t be possible for you to know the whole thing. Like a movie which has all emotions interwoven through out the story be it joy ans sorrow, despair and drama, suspense and surprise, action and adventure, this mission too has many facets, sometimes exciting, sometime joyful, another time it’s a struggle and yet other times it may be adventurous, nevertheless this is what makes it so interesting. So hold on to your seats and don’t leave half way.”

The movie of His mission, which is being directed by Him, scripted by Him, produced by Him, is the most interesting show of its time, and a blockbuster for all times to come! Keep watching!!     


11 AND 12 DECEMBER, 2018 

Typically, the annual travel itinerary every year concludes with South America as the final destination for Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and His entourage. But as the Lord says, ‘Love My uncertainty’. And so it was, when Swami decided to embark on a trip to Mauritius and Nigeria soon after a Divine Trip to Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi and Rishikesh in December.
Swami along with His entourage departed in the wee hours of 11 December. Upon landing in the beautiful island of Mauritius late afternoon, everyone were lovingly welcomed by Sister Nila and Padma Murday. Though they currently reside in the United Kingdom, their father and forefathers hailed from this blessed land, tucked away in the Indian Ocean. Their family have been worshippers of Devi Shakti, and have been blessed to see and talk to Her. Even today, the family tradition continues as Sister Padma is able to see and experience the Goddess in a way which is inexplicable, mystical and glorious! Earlier this year, when Swami visited the Sai Grace Ashram in the United Kingdom, Swami accepted the prayers of Sister Nila to visit Mauritius. He had commanded Sister Nila and Padma to arrange for a Durga Homa at the Singamma Kali Temple which was built by their father. The Goddess in the form of Singamma Kali is said to contain the aspect of the triple Kali, Durga and Mariamman.
One selfless prayer of one person, and the bountiful grace decides to shower itself upon everyone. And so it was, as Swami and His entourage landed, the overwhelming love was indeed palpable. As it was a long flight, with an added delay due to the fog at Bangalore, Swami advised His entourage to rest for the evening.
The next morning, 12 December, soon after breakfast, Swami and His entourage proceeded to the Singamma Kali Temple. Almost a 45 minutes drive from where they were all staying, the travel....
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Arrival at Singamma  Kali Temple
Bhagawan at Singamma Kali Temple with Sister Nila, Sister Padma Murday and Priests
Durga Homa being performed by the Revered Priest Sri Nanjunda Dixit 
Private Satsang - Blessing the devotees  
Sister Jaya welcoming Bhagawan at her residence 
Sri B N Narasimha Murthy addressing the gathering at the residence of Smt Jaya and Sri Ajith 
Dinner at the Residence of Smt Jaya and Sri Ajith 
   13 AND 14 DECEMBER, 2018    
After a good night’s rest, and still dwelling in the beautiful experiences from the Singamma Kali Temple the previous day, the entourage went to see the coral reefs at Blue Bay, while the local team were busy in preparations for the evening Satsang. Swami entered amidst Vedam and Bhajans. After the ceremonial lamp lighting, Sister Nila welcomed the gathering and thanked Swami for blessing all of them. It was heartening to see many devotees who were experiencing Swami in the subtle for the very first time. Thereafter, Sister Jaya offered her gratitude to Swami. Mr Issac Tigrett started his talk by saying, “No one can tell you what to believe and what not to believe. Spirituality is your own journey, which has brought you here tonight.” He spoke about his own unique journey when Swami had refused to speak to him for 17 years, and how Swami taught him the formless nature of divinity.
Sri C Sreenivas spoke about how a defining moment and day, arrives in life. “God and life have their own way of unravelling of what we should be doing, and where we should be going. Open yourself, and say Yes to life and Yes to God!” He narrated three utterances of Swami in the subtle through Brother Madhusudan, a month after He gave up His physical form. One of it was a private moment when Swami was in the ICU bed on April 24, 2011. Sri C Sreenivas was the only person at 6:15 a.m. standing by Swami’s Lotus Feet and weeping. He went to reveal how when he had met Swami in the subtle for the very first time, and how Swami had described about that morning, which was not known to anyone!
Sri B N Narasimha Murthy also spoke about how God’s presence can be recognised. Innocence, purity and humility are hallmarks in a person who can experience God, he said.
Swami in His divine discourse said, “Just as tongue cannot hear, just as ears cannot taste, just as eyes cannot smell, just as nose cannot see, likewise mind cannot understand the ways of God. Therefore, it is said, Yatho Vacho Nivartante Aprapya Manasa Saha. He cannot be described in words, he cannot....

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Public Satsang
Lighting the ceremonial lamp
Bhagawan along with the dignitaries on the dais
Sister Jaya offering her gratitude to Bhagawan 
Blessing volunteers and core team at the Hotel before departure to Nigeria
Blessing the devotees 
Mangala Arati
 15 AND 16 DECEMBER, 2018   
During Swami’s Visit to Enugu in November 2017, He had announced His Sankalpa to help Africa in four ways of Annam (Food), Aksharam (Education), Aarogyam (Health) and Anandam (Bliss). Swami had also declared, “Father Charles works for God and His people, therefore God is here to help him through so many hands!” And so it was. Yet another divine visit which also meant, new tidings to embrace. With Christmas just around the corner, Swami’s gift to the children of Enugu, was gleaming and beaming in all its glory at the Joy Ashram - a new School which would now accommodate 1000 children!
Swami‘s entourage landed late afternoon on December 15 from Mauritius. Everyone were lovingly received by Father Charles Ogada, and the entire retinue from Lagos - Brother Anant Rao and his wife Smt Kamala, Brother Ricky Sharma and his wife Smt Komal, amongst others. Tired after an incredibly long travel, with multi stops, and change of aircrafts, Swami’s entourage proceeded to the hotel. They were greeted by the children and teachers of Joy Ashram, immaculately dressed in their Christmas attires. Swami manifested just as Brother Madhusudan alighted from the car, and stood in joy as He heard the children sing. Overpowered with love, Swami blessed each child with an apple and chocolates, and promised to see them the next morning. After an early, but elaborate South Indian dinner cooked by a team of African chefs to perfection, the entourage retired for the night.
The next morning, December 16, after piping hot Idlis, Upma, Sambhar and Chutney, Swami’s entourage proceeded to the Joy Ashram or ‘Anuli Ashram’ as it is called in the local language, tucked away....
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With the children and Father Charles Ogada upon arrival at Enugu
Children chanting Sai Rudram
At the Chapel
Sunday Mass at the Chapel
Team Nigeria with their Lord
 17 AND 18 DECEMBER, 2018   
Soon after breakfast, Swami’s entourage proceeded to the Joy Ashram. Indeed a blessed day for everyone from the Ebbe village, as the School which would provide education to 1000 children was ready to start functioning that morning. Along with the school, an in patient facility, the labour ward, Operation Theatre, and the laboratory unit at the Aruike Hospital were also ready to be inaugurated. Inauguration of the 33.92 KWP super solar hybrid power plant was also scheduled.
His Royal Highness, Eze Udo (King of Peace) Traditional Ruler of Umukpa Alike Autoumous Community, Dr Fintan Ekochin, Commissioner of Health, State of Enugu, Honourable Justice of High Court Ms Chinwe Emembolu of Anambra State, and Mr Maruthi Mallepalli, CEO of Enugu Electricity Distribution Company were the Guests of Honour of the morning event. The guests first proceeded to the Secondary School Complex and after the National Anthem, traditional rituals, and prayer, everyone proceeded for the ribbon cutting ceremony. From the School complex, Swami along with the guests walked to the Hospital to inaugurate the various new facets of the Hospital which is providing succour to so many residents of Ebbe village. Thereafter, the inauguration of the solar power plant took place. Swami and the guests returned to the School Complex for the formal function to commence.
On behalf of the Enugu State Government, Enugu State Ministry of Health and the Governor of Enugu Honourable Gburuburu, Dr Fintan Ekochin expressed his joy, and conveyed the greetings of all. He said, “Today is the day the good Lord has made, and we rejoice and we are glad in it. Few months ago the Deputy Governor was here for the Gift of Limbs event. Enugu State Government is fully aware of all that is happening here in Joy Village and today I am here representing the Government. We speak loud and we speak with pride about the Joy Village, and what is happening here is not what you see in other places. I have been seeing these children grow. To grow....   
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The Secondary School Complex
At the event during the inauguration
Swami and Dr Fintan Ekochin, Commissioner of Health along with the other dignitaries
Mr Isaac Tigrett inaugurating the Solar Hybrid Power Plant
The solar panels
Children chanting the Sai Rudram
Swami blessing the children
 The Amazing Grace Students Choir along with the TELA Teachers
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