Retrospectiva (2010): Mar - abril - mayo - junio - julio - agosto - septiembre - octubre - noviembre - diciembre
Retrospectiva (2011): Jan - febrero - marzo - abril - mayo - junio - julio - agosto
2011 - 1950
En el segundo día de Dasara, los estudiantes abarcaron 23 aldeas de Mandals Puttaparthi y Kothacheruvu en la mañana después de circunvalar el Mandir. El programa de la tarde comenzó a las 16: 30 hrs con la invocación védica.
A las 16:50 hrs Sri Ajit Popat comenzó su charla con su estilo característico. Se acordaba de los primeros Grama Seva y en el Bhagavan le había dado instrucciones a el y a su grupo de entonces. Destacando la fuerza y el poder de la mente, contó las cuatro etapas del Sadhana o práctica espiritual, tal como lo definió Bhagavan a él, a saber, sentir, experimentar, darse cuenta.
Es importante sentir que el trono en el Santuario Sanctoram no está vacío. Él está sentado allí como el eterno testigo, subrayó.

En la casa del Señor, no hay regresión, frustración o depresión, la único es Sai, bromeó.
En la casa del Señor, no hay regresión, frustración o depresión, la único es Sai, bromeó.
Concluyo con el recordatorio: "Yo no soy una bestia, yo no soy un pájaro, yo soy un hombre, soy un devoto de Sai, soy consciente de Dios", Sri Ajit Popat pidió a la asamblea que lo sigua en su Jaikars.
R. Sri Raghavendra, hijo y discípulo de Sri Padmabushan Mushnam Raja Rao y Sandilyan Padma realizó un concierto Carnatic en la Divina Presencia. Estuvo acompañado en el violín por Smt. Charulatha Ramanujam, Sri Sudhindhra en el Mridangam y Sri Shankar Sashi en el Ghatam. Con su voz impecable, Sri Raghavendra comenzó el concierto con Naadha Tanu Manisham, aumentando el ritmo con Shiva Shiva Shiva Enna Raaya, continuando con Arunachala Naayakam y otras canciones antes de concluir con Chandrasekara ...

El concierto fue seguido por los bhajans, interpretado por los estudiantes , concluyendo con "Prema Mudhitha .." en la voz divina.
R. Sri Raghavendra, hijo y discípulo de Sri Padmabushan Mushnam Raja Rao y Sandilyan Padma realizó un concierto Carnatic en la Divina Presencia. Estuvo acompañado en el violín por Smt. Charulatha Ramanujam, Sri Sudhindhra en el Mridangam y Sri Shankar Sashi en el Ghatam. Con su voz impecable, Sri Raghavendra comenzó el concierto con Naadha Tanu Manisham, aumentando el ritmo con Shiva Shiva Shiva Enna Raaya, continuando con Arunachala Naayakam y otras canciones antes de concluir con Chandrasekara ...
El concierto fue seguido por los bhajans, interpretado por los estudiantes , concluyendo con "Prema Mudhitha .." en la voz divina.
Los artistas fueron honrados con la ropa y prasadam fue distribuido a la asamblea.
El Departamento de Publicaciones del albergue publico una nueva edición de "Vandana" con la bendición divina.


Archival (2010) : Mar - Apr - May - Jun - Jul - Aug - Sep - Oct - Nov - Dec
Archival (2011) : Jan - Feb - Mar - April - May - June - July - Aug
Updated Thursday, September 29, 2011 - 1950 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 2011 - 1950 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Hrs. IST
On the second day of Dasara, the students covered 23 villages of Puttaparthi and Kothacheruvu Mandals in the morning after circumambulating the Mandir. The evening programme started at 1630hrs with Vedic invocation.
At 1650hrs Sri Ajit Popat started his talk in his characteristic style. He reminisced about the very first Grama Seva and the instructions Bhagawan had given him and his group then. Stressing on the strength and power of one's mind, He recounted the four stage of Sadhana or Spiritual Practice as defined by Bhagawan to him, namely, Feel->Know->Experience->Realise. It is important to feel that the throne in the Sanctum Sanctoram is not empty. He is seated there as the eternal witness, he stressed.

In the house of the Lord, there is no regression, frustration or depression, only Sai Session, he quipped. Concluding with the reminder, "I am not a beast, I am not a bird, I am a man, I am a Sai Devotee, I am verily God", Sri Ajit Popat prompted the assembly to follow him in his Jaikars.
Sri R. Raghavendra, son and disciple of Padmabushan Sri Mushnam Raja Rao and Padma Sandilyan performed a Carnatic concert in the Divine Presence. He was accompanied on the violin by Smt. Charulatha Ramanujam, Sri Sudhindhra on the Mridangam and Sri Sashi Shankar on the Ghatam. With his faultless voice, Sri Raghavendra started the concert with Naadha Tanu Manisham, upping the tempo with Shiva Shiva Shiva Enna Raaya, continuing with Arunachala Naayakam and other songs before concluding with Chandrasekara...

The concert was followed by Bhajans by students and concluding with "Prema Mudhitha.." in the Divine Voice. The artistes were honoured with clothes and Prasadam was distributed to the assembly. The Publishing department of the hostel released a new edition of "Vandana" with Divine blessings.

Archival (2010) : Mar - Apr - May - Jun - Jul - Aug - Sep - Oct - Nov - Dec
Archival (2011) : Jan - Feb - Mar - April - May - June - July - Aug
Updated Thursday, September 29, 2011 - 1950 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 2011 - 1950 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Hrs. IST
On the second day of Dasara, the students covered 23 villages of Puttaparthi and Kothacheruvu Mandals in the morning after circumambulating the Mandir. The evening programme started at 1630hrs with Vedic invocation.
At 1650hrs Sri Ajit Popat started his talk in his characteristic style. He reminisced about the very first Grama Seva and the instructions Bhagawan had given him and his group then. Stressing on the strength and power of one's mind, He recounted the four stage of Sadhana or Spiritual Practice as defined by Bhagawan to him, namely, Feel->Know->Experience->Realise. It is important to feel that the throne in the Sanctum Sanctoram is not empty. He is seated there as the eternal witness, he stressed.
In the house of the Lord, there is no regression, frustration or depression, only Sai Session, he quipped. Concluding with the reminder, "I am not a beast, I am not a bird, I am a man, I am a Sai Devotee, I am verily God", Sri Ajit Popat prompted the assembly to follow him in his Jaikars.
Sri R. Raghavendra, son and disciple of Padmabushan Sri Mushnam Raja Rao and Padma Sandilyan performed a Carnatic concert in the Divine Presence. He was accompanied on the violin by Smt. Charulatha Ramanujam, Sri Sudhindhra on the Mridangam and Sri Sashi Shankar on the Ghatam. With his faultless voice, Sri Raghavendra started the concert with Naadha Tanu Manisham, upping the tempo with Shiva Shiva Shiva Enna Raaya, continuing with Arunachala Naayakam and other songs before concluding with Chandrasekara...
The concert was followed by Bhajans by students and concluding with "Prema Mudhitha.." in the Divine Voice. The artistes were honoured with clothes and Prasadam was distributed to the assembly. The Publishing department of the hostel released a new edition of "Vandana" with Divine blessings.