Historia detrás de esta foto
MILAGROS EN SAI SRTHI, la divina morada de Koda ikanal. 1.
(Bhagavan en el Sai Sruthi, Kodaikanal)
La zona del lago en Kodaikanal solía tener intensa actividad durante los días de verano, con la llegada de nuestro Señor Sai.
(Bhagavan en el Sai Sruthi, Kodaikanal)
La zona del lago en Kodaikanal solía tener intensa actividad durante los días de verano, con la llegada de nuestro Señor Sai.
Al igual que las abejas y las mariposas revoloteando sobre los jardines de flores, decenas de devotos de todas partes del mundo llegaban a través del lago, y se reúnian frente al Sai Sruthi, la divina morada.
Se sentaban en filas sobre la hierba, fuera de la puerta de entrada, que es húmeda durante la noche con fuertes rocíos, a la espera del seva que realiza el sorteo para entrar al Ashram, y ubicarse para el Darshan.
Los devotos tenian la fiesta del Divino Darshan dos veces al día.
Una vez para una festividad de Sri Rama Navami, el cumpleaños del Señor Rama. Después del Darshan, Swami estaba dando un discurso divino. Swami toco diversos aspectos de las historias de Rama. Swami narró Seetha Kalyanam, respaldado con melodiosas canciones durante el relato de las historias. Al final de el Arathi fue tomada la foto desde la multitud .
Una vez para una festividad de Sri Rama Navami, el cumpleaños del Señor Rama. Después del Darshan, Swami estaba dando un discurso divino. Swami toco diversos aspectos de las historias de Rama. Swami narró Seetha Kalyanam, respaldado con melodiosas canciones durante el relato de las historias. Al final de el Arathi fue tomada la foto desde la multitud .
Sin embargo, Swami no había terminado. Dentro de la morada divina, Sai Sruthi, los estudiantes se habían reunido alrededor Swami, incluyendo unos pocos devotos mayores.
Normalmente sesiones de preguntas y respuestas se inician con los estudiantes. Swami tomó su asiento y miró a su alrededor y todos se reunieron. Esos días, yo estaba a cargo de la versión tamil del Sanathana Sarathi, y como el hombre más afortunado, yo también podía incluirme.
Un niño se atrevió a hacer una pregunta sobre el Rama-Sita Kalayanam (la boda).
"Swami, como ofreció Mangala Suthram(Tthirumangalayam) el Señor Rama a la Madre Sita? ¿Le puso una cadena alrededor del cuello de la Madre Sita, o era un nudo?
Normalmente sesiones de preguntas y respuestas se inician con los estudiantes. Swami tomó su asiento y miró a su alrededor y todos se reunieron. Esos días, yo estaba a cargo de la versión tamil del Sanathana Sarathi, y como el hombre más afortunado, yo también podía incluirme.
Un niño se atrevió a hacer una pregunta sobre el Rama-Sita Kalayanam (la boda).
"Swami, como ofreció Mangala Suthram(Tthirumangalayam) el Señor Rama a la Madre Sita? ¿Le puso una cadena alrededor del cuello de la Madre Sita, o era un nudo?
Bhagavan pretendía reaccionar airadamente, levantando las manos, gritó "Hey". Entonces Swami sonrió a cada uno y en voz baja respondió: "Le puso alrededor del cuello ! ..Y Swami preguntó de pronto: "¿Quieres ver el Suthram Mangala que Rama ofreció a la Madre Sita ?" ...Los niños ansiosos gritaron a coro: "Sí, Swami, Swami Por favor ... ..."
La divina mano derecha de Swami comenzó a moverse en círculos, y luego se apoderó de algo. Poco a poco swami abrió la palma de la mano, y mostró un gran pendiente dorado. Era tan grande como la palma de la mano, y bastante pesado. Swami se levantó de su asiento y caminó entre los niños y los devotos , mostrando el colgante Divino, para que todos puedan tocarlo.
Un niño le preguntó: "Swami este pendiente es pesado y muy grande. ¿Cómo puede una pequeña cadena mantenerlo", respondió Swami : no era pequeña la cadena, sino que era bastante grande, alrededor de 5 pies (1,5 mts) de largo." Todo el mundo se sorprendió ante esta declaración. Swami aclaró que en el Thretha Yuga, los seres humanos eran muy altos. El Señor Rama tenia 16 pies de altura ( casi 5 mts ) y la Madre Sita a unos 12pies ( 3,6 mts ).
Swami recitó la primera línea de una famosa aalapana de un Bhajans a Rama , "AAJANU BHAHUM Aravinda ... ..." Swami dijo, Aajanu Bhahum significa ... manos muy largas ... .. ". 
MIRACLES IN SAI SRUTHI, the Divine Abode in Kodaikanal. 1.
(Bhagavan in Sai Sruthi, Kodaikanal)
The lake area in Kodaikanal used to be humming with hectic activities during the summer days, with the arrival of our Lord Sai. Like the honey bees and the butterflies hovering over the flower gardens, scores of devotees from all part of the world arrive across the lake, and gather in front of Sai Sruthi, the Divine Abode. They sit in lines in the grass outside the gate, which is wet with overnight heavy dews, awaiting for seva dals to draw lots for entry inside. The devotees will be having a feast of Divine Darshan twice every day.
Once it was a Sri Rama Navami, the Birthday of Lord Sri. Rama. After Darshan, Swami was giving a Divine discourse. Swami touched various aspects of Rama’s Stories. Swami narrated Seetha Kalyanam, backed up with melodious songs in between the story telling. At the end Arathi was taken and the crowds disbursed. But Swami had not finished. Inside the Divine Abode, Sai Sruthi, the student had gathered around Swami, including few senior devotees.
The students’ sessions normally starts with a few questions asked by the boys. Swami took His seat and looked around every one gathered. Those days, I was in charge of the Tamil version of Sanathana Sarathi, and as a most lucky man, I could also sneak in.
One boy dared to ask Swami a question on Rama-Sita Kalayanam (wedding).
“Swami, as Lord Rama, how did you offer Mangala Suthram (Tthirumangalayam) to Mother Sita? Did you put it as a chain around the neck of Mother Sitha, or was it tied into a knot? Bhagavan pretended to react angrily, raising His hands, He shouted “Hey”. Then Swami smiled at every one and softly replied, “It was put around the neck! And Swami suddenly asked, “Do you want to see the Mangala Suthram offered to Mother Sita, by Lord Rama?” The eager boys shouted back in a chorus, “Yes Swami, Please Swami……”
Swami’s Divine right hand started moving in circles, and then caught hold of something. Slowly swami opened up the palm, and showed a Large beautiful golden pendent. It was as big as the palm of the hand, and quite heavy. Swami got up from His seat, and walked among the boys and the devotees showing the Divine Pendent, to enable everyone to touch it. One boy asked, “Swami this is heavy and very big. How can a small chain hold it?” Swami replied it was not small chain; it was quite large, about 5 feet in all.” Everybody was startled at this statement. Swami clarified that in Thretha Yuga, humans were very tall. Lord Rama was 16’ tall and Mother Sita about 12 ‘. Swami recited the first line of a famous aalapana of Rama Bhajan, “AAJANU BHAHUM ARAVINDA……” Swami said, Aajanu Bhahum means very long hands…..” .
(Bhagavan in Sai Sruthi, Kodaikanal)
The lake area in Kodaikanal used to be humming with hectic activities during the summer days, with the arrival of our Lord Sai. Like the honey bees and the butterflies hovering over the flower gardens, scores of devotees from all part of the world arrive across the lake, and gather in front of Sai Sruthi, the Divine Abode. They sit in lines in the grass outside the gate, which is wet with overnight heavy dews, awaiting for seva dals to draw lots for entry inside. The devotees will be having a feast of Divine Darshan twice every day.
Once it was a Sri Rama Navami, the Birthday of Lord Sri. Rama. After Darshan, Swami was giving a Divine discourse. Swami touched various aspects of Rama’s Stories. Swami narrated Seetha Kalyanam, backed up with melodious songs in between the story telling. At the end Arathi was taken and the crowds disbursed. But Swami had not finished. Inside the Divine Abode, Sai Sruthi, the student had gathered around Swami, including few senior devotees.
The students’ sessions normally starts with a few questions asked by the boys. Swami took His seat and looked around every one gathered. Those days, I was in charge of the Tamil version of Sanathana Sarathi, and as a most lucky man, I could also sneak in.
One boy dared to ask Swami a question on Rama-Sita Kalayanam (wedding).
“Swami, as Lord Rama, how did you offer Mangala Suthram (Tthirumangalayam) to Mother Sita? Did you put it as a chain around the neck of Mother Sitha, or was it tied into a knot? Bhagavan pretended to react angrily, raising His hands, He shouted “Hey”. Then Swami smiled at every one and softly replied, “It was put around the neck! And Swami suddenly asked, “Do you want to see the Mangala Suthram offered to Mother Sita, by Lord Rama?” The eager boys shouted back in a chorus, “Yes Swami, Please Swami……”
Swami’s Divine right hand started moving in circles, and then caught hold of something. Slowly swami opened up the palm, and showed a Large beautiful golden pendent. It was as big as the palm of the hand, and quite heavy. Swami got up from His seat, and walked among the boys and the devotees showing the Divine Pendent, to enable everyone to touch it. One boy asked, “Swami this is heavy and very big. How can a small chain hold it?” Swami replied it was not small chain; it was quite large, about 5 feet in all.” Everybody was startled at this statement. Swami clarified that in Thretha Yuga, humans were very tall. Lord Rama was 16’ tall and Mother Sita about 12 ‘. Swami recited the first line of a famous aalapana of Rama Bhajan, “AAJANU BHAHUM ARAVINDA……” Swami said, Aajanu Bhahum means very long hands…..” .