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sábado, 7 de julio de 2018

Ananda Vahini - Número Ciento treinta y dos - 05 de julio de, 2018_Ananda Vahini - Issue One Hundred And Thirty Two - July 05, 2018 .

Emisión Ciento treinta y dos - 05 de julio de 2018
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El amor de Dios no significa renunciar a tus deberes normales. En el desempeño de estos deberes, cada acción debe hacerse como una ofrenda al Bhāgavat Prītyārthaṃ (por el bien de agradar a Dios). Mire al cuerpo como un templo en movimiento, en donde Dios reside. Reconozca que Dios está siempre con usted y con usted.  -Baba

Con las bendiciones de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, estamos encantados de presentar nuestra edición ciento treinta y dos de Ananda Vahini. El boletín semanal incluye reflexiones interesantes y breves extractos de los eventos de la semana. En este número, les traemos los videos presentados en la Conferencia Aldea Ideal de 2018, organizada por Science for Society en la Universidad de Stanford el 26 de junio de 2018.

Se realizaron dos charlas sobre el tema de la conferencia - Empoderamiento de las mujeres, y les traemos extractos de lo mismo. Dra. Shruti Prabhu, Jefe de Salud Pública e Investigación, Hospital Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani, Naya Raipur habló sobre el Programa de Salud Materno Infantil, y la Sra. Bhuvana Santhanam, Directora del Programa de Alcance Global de la Misión Global de Swami habló sobre la educación de las mujeres.

Sri C Sreenivas, Presidente de los Hospitales Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani recibió el Premio a la Excelencia Humana 2018, por su destacada contribución en el sector de la salud, celebrado en la Universidad de Harvard, EE. UU. , el 19 de junio de 2018. Se presentó un informe sobre el mismo.

Además, les traemos una función fotográfica de la visita de Bhagavan a los Estados Unidos del 16 de junio al 1 de julio de 2018.

En VISIÓN INTERIOR de esta semana , el hermano Madhusudan Naidu comparte un momento interesante que sucedió entre el Señor y Sus devotos durante su visita a los Estados Unidos.

- Equipo de Comunicaciones Sathya Sai Grama.

Por Sri Madhusudan Naidu.

En esta sección llamada VISIÓN INTERIOR, el Hermano Madhusudan Naidu comparte momentos interesantes y perspicaces de las interacciones de Bhagavan con Sus Estudiantes, Maestros y Devotos. ¡Esta es la verdadera sabiduría directamente desde el sanctum sanctorum más íntimo de la Presencia Divina directa!

Estas son las compilaciones de esas perlas de sabiduría para el beneficio de los devotos.

¡El Agua es como Dios!

Las conversaciones durante el almuerzo o la cena han llevado a tantas gemas de sabiduría y aquí se agrega otra al tesoro de las deliberaciones divinas.

En EE. UU., cuando las damas de la casa le traían el almuerzo a Swami, cada dama llevaba un plato para servirle, sobre lo cual Swami preguntaba ansiosamente qué era, quién... 

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Empoderamiento de las mujeres - Salud


El Hospital Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani para cuidado del corazón infantil ubicado en Naya Raipur, la capital de Chhattisgarh, es un aclamado instituto de servicio nacional que brinda tratamiento y servicios totalmente gratuitos para niños con cardiopatías congénitas.

Para promover el compromiso de los institutos de una vida saludable para los niños y crear un impacto holístico y sostenible en la sociedad, se sintió la necesidad de ...

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Empoderamiento de las mujeres - Educación


"Con la educación, las mujeres pueden comprender su autoestima y pueden prosperar bien. Se trata de que las jóvenes puedan obtener una educación y convertirse en líderes dentro de nuestra comunidad global.

Y esta comunidad ... esta Sociedad es la expresión de la Divinidad en múltiples fases. Todos somos chispas de lo divino. 

Las mujeres tienen un papel central en la fundación de la sociedad. Si las mujeres no nacieron para ser iguales, ¿por qué Dios las habría creado?. Solo hay dos polaridades: una ...



El 19 de junio, líderes y defensores de las misiones sociales de todo el mundo se reunieron para el Premio Sri Sathya Sai a la Excelencia Humana - Capítulo EE.UU., en el Campus de la Universidad de Harvard, una Conferencia de Desarrollo de Liderazgo para ayudar a Honrar a los Héroes en la Innovación Social de Alto Impacto. 
Esto ha sido patrocinado por Hope Collaborative, Divine Will Foundation y Meketa Investments con People Shores y Sai Global Federation of Foundations.

La conferencia está diseñada para celebrar y promover las poderosas capacidades de liderazgo de destacados emprendedores sociales que abordan los ...

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El Sr. Kevin Sheehan dirigiéndose a la reunión en el campus de Harvard 
El Dr. David Cornsweet dirigiéndose a la audiencia durante el Premio Sri Sathya Sai a la Excelencia Humana en la tarde en el campus de la Universidad de Harvard   
Sri C Sreenivas recibe un premio por su destacada contribución en el sector de la salud 
La Sra. Bhuvana Santhanam habla sobre la génesis del Premio y la necesidad de que las empresas y las organizaciones sin fines de lucro trabajen juntas  
18 de junio - Boston - llegada de Bhagavan 
20 de junio, mañana - Boston - Homam y gran inauguración de 'Prashanti' - Centro para el Desarrollo Humano 
20 de junio, noche - Boston - Satsang en progreso 
21 de junio, noche - Atlanta - Llegada a la residencia de Sri RJ Patel y Smt Asha Patel
22 de junio, por la mañana - Atlanta - Satsang privado en la residencia de Sri RJ Patel
22 de junio, noche - Atlanta - Satsang público en la residencia de Sri RJ Patel
23 de junio por la mañana - Atlanta  
Swami asistió a un partido de fútbol, ​​donde los niños con autismo jugaron un juego maravilloso y recibieron abundantes bendiciones del Señor
23 de junio, tarde - Atlanta - Adiós Arati 
24 de junio, noche - Los Gatos - Public Satsang en el Centro para el Desarrollo Humano 
25 de junio, noche - Los Gatos - Youth Meet
26 de junio por la mañana - Stanford - 2018 Ideal Village Conference 
Dra. Shruti Prabhu hablando sobre el programa Divine Mother and Child Health
La Sra. Bhuvana Santhanam habla sobre el empoderamiento de las mujeres y la necesidad de educar a las niñas
26 de junio, noche - San José - Satsang privado en la residencia de Sri Divyogi Patel  
27 de junio, mañana - San José - Visita a 'People Shores'
29 de junio, noche - Encinitas - Satsang privado
30 de junio, noche - San Diego - Public Satsang
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* Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutha Prakashna *, Todos los derechos reservados. 

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Issue One Hundred and Thirty Two - July 05, 2018
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Love of God does not mean giving up your normal duties. In the performance of these duties, every action should be done as an offering to Bhāgavat Prītyārthaṃ (for the sake of pleasing God). Look upon the body as a moving temple, wherein God resides. Recognise that God is always with you and around you.  
With the Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we are delighted to present our One Hundred and Thirty Second issue of Ananda Vahini. The weekly newsletter includes interesting musings and short excerpts from the week's events.

In this issue, we bring you the videos presented at the 2018 Ideal Village Conference, organised by Science for Society at Stanford University on June 26, 2018. Two talks were delivered on the Theme of the Conference - Empowerment of Women, and we bring you excerpts from the same.

Dr Shruti Prabhu, Head - Public Health & Research, Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital, Naya Raipur spoke about the Divine Mother and Child Health Program, and Ms Bhuvana Santhanam, Head - Global Outreach Program of Swami's Global Missionspoke about women's education.

Sri C Sreenivas, Chairman of the Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospitals 
received the 2018 Human Excellence award for outstanding contribution in the health sector, held at Harvard University, USA on June 19, 2018. A report has been presented on the same.

Also, we bring you a photo feature of Bhagawan's visit to USA from June 16 to July 01, 2018.

In this week's INNER VIEW, Brother Madhusudan Naidu shares an interesting moment which happened between the Lord and His devotees, during His visit to USA.

- Sathya Sai Grama Communications Team.
By Sri Madhusudan Naidu
Water is like God! 
Conversations over lunch or dinner have lead to so many gems of wisdom and here adds another one to the treasury of divine deliberations. In USA, when the ladies of the home brought lunch for Swami, each lady carried a dish to be served which Swami eagerly enquired about as to what was it, who made it and even commented on the nutritional or cultural importance of that food item, thereby giving each also a chance to interact with Him. And finally it was the turn of the last lady who came with a glass of water to offer it to Swami. So as to not disappoint her Swami said, “Oh! That’s the most important item! Without water no one could have cooked all the other items. Though water is colourless, odourless, tasteless and shapeless, yet without it none of these wonderful food items of varying colours, smells, tastes and shapes could have been prepared. Likewise, though God is without any name, form or attributes yet the whole world full of diverse forms and names are not possible without God, just like water, without which all these different dishes are not possible. Never forget this truth!”

The lady who brought water was the happiest, for she had the longest conversation with Swami and the deepest one too!  
Empowerment of Women - Health

Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital for Child Heart Care located in Naya Raipur, the capital city of Chhattisgarh is an acclaimed institute of national service providing treatment and services totally free of cost exclusively for children suffering from congenital heart disease.

To further the institutes commitment towards a healthy life for children and create a holistic and sustainable impact on society, a need was felt to focus on the screening, preventive and educative spectrum of childrens' health. The Department of Public Health and Research at Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital was established with a sense of duty to contribute towards the health of local population of Chhattisgarh and beyond. The institutes school health screening and early intervention program conducted in rural govt schools and anganwadis offers detailed health assessment and early intervention for children. Till date, more than 10000 children have been screened across 61 govt schools in three major blocks in Raipur district.

The experience of this program highlighted the importance of  strengthening maternal health in the community to give children the best start in life. Today, these two aspects collectively form the crux of the Divine Mother and Child Health Program, The maternal health initiative under this program comprises of antenatal check up for pregnant women and detection of high risk pregnancy and management of the same. A unique aspect of this initiative is creating awareness among community in remote areas about adoption of evidence based key practices pertaining to healthy pregnancy and child birth. A healthy mother begets a healthy child and hence the mother support groups are formed at village level to empower pregnant women, families and communities about essential information on healthy and safe practices during pregnancy and child birth. Innovative health education tools are used to actively involve pregnant women and the community in understanding the same. These women who are farm laborers continue to work through the last trimester of their pregnancy and have less time to care for themselves, Cooking demonstrations are held to train these women about energy dense food items made from local ingredients that will nourish them and the baby. An interactive snakes and ladders game is used to educate them about danger signs about the do's and don'ts during pregnancy. They learn as they play and participate. The seeds of the hard work put in by the team are now bearing fruit and it is very heartening and motivating to see healthy babies born to these women who themselves notice a significant improvement in their health and the baby's health in comparison to their previous pregnancy.

The vision is to spread this model beyond borders and march towards achieving the sustainable development goal of universal health coverage. reduction of maternal and infant mortality and morbidity and empower the community to take control of its own health.

Dr Shruti Prabhu
Head - Public Health & Research
Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital, Naya Raipur     
Empowerment of Women - Education

“With education, women can understand their self worth, and can thrive well. It is about young girls being able to get an education and become leaders within our global community.

And this community...this Society is the expression of Divinity into manifold phases. We are all sparks of the divine.

Women have a central role in foundation of society. If women were not born to be equal, why would God have created them? There are only two polarities - one is male and the other is female...from flower to man. Because both are created to play an equal role in the development of human life.

Equality and empowerment can be derived through education. And Sri Sathya Sai Baba, a humanitarian, a Guru to many, believed that free education and free healthcare is the basic right of any child. He brought about a unique system of values based integral education.

And what is the basic essence of these values, which are actually inherent in each of us? That we must become somebody willing to put others before ourselves

Plato’s opinion was that the essence of education is spiritual awakening. To save at least the next generation, women have to be educated in a well-planned manner and endowed with the wisdom, fortitude and faith that can equip them for the great responsibility that rests upon them.

Sai Baba places enormous emphasis on the need to educate children so they grow up to become outstanding citizens. He would always say that it is not about children becoming great or famous, so far as the goodness of our children shines like a light which inspires others to light their candles of goodness as well. Nowhere in any sacred text is it stated that women should only cook and not do work like men! So...equality and empowerment through education, eventually helps each woman develop spiritually.”

Ms Bhuvana Santhanam
Head - Global Outreach Program of Swami's Global Mission 



On June 19, leaders and social mission advocates from around the world came together for the Sri Sathya Sai Award for Human Excellence - USA Chapter, at the Harvard University Campus, a Leadership Development Conference to help end poverty celebrating Hope, Community & Human Excellence by Honoring Heroes in High Impact Social Innovation. This has been sponsored by Hope Collaborative, Divine Will Foundation and Meketa Investments with People Shores and Sai Global Federation of Foundations.

The conference is designed to celebrate and promote the powerful leadership capacities of outstanding social entrepreneurs addressing mankind’s critical social mission issues. It featured legendary leaders in healthcare, education, essential services, and leadership education for populations living in poverty and sought to understand, support, and promote the skills and qualities of these leaders who are capable and committed to delivering lasting and durable change.

The purpose of this conference is to mutually discover for all in attendance those skills, qualities, and mental frameworks that allow people to achieve human excellence like universal leadership, illumination of self, service to humanity by ending poverty, devotion to high principles and the good of all mankind to better selves and energies that researchers have shown can create transcendent capacities and outputs.

The conference audience included distinguished persons and guests around the country and the world, aspiring young leaders, students in middle school, high school and college. It was broadcast to more young leaders from the United States and overseas. A joyful day of learning, sharing, and spring weather set against a beautiful setting on Harvard Yard.

There were presentations and videos presented in the morning, honouring the Human Excellence Award winners at Memorial Church of Harvard University. The setting was an inspiring location to host the Sri Sathya Sai Award for Human Excellence.

Co-Chairs, Kevin Sheehan, Executive Director of Hope Collaborative, and Shyam Kamath, Dean of the College of Business at California State University at Monterey Bay started the day with inspiring discussions about the power of vision and impact through inner transformation and new ways of organizing and leading. Keynote speakers were Bunker Sanjit Roy, Founder of Barefoot College and Sam Vaghar, Director of Millennium College Network.

Thereafter, Human Excellence Awards were conferred to exceptional social innovators who help establish peace in conflict-ridden areas, use educational institutions as catalysts for change, support and strengthen communities, and provide high-quality free health care to those in need. Mr C Sreenivas, Chairman of the Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospitals received the award in the category of Health Care.

And then the Corporate Courage Awards were presented which featured exemplary corporations that leverage success towards social innovation, philanthropy, and sustainability.

After which, conference speakers and attendees engaged in dynamic workshops and roundtable discussions.

Overall, the Human Excellence Awards showcased the kinds of leadership, hope, and new approaches and systems necessary to deliver on humanity's promise of greater civilisation, and more equitable and lasting ways of partnering for a better future.  The days' attendees together composed a vision for what is possible and for a future that can serve to optimise the life and health of people everywhere.
Mr Kevin Sheehan addressing the gathering at Harvard Campus 
Dr David Cornsweet addressing the audience during the Sri Sathya Sai Award for Human Excellence in the evening at Harvard University Campus   
Sri C Sreenivas receiving an award for outstanding contribution in the health sector 
Ms Bhuvana Santhanam talking about the genesis of the Award, and the need for corporates and non-profit organisations to work together  
June 18 - Boston - Bhagawan's arrival 
June 20, Morning - Boston - Homam and Grand Inauguration of ‘Prashanti’ - Centre for Human Development 
June 20, Evening - Boston - Satsang in progress 
June 21, Evening - Atlanta - Arrival at the residence of Sri R J Patel and Smt Asha Patel
June 22, Morning - Atlanta - Private Satsang at Sri R J Patel's residence
June 22, Evening - Atlanta - Public Satsang at Sri R J Patel's residence
June 23, Morning - Atlanta 
Swami attended a soccer match, where children with autism played a wonderful game and received abundant blessings from the Lord
June 23, Afternoon - Atlanta - Farewell Arati 
June 24, Evening - Los Gatos - Public Satsang at Centre for Human Development 
June 25, Evening - Los Gatos - Youth Meet
June 26, Morning - Stanford - 2018 Ideal Village Conference 
Dr Shruti Prabhu speaking about the Divine Mother and Child Health program
Ms Bhuvana Santhanam speaking about women's empowerment and the need for girls to be educated
June 26, Evening - San Jose - Private Satsang at Sri Divyogi Patel's Residence  
June 27, Morning - San Jose - Visit to 'People Shores'
June 29, Evening - Encinitas - Private Satsang
June 30, Evening - San Diego - Public Satsang
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