Los siete días de Yajna coincidieron con el festival de Navaratri, Veda Purusha Jñana Yajna Saptaaha, y tuvo una gran culminación esta mañana con la ofrenda de Maha Poornahuthi en el Auditorio Poornachandra.
Antes, en el Auditorio Poornachandra, los procedimientos de la mañana comenzaron muy temprano, a las 07:00 hrs. Los ritwiks(sacerdotes), después de terminar los rituales antes de la función final, recibieron el Samagri Poornahuti (relacionado con la función final) en la sala de bhajans antes de proceder a realizar una procesión al Auditorio Poornachandra.
El Sumo Sacerdote llevaba el Dhaarini (una cuchara de plata de grandes dimensiones utilizada para la alimentación de ghee al fuego del Yajna) otros sacerdotes se unieron con otros elementos en en una procesión al Vedhi Yajna en el Poornachandra, fueron escoltados con el canto de los Vedas y el Nadaswaram.
El Auditorio Poornachandra ya estaba lleno a toda capacidad. El especial Peetam de Plata fue organizado por Bhagavan, el Purusha Yajna.
A las 09:25 hrs. El Maha Poornahuthi marco la gran culminación del ritual de siete días. Con el canto de los Vedas a pleno, el público también se unió, como había sido ordenado por los sacerdotes, repitiendo las oraciones, el lugar de celebración espiritual concluía cargado, recordando todos y cada uno de esos días nostálgicos de oro, cuando la hermosa forma de Bhagavan Amado presidia la función, como Yajna Purusha.
Mientras comenzaban los bhajans, el sacerdote junto con los chicos de Canto Vedico, dispersos en muchos grupos, rociaron agua bendita sobre los reunidos en el Auditorio. Prasadam se distribuyó a todos los presentes antes de que el Maha Mangala Arathi fuese ofrendado a las 10.10 hrs.
La última salida de Grama Seva Sri Sathya Sai, se llevó a cabo esta mañana, para los residentes y devotos en el interior del recinto del Ashram de Prashanti Nilayam, que marco el final de los nueve días de Yajna Seva, comenzó el 16 de octubre de 2012.
Mientras comenzaban los bhajans, el sacerdote junto con los chicos de Canto Vedico, dispersos en muchos grupos, rociaron agua bendita sobre los reunidos en el Auditorio. Prasadam se distribuyó a todos los presentes antes de que el Maha Mangala Arathi fuese ofrendado a las 10.10 hrs.
La última salida de Grama Seva Sri Sathya Sai, se llevó a cabo esta mañana, para los residentes y devotos en el interior del recinto del Ashram de Prashanti Nilayam, que marco el final de los nueve días de Yajna Seva, comenzó el 16 de octubre de 2012.
Las estudiantes del Campus de Anantapur tuvieron la responsabilidad de servir a los residentes del Ashram, un honor otorgado a ellas por Bhagavan mismo, desde el inicio de los Grama Seva en el año 2000.
II Samasta Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II
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Prasanthi News - Vijayadasami - Maha Poornahuti offered...
Seven day Yajna coinciding the Navarathri festival, Veda Purusha Saptaaha Jnaana Yajna, had a grand culmination this morning with the offering of Maha Poornahuthi at the Poornachandra Auditorium.
Earlier, in the Poornachandra Auditorium, morning proceedings began quite early, at 0700 hrs. The ritwiks, upon completing the rituals prior to the final function received the Poornahuti Samagri (paraphernalia related to the final function) in the bhajan hall before proceeding in a procession to the venue Poornachandra Auditorium.
With the Chief Priest carrying the Dhaarini (a large silver spoon used for feeding ghee to the Yajna Fire) other priests joining with essentials came in a procession to the Yajna Vedhi at the Poornachandra, to the escort of Veda chanting and Nadaswaram.
The Poornachandra Auditorium was already filled to capacity. Special Silver Peetam was arranged for Bhagawan, the Yajna Purusha. At 0925 hrs. Maha Poornahuthi was offered marking the grand culmination of the seven day ritual. With full throat chanting of Vedas, public also joining, as ordained by the priests in repeating prayers, the venue turned turned spiritual charged reminiscing one and all of those golden nostalgic days when the beautiful form of Beloved Bhagawan would preside over the function, as Yajna Purusha.
Even as bhajans began, priest along with Vedam boys dispersed into many groups sprinkling sanctified water upon the large gathering. Prasadam was distributed to the entire gathering before Maha Mangala Arathi offering at 1010 hrs.
The final lap of Sri Sathya Sai Grama Seva was done this morning, for the residents and devotees inside the Prasanthi Nilayam ashram precincts marking the end of the nine day long Seva Yajna, began on 16 October 2012. Students from the Anantapur Campus with faculties had the onus of serving the Ashram residents, an honour bestowed upon them by Bhagawan Himself ever since the inception of Grama Seva in the year 2000.
II Samasta Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II
- taken from :
II Samasta Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II
- Tomado de:
Prasanthi News - Vijayadasami - Maha Poornahuti offered...
Seven day Yajna coinciding the Navarathri festival, Veda Purusha Saptaaha Jnaana Yajna, had a grand culmination this morning with the offering of Maha Poornahuthi at the Poornachandra Auditorium.
Earlier, in the Poornachandra Auditorium, morning proceedings began quite early, at 0700 hrs. The ritwiks, upon completing the rituals prior to the final function received the Poornahuti Samagri (paraphernalia related to the final function) in the bhajan hall before proceeding in a procession to the venue Poornachandra Auditorium.
With the Chief Priest carrying the Dhaarini (a large silver spoon used for feeding ghee to the Yajna Fire) other priests joining with essentials came in a procession to the Yajna Vedhi at the Poornachandra, to the escort of Veda chanting and Nadaswaram.
The Poornachandra Auditorium was already filled to capacity. Special Silver Peetam was arranged for Bhagawan, the Yajna Purusha. At 0925 hrs. Maha Poornahuthi was offered marking the grand culmination of the seven day ritual. With full throat chanting of Vedas, public also joining, as ordained by the priests in repeating prayers, the venue turned turned spiritual charged reminiscing one and all of those golden nostalgic days when the beautiful form of Beloved Bhagawan would preside over the function, as Yajna Purusha.
Even as bhajans began, priest along with Vedam boys dispersed into many groups sprinkling sanctified water upon the large gathering. Prasadam was distributed to the entire gathering before Maha Mangala Arathi offering at 1010 hrs.
The final lap of Sri Sathya Sai Grama Seva was done this morning, for the residents and devotees inside the Prasanthi Nilayam ashram precincts marking the end of the nine day long Seva Yajna, began on 16 October 2012. Students from the Anantapur Campus with faculties had the onus of serving the Ashram residents, an honour bestowed upon them by Bhagawan Himself ever since the inception of Grama Seva in the year 2000.
II Samasta Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II
- taken from :


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