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viernes, 13 de abril de 2018

Ananda Vahini - Número ciento veintiuno - 6 de abril de 2018_Ananda Vahini - Issue One Hundred And Twenty - April 06, 2018.

Número ciento veintiuno - 12 de abril de 2018
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Dios no creó a nadie ni a nada con parcialidad o diferencias.Él proporcionó la misma agua, la misma tierra, el mismo aire, la misma luz para todos por igual. Pero son los hombres quienes se dividen y diferencian. Por lo tanto, si desarrollan esta visión Divina, verán la unidad en todo. No hay nada de malo en la creación; solo en la visión hay algo que falta.Establece tu visión correcta, ¡verás la creación de la manera correcta! -Baba

Con las bendiciones de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, nos complace presentar nuestro número ciento veintiuno de Ananda Vahini. El boletín semanal incluye reflexiones interesantes y breves extractos de los eventos de la semana. En este número, le traemos la tercera parte de la visita de Bhagavan a Dubai, Londres, Italia, Grecia, Suiza y Francia entre el 26 de marzo y el 13 de abril de 2018. La Conferencia Nacional de Maestros para este año está programada del 25 al 27 de mayo de 2018 en Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli y los detalles se han dado en el tema. 

Les deseamos a todos los lectores un feliz y próspero Año Nuevo Tamil y Vishu que se celebrará el 14 de abril de 2018 en Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli, en la presencia divina. Los detalles del programa se dan en este número.  

En VISION INTERIOR de esta semana  , el hermano Madhusudan Naidu comparte un momento interesante que sucedió entre el Señor y un devoto. 

- Equipo de Comunicaciones Sathya Sai Grama.


Por Sri Madhusudan Naidu.

En esta sección llamada VISIÓN INTERIOR, el Hermano Madhusudan Naidu comparte momentos interesantes y perspicaces de las interacciones de Bhaghwan con Sus Estudiantes, Maestros y Devotos. ¡Esta es la verdadera sabiduría directamente desde el sanctum sanctorum más íntimo de la Presencia Divina directa!

Estas son las compilaciones de esas perlas de sabiduría para el beneficio de los devotos.

*¿Mitad dioses?* 

Mientras el presentadora le daba la bienvenida a Swami y su séquito para el Satsang público en Francia, dijo: "Estamos muy contentos de recibir a Dios y a sus acompañantes mitad Dioses", refiriéndose a Swami y Sus sèquito de notables sirvientes que tenían muchos logros divinos para ellos. Pero Swami se apresuró a interrumpirla y dijo: "No hay mitad dioses". Todos son dioses completos. Ya sea que los que están en el escenario o fuera del escenario, ya sea sentados aquí en el pasillo o más allá, son completamente dioses ". 

Mientras todos se reían a carcajadas de esta oportuna corrección, Swami nos recordó la mayor verdad, de que todos son divinos en toda su totalidad. Nadie es menos o más. 

Poorna Madam Poorna Idam, declaran las escrituras. Eso está completo y esto también está completo. No hay mitades todos son completamente Divinos. 

Por esta declaración lúdica, Swami nos dejó a todos sintiéndonos completamente Divinos, completamente Dios.


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ABRIL 03 Y 04, 2018
Una mañana de incertidumbre, ya que todos los servicios de transporte público estaban en huelga. Esto significaba que no había autobuses, trenes ni vuelos. ¡Esto significaba además, una gran posibilidad de que el vuelo de París a Ginebra se postergara! 
La noche anterior, Swami le había preguntado sobre la situación, y cuando le informaron lo que sucedía, dijo con calma: "Solo vete temprano de tu hotel. Todo ...

03 de abril - noche de Satsang en la residencia del Sr. Patric y su esposa la Sra. Alexandra
04 de abril - En las montañas nevadas de la mañana
04 de abril - noche de Satsang en Die Quelle 

05, 06 Y 07 DE ABRIL, 2018.

Atenas fue el próximo destino de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Poco después de un desayuno temprano, el séquito de Swami se dirigió al aeropuerto de Ginebra. Su tercera visita a uno de los países más bellos del mundo, y la emoción y la alegría con la que los devotos se habían estado preparando para la visita, ¡era lo mismo que la primera visita! En realidad, esta es la misma historia en todos los países, ya que se preparan para la "Visita" del Creador mismo a sus hogares y corazones.

A su llegada al aeropuerto Eleftherios Venizelos en Atenas, los hermanos Dimitris Mexis y Giorgos Sioufas, junto con otros jóvenes se unieron para dar la bienvenida ...

05 de abril - llegada a 'Sai Natha', residencia del hermano Dimitris Mexis y su esposa la señora Ionna, Nea Peramos, Atenas
Satsang en progreso
06 de abril - noche Satsang en 'Sai Natha'
El hermano Jai Mexis junto con otra joven recitando versos en griego antiguo de las escrituras 
El Sr. Dimitris Mexis junto con el Hermano Jai Mexis dando la bienvenida a la reunión
Procesión del Epitafio, la procesión cruzada por la gente del pueblo en ocasión del Viernes Santo 
07 de abril - Satsang en barco en las aguas azules del mar Egeo 
Llegada a la residencia del hermano Giorgos Sioufas y su esposa la señora Evanthia Paneri, a última hora de la tarde 
Ceremonia de encendido de velas a la llegada 


 ABRIL 08, 2018.

Aunque fue una mañana ocupada en 'Paraiso', hogar del hermano Giorgos y la señora Evanthia, la paz y el amor envolvieron a todos. El desayuno se sirvió al Señor, y Él a su vez sirvió a la familia con preciosos consejos y orientación. Estudiantes, séquito y algunos devotos llegaron a la residencia alrededor de las 9:30 a.m. para disfrutar del amor de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, en el Satsang de despedida
¡Siempre es un momento difícil y emotivo en...

Adiós a Satsang en Grecia en 'Paradise', hogar del hermano Giorgos y la señora Evanthia 
Bendiciendo a los devotos antes de la partida a Roma, Italia
Llegada a la Casa del Divino ', la residencia de la Sra. Maria Buffa en Roma, Italia 
Bhagawan siendo recibido en 'Casa del Divino' 
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* Sri Sathya Sai Premamrutha Prakashna *, Todos los derechos reservados. 

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Issue One Hundred and Twenty One - April 12, 2018
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God did not create anyone or anything with partiality or differences. He provided the same water, same earth, same air, same light to everyone equally. But it is men who divided and differentiated. Therefore, if you develop this Divine vision, you will see the oneness in everything. There is nothing wrong in the creation – it is only in the vision that there is something lacking. Set your vision right, you will see the creation in the right way! 
With the Blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, we are delighted to present our One Hundred and Twenty First issue of Ananda Vahini. The weekly newsletter includes interesting musings and short excerpts from the week's events.

In this issue, we bring you the third part of Bhagawan's visit to Dubai, London, Italy, Greece, Switzerland and France between March 26 and April 13, 2018.

The National Teachers Conference for this year is scheduled from May 25 to 27, 2018 at Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli and the details have been given in the issue.

We wish all the readers a happy and prosperous Tamil New Year and Vishu which will be celebrated on April 14, 2018 at Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli, in the divine presence. The programme details are given in this issue.  

In this week's INNER VIEW, Brother Madhusudan Naidu shares an interesting moment which happened between the Lord and a devotee.

- Sathya Sai Grama Communications Team.

By Sri Madhusudan Naidu
Half Gods?     

The compere while welcoming Swami and His entourage for the public Satsang at France said, “We are so happy to welcome God and Half Gods”, referring to Swami and His noted servants who had many divine achievements to themselves. But Swami was quick to cut her in between and said, “No half Gods. All are full Gods only. Whether those on the stage or off the stage, whether seated here in the hall or beyond, are full Gods.”

While every one had a hearty laugh at this timely correction, Swami drove home the greatest of the truth that all are Divine in all  its entirety. No one is less or more.

Poorna Madam Poorna Idam, declare the scriptures. That is complete and this too is complete. There is no half for all are fully divine.

By this one playful statement, Swami left all of us feeling fully divine, fully God.

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APRIL 03 AND 04, 2018
A morning of uncertainty, as all public transport services were on strike. This meant no buses, trains and flights. This further meant, a huge possibility of the flight from Paris to Geneva being grounded! The previous night Swami had asked about the situation, and when He was updated of the goings on, He calmly said, “Just leave early from your hotel. Everything will be fine.” And sure enough, everything was just fine, for He had spoken! Everyone reached the airport on time, in spite of the bumper to bumper traffic, and the flight did take off on time, in spite of the strike! On arrival at Geneva, the entourage learnt that the flight before and after this particular flight were cancelled! Mr Patric, Swami’s host in Switzerland, along with Brother Kumar Rajmani, Brother Balaji Parsuraman, Sister Roxana were eagerly waiting to welcome the entourage. Brother Patric, led the way to his home at Murten in Bern, which is blessed with an absolutely stunning view, overlooking the Murten Lake and the spectacular snow capped mountains.
Brother Patric’s wife Mrs Alexandra and their three children welcomed Swami and His entourage to their home. The anxious organising team expressed their concern to Swami as they were unsure of everyone’s arrival due to the strike, and thanked Him for ensuring everything was as per schedule. One of the ladies Ms Roxana said that she would have carried Swami on her shoulder and brought Him to Switzerland, in case of an issue at Paris. Swami replied, “When devotees have true devotion, nobody can stop God!” It was a quick lunch, as it was already past 3 p.m, and thereafter the students and elders proceeded to their hotels for a quick refreshment, only to reassemble after a few hours for an intimate evening Satsang. Swami came to the living room of the residence in the midst of Bhajans, and for the next 45 minutes or so everyone was soaked in bliss listening to His sweet words. After dinner, all retired for the night.
The next morning was sight seeing for everyone. A quick tour of Bern, and then a drive to the snow capped mountains. Tired, but glistening in joy, as they got to play in snow for the first time, students...

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April 03 - evening Satsang at the residence of Mr Patric and his wife Mrs Alexandra
April 04 -At snowcapped mountains in the morning
April 04 - evening Satsang at Die Quelle 
 APRIL 05, 06 AND 07, 2018

Athens was the next destination for Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Soon after an early breakfast, Swami’s entourage proceeded to the Geneva Airport. His third visit to one of the most beautiful countries in the world, and the excitement and joy with which the devotees had been preparing for the visit, was the same as the first visit! Actually this is the same story in every country, for they prepare for the ‘Visit’ of the Creator Himself into their homes, and hearts!
Upon arrival at Eleftherios Venizelos Airport in Athens, Brothers Dimitris Mexis and Giorgos Sioufas, along with other youth joined in welcoming the entourage to Athens. An hour’s drive through traffic, everyone reached ‘Sai Natha’, at the home of Brother Dimitris Mexis and his wife Mrs Ioanna, situated in Nea Peramos. A beautiful welcome awaited the Lord, and it is always an emotional reunion! Mrs Ioanna Mexis performed a Pada Puja ceremony, after which Swami started talking about the rich and ancient culture of Greece. He beckoned Jai Mexis, son of Mr Dimitris and Mrs Ioanna Mexis, an architect by profession, and more importantly a student of Sai from Primary School in Prasanthi Nilayam, to talk about Socrates, Aristotle, and other great sons of Greece. Swami then spoke about the Seva activities, in particular about the feeding programme for refugees which the youth are engaged in, and expressed His joy. Swami went on to say that if basics are not given to those in need, then spirituality cannot be imparted. Students went for a short walk by the sea, and after dinner they proceeded to their Hotel very close to the centre of Athens.
The next morning, April 06 was scheduled for sight-seeing, and the young graduates from the Sri Sathya Sai Centre for Human Excellence had a wonderful time understanding the deep culture of Greece. Various cities, varied cultures, and myriad learnings are truly enhancing their knowledge, and more importantly their outlook and approach towards life. ‘Sai Natha’ was a flurry of activities as the youth were busy arranging for the Satsang in the evening, where close to 120 people were expected. Swami entered amidst Vedam, chanted so wonderfully by the youth, with perfect intonation. A short welcome and gratitude speech by Brother Dimitris Mexis was followed by a musical....

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April 05 - arrival at ‘Sai Natha’, residence of Brother Dimitris Mexis and his wife Mrs Ionna, Nea Peramos, Athens
Satsang in progress
April 06 - evening Satsang at 'Sai Natha'
Brother Jai Mexis along with another youth lady reciting verses in Ancient Greek from the scriptures 
Mr Dimitris Mexis along with Brother Jai Mexis welcoming the gathering
Procession of the Epitaph, the cross procession by the village people on the occassion of Good Friday 
April 07 - Satsang on boat in the blue waters of the Aegean Sea 
Arrival at the residence of Brother Giorgos Sioufas and his wife Mrs Evanthia Paneri, late afternoon 
Candle lighting ceremony upon arrival 
 APRIL 08, 2018

Though it was a busy morning at ‘Paradise’, home of Brother Giorgos and Mrs Evanthia, peace and love enveloped everyone. Breakfast was served to the Lord, and He in turn served the family with precious advise and guidance. Students, entourage and a few devotees arrived at the residence around 9:30 a.m to bask in the love of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, at the farewell Satsang. Always a difficult and an emotional moment in every country as devotees bid farewell! Swami started by saying, “God exists, but only a few people love, serve and are with Him. Not because of God, but because of themselves. As they are pure, they are attracted by God. If they are not pure, even if God comes and stands in front of them, there won’t be any attraction! Like a piece of iron full of rust and dust can’t get attracted to a magnet! Out of all the people in the world, how many people are here? Everyone has to get rid of their rust and dust. Each one of you must realise that you are fully divine, become a magnet, and attract others. Doing Seva by providing food or education or health, is like administering pain medication. But, when you make everyone divine, that is the permanent solution; like surgery! No medication is required after that.” Swami then narrated an example of Krishna and Yashoda. Krishna would steal butter from all the houses, though there was plenty in His own home. Yashoda would go around with a stick in one hand, and butter in the other, hoping to catch Him. Krishna would then come for the butter, and Yashoda would catch Him. “Give people what they need, and slowly take out the stick of duty, devotion and discipline. Let them chant the name of any God they want. For after all, what is God? Is He a name or form? No! God is only love, and love has no name. Mother has a name and form, but motherhood has no form. Similarly, God has no form, but takes form like a mother!” Thereafter, Swami guided the group of devotees....

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Farewell Satsang in Greece at ‘Paradise’, home of Brother Giorgos and Mrs Evanthia 
Blessing the devotees before the departure to Rome, Italy
Arrival at Casa del Divino’, the residence of Mrs Maria Buffa in Rome, Italy 
Bhagawan being welcomed at 'Casa del Divino' 
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