El siguiente artículo titulado "La oración que es escuchada", tomado de "El Reportero Prasanthi .."
Cuando una oración se ofrece con anhelo y angustia, con verdadero espíritu de amor y devoción, Dios acepta fácilmente la ofrenda, dice Bhagavan, narrando un cuento sorprendente de la vida ilustre de Sri Sankaracharya ...
Sankara, cuando era muy pequeño, un día estaba ofrendando una Puja a la Devi, en ausencia de su padre y a su pedido. Colocó la leche ante la imagen y pidió a la Diosa que debiera un sorbo del vaso de la leche ofrecida, como él pensaba que lo hacia su padre, habitualmente. Lloró tan sinceramente y con tal agonía que la Madre bebió toda el vaso!
Eso marcó otro problema para el niño, ya que, él sabía que cada día, su padre, solía compartir la 'leche ofrecida "con él. Ese día, ya que la copa estaba vacía, no había nada para él, así que, Sankara lloró, se quejó y le rogó patéticamente a la Devi, frente a la imagen.
Cuando una oración se ofrece con anhelo y angustia, con verdadero espíritu de amor y devoción, Dios acepta fácilmente la ofrenda, dice Bhagavan, narrando un cuento sorprendente de la vida ilustre de Sri Sankaracharya ...
Sankara, cuando era muy pequeño, un día estaba ofrendando una Puja a la Devi, en ausencia de su padre y a su pedido. Colocó la leche ante la imagen y pidió a la Diosa que debiera un sorbo del vaso de la leche ofrecida, como él pensaba que lo hacia su padre, habitualmente. Lloró tan sinceramente y con tal agonía que la Madre bebió toda el vaso!
Eso marcó otro problema para el niño, ya que, él sabía que cada día, su padre, solía compartir la 'leche ofrecida "con él. Ese día, ya que la copa estaba vacía, no había nada para él, así que, Sankara lloró, se quejó y le rogó patéticamente a la Devi, frente a la imagen.
La madre sintió lástima por el muchacho inocente e indefenso, que la llevo a 'presentarse en forma real', Ella no "creó leche para verterla desde su palma" . Ella apretó sus pechos maternos y llenó la copa. Sankara bebió la copa y fue feliz más allá de las palabras.
Era su Avedana, anhelo angustioso, que atrajo la respuesta.
- Tomado de:
The Below article titled " The Prayer that is heard ", is taken from " The Prasanthi Reporter.."
When a prayer is offered with anguished yearning, in the true spirit of love and devotion, God readily accepts the offering, says Bhagawan, narrating an astounding tale from the illustrious life of Sri Sankaracharya…
Sankara, when quite a boy, was one day offering Puja to Devi, in the absence, of his father and of his insistence. He placed milk before the image and pleaded that the Goddess should sip the cup and drink a little of the offered milk, as he thought She was doing when his father did Puja. He wept so sincerely and with such agony that Mother quaffed the entire quantity!
That set another problem before the boy, for, he knew that every day his father used to share the ‘offered milk’ with him. That day, since the cup was emptied, there was nothing for him; so, Sankara wept, complained and pleaded pathetically to the Devi, in the Image. The Mother felt great pity for the innocent helpless boy who had taken Her to be a ‘Real Presence’; She did not “create milk and pour it out of Her palm” as I do. She just pressed Her maternal breasts and filled the cup. Sankara drank that cup and was happy beyond words. It was his Avedana, anguished yearning, that brought the response.
- taken from :
Era su Avedana, anhelo angustioso, que atrajo la respuesta.
- Tomado de:
The Below article titled " The Prayer that is heard ", is taken from " The Prasanthi Reporter.."
When a prayer is offered with anguished yearning, in the true spirit of love and devotion, God readily accepts the offering, says Bhagawan, narrating an astounding tale from the illustrious life of Sri Sankaracharya…
Sankara, when quite a boy, was one day offering Puja to Devi, in the absence, of his father and of his insistence. He placed milk before the image and pleaded that the Goddess should sip the cup and drink a little of the offered milk, as he thought She was doing when his father did Puja. He wept so sincerely and with such agony that Mother quaffed the entire quantity!
That set another problem before the boy, for, he knew that every day his father used to share the ‘offered milk’ with him. That day, since the cup was emptied, there was nothing for him; so, Sankara wept, complained and pleaded pathetically to the Devi, in the Image. The Mother felt great pity for the innocent helpless boy who had taken Her to be a ‘Real Presence’; She did not “create milk and pour it out of Her palm” as I do. She just pressed Her maternal breasts and filled the cup. Sankara drank that cup and was happy beyond words. It was his Avedana, anguished yearning, that brought the response.
- taken from :


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